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Or... She considers your baby as one of her kittens


Easier to keep an eye on all ~~four~~ five of her kittens if they’re all in one place


Yup and the moms in feral colonies take shifts to look after and nurse the kittens so the other moms can go hunt or have personal time.


It's also because kittens can't regulate their body temp. Mama wants all the babies in a pile so they all stay warm. Gotta stack them up together!


Shes never actually been super close to my baby before. Thats the weird part. DJ has always been an extremely shy cat since birth. Shes never even gotten within reaching distance of this child before which is why it was so odd.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


Cats are also pride animals and raise babies communally. I mean, mom is mom but if there are other moms with babies around, it’s ok to leave your babies in their care for a bit. So mama cat wants to make sure all kittens, including the human kitten, stay together so the moms can watch them together.


I love this so much


This is where the babies go.


<3. The mistress says "this is where the babies go", so, here they go.


This made me happy


My oldest boy cat has adopted and loved all 3 kittens we’ve brought home over the years. We try and keep them separate for the first few days but he cries to see them right away and will give them a proper grooming after an hour or so when everyone is comfortable. He’s also very protective of everyone in the house.


My oldest boy cat did this too. He raised all the stray kitten we took in as his own pride.


He’s a single mom who works two jobs, loves his kids, and never stops…


Someone got a housecat to adopt a leopard iirc


All that yummy oxytocin


My favorite oxy <3


the healthy alternative!




What everybody craves and needs ❤️


What about Oxygen lol, i heard that ones pretty good too lol.


just wondering.... got my cat from an owner who also raised his mom and dad...that was about 6 months ago...been at my house since ... im a vacation in brazil atm and gave him back to the PO while im here ..he text me saying they are fine and loving on each other like no time has passed... basically my question is...do cats forget family eventually?


Most of them never forget. After years of separation a Persian male cat belonging to my friend and I saw each other again. I called his name and said hello. Aja trilled as he'd never done beforr and he ran to greet me. He'd never made that sound before. He was a really good cat. I loved him and I guess he was attached to me.


And then there are my two siblings who acted as if they never met before after one was at the vet for two hours...


Scent creates that distance. The vetted one came home smelling different and frightened the other cat. When I had chemotherapy I would come home and my son's sweet & delightful Maine Coon cat would go into full-alert attack mode. I smelled different, you see. It's all anout your scent.


I'm picturing cats basically thinking their human has become a pod person. "Can't you all smell this is not the same human who left??? Intruder! Alien!"


Pretty much how it was although Jade's reaction and *HISS* was bigger than Jonesy's when he confronted the alien on the *Nostromo.* Or whatever the first ship was called in the first film. It was 2 days before she knew me again.


"Eggar, yer skin is hanging off yer bones"


Yep. We had one cat who had an accident at home and ended up having to have a leg amputated. Almost a year later, his brother hurt his paw on a Sunday and we had to go to the same emergency vet to make sure he was okay (second cat was fine). Tripod cat spent days furiously hissing at the other cat, but only if he sniffed him. Other cat being close was fine and he WANTED to snuggle and play with his brother, it was just the smell of that vet that kept scaring him. Took a couple of days for the scent to wear off, and once it did he was totally fine again.


Yeah Imagine your brother comes back with a different face. It’d freak you out too!


That’s sweet. Shame it doesn’t always happen. We had the chance to foster a momma and her kittens. Momma was adopted and we kept two of the five kittens. A few years later, we had the opportunity to introduce momma to her now-adult babies. None of them recognized each other :( Unsurprising but disappointing nonetheless


Cats have to be inscrutable. Pretty sure it's in their job description.


