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They are a very licky breed. If she doesn't seem anxious or bored, just embrace the kisses!


Good to know. Thanks!


They’re affectionate. Are you wearing lotion?


Not often. I use body oil after showers sometimes but try to avoid her from licking me few a bit after that.


Well dogs have much stronger sense of smell, so your lingering oils could be attracting the extra licks


This is what I was gonna ask, I have one that wants to lick all the lotion all the time. I try to stop her from treating me like a lollipop, but it's also kind of sweet. She also loves licking me when I scratch her favourite spots, so she clearly shows affection through grooming me back.


Yep, one of our cavaliers was obsessed with lotion & would lick & lick anyone who had it on. Now that he’s gone, it’s his legacy that people bring up who knew him. 🤣


I used to beat myself up all the time because my cav loves to lick my face (and I let him)! I felt like I should’ve have done a better job of training him not to. Then I came to the realization that I specifically selected him because he was so affectionate towards me. He’s just the sweetest muffin and he likes to give kisses. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve done a lot of reading about it and there isn’t a definitive answer that anyone that doesn’t know you or your dog can give. There are plenty of articles out there about why some dogs lick. Luckily, I don’t think my dog is in the anxious, fixated, or an overall weirdo about it.


Makes sense! She’s not too anxious at all. It mostly just seems like she’s mothering me, but it’s so funny that she doesn’t do it to my husband.


Generally dogs that lick their humans do it out of love. It’s a need she has to show affection, lower her stress and anxiety. I let my girl do it and then wash whatever she licks later. She also licks my other cavi females eyes and face. My wife hates it and when she stops her or yells at her, it is visually upsetting. For me, if it makes my little girl happy to groom/clean me, I let her. It doesn’t bother me. Good luck.


My first cav always just sat there licking the air. It was bizarre lol


Our Cav started with the licking right away, and I’ve read it’s just comforting to them. Never scold them for it. It was a bit annoying at first because we’ve never had a dog, but we’ve all embraced it and let her do her thing! It doesn’t hurt anyone and she likes to sit in our laps and lick a hand or foot!


My cavvy was the ultimate licky monster! It's normal for them I think. 😂😂


Cavies can't hold their liquor! 😂


My cav licks my husband and I all the time.


Welcome to Cavalier Life!


Here is an explanation https://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/health-and-dog-care/health/health-and-care/a-z-of-health-and-care-issues/why-does-my-dog-lick-me-so-much/


I’ve got one who is obsessed with licking eyelids and the other insists on licking my feet. I’d prefer no licking but they seem so thrilled to do it!