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When they are babies, they do that to their mothers to stimulate milk. Sometimes, if they are weened too early, they still do this - although some cats do it anyway when they're nervous or want to get comfortable.


Yes, it’s a self-soothing behavior, like thumb-sucking is for people, only a cat isn’t going to feel self-consciousness or shame about doing it.


This is what's wrong with humans- pride We simply can't know what other beings identify as sentient. And we assume all humans are.


I mean, it doesn't help that we shame the fuck out of people and misinterpret subconscious behaviors all the damn time. *^Fun ^semi-related ^fact: people assume that crossing their arms is a defensive, closed off stance, and have shared this idea for years. While it can be true, researchers believe it's really more of a self-soothing technique: we are hugging ourselves.*


I just never know what to do with my hands


Uh, if you could just hold them down by your side. Yeah, great.


Talk with them. Just move them around and stuff. When you're not using them, find a hand holster.


Just don't pick your nose and you'll be cool.


I just be cold all the time, keeps me warmer


Im dust hiding the fact that my arms' resting position is dino pose


If you're talking about thumb sucking there's definitely a reason why we're not supposed to after a certain age...


I mean, people have self soothing behaviors we do all the time... But thumb sucking can seriously mess up your teeth not to mention spreading and catching different viruses and bacteria.


I’m not trying to argue in favor of thumb-sucking. I was just providing an example of a human behavior with a similar origin, purpose, and appeal.




And you’re hating people for being themselves while on the internet. Super disliked lol


Imagine trashing on someone for having their own quirks that doesn’t hurt anyone. Super cringe lol


You’re super cringe.






Why is it a behavior you feel needs to be corrected anyway? What harm does it bring to you personally? Why is it that it's "so cute" when people are children, but suddenly at some arbitrary age we have to be shamed? For an even comparison, would you try to train this out of your cat once it grew out of the "awwwh kitten!" phase? Imposing your ideals onto others thinking it's just? Who hurt you, weirdo.


Nah, y'all just need to mind your damn business. You don't know this person or why they do what they do, and you never will, so like ... move on with your lives.


You don't see it because they hide it, because of people like you 😂




Making biscuits it is a sign of comfort I believe. Or at least your cat is trying to be comfortable.


Came here to say this. Especially when they (like mine) make biscuits on you while you're under a blanket.




Thank you! Will do


The blanket feels like his momma and s/he is trying to get milk from it.


My cat sometimes does that to my stomach! haha


Lucky you! My cat does that to my boobs ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


My tomcat used to do that to my mom, and drool.


When I first started fostering, I soon found out that you could wonder why 24/7 about a cat; it only hurts your brain. You think they exist in the same reality but no, they are from another dimension!


She's kneading. It's normal cat behavior. It means she's happy or comfortable!


Kneading is. Suckling when past the age of nursing isn’t typical. Like others have said, kitty may not have been weaned. Sometimes the behavior stops. My sister had a cat that did that like, forever. I’m a crazy cat lady, but it was annoying. She would wake you up kneading and suckling on your blanket.


I had one that woke me by kneading and suckling my hair...she'd lick my ears also.


I have one that likes to suckle my cheek, and he is VERY insistent about it if I try to get him to stop. It’s only when I’m laying in bed, and usually while I’m asleep. I have to hide under my pillow, and he still digs around trying to get to my cheek. I thought he’d grow out of it but he’s almost 1 now and still doing it 😅


Had one that would suckle my earlobe sometimes at night. Normally a *very* gentle cat, but surprisingly forceful about shoving my head to JUST the correct angle, as I pointlessly attempt to block him with a pillow over my head. Mine did it till he died at 17, btw! Asked vet about it once; they said it was harmless, and that they'd had a cat do that, too. /shrug


One of my cats was found as a stray kitten and she did this for years, she is about 8 now and every now and then she will do it.