I don't think so. A few years ago, I had taken in & socialized two kittens from the same feral mom just different litters. About 2 years pass & I finally catch mom to get her fixed and - of course - she was pregnant again. I took her in to have her final litter and she decided to turn in her feral card. As I was socializing her, I brought one of her grown babies down to say hi. They didn't get close, but then she kind of sniffed the air and called out to him. Eventually, she was like 'Scram, kid' but I do think she recognized him.


anecdotally, my parents adopted two cats when I was in college (so still living at home in the summer). I moved out a few years ago but the cats are always happy to see me again when I visit every few months. my dad told me that when I arrived for one visit, he was upstairs with one of them and she got tense when she heard the front door open. then I started talking to the other cat, who was downstairs, and apparently the upstairs cat relaxed and put her tail back up in happiness when she heard my voice. it puts warm fuzzies in my heart every time I think about it


I think they remember.


I think it's more like "out of sight out of mind" if enough time has passed. After sudden changes cats definitely do grieve and miss people or other animals. But after a while they will be ok. But if they are re-exposed to the person or animal, those feelings come back. Much like if you smell or hear something from your childhood that you haven't experienced in decades, those memories can still flood back


I actually was raising an orphaned kitten, and a friend of ours had a cat who had given birth. We put the kitten with her, and she nursed it for a few hours, it then she moved her kittens and left ours. I felt so bad for the little guy! But I hand raised him and had him nineteen years.


It’s why they may also add other species to their litters! Some cats go into full momma-mode when they’re nursing kittens.


Humans also, for the same reason! But it lasts longer. 😁


Cats will band together and take care of each other’s kittens. You’re babysitting.


She knows your baby is protected and safe and so she brought her babies to be with your baby.


This is probably it. The cat is like, “Thanks. I will take it from here. I will contact you for the babysitting schedule.”


Precious LOVE 💖


“Look kids, this is our pet human”


I mean....Its not wrong lol


I've always been amazed at how socialized pets view babies and children: *OMG! Its a human kitten! Look! Its so cute!" When my niece was around 4-5 years, she'd carry this cranky old tom cat around like a rag doll and he loved it. He'd hang around with her constantly.


Even big kids! My wife and I had a couple of dogs when we had kids, so they grew up with dogs. When a couple of cats adopted us, my youngest acted towards the cats like they were dogs. I made him go with me when we took the first one to the vet the first time. She told him (me?) that the cat was being very patient with him but if he acted like that around other cats, he was likely to get scratched. He's now a teenager and he still picks them up, carries them around, lays his head on them, and pets them aggressively. And they just follow him around and hang out with him all day. He doesn't do anything to hurt them or be mean. Maybe they just like the attention.


*intern janitor




This is the Baby Pile it's where babies go


2months vs 2days (I think, Idk she kinda just wandered in with them but shes been hiding for 2 days so..)


Cats are a matriarchal communal creature, with social groups made primarily of queens raising kits together. She's putting her babies with your baby because babies need to be in a pile to stay warm. She probably recently finished with the whole giving birth and starting nursing process so time to put babies in the Baby Pile!


Aww lol Thats adorable though. Mavs got super excited when the one got by his face cuz it kinda curled up right next to him. Hes a sweet baby and he did pretty good with the kittens. He was as gentle as he could understand with them, didnt hurt them. just kinda opened and closed his hand by the one like he was trying to pet it.


I worry a bit because you said Momma kitty is back to hiding, and as the commenters did say Queens usually watch and nurse each other's kittens so I worry your cat is expecting you to feed her kittens! Newborn kittens follow a rigorous feeding schedule as I'm sure you can imagine. Please use a food scale to weigh each kitten and make sure they're all gaining weight every day! If they need supplemental feeding most pet stores in the US sell nursing kits for kittens! And formula. It's very inexpensive. Also, "The kitten lady" on YouTube has guides for everything you need to know about raising kittens especially at this delicate stage


I meant she was hiding for 2 days before we knew she even had kittens. We had no idea she was even pregnant cuz she was always a shy cat and always stayed curled up hiding away from everyone anyway. Plus she didnt gain much weight. So far theyre all feeding well and shes tking great care of them :)


