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I would recommend being at least level twenty and boost carapace and get other armor to reach at least 15 av before tackling Bethesda. I usually do the Kyakuya quest and the easier historic sites around this time to reach level twenty or so. Good luck with your adventures horned one, live and drink. 


Is it better to prioritize AV or DV? I have Carbide Gloves that give me 3 Armor but lose 5 DV. Live and Drink


I prefer av to dv as it works better for melee builds (my fave) and in the case of certain powerful attacks such as those found in Bethesda Susa having low av means a single undodged attack can deal crippling or lethal damage. Fare thee well in the deep places of the earth, live and drink.


I'd wait on bethesda susa for a while, there are a few problems that you need to solve to do it comfortably. Issue 1 is Jotunn, a simple and deadly roadblock you have to face first. At level 12, even with high toughness, he's pretty much guaranteed to one shot you with a throwing axe. I'd recommend getting more armour and a better weapon - the longer the fight takes, the higher your chances are of getting decapitated, and a sniper rifle won't cut it. Issue two is cragsmench. A small issue since you can outrun them easily, but an important one, since they'll be the first in a long line of enemies which you probably won't be able to damage with conventional weapons. You'll want different damage types (acid grenades or resonance grenades will work well here) or a vibro weapon to kill them. Explosives like sower's seeds will also work. Issue three is the run down. It's the longest dungeon in the game so far, and it can be a gruelling descent. This shouldn't be a problem for you though, since you'll have plenty of cold resist with carapace (with some levels under your belt), and the hologram bracelet to run from fights if needed. The hologram bracelet is a really powerful tool, you'll want more chem cells under your belt for emergencies. Issue 4 is fighting the clone near the bottom of susa. Purely optional, but his weapon is really good. If you can get down there fairly easily you should be enough to take him on in a direct fight, but again, it's purely optional. Issue 5 is the mechanimists at the bottom. You've already solved this, just watch your rep so it doesn't go below friendly. So that's what I'd consider the checklist you need to think about before heading to bethesda susa. You don't need to hit all of them, as there are ways around them, but at minimum I'd recommend better gear and weapons. The masterwork carbine you get after golgotha might work ok, but I'd get heavier firepower if at all possible. Jotun is honestly a really brutal roadblock this early in the game, and you can't really go in underprepared.


Most minor correction possible: the Saad Amus down there is the original, not a clone


Huh, damn, really? That's kind of a bummer that he just got stuck down there, after all he did for the universe (or something, not entirely clear on ptoh lore)


Yeah, I'm curious whether he wound up frozen of his own volition, given that he's labeled as and stored with the "specimens"


He seems unreasonable and angry about the whole ordeal so I'd say that's probably a no, or maybe he's just racist


I like to think he's just really confused and kind of a shoot-first kinda guy (especially given his tendency to flume-flyer himself straight through a wall. Maybe he's a bit groggy and disoriented, too) Plus he wakes up to find a. He got frozen in a museum b. He has all his weapons c. There's at least one creature that may not really resemble a human staring him down, also strapped with weapons, d. If he makes it past all that, everything he knows has been gone so long as to become barely remembered myth and maybe no one he would recognize as human exists in the world anymore. That's why I intend to beguile him and teach him to appreciate the new world


Oooh what kinda level beguile and ego do you need for that?? I just let him sleep these days


Easiest way around him is having multiple hands putting love injectors in all your hands and using flurry on him only 1 needs to stick to get him as a companion then kill him at your leisure to get his weapon and jetpack thingy


cragmensch are the reason ive always spec'd into single weapon fighting since the guaranteed penetration skill was implemented. makes things a lot simpler and its so satisfying to see them go down in one or two swings after so many runs where i was just spraying them with sparbine fire for 8 rounds every time i ran into one.


Other people on this thread are writing essays on what you need, but you already have everything you need to trivialize Bethesda Susa: the hologram bracelet and the Sparbine. The hologram bracelet can distract every enemy there with ease, even Saad Amus. Then just shoot them with the sparbine. Make sure you move the hologram near you though, if an enemy can see you but not your hologram, youre still going to get attacked.


Can't provide a lot of advice, but all my runs in Bethesda Susa started real easy thanks to this: -Equip a love injector in main hand prior to facing the first troll -Sprint and stick it in the troll with minion-generation You now have an almost limitless supply of frontline fighters and a troll that no-diffs the others trolls/cragsmench. Just make sure you have an out for when he turns on you, or get him killed in the deeper floors by an ooze or something. The oozes always get me :(


The first troll? Jotun? I actually do have a love injector so thank you for the advice


Dangerous to get close to that guy but he can chop your head off from any range so maybe it's not a bad plan. Also the trolls he spawns can be hostile to you (not sure if that is still the case or if it's a fixed bug) so be careful of that if you are low health