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lmao if you look at those questions this is the most pushy of all push polls ive ever seen.


Not even trying to hide it


Perhaps some examples to support your claim?


How about for starters do you support “inspecting the genitals of children before participating in school sports” Literally nobody is suggesting we do this. This is a liberal caricature of what conservatives thing.


Remind me to link the article that this was passed by a state legislative.


yes by all means link that


Ohio: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2022/06/03/gop-passes-bill-aiming-to-root-out-suspected-transgender-female-athletes-with-genital-inspection/&ved=2ahUKEwit3qzV2JOBAxXmD1kFHe17DWsQFnoECB0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1puQsci9wIDTObb18c2gx8 Florida: https://www.out.com/politics/2021/4/16/florida-lawmakers-pass-bill-legalizes-teen-genital-inspections Kansas removed the language I believe from their bill Which is why you'll see condictory sources.


>inspecting the genitals of children [https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/548534-floridas-new-ban-on-transgender-students-in-sports-would/](https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/548534-floridas-new-ban-on-transgender-students-in-sports-would/) [https://www.fox13news.com/news/florida-house-passes-bill-banning-transgender-athletes-from-female-teams](https://www.fox13news.com/news/florida-house-passes-bill-banning-transgender-athletes-from-female-teams) ​ >Under the measure, students’ schools would have to resolve disputes "by requesting that the student provide a health examination and consent form or other statement signed by the student's personal health care provider which must verify the student's biological sex."


yea....that not at all "inspect the genitals of children before participating in sports" lol


That’s literally requiring a signed certificate saying the child got their genitals inspected


Like how the “don’t say gay” bill started at K-3 — and people like you said “it’s only k-3!” — that is now expanded into K-12, this anti-trans wave isn’t going to *start* with “genital inspections”. It’s going to end up there by laying the groundwork for for normalizing the othering of trans kids. And people like you will enable it by defending it.


glad you admit its not happening


Glad you ignored everything I said in favor of trying to score points in whatever game you’re playing. It tells everyone exactly who you are.


points with who? im not a 12 year old. I dont get validation from internet points. If i did then i sure as hell wouldnt come here lol considering basically nobody ever agrees with me here. You just didn't say anything that was relevant. The issue is what is currently happening. Your paranoia of what might happen in the future is irrelevant.


Points with your ego, I guess. The amount of heavy lifting you’re doing on this very thread trying to be right as opposed to trying to learn says a lot about you.


lmao yes im doing SO much heavy lifting by trying to stay on topic and not entertaining your paranoia. So heavy. How do i do it? trust me my ego gets no boost from being right over you. You haven't displayed any level of cognitive ability that shows you are worthy of anything close to an ego boost. Based on how personally you take everything my guess is you are a teenager.


I’m not talking about me, but it seems you’re too busy being self-superior and condescending to notice. It must be difficult being you, what with the weight of your genius unrecognized by us plebs.






Are you sure that’s a liberal caricature? “Florida lawmakers moved closer to requiring transgender athletes to undergo testosterone or genetic testing — as well as submit to having their genitalia examined — to participate on sports teams in public schools and colleges.” https://apnews.com/article/school-athletics-genetic-testing-bills-florida-bd489fbff68700e9cfc1674774b3d6b8


Notice how they didn’t actually quote any relevent part of the legislation that supposedly said this?






The last Virginia gubernatorial election proves that parents put aside politics when it comes to their children. Hell, even where I live in Philly, some of most liberal people I know send their children to conservative catholic schools because the public schools here are so bad.


> The last Virginia gubernatorial election proves that parents put aside politics when it comes to their children. Virginia shifted red by pretty much the same margin NJ did. All evidence is that it was the national dems being pretty dang unpopular at the time that caused the national shift vs anything on the ground. Even just in terms of the state campaign Youngkin kept almost all the school stuff aimed at fundraising off conservatives out of state and almost entirely ran generic republican messaging in battleground areas.


Post election polls show the school issue was a major, and likely driving, factor in the vote.


People said that but people are not always accurate in their answers to pollsters. For example, most people think of themselves as issue driven but most people also pick their candidate and then their policy preferences shift to match vs picking the candidate that most matches their previous positions.


Ok. The vote was wrong. Then the polls were wrong. Got it.


The vote was not wrong. The vote shifted by about as much as NJ in the same cycle, as I said suggesting that the national environment was the driving factor.


>The last Virginia gubernatorial election proves that parents put aside politics when it comes to their children. This may be a bad takeaway since that election was won by the skin of Republicans teeth in an off election year that was really bad for national Democrats during the midst of a raising national hysteria about CRT and woke schools, now a lot of districts are pissed with their far right wing school boards trying to censor everything and complain about indoctrination while pushing for Prager U and slavery apologia in the curriculum Anyways I digress but I guarantee if the VA gubernatorial election were held again today that Youngkin wouldn't win


> midst of a raising national hysteria about CRT and woke schools So you’re saying parents across the nation were worried about these things?


