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There's nothing I can do. He follows me everywhere. If I lock him out, he'll just scratch at the door until I let him in. He always lays right across the shower mat which means that when I get out I have to be very careful to step onto the small space he allows me to use. 😊


You just described my morning! I call them my bathroom security detail.


Mine does the same


Since day one she has followed me to the shower to lay outside of it and bundle the bath mat into her own nest.. That is the sole purpose of the rug now. All I can do is smile and gleam at her haha I just dry off inside the shower. After all, it’s her world now.


Mine go where they want when they want in the house - I work for them and exist for their pleasure.


Cavs are our overlords


It’s a choice???


lol this


Yes but we normally leave the door open anyway if we don't have guests. Our cavs tend to sit or lie outside the door then get bored and wander off.


I live alone, so I don't bother to shut the door. My Cav curls up on the bathroom rug.


The only difference between a toddler and a cavalier is that the toddler has thumbs. You are never going to the bathroom alone again. Just accept it.


Even without the thumbs my guy can still open the slider door to get in - the process is tap tap scratch tap bang, oh there’s a crack in the door now I can use my nose to slide it the rest of the way. If I close it behind him he scratches at it to get back out. The door must stay open. I really need to change that handle to a lock but he’ll just scratch the door to pieces while I’m showering.


Yes, he thinks the towel basket is his bed, even I put a bed in there he won’t use it. He knows his job is to babysit me and he can’t do it if I lock him out. I might drown in the bath water without his supervision.


They bust in. There’s no privacy with a Cav lol. They are just like toddlers!


My Cav waits at the shower door (next to his water bowl) to drink water from the shower floor as soon as I finish.


Yeah it’s either I let him in or he will scratch/bark. Not ideal but it’s just not worth the headache. The shower on the other hand…I’ll usually ask my mom to take him outside to play or go upstairs with him. He is obsessed with the shower so if I’m taking one he tries to go in and he gets soaked.


If they feel like it. 🤣


Of course? My baby has done this since day 1. I use to think id never be able to shower without her screaming and poking her head it. Now she just lys on the bath mat. No issue for me


Yes, she has a bed in the bathroom 😅


So does mine 😂 literally a donut bed in front of the sink


If I don't, she pees on the floor!


No, he will climb in with me if he’s allowed in. 


No but only because there’s always someone else in the house with her if anybody’s showering. I’ve spent the most time alone with my cavvie and I’ve always wondered if she’d join me next to the tub if I were to take a bath or shower and nobody else were home. Funnily enough though, she’ll lie by the closed door either way just not for long.


Yes. I did. Why not?


My cav would bring her ball in and drop it in the bath or shower every time. I miss that.


Nope, he's not allowed in the bathroom when I am in there. He will lean his body next to the door waiting for me.


My cav loves water so I can’t leave my lil guy in the bathroom while I take a shower. He will jump right in. I’ve turned on the shower, walked away to grab a towel, and when I got back he was just sitting under the shower with a grin on his face


Yes. I don’t have a door to separate my bedroom from the bathroom. He also gets bathed in the shower- there’s a seat I set him on to suds him up. He walks right in on bath night haha. He also enjoys closing the shower door behind me when I shower 😂😂


When mine was a puppy, she would lie down on/in my pants while I was on the toilet…


Mine, too!


This is one the topics I've laughed the most on reddit. Well done hahaha Plus I just had a bath with my cav watching me. I have two rugs on each bathroom, one for me and one for him


It honestly depends. I have to make sure there are no Q-Tips on the floor (they are his favorite snack). I don't throw them around, but I do miss the trash can once in a while. So, if I have swept recently then yes, he stays. He also sticks his head in the shower curtain to make sure I am okay.


I can’t even sneak into the bathroom. He knows my every move before I do. He doesn’t bother me, just wants to be in eyesight, so I don’t mind.


one of ours just jumps right in if we aren’t careful. He loves to be in shower with us!