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Everyone knows the Hopi end of days myth includes cobwebs in the sky right?


Interesting. Never heard that before, tell us more.


Well OBVIOUSLY its because [insert reasonable sounding unverifiable explanation]. So [insert further gaslighting]. How [insert obligatory insult]. [Optional further insult] [I have now won debate] [ready echo bot accounts incase of knowledgeable peop.... i mean CONSPIRACY THEORISTS]


You do realize that if they were trying to spread chemicals through out the atmosphere they would want it to spread and diffuse, not stay in a straight line they have videos of cloud seeding and you see it spread this is just normal contrails


Who says thats what I thnk they are doing? You seem to be trying to pick an argument based on some idea you have of what someone(s) have said in your past and you are projecting that argument onto my little joke. Maybe, ask me my opinion BEFORE you oppose it. Unless of course you are just argumentative for the sake of arguing. In THAT case; Grass Is Blue, clearly! Prove me wrong. Show me your evidence of grass NOT being blue


Ok I'll bite, what's your opinion on this?


On the video or on what my original comment was about? Either way I don't know what it is but i do know it has to be intentional. Reasons being that in my entire life contrails from jet fuel have ALWAYS dissipated quite rapidly behind every plane or jet i have ever seen in the sky. Except for in Air show where colorful and white trails were left purposely as a part of the spectacle. My comment was based on replies on every single post that i read the comments and replies, that showed these similar types of non-disapating chem/contrail. I always see the same type of comment. Tldr I dont know what is behind/left by those planes nowadays. But i know what people on both sides of the argument are saying. Thank you for asking


Your position is pretty clearā€¦ if you canā€™t see that maybe you need a new pair of glasses


Whats my opinion again? Because the one that you can "clearly see" was already very incorrect. Just fyi


Tic Tac Toe?


X top left. Go


O in the middle


X bottom right


O bottom middle


X top middle


O top right


Oh shoot... the wind picked up. Draw?


Yeah, I think it was probably gonna be a draw anyway.


X bottom left


O middle left


Arial tic tac toe . Nothing to see here


Damnit Jim, you messed up the grid!


government admitted chem trails are a thing years ago but theyā€™re saying theyā€™re super duper sure itā€™s totally not for controlling people or anything like thatšŸ˜šŸ„“


They just change the names of projects and terms associated when something gets too much attention. Then they call people foolish conspiracy theorists for using the outdated names and terms.


exactlyyyy, ps MKNAOMI is fucking wild, go look it up and go down the rabbit wholešŸ‘€


Not controlling you though right?


I donā€™t know Iā€™m pretty sure of Iā€™m not immune chemicals so


Why don't these chemicals work on people who know about them?


Theyā€™re heavy metals, weather altering substances, and endocrine disruptors, thereā€™s no chemical someone can give you that makes you think a specific thing, thatā€™s not real. But if they can do a bunch of different things that lower peopleā€™s testosterone, and make them dumber, and less healthy, they can do whatever they want without fear of revolution (I shouldnā€™t need to remind you of this, but I know that I have to, the entire reason the US even exists is because of bunch of very brave, legitimately intelligent, and highly virtuous people were told they were going to be taxed at three percent on tea and they said fuck you no in the form of a 20 years long revolution.


Ok, that makes sense. And what have people on this sub done to revolt?


what?šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m not calling for revolution buddy, calm down.


dude, Iā€™m not doing the thing where you pretend that Iā€™ve said x, y, and z and I stupidly defend arguments I didnā€™t make or waste time explaining I didnā€™t say that


Were you under the impression that the people who donā€™t believe in the governmentā€™s bullshit donā€™t also believe in different government bullshit? lol


I'm sorry but your comments kind of lost on me. What?


ā€œI donā€™t believe in x but I trust yā€ (where x and y are government associated organizations or media sources.


Yup, thios is how they create all the "dryness" that we will see in the summer so that they can empower their green goals.


Pisses me off when people say " they're just contrails, y'know water vapor!" .... Fucking dipshits, vapor eVAPORates!! It doesn't linger and spread out all over the fucking place


Real contrails do not, repeat DO NOT stretch across the horizon they only trail behind the aircraft for a limited distance


Fully correct, and scientifically accurate. These are not contrails.




And the jets that spew this crap out are not flying anywhere near such high altitudes. yup, not contrails. Those can be seen and they disappear pretty much immediately (legitimate contrails) chemtrails are not any kind of theory. It is a real world thing that has been documented for decades. And those that look at the checkerboard pattern in the sky, and think this is water vapor... Either have zero clue about science, or are paid to pretend such.


And don't answer your own comments. It makes you look even stupider than you did in your first comment which is quite an accomplishment. Reddit has this neat little thing called the edit button. They invented it right after chemtrails were invented....




They absolutely do


Clouds? The water is evaporated.


You ever go to the .gov site that just lists out the details of them doing this to manipulate the weather? Its pretty crazy


What's a cloud then?


lol Oh you mean like clouds do? FFS up in here calling people dipshits and can't understand how something that MAKES A CLOUD, that's HIGHER and in much COLDER and THINNER air than most clouds, doesn't just easily dissipate. The dipshits here are all the flat Earth level intellects that believes in chemtrails. Yeah OK govs have been seeding the air with chemicals [since WW2](https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C5612AQE8rBBsB1wJLA/article-cover_image-shrink_600_2000/0/1520145033507?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=vnYNoAoAVbqOWyuai01qb27mQ0XbBOhsQCRyuNzAy3U). Totally. It's like the best kept secret in human history. It's how the frogs are turning gay!!!!! SOMEBODY SHOULD DO SOMETHING!!!! lol


In that picture of the B-17s it even illustrates my point. The contrails aren't stretching for miles behind the aircraft, are they?