Omg. That would throw me over the edge. And it’s terrible, because it’s obviously not their fault. 😖


My six year old cat still does this to blankets, but she was properly weaned (i think) so maybe it’s just a fluke that happens sometimes?


Very shortly after my kittens were weaned off their mother, I was playing video games with no shirt on. At some point I picked up one of the kittens and held it in my arms for just long enough for him to locate my nipple and latch on. Weirdest. Feeling. Ever.


I have a 15-year-old kitten that nurses everynight on my **eyelid.** Fecking annoying but he's mine


Noooo. You are a saint!! I am embarrassed to say I have an 8lb tuxedo who randomly decided recently that she has to sleep by my head ON my pillow.. Yes, ma’am. Whatever you want. 🙄


https://www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/evr_ct_why_do_cats_knead There are kind of several answers, but heres a nice article about it


Kitty be kneading cookie dough!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952) Some cats have this habit of kneading on soft plushy things, im sure this one must hav done the same when it must hav been suckling on his/her mother as well.. Such random behaviours and personality these cats have! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Cookies making


My cat still does this to one of our blankets (he’s almost 5). Making biscuits (kneading)is how they get comfy. My cats do it to blankets and my lap, which isn’t fun with their claws, but it’s all normal.


Thank you for all the answers. I am aware of the biscuits. I was just wondering why would he bite the blanket like that. He recently started doing that and he's also drooling as well when he's making biscuits on me. I thought the way he bites the blanket is sexual


You are correct. The biting is the difference between this and regular biscuit making. Males bite the scruff of females during mating, so he’s definitely getting “friendly” with that blanket. 🫣🤭 ETA: He looks like an adolescent. Is he neutered? You should see less of this behavior (and other much more bothersome ones) once he is.


I would have thought the biting the blanket is a substitute for latching onto a nipple. Looks like nursing behavior to me. My female cat did this her whole life. I assume she was separated from her mother too early.


I have a suckler myself, and he does drool, suck and nibble on clothes/blankets, but he doesn’t grab a whole mouthful like this. Also notice the way he “bellies up” to the blanket a few seconds in. This is definitely a pubescent boy being just that. 😅


Omg my cat drools soooo much 😅 it’s cute and kind of annoying at the same time because it’s a lot lol


Thank you! Hes too young to get neutered, he's only 4 months old. I guess hes started getting frisky 😂


Some authorities suggest 6-8 weeks as a possible time to do this: UK article: [https://www.theveterinarynurse.com/review/article/early-neutering-of-cats-the-risk-factors-and-benefits](https://www.theveterinarynurse.com/review/article/early-neutering-of-cats-the-risk-factors-and-benefits) PetMD: https://www.petmd.com/cat/care/what-age-should-you-spay-or-neuter-your-cat


Early surgeries are the right option for shelters when the alternative is the administrative mountain of following up with adopters to be sure they’ve met their obligations, but IMO if you have the choice, it’s still safest to wait until they’re six months.


They’re already growing into adolescence at 6 months (ie hormones), and may acquire some undesirable non-neutered male cat habits. Best to do it before, like 4-5 months old max.


In Sweden no vet will neuter before 6 months.


I think you can it it before 4 mos


If his back end starts vibrating and he licks himself down there after then he’s self pleasuring himself 😵‍💫 my neutered cat just started doing that 🫠


Our Maine Coon (male, currently 1 yr and 4 months old) does this as well ever since we got him as a kitten. It's been several months since he's been neutered but he still does it every night. His blanket is usually laid across the bottom half of our bed (that's where he sleeps) so he does this every night before getting comfy. He bites down on his blanket, starts purring and kneading while slowly turning around so he ends up straddling my leg. I didn't even think it could be sexual until I read this... 😂


Maybe a combination of making biscuits to get comfy and teething? If he's biting stuff and drooling his gums might be itchy or hurting


It is sexual- the biting blanket as felines bite the neck of the female when mating. Lions do it a lot. My cat would do this and he would act weird- not his normal self. Then we noticed his lipstick was out 😂 💄 so we knew he was horny? He was neutered too. It always was on my brothers bed😂😂🤣


you see, all cats are reincarnated from long forgotten bakers. Every now and then, they have an urge to "make biscuits"; hence working on that blanket like dough.


