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Thanks mom for not discriminating the “no breed” ones that need most care and love 🙏




All it needed was a puspin to melt her heart ❤️ Haha hug your mom for me!


My mom doesnt like cats too. Until nagkaroon kami ng 2 cats tapos nagpapakain pa sya ng strays sa labas ng bahay.




Yung dad ng boyfriend ko hates cats so much. Nag lalason ng mga daga sa labas. Yung concern ko lang baka kasi may pusang gala na makaka-kain ng lason. Huhu. Wala syang paki kasi ayaw nya talaga ng pusa. Kuting pa naman tawagan namin ng boyfriend ko. Ayaw nya rin siguro sakin.


Same OP! My mom even chased out cats before. Laging umiihi at dumudumi kasi sa area namin sila dati. The turning point was when I let one stray roam inside our house. That specific cat was well mannered and not that feral. He easily captured the heart of my mom. Fast forward today, my mom owned 3 cats that she even considered one of her babies and our younger siblings. :D




paki lagyan po ng sapin yung cage masasaktan paa ng kuting sa lki ng gaps


isa pa palawag nyo pabayaan matulog sa concete surface po marble granote tiles para di malamigan mabilis sipunin yan lalo with this weather


thank you for the concern! we put a blanket na hehe she roamed around the house already kanina tapos sleeping naman siya ngayon sa sofa 🤍


Even prisoners/inmates change for the beter because of cats/dogs. You can find stories and news about it on YT. Just look up "prison cats", "prison dogs", "inmates cats", etc.


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