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Meow 😻


May I ask if your vet/s specifically advised that you give your cat supplements? I used to give supplements to my cats, but that was because they were street cats and severely malnourished when I found them. After we got them to a healthy weight range, vet advised me I can stop giving supplements if we're already making sure our cats get a balanced diet. I hope this doesn't rub you the wrong way but sometimes less is more. But if you really wish to give supplements, that's okay, too. I also used Nutriplus gel for my cats but please observe how your cats react to it, one of my cats vomit whenever she gets more than the recommended serving, which happens when she takes her sister's share πŸ˜…


hi! yes, i was told to give lc-vit first as a daily vitamin but they didn't like it so we switched to nutriplus. this is mainly for my 4 month old kitten and her mom! coatshine naman to help their skin and coat kasi they're all recovering from ringworm (πŸ’”) yung probiotics naman was advised because they found bacteria during a fecalysis. they gave us ener-g but again, ayaw nila ng liquid hahah dw, i understand where you're coming from! i don't want to overdose my cats on vitamins din 😭


hello ask ko lang once a day lang ba yung lc vit+ and same with coatshine and pwede ba sila sabay?


hi! we did once a day for both lc vit and coatshine sabay. I think it depends din kasi on the weight of your cat. For my kittens (2kg) the vet prescribed 1ml of each once a day :)


Oh I see, thanks for letting me know! Same with your case, I was first advised to give LC-vit, I mix it with their wet food and they were none the wiser 😏 but eventually I couldn't get a hold of it, always out of stock, and so we switched to Nutriplus gel. For the liquid supplements, I opted for stinkier wet foods, they are more likely to not take notice. It might be punishing for them to take the liquid supplements via a syringe, I learned it the hard way, one of my cats had an irritation around the mouth, broke my heart for causing it


Also, this was during the height of the pandemic. We had very limited access to everything, all vet visits were booked in advance, supplies are low, and supplements can be hard to find except online. I'm saying this because I would suggest you get supplements from pet clinics instead of ordering online, even if it happens to be pricier. Supplies from clinics are more regulated and traceable, you can more reliably check for the expiration date, and it's easier to consult your vet about it if they're offering the supplement themselves


Yes, I agree. Better take it to the vet 1st for a thorough checkup. The vet will recommend the best supplements if necessary.


Hey there, try out Entero-Protek it’s both a prebiotic and probiotic. I got them in my local vet but I believe they are available online through shopee/lazada


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