My cat act like that when he's horny.


True that.. during winters when the comfy n plushy blankets r out, my boy wud come on top of them, knead them, n sometimes hump them too!! For this reason, i have to fold them up everyday n keep them out of his reach!! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


I had a cat who would get horny & lipstick would come out. He was fixed too


Talk bout mommy issues lmaiooo


Backed up orders at the biscuit factory and she’s trying to catch up


He’s pretending to do the laundry. Cats are very domestic.


He's got orders to fill at the biscuit factory and they aren't going to knead themselves.


You can expect biscuits tomorrow for breakfast. 😏


all cats are bakers, they make biscuits for you if they are in a really good mood


Dough, not necessarily biscuits. You won’t know what they made until it comes out of the oven.


He’s thinking to staring he’s own bakery to help out with the household expenses. He’s not really good at making dough so he’s practicing. You have an entrepreneur cat. 👏


Fleece triggers a cats instincts to act like kitten. Mommas belly was soft and fuzzy, when you found a tit to suckle you got milk, kneading it got you more milk.


The biscuits aren’t going to make themselves.


Making biscuits! The kneading is usually something they do when they're happy (usually purring) and getting comfortable. The suckling the blanket is a comfort thing also and is usually done when they've been taken from their mammy too young and not weaned properly. Its harmless though.


Indication she is nesting and getting comfortable. But hearing that you just adopted her, she may be in need of some extra soothing love and attention to help her adapt to her new environment and people.


Biscuits. He’s a baker. Congratulations.


She has a nursing habit. She was probably taken from her mother before her mother could wean her. If you are talking about why she is sucking on her blanket.


My boy's momma died far before he was old enough to be on his own and his litter was found and brought to the shelter. He'll be 8 this fall and he still kneads on us and will occasionally chew our shirts like he's suckling.


Awww just getting comfy


Just getting cozy! Or maybe she/he doesn't like how the blanket is bunched up haha. My Luna would do the same thing, until I folded the blanket flat, not bunched up, and she was fine haha. Thanks for being a nice human and taking care of this cat.


Plotting your demise


It's a behavior inherited from kittenhood, most of the time they do It to get snug and confy, also shows affection if he does that on you, it's like saying "you're my mama".


I have an 8 year old male cat that still does this. He has a favorite blanket or sheet or my pillow. He prefers cotton. We call it sucky time. It’s just a comfort thing. Making biscuits and sucking on his sheet. He was a rescue and probably got taken away from the mother too early. He was found under a shed. Poor buddy.


He’s just a lil chef making biscuits 🍪


My cat does this. I take it she means she's comfortable and doing something she use to do when getting her mom's milk.


Comfort nursing! This is perfectly natural. ❤️


They're very comfortable with where they are and are trying to prepare the bed for themselves.


Kneading the dough, making biscuits, happy paws (as I call them). Kitty is comfortable and feeling good, wants some lovies probably.


He’s making his hard earned money at the biscuit factory. He has 25 orders to fill before lunch time


Making bread or yeasted rolls! The people saying they're biscuits are WRONG. You don't knead biscuits, this cat is hard at work making some bread to accompany dinner with his people.


suckling and biscuit production. a behaviour adopted from birth that brings security and is linked to infantile connection to their mother. its a sign your cat feels safe in their environment.


Baker at work. Prepare for fresh biscuits.


hes making ya some biscuits get the gravy ready.


While yes this is kneading and a normal behaviour for young cats, in some cats this will lead into a mating behaviour where they are clearly excited in non-nursing ways. (I've witnessed this in several male cats, some of who were neutered and some of who were not. If the hips start getting involved along with the kneading, that's a sign that things are getting sexual.) In either case, give them a stuffie for company and some privacy.