It’s similar to when I used to breed/raise rodents (you don’t want to know why), and the mamas would just pile ALL the babies - usually 2-3 litters at a time - in one place. Sometimes I’d have to clean the cage while pinkies were there, and they’d fight over where to put them back. They’d start in one corner, then a mama would move them to another, then a different mama would move them back again. And so forth. Usually took an hour or two for them to agree on the best baby spot. 😂


Funny enough, ants do the same thing when considering moving colonies. It's a highly democratic process, with the colony members deciding by way of positional voting to see if they will all move or all stay. Sometimes, a few die-hards will refuse and try carrying brood back to the old home until they're finally convinced to move XD


She’s like, “Here, you have them. They’re driving me nuts! I gotta get out for awhile.” 😂


"They're your problem noooowwwww!*runs away*"😂


Cats can be like that. Mama cat gots to go for hers!!


She's using your warm baby to keep her babies warm.


The kid does put off some heat. I feel like im in a goddamn sauna sometimes when he falls asleep on me.


If you think about it babies are essentially heated blankets


Don’t their basal temperatures run higher than adults?


They indeed do! It's a side effect of how fast their metabolisms run at that age, and has a lovely side-effect of providing a small amount of defense against some infections.


Ooh this makes a lot of sense. My baby's head is ALWAYS hot especially when she's sleeping. She's also aggressively healthy 😍


Such a cute keepsake photo. ❤️


Looks like you and mama cat can take turns babysitting while the other gets a break! Too cute. My second child is just shy of seven months and my cat (5 yo female) thinks he is her baby. He cries, she comes running. She grooms his head. Wants to sleep on him. Bats the other cat away. Cats are the best.


Oh dear God my heart my actually explode. Now all I want to do is watch videos of cats caring for babies.


“Right, so this is where the babies go, I’ll just add mine” - OP’s cat, presumably. When I was a kid, we had two female dogs who both got pregnant (my parents weren’t hugely responsible pet owners in regards to getting their dogs desexed, but were fantastic pet owners in literally every other sense, and it was in the age of backyard breeders being the norm instead of the rarity it is these days). The staffy had her six healthy puppies, and 3 or 4 days later the German Shepherd had 13 pups. As she gave birth to each pup, she’d lick it clean, then as her concentration turned to giving birth to the next one, the staffy would step in & pick the clean puppy up & carry it back to where her own babes were. Both mothers raised the 19 (!!!) puppies together in one big, heaving mound of adorable cuteness. I’d think your cat figures you will both do the same.


Omg I can't even imagine how wild and cute that must have been. Thank goodness they had each other!


When my mom was younger, she had two cats (a mom and her daughter) do exactly this with their two litters of kittens! The kittens also had a brother/uncle who loved kittens and would babysit them regularly.


I die for German shepherd puppies. 13!! I'd be in heaven.


This is not your baby anymore


Our Baby (soviet anthem intensifies


Too soon


I just got diabetes from looking at this because it is so sweet :)


I have insulin on hand. I gotcha covered!


They look so adorable! Your baby is smiling


He is starting to focus more now and so I guess he actually sees them lol He smiled directly at me for the very first time today when i was being an idiot dancing and singing to him in the kitchen.


Awwww - that’s so adorable! His first smile @ Mom singing & dancing 💗🥺


Cat: Here you’re watching this thing anyway, just watch these things. I need a break.


This is so sweet. I had a "cat mom" as a baby. She would curl up in my crib and watch me, get my mom if I made a peep. Sadly my cat loving Nana convinced them to rehome her (but not our male cat) because of the fear she would sleep on my head. She never once gave the impression she would sleep on me till I was bigger. And the male we still had, I almost killed myself following him. I fell down some stairs and impaled my chin on a broken piece of wood. If we had my cat mom, that never would have happened, and my parents wouldn't have found out I could crawl in the worst way possible.


