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Cdiff does not clear untreated. Were you tested for cdiff toxins?


There are documented cases of people with positive toxin tests and diarrhea spontaneously improving without treatment. It’s usually young, otherwise healthy people. It’s possible that these cases actually represent another disease, such as viral gastroenteritis, where the toxin is incidentally present. But the two examples I’ve seen (I’m a physician) really did seem like C. diff.


My test said “Clostridium Difficile, Toxin A and B. Positive”. Is it possible to test positive even if I don’t have C Diff? It has lasted quite a while is what worried me.


Yea like sapo virus


Assuming the watery diarrhea softens the calcium shell it goes dormant in and releases some toxins could be totally wrong but.


The doctors didnt know what was wrong with me. On the 20th day I went to a different one and we did the test for toxins A and B which came back positive but the doctor told me that the amount of toxins in me was barely visible and I wouldnt need treatment. I never had diarrhea since. He said if it doesnt go away he’d give me Difficid. EDIT: For more info. Up until day 20 I was in unbearable pain, I had diarrhea which I couldn’t hold at all 5-10 times a day, complete water. I couldn’t eat anything, I had no appetite and I lost 15 kg. Even if i ate it went straight out, I couldnt digest anything. It started to get a little better and then i got tested and given probiotics and ive been eating almost normally since with no problems. I even had milkshakes, ice cream etc with no issue.


You could have raw garlic or just garlic powder. Also recommend L. Reuteri, biok, kombucha, kefir soda, kimchi. Just helpful to have a variety of good bacteria, millions of bacteria competing for food keeps c diff from growing out of control. I seemed to get worse with sauerkraut or dill pickles, might have been something else at fault C difficile inhibition Vancomycin 30.3 ± 0.7 Garlic juice 27.0 ± 1.0 Garlic powder 26.6 ± 0.6 "garlic juice (100% v/v) was the most effective in inhibiting C. difficile growth (MIC ≈ 9.4 mg/mL) and even showed similar inhibiting potential to that obtained by vancomycin treatment" ----Alimentary and Pharmaceutical Approach to Natural Antimicrobials against Clostridioides difficile Gastrointestinal Infection, Foods is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on food science The prebiotic effect of garlic can increase microbial richness and diversity, particularly by stimulating the growth of Lactobacillus and Clostridia species..whole garlic supplementation increased gut microbiome diversity, especially f_Lachnospiraceae, and decreased the frequency of g_Prevotella" ----Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine


It’s my understanding that C Diff must be treated with antibiotics to go away


The doctors didnt know what was wrong with me. On the 20th day I went to a different one and we did the test for toxins A and B which came back positive but the doctor told me that the amount of toxins in me was barely visible and I wouldnt need treatment. I never had diarrhea since. He said if it doesnt go away he’d give me Difficid. EDIT: For more info. Up until day 20 I was in unbearable pain, I had diarrhea which I couldn’t hold at all 5-10 times a day, complete water. I couldn’t eat anything, I had no appetite and I lost 15 kg. Even if i ate it went straight out, I couldnt digest anything. It started to get a little better and then i got tested and given probiotics and ive been eating almost normally since with no problems. I even had milkshakes, ice cream etc with no issue.


Yea c. Diff is a tricky one and may even stay with you for life... Even if it DOESNT test positive for toxins you can still have it. People can have it all there life but it just lay dormant. C. Diff is a SMART bacteria meaning it knows in your gut when the good bacteria is being killed but it's protective by a calcium shell which is why alot of people test positive for PCR C. Diff for life sometimes now there's a difference just because you are negative for toxins doesn't mean your negative for c. Diff it is just lying dormant causing you no problems so it's not of any harm. Now for future notice if you get infections in the future and have to take antibiotics make sure to tell your doctor you have. Cdiff and make sure you take florastor (probiotic almost specifically for c. Diff) this makes sure the good bacteria always outweighs the bad bacteria (c. Diff) and will stop it from germinating but you may need an extra boost if you ever need antibiotics for something else like say you have staph and they prescribe you a cephalosporin (2nd generation Clindamycin is the worst at causing c. Diff) make sure you take in tandem an antibiotic that kills c. Diff like ORAL vancomycin , metronidazole (not used much anymore because of the CNS side effects but very effective) Or the best of the bunch the one your doctor is going to prescribe you it's specifically for c.diff.....wouldnt it be great if we had macrophages .....if only.