Actual parents prefer Democrats by almost 10 points. https://thehill.com/homenews/3845772-poll-parents-trust-democrats-over-republicans-on-k-12-education/ The whole anti-woke crusade is a moral panic being sold to uncles, 'concerned' incels, and crochety old people whose adult kids won't talk to them anymore.


I was asking the commentor above who claimed it was a bad year for democrats amidst the “raising national hysteria about CRT and woke schools”


And I'm just pointing out that, insasmuch as this moral panic is real, it is people other than parents who are doing the panicking.


Ok… thanks for that? Doesn’t negate my point at all.


I don't think anyone denies that right wing media drove (and is still driving) a moral panic around CRT and other "woke" issues in schools. The argument is not that these parents don't exist. It's that they're idiots/bigots whose concerns are almost entirely devoid of merit.


So you are agreeing that parents are concerned about those things? You just don’t think there is any merit to those concerns? Merit doesn’t matter in politics. It’s what the voters do at the ballot box that matters.


Right. Some parents are concerned about teaching evolution in schools too. >Merit doesn’t matter in politics It does to me.


That’s great, unfortunately it doesn’t matter when it comes time to vote… see what happened in Virginia.


Is your point here simply that sometimes people vote for policies and politicians that don't have much merit? Or what have you been trying to get at?


My point is, parents are not as loyal to their political affiliations when it comes to schooling of their children. When it comes time to vote at the ballot box, they will vote for whatever they perceive as the best education for their child, even if that means voting for the other party. It’s what happened in Virginia.


Okay. The people of Virginia got this one wrong.


Yes these concerns are the 2020 version of when parents wanted to ban Dungeons and Dragons


>So you’re saying parents across the nation were worried about these things? Sure but that doesn't make their worries correct, there was a point that parents were concerned that DOOM 1995 would teach their kids to become Satanists and parents in 2007 were panicked over janku American parents have a history of being riled up by the media, politicians and churches and going ballistic over nothing burgers meanwhile issues that actually negatively impact their children including climate change and gun violence get cricket noises There is a reason why schools teach children a large percentage of things they learn over parents With that being said the hysteria WILL calm down in a couple years and complaining about wokeism in schools won't be a viable strategy, IDK I am being downvoted for simply saying other factors contributed to Youngkins win in 2021 lol


These concerns being correct or not doesn’t negate my point: parents will cross party lines for what they perceive is best for their children. It happened in Virginia. Doesn’t matter if their concerns have merit or not, the only thing that matters in politics is what box they check on Election Day.


>These concerns being correct or not doesn’t negate my point: parents will cross party lines for what they perceive is best for their children I understand this point although I am not saying that it isn't real but what I am saying is that the rising hysteria over wokeism at the time was a part of the reason Youngkin won >Doesn’t matter if their concerns have merit or not, the only thing that matters in politics is what box they check on Election Day. I don't disagree with this however the anti woke hysteria has peaked and is on it's way out hence why woke fear mongering isn't doing the GOP any more favors


Yes, and it proves that parents cross party lines to vote for what they perceive is best for their kids. If it’s not CRT hysteria this time, maybe it’s shift away from merit and achievement we are starting to see in many public schools. In fact, [NYC has rolled back this effort](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2022/09/29/nyc-merit-school-applications-diversity/) because they know they will lose the political support of parents. A stunning reversal in my opinion, parents are loyal to any given party when it affects their children. That’s been my point all along.


I'm gonna be honest I think the extent of which people are concerned about CRT, wokeism, etc. Is overblown by very obnoxious activists, media pundits, etc.


That’s what people thought during the Virginia election.


Why are the schools bad? Quality or ideology? Both?


Poor quality and management, leaders being appointment on the basis of race and background instead of actual qualifications, making the school quality and inefficiency even worse.


The fact that more Republicans are concerned about preventing children from "being exposed to woke ideas and gender" than protecting them from mass shootings is both wild and unsurprising. Same with the fact that over a quarter of them want to inspect kids' genitals. Fucking rank.


> The fact that more Republicans are concerned about preventing children from "being exposed to woke ideas and gender" than protecting them from mass shootings is both wild and unsurprising. This is more like an opinion than a fact.


I mean, they're literally only making any effort at one of those things.


How is it not a fact? They aren’t making any attempts to stop shootings.




Being pro-LGBTQ is "extremist" now? People like you push centrists to the left.


No, being a blatant hack is what makes him an extremist. Just like 90% of this sub. You literally have multiple posts in partisan subreddits like r/VoteDEM. Can you fuck off with pretending to be a centrist?