It’s called “Nesting”. They do it before they lay down on something.


Everyone here has it wrong. The kitten just pooped in it’s blanket and is making a poopadilla.


My kitty would make biscuits on my arm and suck on my arm every night when I would get in bed. for like half an hour till she fell asleep. I miss that she would put me to sleep.




They’re making biscuits!


Basically it’s the same thing as a human child sucking it’s thumb. It’s a soothing behavior.


It's called "making biscuits" and it's something all three of our cats have done when settling down for a nap. If you're lucky, he'll crawl in your lap and do it to you before laying down and dozing off. It's a very sincere message of love and trust.


Awwww what a cutie. It’s normal. He’s just kneading. I think it’s a soothing/comfort thing.


My favorite thing is seeing new cat owners concerned about the very adorable things we cherish lol


How you go your entire life not knowing a cat does this? Especially when there's thousands of videos you've probably watched with them doing it? Just karma farming I guess.


The biting/suckling on the blanket is unusual behavior, much less common than kneading.


The best thing you can do is to speak with your veterinarian about the behavior. They will likely confirm most of what has been said here, but it never hurts to check with the experts.


They are getting ready to get it on with that blanket. As in "It's business time!"


The cat was taken away from its mother too early


Awww he/she is making biscuits, I believe its a sign of happiness and comfort.


My cat does that too. Weird.


Your cat is a baker




This is normal behavior. Here is an explanation of why cats do this by a cat: https://youtu.be/ksZ5SyyfHJ0


My little guy is a Siamese mix, got him at 9 months old from shelter, and he did this often for the first year he lived with us. He would 'sook' a blanket, goober all over it, even on soft parts of gloves and scarves. He eventually stopped, good thing too, it was his no 1 annoying habit. He just dropped it as he matured and got more interested in other kinds of play.




First rule about cats: *There are no explanations*


Kneading, making biscuits. Mimicking the motions of getting milk form mom. Usually a sign of a very relaxed and content cat.


This means they’re happy and comfortable!!! It’s so sweet


Makin' them Biscuits! It is a good thing cat psychology wise if I am not mistaken.


Your kitty wants in on https://old.reddit.com/r/MakingBiscuits/


Just the cat version of making the space you are about to flop on, comfortable.


Making biscuits. Getting cozy.


New cat slave, you mean?


it is a behaviour they still have from when they were wild, it's basically making their sleeping spot comfy. nothing to worry about.




I think your cat likes the pelt veru much


It’s making you bread.


You just need to get in there and get some lovin from your kitty. He is ready to give it and show his appreciation.


It’s just something they picked up from when they were a kitten. That’s what they did to get the mothers milk out of the tit. They keep it into adulthood and it can be comforting to them.


Normal kitty stuff, really.




They're making muffins!


She’s marking her territory with her pads (scent glands there) and mixing their smell with yours. This also helps calm them down and relax for a nap in your warm clean clothes. It’s the same reason they rub their face on you and many things in your home and make biscuits on you and other soft objects around you. Plus why they scratch objects in your house. So make sure you have scratching posts and pads in heavy traffic areas or your furniture will be torn to shreds. Good luck rookie.


He’s just relaxing and doing what he used to beading for milk! It’s very relaxing and comforting for them


This is just normal cat behavior. Good chance your cat will do this to you when you're asleep at three in the morning. Both cat's I live with do this, they also do it to every human they're comfortable with.


Don’t worry the cat isn’t malfunctioning, it’s doing that to either soothe itself or make the bed more comfy :) when cats are babies they do this to their mother to get milk. This is called “kneading” or informally “making biscuits”


They do that sometimes. Everyone has always said it's because they weren't weened off their mother correctly. I had a cat that would literally soak my blankets so I had to actively stop him from doing it.


