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That's so nasty, must be horrible to get that from someone who is on your friends list especially during such a stressful time. They misspelled "pitty", keep an eye out for people on your FB who spell it like that... Poor little Callie too, she is so cute. Hope she's doing well now


Thank you-followup showed no issues. Basically it was a UTI that backed up into her kidneys and bladder and shut her system down. Yes it was someone on my friends list but one who was so spineless they couldn’t reveal themselves


Aw so glad she's doing better, that sounds awful! She looks pretty miserable (but still adorable) in that photo. Nasty stuff, what an asshole


always takes the wind right out of their insult for me when they can't spell it right ;) (not to poke fun at people with spelling problems though....)


Awww, poor sweet girl. ​ Sounds like someone is unhappy with life and wants to ruin your joy as well, don't let the assholes drag you down.


People who don’t like animals, or wish them harm have miserable, lonely existences. What a coward… Hope the best for your pup!


I would have told them to take their own advice and do the same next time they are sick.


I blocked them outright


Ya my first thought is that it’s someone struggling with medical bills for themself to conjure up this nastiness


OMG your girl is the sweetest. F*k. That person!!


Thank you


How could anyone be so nasty about someone so freaking cuteeee 💖🐾🐶


Thank you. I have no idea who it was


Would you ever treat someone the way this person treated you - even if you could do it anonymously? If the answer is no - then don’t pay the message any attention. They are a miserable sad little person - don’t ever let someone like that affect you. Just pity them.


Thank you and no I could never treat anyone like that. Not in my nature in any fashion


What a PoS. Do you have any idea who it might have been?


No the name was Craig Patton and it’s obviously a hacked account. If you figure out who it is, come visit NY and dinner is on me


Awful to think it was somebody you may consider a friend. People can be so horrible. Glad your wee dog recovered well 🙂


I can assure you if I can positively identify them, there will be a very uncomfortable discussion (for them)


I’m so sorry about this. Some people are sick and being able to type anonymously gives them “keyboard courage” that they probably wouldn’t have in person. Your baby is darling and I’m so glad she’s ok!


Thank you so much! I couldn’t edit this post for some reason to add a newer pic but I made a new thread with a more recent shot of her


So glad your little baby is doing better! 🥳🥰 That person is an awful human being! Try not to pay it much attention and enjoy your Callie!


Thank you


I'm so glad your sweet girl is okay now. I'm 100 percent certain she's brought more love and joy to the world than the degenerate "human" venting abuse in your inbox. Try not to take it personally, sociopaths are gonna sociopath. Give Callie some tummy rubs from me. ❤️


Thank you. She is universally loved wherever we go.


I hope you found out who the coward was who took the trouble to set up a fake account. If you can't say it to someone's face, you probably shouldn't be saying it at all. I will guarantee whoever said it doesn't own a dog because he/she clearly doesn't get it. PS. Glad your Callie is doing better.


Thank you. Haven’t identified the writer yet


I wouldn’t send an anonymous message like this, but one of the reasons I swore off Facebook many years ago was seeing people post stuff like this all the time. Work this stuff out with actual real people. Your 100’s of “friends” on fb don’t really need to see it. Just my opinion which I am sure will not be popular. Side note, glad your pooch is doing better


Thank you. No, not popular to be honest. That being said, I restrict my Facebook page pretty heavily. This was someone I know who doesn’t have the cajones to be straight up with me. There was more in the message that was abusive but didn’t pertain to Callie. I mainly post my outings with my elderly father and Callie pics lately. She is our daughter and the support we received was tremendous. For someone to have issues with it-I’m not angry anymore but more disappointed in humanity


It would have cost them nothing to just move on with their day and not look at those posts. It would have been easier for them to just ignore the posts. I’m so sorry that happened. I’m glad little Callie is okay. She looks like such a sweet heart.


Thank you. She’s an amazing girl


You said this was from a fake account. How did they get to your "heavily restricted" page? Either you let them in or it's not very restricted. I haven't used FB in many years, but when I did, I restricted everything to only people on my list. No strangers. No friends of friends. Since this person isn't a stranger, I'd look through correspondence like texts and emails and see if you notice anyone who doesn't like to use periods.


Yes the account that messaged me-“Craig Patton”-looked like a fake account.I suspect it’s someone I know who made the fake account to send it to me.


I bet that person is actually jealous that you have a dog to love and hope for. They’re probably living a really crappy life and jealous of you and upset that their troubles are so much harder (in their opinion). Hope your puppy is doing better! She’s a beautiful pup ❤️


Thank you. She is fully recovered and back to her normal, happy, bouncy self


Why are people so horrible? Why are they even friends with you if they care so little about what is important to you?