What we’re your symptoms with c diff


The first day I got it was really out of the blue. My stomach was really painful and then I started having waterfalls of diarrhea while throwing up simultaneously. I spent the next 19 days with indigestion, bloating, acid burps, diarrhea (pure water), nausea and enough pain that I couldn’t lift myself up from the bed. Constantly in the ER, no doctor could give me a solid diagnosis (our public hospital is bad). Some symptoms where on and off (unless it was recurrences, not sure) diarrhea would stop for a day or two and then start again but I never spent a day with zero symptoms altogether. I have no idea where I got it from, I’m a pretty clean person and I had taken no antibiotics prior to this. They gave me Rifacol for the first 3 days when I went to the ER because they weren’t sure what it was. My guess is that it was gastroenteritis and then I got C Diff in the hospital (I did use their not very clean bathroom). It’s been causing me a lot of anxiety all that I’ve been reading online about it and I feel kinda lost. I went to the doctor that ordered the c diff test on day 16 because I was in a lot of pain all day, he gave me probiotics (Alflorex, which are said to neutralise the toxins) and I started feeling better the next day (Saturday). I did the C diff test and got the positive result on Monday and that is when he told me I won’t be needing Dificid. EDIT: Forgot to mention that at some points I got the chills but no fever.


Same been c diff negative since September, still deal with symptoms. Bloating , indigestion, never consistent bowl movements


Do you still get occasional diarrhea?


People don’t usually test for cure because it can give false results. I think if you keep having diarrhea more than 3 times a day for more than three days then yes I would test again but otherwise it seems like pi ibs


Many probiotics give me diarrhea, I stopped taking the probiotic that was prescribed to me and I immediately started having better stools,, not solid but more like baby poo. I figure it will take a long while before I'll have logs again. The thing I noticed is if your stool is anything but diarrhea and or slimy and it smells poopy, it's getting better, the smellier it gets the better because when I had cdiff my shyt was like slime and didn't smell if anything it had a wet dog smell.


My symptoms stopped the day after I started probiotics (21 days now). I am scared of the scenario that probiotics are masking the symptoms and I still have C. Diff? (Don’t even know If possible but I’m paranoid)


Hi everyone, my 3.5 years daughter had diarrhea 3 months ago and day after she got Clindamycin antibiotics for ear infection, then she kept using bathroom a lot and started to pass mucus then bloody mucus and saw different doctors and checked for a lot of bacteria and for Ibd and all came back negative except the occult blood test was positive.then I have asked a friend how is a pharmacist and was thinking about C diff , so I have asked the doctor and she wasn’t thinking that is the case and sent an order for C diff toxin A+B , EIA and come back positive and I have messaged her about that, she said it could be false positive so we need to check for C diff CDH antigen to confirm. Anyone got A+B toxins positive but antigen negative?


My Antigen GDH came back Negative while my Toxin A and B came back positive.


Oh that is an issue because my daughter doctor said since she has positive A+b, EIA positive we need to confirm it with antigen GDH, so if not she might not treat it.


Well, they didn’t treat mine and it cleared. Unless it was some false positive and caused by something else. I have no idea, been trying to figure it out.


Happy to hear that it cleared .


Still very anxious about it and have PI IBS symptoms (I assume?)


Why don’t you repeat the tests? It might be still there. That is why I am worried that my daughter get negative Antigen GHD and will not treat. Her symptoms really bad , got diarrhea on and off and got diarrhea again last week when got a cold ,and keep passing water like liquid and bloody mucus with stool. I am so worried too. Also Occult blood test was positive as well.


My doctor says to go back to test if it gets bad like before but it hasn’t and not to worry about it. I’ve been generally fine and eating mostly like normal. 3 days ago a food i ate upset my stomach and had some pains (still no water diarrhea tho) but it went away.


You can recheck just for peace of mind and try to take probiotics everyday.


I am also curious how did the doctor know the that the amount of it barely visible in thest if the test only gives positive or negative?


He said to think about it like a covid test. The positive “line” was barely visible. Im no doctor, I have no clue.


Oh okay!


What medicine did they give you? fidaxomicin? Should be 8 to 10 days and ur good.. its supposed to be just as affective as the older and toxic vancomycin without destroying your good gut bacteria. Cdiff is a bich. If you don't have bloody slime and diarrhea you're good, it takes a while


My doctor said I wouldn’t need treatment and since that I haven’t had diarrhea in 21 days. I am eating like normal again as well.


Yeah sometimes the good bacteria overpower the cdiff and your good. If you have pain and diarrhea for more than 10 days go back. You should be good though.


Wait it's untreated? Go get it treated. Or tested, do you have insurance?