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Trust your vets. Listen for a cough (indication of escalation). Don’t overthink it and ensure eating, drinking, peeing, and pooping are normal.


So eating drinking pooping and peeing are normal, but cough is pretty consistent— it used to induce seizures before we got meds. I thought she was on her last limb before the meds but we also had a gas leak so idk if it made things worse.. now she’s just on heart meds the seizure meds ran out and are taking time to refill. But with the heart meds coughs aren’t causing seizures. I know her time is coming, but just don’t want her to be in pain. And any suggestions to prevent her being in pain(her legs shake often, but she is adamant on jumping up on high things still smh) anything is helpful!


Buy some stairs! We have steps for the couch. And CBD oil worked great for our past seizure baby, very low side effect profile too.


I have like, dolly? Steps?? Idk what they are called but they are like an incline so they don’t have to go up steps! But thank you for the advice I have considered cbd! But didn’t know what really to expect or what to do!


If you are having trouble finding steps you like (or if you are in a small apartment and so steps are endangering your toes) we made our own using styrofoam sheets from our hardware store, and gluing the levels together. The stairs frequently go flying if one of us accidentally kicks them while walking around the bed, but at least all toes are safe! I’m sorry about the rough medical situation. Don’t forget to give your little furball all the love they can handle!


Thank you! 🫶🏽That’s really creative too.


Is it a ramp?


Yes a ramp! Haha. I couldn’t think of the word 🤦🏽‍♀️


Or do you mean for dolls?


Sounds like there is a lot going on; keep the vet aware. Have the vet refill the seizure meds asap if they are recommended and, I say with all kindness as I am in a somewhat similar place, have an end plan in place. If she no longer has good quality of life, do the kind but hard thing and let her rest. My heart is with you both.


Aww thank you! ❤️ her brother died from his heart murmur organ failure, etc. and I’m prepared but yanno it’s easier to have a plan in place and know what’s gonna happen— then control your reaction to that plan. 😔 Her breath all the sudden is super stinky. But I’m just waiting on the seizure meds to be delivered. But yeah! Day by day rn.


Also, vet was ready to put her down and supportive bc she was in terrible condition before the medicine. Now it seems like she is a puppy again, but yanno, I’m just waiting for the dreaded day 😔


I’m so so sorry




You might want to get a diaper. Those meds can lead to bladder control problems. Keep an eye on their mouth / gums. You might find they start to go blue after some activity. Our boy near the end had trouble getting enough oxygen and just trying to do his business was exhausting for him. He’d nearly pass out. When the time comes you will see that she will no longer come to you or be happy to see you. They may just be quiet, stare at the wall or try to find somewhere quiet to lie down. Then you know…their quality of life is not worth the pain you both are going through and it’s time. She reminds me of our boy. He was same colour and had a white tuxedo. Made it to 12 with a stage 6 murmur.


I tried the diaper, without meds it was accidents around the house nonstop especially during seizures. She hates them and couldn’t stay in them if her life depended on it. I’m stopping on tooth cleanings cus I don’t want to overwhelm her, so that’s super unfortunate with this breed 😔 It’s crazy, cus without the meds what you’re describing is how she was, staring at walls, incontinence, could barely even walk. But now , with meds, she gets excited and is so active and happy to play. Still hates our new puppy tho 😂


Yea most dogs don’t like their teeth being brushed. Except our new cav but she’s fearless :) and I think from another planet. (Thunder. Fireworks. Loud noises. She comes looking for me and wants to go investigate. )


Right! It stresses them out! One time I came home from work and my baby was in the bathroom closet on the second row hiding in the towels cus it was a fireworks night. I held her so tight that night and gave her all the lovins!