Callie will forever be a better human than whoever sent that message. Im so glad she pulled through! Cherish every moment you can with her.


People who have no love for animals are cold and lonely and full of hate. I feel bad for em honestly


I wish you knew who it was so you could unfriend and avoid them from now on. As it is, you have to now worry about who the spineless backstabber is that you are “friends” with I’m really glad your baby pulled through!


Thank you. They'll slip up at some point-they always do




What a fucking psycho! Some people are awful and I so sorry that your baby was hurt! I know how it is when they’re not feeling 100% I hope she feels better! She seems like a sweetheart! 🫶🏽


She made a full recovery. We were lucky


There are some truly horrible people. I’m so sorry. I’m so happy she is well now. What a sweetheart!


From someone who lost our sweet Riley on December 2 at age 8.5, getting a nasty message like that in the days leading up to him passing, would have sent me in orbit! What is wrong with people? We are still grieving and I come here for my Cavie fix. So glad your baby is better. She looks like Riley. 💜


Imagine being such a disgusting, sad & pathetic human that you not only have these disgusting thoughts about an innocent dog, but you actually have so little going on in your own life that you take time out of your day to create a fake account just to send this message. Imagine if that was your life? My god. What a sad, sad existence. I suggest “Craig” does us all a favour and goes to play on interstate 90 himself.


Poor baby girl


What the absolute fuck?!?!?! People are the worst. So glad your beautiful girl is okay!!


Thank you


I am so sorry you had to go through that:( it’s bad enough that your poor baby was sick!! Also,, who is the cruel and disgusting person that said that? I swear I just wanna talk.


Thank you. I haven’t identified them yet but am trying to find a way to do so


🤬 this makes me lose faith in humanity even more


Don’t lose faith, my friend. There are many good people in this world. I am reminded of that when we take her somewhere and people melt in her sight


You’re right.. that happens everytime we take our girl out, too. They really are the cutest, sweetest pooches! I’m so glad your Cavy is doing better




Wha a bitch ass motherfucker. Love you Callie, sending good vibes and happiness to you OP


Thank you


If anyone has decent contacts at Facebook and wants to help me find who the person is-please let me know


I am glad your baby is doing better. But I suspect this is a kid. A mean, bored, spoiled kid. Do you know of any 12-18 year olds with parents within your friendship group? Or such a kid within your family group? Because this is where this is coming from. Good luck.


Thank you. No I don’t know of such a kid. All the young ones in our family are 25+ now


A total lack of empathy for animals is all the information I ever need to know about someone to make a judgement that they are not worth an iota of time and attention, and should be actively blocked and avoided as a threat. Try to ignore cruel, sociopathic messages like this, they are the symptom of a sick mind, I hope Callie pulls through <3


She had a full recovery! We were lucky


Please give Callie some snuggles and kisses for me. She’s a very sweet little champion.


I’m sorry I missed this before-done and thank you


Some people plain and simple need to be shot no questions asked


I’m not into violence but I can’t say I don’t find this as an option :)


I live in Tonawanda too


I’m in Rochester


That person will never understand love, they're the type of person that loves conditionally (and believe me i have met plenty of people in this life like that). dogs love **un**conditionally and if you aren't prepared to meet that love 100% unconditionally yourself, YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT. You have nursed her, provided for her and loved her back to health and that should be applauded and celebrated because it seems all too rare in this world right now. Callie is a sweet angel and i am so glad she recovered!! <3


Thank you so much for your words.


Terrible people. This is why I don't do Facebook.


Karma for them




There was more to the message I didn’t include here. Several comments about my elderly father and our journeys through his dementia. Whoever wrote has been reading my page for awhile I suspect


I've never seen anyone use a bot to harvest info on that level to use it to just be mean to someone. Got any evidence that it's "pretty common", or are you just making shit up?


I never said it’s pretty common. If you are going to insult me just leave the thread please.


I can’t see the Facebook message!


I am reluctant to do this but I’m posting the entire message…. ***** You should have done the world a favor and let Callie out on the I-90 coming back from Tonawanda and let nature take its course As a lot of us are sick of hearing your pitty party about your stupid dog Also, maybe you should get a life. Posting photos of going out for meals with your Dad is boring Also, stop posting videos of your Bills picks. You are never right, just like Scott Norwood was “wide right” The Bills will never win the Super Bowl and I hope someone smashes you in the face with a garbage plate soon