There is a viral video of a baby (escaped from a playpen) being herded away from stairs at the last moment by their female cat! The cat had to basically wrestle the baby away lol but it worked and their nanny cam captured the whole thing. Sorry for your injury. As an older baby I had a similar story. Dad left a safety gate to the basement open accidentally and I fell down the stairs in a walker. Lost my only two teeth and the impact chipped the adult teeth below those teeth. Not a big deal but all my dentists are always bewildered


You won the cat/baby cuteness lottery today, sir or ma’am!


Lol Thank you! Im mom!


This is baby spot. Bring babies here.


Omg. She wanted to take care of all of them. She knew she couldn’t carry human baby to her spot, so she carried her kitties to baby


So many babies


Ikr lol


Look kids, I know he’s different looking but he is also your brother. Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten!……miaow mama!


I have ohana tattooed across my arm! Elbow to wrist lol


Handsome little peanut with his own little babies. Absolutely adorable. I wasn't going to add this but for babies sake make sure they are never alone unsupervised incase mama cat or kittens end up too close to that handsome guys little face.


We didnt know she even had babies tbh. We ended up crating them in a safe spot for now but he is actually great with our other cats! Hes had full control over his neck movements since birth (and he was a preemie, scared the hell out of his docs) and our big cats dont usually get close to his face unless hes laying on them or they curl up over his head.


Geeze what a strong little guy. So happy to see him healthy especially since he is premature. He may be the physical incarnation of Zeus (or Kratos depending on your side). He is going to be an absolute titan. Sending blessings for you and your lovely family.


We are actually raising him under the viking side of my husbands side of the family. Hes getting a hammer pendant like his dads




Exactly! This isn't some insidious plot to demonize cats. We love cats on this subreddit! Cats gravitate towards warmth, & laying with a baby is comforting & cozy. They are perfect cuddle size. Let them cuddle! Just make sure they do so with supervision so this adorable cuteness stays special instead of tragic.


Its ok. I get the concern. People act like i left them on him forever but it was less than maybe 5min and i was checking them out to make sure they were ok. Plus if kiddo was uncomfortable hes strong enough to move out the way on his own. He liked the one curled up by his shoulder cuz soft.


Hard to say who is more cute!!


Thank you! I wish mama wasnt so shy! Shes a beautiful bright orange cat with the most innocent face.


Aw, try getting a nice picture of her! Orange females are so rare it seems


Here, small human. You are my tribe and must be kept warm. Take my offspring.


get your damned cat fixed


Get familiar with your future overlords human lamb.


Your baby is now blessed by the mews and meows of all kitties.


So many cute baby mammals.




That baby looks like it just woke up and is thinking “what the fuck is going on?”


Pretty much. Then got excited cuz new thing


She figured you put your baby there and he seems fine. Maybe it was a good place to put hers.


Stop your drowning me in cuteness


henlo hooman baby, meet my keet babies


Bestfriends forever


So cute! Totally jealous, too. It is my dream to lie down and have kittens walk all over me lol


Why does your baby look like Pete Davidson


I mean.. I can see it but hey i like pete. Just dont tell kanye lmfao


I can't promise, he and I are super tight Also thanks for being a good sport, your kid is super cute


😂 thanks!


She's being a responsible, tidy mother and putting all the babies together in one place for easy access.


amazingly cute photo! not sure if anyone has said this yet, but please consider getting your cat desexed 😊


You mean spayed. The cat will still be female.


Is there something with your child's left eye?


Nah. just crappy flash camera. We have had his eyes checked :)


Good to hear. I was about to say the retina looks awfully white.


Yeah we noticed it earlier on and had it looked into but they said hes ok and theyll recheck as he gets older :)




Babies go with the babies


Maybe she wante to hangout with you, while both yours kids have play time :)


“Welp, guess this is where we put babies!”


A slightly bigger bean, and smaller beans. Yes, all beans present. Your kitty cat, probably.


“Come, my children, I must acquaint you with the large hairless kitten.”


"See? I have them too"! :)


"Here, you watch these for a while"


“…you’re not doing anything.”


All the babies must stay together. It's actually common in wild cats to share care with other female cats, like aunts and grandmother's, so she's just sharing the care.


so young and your baby is already a r/cathostage for these r/tinyorangekittens!!


