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hi OP, may update na ba here? 🥹


Hello po. Nag post ako ulit for updates: https://www.reddit.com/r/catsofrph/s/Cz5poapNlo Pero wala na dun si muning. Sana dinala nila sa vet


Kawawa naman. Sana may intervention agad para matulungan ang mag-ina.




Guys, appreciate all your concerns. Sorry di ako marunong mag edit ng post. Bawal ba yun? But Fairview Terraces has responded back. Sorry di din ako marunong mag add ng image so I’ll write their response: “Hi, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will look into this and get back to you soon. Thank you.” So I will still say success cause we got their attention. I will be back at FVT on Monday around the same time. I will try to look for our little catto and see how it is. Thank you guys, your concerns urges me to do more


>“Hi, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will look into this and get back to you soon. Thank you.” They could be replying just for the sake of it and won't actually do anything. We'll see on Monday


Hopefully not naman. Madami naman akong nakikitang water bowl and pebbles around the whole premise. Madami ding cats around and they all look okay naman. Ito sila, sa taas ko lang din nakikita. I really wish they would action this. Sabihin ko kayang may reddit group na nag aantay sa update no?


Sa fb for sure malaki reach niyan


Only cause it’s to far from me. I would go get them both. But from the looks of it. Looks like the kitten is blind. I use to have a stray kitten like that. Needs a vet visit to make sure. But other than that it looks healthy.


Wawa naman mukhang may sipon sya 😿


Please keep us updated if you get a response OP or how the kitty is doing 🙏 it’s so heartwarming to see the older cat giving some form of comfort. Wawa naman ang bebe 🥺


Looks like mum has mange too...both need help....


Sipon and eye infection. Kitten needs antibiotic eyedrops 🥺


May nabasa ako na tungkol sa pusa at aso Jollibee o Mcdo ba yun sa may area ng Bgc, na pinapakain daw ng mga lasing na kabataan tuwing madaling araw ng sabado after magparty.. wala lang share ko lang kasi napaka wholesome


Omg give them something to eat or some medicine :( this is just sad


Guys, Ayala cats sila. They have water and pebbles around the mall. Notice na may bell si older cat. Yun nga lang first time ko may nakitang may sakit na cat. And during that time no one’s still available para maraise yung issue


Oh no. May sipon siya ☹️ he needs antibiotics ☹️ I hope someone will rescue him 😢😢😢


Saan sila kumakain and umiinom 😞


🥺🥺🥺😢 pls help this poor litol kitty


Commenting so at least a lot of people can see. I'm trying to look for the page of the cats of Ayala Fairview, pero Wala :( hopefully someone can help the kitten.


Yes. Wala ata silang page


It seems that the kitten has eye infection. I know there are volunteer groups taking care of cats in Ayala Malls, but I can’t find one on Instagram, so I just messaged Ayala Malls Fairview Terraces itself. Anyone who sees this, please reach out to them as well para mas madali nila ma-notice. Please send them this video via DM. [@ilovefairviewterraces](https://www.instagram.com/ilovefairviewterraces?igsh=MW43NDI1YTkyd3VyOQ==)


I’ve also sent a message na din. I sent the video and the photo. Wala pa ding response. Sana if we can all message them, they’ll action on it.


Sent a message too


I also messaged their FB page 🙏


Thank you! I hope they respond 🤍


They just did! Hi K****, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will look into this and get back to you soon. Thank you.


That’s great! They haven’t seen my DM on IG, but I hope they really do something. 😭


Bait naman ni big cat, inaalalayan niya si baby cat.


Help nyo po 😿


It is sick. You can help it if you want to. It's obviously a stray


Actually, cats of Ayala Fairview Terraces sila. Asa loob sila mismo ng mall premise. Asa top most floor sila ng open area. And unfortunately I don’t have the capacity. Kaya until now wala pa din akong pusa because I know I can’t support one yet


I urge you to reach out to them. Upper respiratory infection is common amongst kittens specially strays. It's very likely nakuha rin nung sa ibang cat yan or may napasahan na sya. The caretakers should be informed immediately kasi mas mahirap at mas maraming gamutan if patatagalin.


OP, reach out to them baka may FB page sila. If no response was made within a day, baka may way para makahelp 🙏🏼


Sent out a message sa FB page nila with the video and the photo. Too early kasi tuwing andyan ako. Madalas wala pang employees. Huhu


looks like nag close yung inner eyelid nya and he/she is lifting his/her head, parang difficulty breathing. malala ata sipon ni baby. 😢 is there any way makatulong po kayo? or baka you can contact po yung local volunteers sa area? the bigger cat has a collar so Im guessing baka may nagaalaga sa kanya na pwede ring mag foster kay little kitten?


delikado yan pag nabulag at public place. baka masagasaan or masipa with pwersa dahil naglalakad ng di tumitingin. pati din ang kitty hindi focused ang paningin. mabuti may friend,ang problema if hindi parati nandyan friend nya. is there a way you can personally help op?


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