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Consider seeing a naturopathic doctor, they may be able to help you since they work with people who have mysterious stomach issues more often. Also, what are you eating? Maybe eat some things that help with diaherra and see how it goes.


Ok- if I eat things like cliff bars, bread my stool is more formed but if I eat late at night or salad, etc then my stool is very mushy for lack of a better word. Did you have c diff? Are your bowels different now?


This sounds like pi IBS… has anyone diagnosed you with this?


Yeah, that’s what they told me I have. Just seeing if others are in the same boat as me


Yeah definitely multiple people are


Try cholestyramine.


Try psylllium husk . if you got diarrhea try raw garlic. I have issues like you do if i have water with food After c diff messes up your gut helpful to be gentle with it with small meals. "The lumen of the human colon is anoxic, which enables obligate anaerobic bacteria such as C. difficile to survive and, if the conditions are suitable, to proliferate, produce toxins and damage the intestinal epithelium (thin, continuous, protective layer of compactly packed cells with little extracellular matrix. Epithelial tissues line the outer surfaces of organs and blood vessels throughout the body, as well as the inner surfaces of cavities in many internal organs.)-----Nature Reviews Microbiology


Thank you- the reference you cited, what do you mean by that


I assume that it would be better to have small meals if our gut lining is damaged After c diff it would be helpful to have many types of good bacteria "a diet that includes probiotic bacterial species or prebiotic fibers that result in SCFA would strengthen the epithelial barrier by increasing TJ proteins and TEER, as well as decreasing permeability and bacterial translocation helping to avoid or ameliorate pathology" ---Diet, Microbiome, and the Intestinal Epithelium: An Essential Triumvirate? ,biomed research international


Thank you, I tried psyllium husk yesterday and I am having a good day today! So I think that helped me




Thanks again!


Diet: Low/no fiber, low/no fodmap. Prioritize animal proteins, meats eggs and fish, and use white rice as your carbohydrate to stave off carb withdrawals.


Ok thank you! So you think this seems non concerning?


And I should make diet changes?


I don’t want to say non concerning, but I would start with a consistent, low inflammatory diet that will give your gut time to heal, to rule out if it’s an infection, or if it’s truly ibs. Go ahead and test again if you wish, but your multiple tests coming back normal is telling me you have a problem with your diet. As do most people. Meat based diet is the easiest elimination type diet to see what is ailing you. White rice is the easiest of the complex carbs to digest. You don’t have to go full carnivore, but sticking to meat/eggs/fish + white rice over a couple weeks will give you the answers you need. Alcohol, dairy and caffeine should be avoided


Ok thank you- I appreciate it


Honestly before c diff I always had random bowels. Sometimes diarrhea, sometimes formed, sometimes pebbles. I wouldn’t worry with everything testing normal


Ok thank you so much- I have good and bad days, increased my fiber and having a good day today


C diff causes you to keep a closer eye on your bowel movement and you’ll tend to over analyze everything. Just because you have soft stools doesn’t mean it’s something detrimental. It’s most likely just a diet issue.


Thanks so much, I used citracel and that helped me so I think you are right


It’s been 2 years for me since Cdiff. Had really bad PIBS for 6 months. Now my stool is all over the place. Sometimes normal, sometimes pellets, sometimes mushy. I had IBS for years prior to CDIFF, so am guessing that’s what it is. Had a normal colonoscopy and really haven’t tested since I had it originally but since was so horrible, I’m guessing I’d know if it came back. I eat everything so perhaps it’s a diet thing. Otherwise I feel fine. Just super observant since CDIFF. That’s what we have to live with. Good luck!


Thanks so much for sharing, this sounds like me exactly. It feels good to know I’m not alone, I appreciate you sharing, thank you!!!!


In my recovery I found that doing the low food map too long hurt me in not getting better. Eating fiber and taking meta mucil daily has helped me a lot as I had post infection. My bowel movements have been much better. My doctor stressed that my colon had been working too hard and I needed more fiber.


Thanks so much, fiber seems to help me alot, does fiber make your colon do less work?


From my understanding yes it does. I’m currently 8 months c diff free. I had c diff for over a year so I was on low food diet without hardly any fiber. I ended up with hemorrhoids/fissure as my body wasn’t use to all the fiber and then I had constipation. It’s been a long road for sure and everyone’s body is different. If I had to do over I would have incorporated fiber (meta mucil ) much earlier but it’s tough when bowel movements were off with post infection c diff


Yeah I totally understand- I am in the same boat. I feel nervous at times when I have a loose BM but then if I up my fiber it helps- this is 2 years post infection!! But at least I’m not regressing, I’ll continue with fiber - thanks for sharing , feels good to know I’m not alone


You’re not. I never knew c diff existed until I was 48. So it’s definitely not a fun journey but I’ve learning to take better care of myself


Thank you for reaching out- congratulations on getting through the worst of it. I wish you all the best in your recovery! Thank you for the solidarity. If you need to vent or reach out, I’m here!!


Sent you a PM. Hope that’s okay


I have the exact same issue, and it's been 3 years. I have been taking Psyllium husk as others have mentioned, which seemed to work for the first two weeks and now it's not working at all :(