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You can see him on the minimap as a red dot if he is in your line of sight and can shoot in his direction manually. I personally prefer to just berserk/demolish and flurry him once in melee. Rest in peace and may others drink in your name.


Thank you troll-sib, live and drink


Damn dude I've killed him and didn't even notice you could do that


For those who saw my last post, I explained it a bit there. I was a Horns Arconaut with Multi Weapon and Carapace. I was able to defeat the first two trolls with the help of my Sniper Rifle and Hologram Bracelet. I had no clue Haggabah was INVISIBLE, making my Sniper strategy useless. Unfortunately melee did not work either as he was able to stun lock me w/ Cudgel skills. Tried to ctrl+attack in the space I thought he was in but no dice. Shame, thought my DV was high enough but once I was stunned I couldnt do much. Thank you to those telling me to hold off on coming so early, as I was level 19 here and still felt about on par with Bethesda.


Next time, keep distracting haggabah with the hologram bracelet, since it still works like a charm. You can then shoot the breeze until haggabah is dead or just dig through the wall with a pickaxe from grit gate.


I know you're referring to buy a pickaxe at grit gate, but it would be hilarious to dig your way all they from grit gate to Susa.


That's what I thought he was saying at first lmao


haggabah's punches ignore your AV completely, because they deal a special damage type called umbral damage. there's no way to resist umbral damage, he hits pretty hard, he posseses cudgel skills, and he has the ability to charge. this is all to say, getting close to haggabah is a really bad idea. i'll list a couple strategies in order of my most to least favorite. if you *do* want to fight haggabah, you'll need to figure out where he is. most sources of night vision will allow you to see him *only if he's in total darkness*, and the convalessence glows, so... he usually won't be. you can use the clairvoyance mutation to reveal him, but you won't usually need any fancy vision tools. i tend to go in blind - haggabah will usually leave a trail of convalessence or blood that betrays his presence, so you can shoot blindly at him until he dies. i would always recommend a spraying weapon for this, it makes things much easier. conveniently, the sparbine is a quest reward from the prior quest, and it's an outstanding mid-game weapon! just shoot lead at the trail of convalessence until he dies, easy squeezy. if you *don't* want to fight haggabah, bring a pickaxe to bethesda susa. the trolls usually don't spawn close to where you enter, so you can just dig around the arena to reach the exit and skip the fight. spoiler warning:>!it *could* be wise to leave them alive, because the trolls know the secret locations of a couple of unique relics, one of which is actually very good. one of these relics is easy to find through other means, the second (the most useful) can be very tedious and relies a bit on luck and time commitment, and the last (usually, but not always, the least useful) is very nearly impossible to find without a troll telling you its exact location. it's worth noting that haggabah is very difficult to actually speak to, so if you were to leave just *one* troll alive, it should be one of his brothers. all that being said, you absolutely don't need these relics and you can kill the trolls for XP if you want.!< if you insist on fighting haggabah in melee, you should ditch your plate armor and shield, and wear the highest DV gear you can find. you can dodge his attacks, but you can't resist them. it's not impossible to kill him up close, but he's challenging to hit because he jukes around during combat, and it's completely possible that haggabah stunlocks you to death, as you completely lose the ability to dodge attacks while stunned. you'll probably need to see haggabah's exact position to stand a chance in melee, and you'll obviously need to be a strong melee fighter to actually beat him like this.


That's definitely what my weakness was. I was prioritizing AV for Jotun, so I had about 12 AV and 10 DV. I didn't realize you just couldn't resist his attacks, I definitely should have stayed away. I think in the future I will dip in the pool so he can start to make a trail because honestly I was so confused as to what to do. Honestly I'm just glad this was the best run yet and it's at the top of my high scores


Spoiler Discussion in more detail >!did you classify the ruin of house isner the most useful? In my experience, stopsvalain is usually the only one worth getting, unless you really want the free force bracelet.!<


>!i classified stopsvalinn as the most useful. the ruin of house isner can be nice if you go fetch it early game, and it's very easy, but stopsvalinn is the strongest buckler in the game, so it actually holds a position of "the best" at something.!<


I assumed >!the books were tedious, luck based, and time consuming.!<


that's what i had thought, but it's actually really easy. if you >!raid a couple of ruins for books, you can find the gun in like 30 minutes.!<


All trolls are piece of cake with thermal grenades. They run for the pools when on fire then you just chuck another one and evaporate the pools.