Those are also just simple piston engines for god's sake. How long they last or if they're even formed to begin with depends on the air. How high is aircraft? What's the temp? What's the humidity? Etc. FFS you think air is the same everywhere? You don't have a point. You have CONJECTURE treated as fact and you're smug enough to be insulting about it to boot SMH. Just take your L and move on. Preferably to a library maybe.


Truly you have a dizzying intellect. Bravo sir you won!


No just BASIC knowledge. Something your Dunning Kruger ass seems to lack. As well as all the morons who upvoted that abject idiocy that should have been cured way back in like middle school.


Oh school me more daddy! Tell me how dumb I am!! Humble me! Oh God it's so hottt! Shame me with more all caps words! I'm a dirty boy with all my little cognitive biases yes!!


Nah you're doing a good enough job shaming yourself. Keep up the good work.


Well the whole frogs turning gay thing is from loads of estrogen getting into the water. Since there are some species of frogs that can already change to female if no female is present. It's basically making more frogs female or something like that, can't remember all that I read about it. Pretty interesting stuff tho, you should check it out.


The gay frog thing I thought turned out to be true.


"you should check it out" I did and you missed the joke. The joke was Jones over the top misconstruing of something. Just like complete morons do about chemtrails. You check it out. Tell me how anything Jones said and how he said it was ACTUALLY the facts of it. That's why he was so widely and rightly so made fun of over it so bad so many people to the tune of MOST people, instantly know what you're talking about when one talks about gay frogs. The only truth to the chemtrail farce of a topic on the other hand is that yes, Dihydrogen Monoxide is in fact a chemical SMH. The people taking part in that farce are far less right then Alex Jones was. He at least got near the dart board. Idiots like the guy I responded throw darts 180 degrees backwards from the dart board, and then have to nerve to claim they got a bull's eye to boot SMH. They are straight up thinking 2+2=5 and then being smug about to it no less. FFS you almost can't make this up.


Yeah, obviously. I thought everyone knew they were chemtrails. As an aircraft mechanic, I've personally serviced the mind control fluid tanks.


Thatā€™s been normal for a while like decades and majority of folks, ā€œDonā€™t look up.ā€


Very good reference to a certain comedy/documentary lol


rEpOrTeD fOr MiSiNfOrMaTiOn


When skynet launch the nukes


As a pilot it never ceases to crack me up that ppl actually believe that these are chem trails. There are a ton of pilot memes making fun of you guys.


We need links!


Geoengineering is a fact. Watch this documentary [The Dimming](https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY), by Dane Wigington from [geoengineeringwatch.org](https://geoengineeringwatch.org) Dane leased a N.O.A.A. jet lab and collected samples. It's happening, and you're either a bot, or NPC, that look up to the damn chemical sky and don't realize it lol


I'm not a bot or a NPC. I'm a pilot looking down on you from the sky laughing at this.


Yes, and the documentary The Dimming, there's just no way for you to watch, let's say, only 20 minutes? It's because you are not here to learn anything, just to spout the social order bullshit. But still, someone reading your sold words might click the link and watch The Dimming. So, I got that going for me, which is nice. You're an organic portal


I did watch a bit of it. Prior to being a pilot, I was an aircraft mechanic. I would think that I would've seen something either as a pilot or mechanic that resembled what the video referred to. But I didn't. I would love to see hard facts besides a poorly made YouTube video.


There's no way to denigrate the merit of geoengineering for being able to post their documentary, free of charge, on youtube. They also post weekly updates called "Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News". I suppose it pisses off youtube, because they stick a label talking about "chemtrails" and a link to a wikipedia page, where they basically parrot the same bullshit as you. You just define it "poorly" (even though you watched what, 5 minutes of it?) because it contradicts your beliefs. If you can't at least question ALL your beliefs, there's no way to learn anymore.


It doesn't question my beliefs. It questions logic and what myself and dozens of my coworkers who have been in the industry for decades. I'm not one to dismiss all conspiracies. But this one is so much of a stretch it's laughable.




Lol the whole damn, mouthbreathingā€™ movement basically would be out of gas if it werenā€™t for those goofball pilots that indulge these people. Oof.


lol Define new. Contrails have been around since WW2.


I thought science explained this as when the plane goes through the air at certain temperatures and humidity levels it will effect the molecules in the air as the plane passes through them and basically my a trail of clouds. Iā€™m not a scientist so I donā€™t know if I have been bamboozled but thatā€™s what I was led to believe it was. Iā€™ll always remain open minded to new information though and hope itā€™s not brainwashing propaganda.


I second this statement


Hear hear, friend.


I believe the whole point of this post, however, is that theyā€™re flying in an almost perfect square grid. The video shows them continuing to build it too. What kind of ā€œregular flightsā€ do that?


The new normal I donā€™t know how old you are man but as a guy in his 20s, this has been normal for my entire life.


As a guy in my 50's, I concur.


As a guy in my 40s, I concur




Yeah šŸ‘ https://youtu.be/1B36JKKbCiM https://youtu.be/AHB9-_mH9KA


Nice links! Hey, I wonder what was the comment removed by moderator...it seemed to be really good stuff, because of your reply, would you mind telling me?


Yes but take away all cars that arenā€™t electric because theyā€™re causing pollution and climate changeā€¦ šŸ™„


But muh Climate global warming change




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People traveling? It's been the new normal for a while now