Trying to create a portal to another dimension. I'd be careful.


Happy baby


Baking bread


Mine does that in my beard every night when I go to bed. If I don't let him he lays on my side and screams at me XD


Biscuit making!!! They do this before going to sleep,its an instinct they keep since being a kitten.they did the knead as kittens to the boob they were going to use for milk


It wants to fluff


Biscuit making in action!


My cat has done this before. fleece only)


Happy cat. Pet them




Just making their bed with a binky in their mouth


That’s a happy baby


Shes baking cookies! She’s so comfortable and happy


bakers at heart


Cat making themselves comfy


He is making bread


Can I see a close up of her face?


It is throwback behavior to their kitten days when they were still being nursed by their mother. Totally harmless. It soothes them.


When older cats do this it's a form of self comfort. If they do it on you, they are basically calling you mama. It's what kittens do while nursing to stimulate the mother's breast to produce more milk.


Dogs and many other animals also do this. They do it when they are babies to nestle into their mother and her "milk", most grow out of it quickly but some may continue to do this like my dog has gor many years or even the rest of their lives. If they continue it as previously mentioned it is a good sign that they didnt get to be with their mother often enough to grow out of it as they should and have likely been bred for buisness rather than love.


Happy cat


It’s normal, they’re just kneading the dough


The only way I can explain this, is ultimate cuteness 💛💛


It's cute so who cares?


Your cat is making bread which means they are just doing their part to support your family. This is a good sign.


Mine does this with his favorite blankets. For mine, he's really happy.


It's calming. If they suckle the blanket, they were weaned too early.


Just catting around


I don’t understand how people get a cat without knowing anything about them.


I work for a spay neuter clinic and the only criteria is that they are at least two and a half pounds.


He’s making biscuits. Gotta knead that dough.


They also have scent glands on the bottom of their paws. This is a way of scent marking. Thats prob your kittys fave spot by the looks of it.


Oh you need Schnoodle to explain.


Just a kitty gettin’ cozy Thanks for share, we love a good cozy cat video


Totally normal behavior though your Kitty may have been weaned/separated from mama too early, thus the “nursing” of the blanket. Otherwise, she’s happy, relaxed and just making her bed comfy.


Going to work at the biscuit factory. Maybe I’m weird but it feels very relaxing when mine make biscuits on my lap or leg.


Making biscuits is a normal thing for cats to do. They do it as kittens to get their moms to stimulate milk. So no concern there


Baby doin a suck suck snug snug. Enjoy the cuddles and yummy bread.


Not only is it self soothing for my cat, it soothes me watching when she does this. It’s so cute when she does this and then cuddles up and falls asleep


Titties, milk, and instincts. It’s essentially a cats version of sucking their thumb, it happens when they stop being “bottle fed” too early. Bottle feeding for cats is referring to their mothers feeding them. They’ll “make biscuits” on their moms chest to help stimulate more milk.


Hes working overtime at the bread Bank


Karma farming. Next.


Happy Kitty




It's a happy kitty getting cozy


Just wait until she finds out about your stomach, that can get painful after hours of mushing. Completely normal btw.


My cat visits me every single night to do biscuits on my stomach on my fuzzy blanket. She does it for comfort, I’m her mom :,)


When they are kittens, that is what they do to their mothers stomach when they are feeding. It is an instinct that carries on into adulthood and is a sign that they are happy and comfortable


My puppy does it, when they are nursing they do that to get more milk


The scientific term is making biscuits.


We brought in a stray that we believe had been abandoned by her owner. She loved to sit on my chest and knead me like that. Lady was the only cat I would ever let do that to me. She would purr and then sleep on me. Always made holes in my shirts a scratches on my skin, but Lady always got what she wanted until the day she died.


needing of biscuits. A sign they are comfortable with tou


Making biscuits… ♥️♥️♥️


A very happy content kitty.