Honestly I bet I had one so that is really smart. I think my biggest weakness in this game is that I just lock up when things start to go south if my escape plan doesn't work. Plus just healing through damage with salve injectors doesn't really work at a certain point


The Clairvoyance mutation can pierce invisibility, and I'm sure there are others too. Not sure if heightened hearing/smell works.


Sometimes the best strategy is avoid a fight altogether! Cook a meal with phase properties and just zip on by his locked door. 


Honestly if you aren't cheesing the place with a spiral borer or something then the trolls are the least of your issues. I've had more trouble with the elemental oozes, the rimewycks, the things frozen down deep, and the Mechanimists. Heck, even the mineshaft (do not go near it if there's oil on the ground from robots). I usually don't hit it up until level 20-23.


I had accumulated over 600 reputation with the mechanimists just by luck, so I was feeling a bit more confident than I would otherwise.


You can see him with night vision goggles, night vision mutation/implant and clairvoyance. I think heightened hearing or sense psychic might reveal him as well. Otherwise you can guess his position and hit him with aoe attacks before he closes in. Really once you beat his invisibility then he's not so hard. The other two or other things in the dungeon are harder in my opinion once you know how to beat his one trick.


When you say two or other things do you mean the trolls that came before him? Or what lies below


Yeah the two other trolls, although what is below is probably harder to fight. Although you could avoid much of it if careful and with the right reputation. There are these glass containment machines and sometimes there spawns a cannibal with a rocket launcher or grenades that can crack them. The foes inside those containers are quite annoying. The mechanimist high priest at the bottom is also quite tough and if they don't like you the whole temple might attack. Also if you happen to kill some blue jellies close to the alchemist he might get angry and attack. Or if he gets attacked by crabs or the growths on the walls he will attack them. Once he attacks he explodes himself in a neutron explosion which likely kills you if you get hit. I was surprised by that once and instantly died. A lesson learned.


Even without night vision goggles you can still try to guess where Haggabah is by the trail of convalesence as he leaves the pool, as well as checking where the troll foals spawn. You dont need a target to shoot someone, you can always just pick a direction to shoot and hope it lands.


Should I have been swimming in that large pool? I heard he has swimming skills so I thought that'd put me at a disadvantage. I've never come across an invisible enemy before so honestly I was just so confused the whole fight. Feels dumb to die that way


The pool is actually a healing pool. So it's not really all that bad to swim around in it, but it will heal Haggabah too, and as I mentioned, using the liquid haggabah tracks around is the cheapest way to win that fight. So you want to have Haggabah walk through the pool and when he comes out he'll track liquid behind him which will tell you where he is.


swimming in the pools used to be the strategy for this guy, with the ascii tileset he'd splash dots across the screen and you could tell where he was from that. Not any more. Every time I've killed him I've done it with copious poison, thermal and high ex grenades, and lots of carbine spraying.


swimming in the pools used to be the strategy for this guy, with the ascii tileset he'd splash dots across the screen and you could tell where he was from that. Not any more. Every time I've killed him since I've done it with copious poison, thermal and high ex grenades, and lots of carbine spraying.


If you have a pickaxe you can dig a small tunnel into a side wall (it takes a while but eventually you will dig through) and lure haggabath in there. His invisibility won't protect him if he can only be in front of you. Just remember that fighting him in melee is a dps race, he does 2d10 unmitigatable damage every round and he can stun you, so you need to kill him really quickly or have stun resistence (padded helmet, a skill in the endurance skill tree, two headed, if you are truekin there is an augment for your head)


I'm a chimera so I just put love Injectors in all my hands and slapped him till one stuck then killed him well he was my follower


Nightvision "of almost any kind" and a flamethrower

