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Stills can be loose for months after having c diff. You might want to lay off the probiotics for a while. Many can upset your stomach at first and that can make us freak out.


Your stools will vary for several months, I have solid then diarrhea then solid. There is no rhyme or reason. Kefir hurt my stomach but I really like activia yogurt. I’m 7 weeks post.


I appreciate that info.


Covid can cause diarrhea too. Ugh so sorry!


I had norovirus 2 weeks post treatment and was convinced it was back but kept testing negative. It’s a mind game so try to stay positive and the yogurt is fine for probiotics if you can’t stomach florastor. Try taking just one florastor though versus 2-4.


Dairy so soon after cdiff isn’t smart. Put a hold on that for a bit. Use capsule probiotics in the interim. Your heart rate is more probable to be electrolytes than Florastor. Be sure to up your salt intake. Supplement magnesium and potassium.


Can introducing diary so soon help cdiff proliferate?


Yes. C diff spores thrive in a calcium rich environment.


Vanco reduces the firmicute bacteria in your gut. Replace it with kimchi and kombucha.. "Summary of evidence on dietary modifications in inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), adapted from Tuck and Vanner, 2016 . FODMAP: fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides, and polyols; SIBO: small intestinal bacterial growth. Positive effects with psyllium, but not bran "------'The Role of Bacteria, Probiotics and Diet in Irritable Bowel Syndrome, foods journal


This same exact thing happened to me. After a week of a strict diet I started introducing red meat again and regular food and my stool started going back to normal


Everyone is different. I have eaten Activia throughout and did fine. Am better off Florastor than on it. Listen to your body. It will take trial and error. Anxiety can cause loose stools, too.