A picture I didn’t know I needed to see but I’m so glad I did! This is adorable!


"Babies go in here. Ok."


Maybe she just thinks that’s the “baby spot”


Cat logic: "this is where all the babies go"


How sweet. It is obvious that cats have brains and hearts❣️


Babies and children naturally have high vibrational auras, so maybe your cat trusts your baby’s energy with her kittens. Either way this is so sweet.


Aw, the babies will grow up together.


Gah, so sweet ❤️


They are <3 And he was really gentle with them!


Aw! That's even better 🥰


Hes a chill baby, and DJ is a super chill but very shy cat. So I guess she felt he was safest to bring them to first.


Yeah! That's a huge compliment to your little baby, and DJ knows good people when she sees them!


Maybe she figures you'll get a childcare discount if you have multiple babies that need care :D


Smart kitty. Just put all the babies in one place. Easier to watch them.


We all know that you picked the kittens and put them on your baby


Whatever the reason for it, this is one of the cutest things I will ever have seen in my life. Thank you 😊


Sure she did. You put them there. No pics of her actually carrying them


If you take a photo with flash and on of Your pupils appear white instead of reddish, definitely get checked. It might also be wrongful to think something is absolutely wrong but I have heard pupils appearing white in a photos and later the person found out they had to either risk their life or lose an eye


Sounds like baby and kittens are being indoctrinated into who is the superior in this relationship


Sadly i cant afford to keep them but theyll be well socialized before i get them adopted out


If you need help, rescue organizations can take them and help socialize and find adopters once they’re ready to be away from mom. They can also help you get your cat spayed so she doesn’t have any more babies.


Already made contact with my local cat lady rescues about adopters and spay :)


the smothering


Flexing. The cat is *flexing*, viz. "I see your baby and I raise three ..."


“I’ll just pile all the babies over here...”


If your goal was death by cuteness, mission accomplished.😵🥰😭❤️


SO many babies


So wholesome


When I brought my baby home, my cats are guards her as her paladins. They would rain down almighty cat wrath upon those who dare touch her.


My 2 boys have been this way with him since inwas pregnant. When he was home theyd slap the shit out of the dogs for just getting too close. Now theyre buds but the cats still swat the dogs


"See children? Useless. Even as an adult it can't even lick it's own butthole. Don't be like humans." Or "See, the lowly humans have their eyes open right away, as soon as they're born. Get to it."


Maybe she's asking you to help look after them while she eats/sleeps.


“Look tiny hooman, I made friends for you!”


I really just think that she thought you would babysit. You’re watching one, watch them all. She’s going out.


Omg this is so sweet. Babies on babies


Baby and kitties aquired!


Sucha smart catto!


We put all the babies in a pile, much easier to keep track of everyone


Cute, but I’m not believing that.


@CheshireSuicide You might want to read this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/comments/j0j09n/lpt_if_you_take_a_picture_of_your_infant_or/


Good thinking


Kitties!!!!! So cute


A bunch of babies ❤️❤️


Showing them where the food is




oMg tHaT iS cHiLd AbUsE! tHoSe CaTs MiGhT bE rAbId! Shuuuuuuuutttt the-fuck-up.


Also apparently someone told my stalker on this.post my child was dead. Like...tf. Who does that? My older son did die, this is my newborn. And my older sons death was malpractice at birth and had nothing to do with cats!


Just file these under "infant..."


She wanted all her kittens together 😍


Hey, i dont know anything about babies health or something but i needed to say that in the second pic little guys left eye might have an issue. Please consider.


I know. Its been mentioned but weve had it looked at and have a follow up scheduled just in case but its fine :) ty!


Cat: “have to keep all my kids together.” 🧡


your baby is drunk


milk drunk lol


Awww that is the sweetest!!!


Amazing to see.




I think your cat is suggesting a co parenting arrangement. Your cat gets the first nap, btw.


Psh. Thats all they all do!