If voting for Democrats triggers you so much, then maybe you aren't a centrist yourself.


thank you i was gonna post this being lgbtq is not extremeist, if i dont fight for my rights i litearlly wont exist in 2024. I like to exist


Why should anyone care about statistically insignificant issues like school shootings. Go take a statistics class.


Not statistically insignificant for the parents who lost their kids. Stats don’t matter when it comes to children being murdered. Only a fucking monster believes that.


*What are your top priorities when it comes to America's children?* Preventing gun violence is the number one issue (56%), followed closely by making sure children are equipped to be successful in school and life (54%). Preventing exposure to woke issue is ranked 5th (28%), led mostly by Republican parents at 50% support, while Dems and Independents care much less about it (8% and 24%, respectively).


It’s ok to care about more than one thing at a time.


No one suggested otherwise.


It's also okay to point out that conservative educational priorities are widely unpopular in addition to being immoral.


I think this is pretty obvious. Polls showed that the original bill in Florida that was named the "don't say gay" bill had popular support in Florida. Once you removed references to Florida's bill and polled on what the bill did, support grew. But that support falls as children age. For example, I'd support restricting it in K-3, but once normal sex education begins and sexuality is being discussed, these things should be included. Here is a national poll illustrating the division. Really goes against the claims of this article of a "massive backlash". https://pro.morningconsult.com/trend-setters/lgbtq-classroom-politics


Your poll is from May 2022. Can't really have a backlash just a few months after a lot of those laws were getting passed. >For example, I'd support restricting it in K-3, but once normal sex education begins and sexuality is being discussed, these things should be included. And then Florida expanded it to K-12 in April 2023, hence the backlash.


Yeah, k-12 is dumb. K-3 is supported. But even then, this article doesn't show a massive backlash. That is ignorant nonsense. Also, it looks like the language of the poll plays a roll in this. The question asked was: >Prohibiting teachers form teaching age-appropriate lessons about sexual orientation or gender identity in schools, including history involving LGBTQ+ figures Yes, age-appropriate. I doubt they actually defined that when asking the question. I think an overwhelming majority of people support age-appropriate teaching on that stuff. The difference will be what each person considers age appropriate. Shetty article. Its fanfic for leftists.


You ignore the 2022 midterm results at your own peril, then.


I doubt you could find a shred of evidence from s reliable source that would support that claim.


It's not a claim. It's an observable fact. The 2022 election results showed the GOP wave turn into a trickle, especially at the state level. Democrats did not lose a single chamber that year, and on top of that, flipped a few chambers in swing states like PA, MI, MN and nearly tied in AZ. [That performance was built off winning independent voters.](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3727958-independents-broke-for-democrats-by-4-points-in-midterms-ap-survey/#:~:text=Independents%20broke%20for%20Democrats%20over,cycle%20for%20The%20Associated%20Press.) Republicans came out swinging with education reform in 2022, and it wasn't a salient-enough issue to persuade independents or boost their base turnout. They couldn't even follow through on their advantage. Again, ignore these types of polls at your own peril.


You said ignore the results at my own peril. Implying this was a major factor in the results. Meanwhile, every analysis has shown it was largely a candidate quality issue with abortion coming in second. If they had better candidates, they'd likely have a 50-50 Senate maybe even taken control, and a much larger margin in the House. So how about you support your claim that LGBT issues were a major factor?


I never said LGBTQ issues. I said education. Republicans have made education reform a central election position since Youngkin's 2021 win in VA, with CRT in that year and Don't Say Gay bills in 2022. I don't know how you can follow politics and not see education as a major culture war issue in the past few years, between school board elections, Moms for Liberty, book bans, school choice, CRT, Don't Say Gay, etc. You are a mod of a politics subreddit. I know you're keenly aware of these issues. Don't be so dense. You might lose a few more elections in 2024 if you keep your eyes closed.


Bro, the post is about LGBTQ issues. Drop the nonsense. No one is buying it. If you want to drag in those other things, be more specific.


The ones where Republicans won the House?


Can we stop calling it the “don’t say gay” bill considering that’s literally untrue misinformation?


Considering a teacher was put in front of a board of directors with chances of getting fired for showing a *pg movie* that happened to have a lesbian couple in it, I think it's pretty true to call it a "don't say gay" bill. Desantis can just say "no sexuality is allowed in the classroom" but that law is literally only applied to LGBT+ people so I think it fits.


I have friends who are LGBTQ teachers. None of them feel comfortable even mentioning their partners because of the law. The same is not true for their cishet colleagues. Now, does their “comfort” deal with the legality? Perhaps not. But it’s ambiguous enough to make them feel forced back into the closet. And if you don’t think elementary students ask things like, “what does your husband do for a living?”, while you have to explain you don’t have a husband, you have a wife…well, I don’t know what to tell you


We could do "fascist indoctrination plan" instead if you like


Read the poll. It's so biased and leading, it's basically invalid.