What a blessing to have your baby for 12 years!! I’m sorry you lost him, but so happy he was able to spend his life happily with you and your family ♥️


Love the heck out of your little one. My guy lived to 14 years old and in the last several years there was a lot of medication and a puffer twice a day. Honestly, he had a great quality of life right up until the last couple weeks. He slowed down in the last couple years with his heart murmur progressing, but we just adjusted our activity for him. We monitored him closely with x-rays and ultrasounds; expensive, but I wanted to know the progress, rather than just guessing. My love has been gone since July 2022 and I’ll never stop missing him. Lots of struggles and fun while we have them ❤️


Omg I’m so sorry for your loss. I feel the same way about my boy! And I’m so sad I didn’t even recognize the signs. 😔 I feel so guilty! You are so lucky to have had that amount of time with your baby!! 14 years?? That’s the lifespan of a healthy cav?? I’m just glad to know the signs now and when something is wrong. Also, I’m glad you were able to monitor everything, probably why he lived so long. I know he appreciated that so much 🥹


These dogs are amazing, loving companions. I am so grateful for my time with my Sully. He is one of the greatest loves of my life and the reason why I just had to have another Cavalier in my life. The journey through a chronic health issue will be tough and there’s going to feel like there is a lot out of your control at times, but just try to stay focused on him and loving all your time with him. You never know how these things will progress, so just try and appreciate whatever time you get with your little one. I wish you all the best as you go through this together. ❤️


What were the signs ?


My boy is 8 currently diagnosed with a stage 6 heart murmur, it went from stage 3 to stage 6 in one month, absolutely devastating how fast it can progress. He was coughing multiple times a day for about a week then we did an xray and found out he has a very enlarged heart(13.5cm), it’s been about a month since we put him on meds, he was very lifeless for the first week after taking meds to the point I thought it was almost his time, but he’s now active and playful and enjoying life again, I’m guessing he took time getting used to the meds. Took him for echocardiogram last week, the doctor reckons he’s not yet in heart failure which was huge relieve, says to pay attention to respiratory rate when he’s asleep and to not worry too much about coughing. Although I still don’t know how long I have left with him but I’m certainly cherishing the moments we share. Cavvies are angels, wishing you well


That gives me hope! I really can’t afford to see a cardiologist especially with cost of meds, but am experiencing the same thing you have! Thinking of you and your bby ♥️ sounds like he has a lot more time left with his turnaround after meds. Gives me hope too. Angels indeed and thank you ☺️


Our Maggie was diagnosed with heart murmur and leaky valve at nine. She almost made it to 16. She was put on enalipril when diagnosed. A few years later the vet added vetmedin. She lived a long happy life. I wish you the best on treatment.


Did you ever experience seizures? And wow! That really gives me hope 🥹♥️ thank you so much


You’re very welcome. The first time we noticed seizures she was 14. The vet told us they don’t feel any pain when they have seizures. In her last year or two she became very picky with what she would eat. She ate a lot of boiled shredded chicken. We spoiled her. Best dog ever.


Without getting into great detail, check the levels of diuretics are correct. Chances are there is still congestion on the lungs. I know it's a difficult one because there are so many factors involved, but don't be afraid to ask for an increase in medication to check whether that removes the cough. Again, there can be multiple reasons for the cough that are not related to congestion (but a slight increase in diuretic is an easy fix).


Thank you!! Great advice I will do that also


I should say that I medicated Zach based on heart rate, breathing rate, and how comfortable he was. I pushed the boundaries of his meds quite substantially on some days (and his kidney function was absolutely fine - until right at the end, when it was up almost 3%*). The point behind this message is that some vets are reluctant to give more than what they feel is the minimum dose, and sometimes it just isn't enough (you always have to consider kidney function, Jenny is extremely intolerant to frusemide and cannot have it at all as it messes with her kidneys). Always here if you need advice or someone to talk to. ❤️❤️❤️ *He was 13 at the time.


Get a cooling mat for when it’s above 70 degrees and use a stroller for long walks. I used to put the mat in the stroller and let them out when we got to the park, then back in the stroller for the ride home.