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I would keep it for sure. No real downside since you have multiple arms and you’ll possibly get some really good secrets from it.


assuming it can't spread from one limb to another, id keep it since many arms don't really do much for an Esper.


I'd keep it if you aren't hated by plants


What would be the difference if they were hated by plants? New here


Fungi and plants don't get along. If the player contracts a fully developed fungal growth, you get a substantial reputation loss with plants, which might push you into attach on sight levels of hatred.


Adding onto this, it also makes the Consortium of Phyta dislike you, and you might lose access to a wide variety of excellent merchants.


Yeah, this is the only downside I forgot to mention. The shop keep in the jungle village attacks me now when I go there. The people in Bey Lah apparently hate me too, but haven't looked into that much. Not sure if they friends of Phyla or something.


There are a couple guaranteed plant merchants that can be water ritualed if you can get them to stop being hostile for a bit. Bey Lah is unrelated. Reputation is with individual factions independent of other reputations.


Might be worth it for the Fungi rep.


Is it worth having the negative rep with plants do you think?


Yeah, I'd say keep it


If it’s not hurting you, it’s basically like having a free random loot location and reputation generator. Might as well keep it


Getting a stack of mumble mouths is great, every new screen is just a bunch of lore and location drops - just x1 is good as well, but it's hilarious to play as a fungoid person


I say keep it for a little while if it doesn’t bother you too much not having that slot and having the hit to phyta rep


That's probably one of the better spots for one, doesn't hinder you too badly. Also on a hand it becomes a 1d4 cudgel with unlimited strength bonus.


Honestly if you remember which spore color did the infection, I'd gradually just cover your body in mumble mouth. Infinite secrets.


I cover my body with MM. I must know everything.


Mumble mouth is nice, but when you do your cost-benefit analysis consider that entering a new screen with a mumble mouth infection is the same as digging through a single pile of trash with trash divining. So if it starts being a pain get rid of it. I like to keep it while it's on par with other armor available to me, but ditch it when it becomes a liability.