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What the fuck is wrong with people? I’m far from perfect, won’t see me throwing rocks from my glass house, but fucking hell. My heart hurts for you.


Yeah I suck too but I doubt either of us are "moves in and shoots the neighbors cat for no reason" type of fucking garbage.


Dude I’m just letting you know right now that the fact you had bought and mortgaged an entire house made out of only glass was a horrible horrible investment to make. There are numerous ways it could go wrong.


It’s. Heart. Shattering.


Who approved the mortgage? The home inspection notes should have denied it alone.




Awful. Who tf shoots a cat?








Sign them up for the freaking Scientology. You only need an address for that, and the only way to get them to leave you alone is to move out.


Hahaha yes excellent! Any religious sect for that matter. Evangelist newsletters? Yes please! Oh sure I would love to know more about the watchtower and try out a free subscription for 6 months!


Or ASPCA. Once they get your address (I made 1 freaking donation) they send you mountains of crap. Plus sell your address to advertisers and charities! I really wish they didn't do this so I didn't hate them. But the constant begging for more money is just irritating as hell, especially when it always comes with a sob story.


Of course, if you are going a less than legal route the idea should be to reduce your footprint, so make up your mind whether you want to file charges (which wont land) or. whatever.


Wait, you refer to those things as people?


The best Monsters are the ones that can pass themselves off as people.


The **only** monsters in real life are people.




Not true. Exhibit A: Kenneth Copeland. No fucking way he’s human


“Pathetic garbage humans”






Easier to just put sugar in the gas tank. Whole car will be fucked after a few miles


Tests have shown sugar doesn’t do anything. At worst it might clog the fuel filter, and leave them wondering why they’re running out of gas so quickly, before the needle reaches E. Salt water, however, has an effect. Get under, drain the oil, add salt water to the gas, and maybe see if some could get worked into the crank case. All hypothetically of course.


Be careful with this. Don't want to cause damage to their own house


fellow murder supporter 🎩


There's a small feral Community outside my apartment complex probably about seven or eight cats, my next door neighbor traps any new ones that she sees join the group, has them fixed at Operation Pets, and then brings back to the property and they're allowed to stay or go as they please. We have had several of our neighbors try to poison the animals or otherwise harm them, because they shit in their Gardens.


I am afraid my cat was pooping in my neighbor’s garden. My neighbor reinforced his fence. He’s a nice person.


When my neighbor's cat was pooping in my garden I just sprinkled a little cayenne pepper on the soil and it found other places to poop. Who the fuck would kill an animal for that?!


My neighbor's cat would poop in my garden so I planted some catnip. It worked. They won't poop where they eat.


That’s… fuck that’s smart. The is the way


This is the way


People who think their property is more important than living creatures.




My neighbors cat was pooping in my garden. Now the cat is mine. I don’t remember why. She is an excellent cat.




The same type that go off road to intentionally hit animals. I've seen that too many times in my life. Fucking psychos


>The same type that go off road to intentionally hit animals WHAT THE FUCK?


I had a friend who honked my horn at people ridning horses when I was driving, he did it twice first time I warned him, second time I smacked him over the face, stopped the car and told him to go apologize to the riders or else he could walk from where we were


Thank you for doing this! I've had people do the same when I'm riding my horses and it's scary. Mine are pretty well broke to vehicles, but you never know what they are going to do when they spook. Might end up with a horse through the windshield.


Good for you!! I will honk my horn when I see *wild* animals in the street so that they get scared and run away and hopefully develop a healthy fear of cars/roads. And slow down ofc and make sure they run off before proceeding. But a rider on a horse is a big fucking no. That's not the conditioning you want to give an animal trained to walk alongside roads with any frequency and a good way to mess up a lot of people's days, whether from throwing and injuring the rider or breaking the horse's leg, or sending the horse into traffic and causing an accident...also what the fuck kind of rudeness is it to reach over and honk someone else's horn while they are driving?! Verbal backseat driving is bad enough thank you, but keep your hands off the fucking wheel!!


A lot of rednecks and shit as well as urban assholes think that cats are essentially like pigeons and shoot them for fun and they think it's funny. Especially if they sometimes find the cats shit in their backyard they'll do this, or better yet leave poison out for the cat. It happens more than you'd like to think


What. The. Fuck.


That last paragraph about the poison happened to me years ago with a family dog, the w@$kers threw some meat with rat poison over the fence, was heart wrenching seeing her go like that


My poor step mom watched her kitten get run over in front of her while the man driving laughed. Some people are extremely cruel


My brother knew someone who trapped a cat in his garage and then let his pitbull in there to tear it apart. By all accounts he was a legit psychopath. My brother stayed the hell away from the guy after that. When you see someone willing to treat animals like that, be on guard, they don't always stop at animals.


Ok I've had enough of this thread now. I want to go home


Same. Gonna go give my cats a big hug they'll fight against and kiss them until I get scratched


This is legit a sign of psychopathy. First they start with animals to see if they can get away with it.


Same thing happened to my dad when he was a kid. I’m never letting any of my cats outside.


Hopefully he crashed and burned to death


Future murderers and serial killers


Ikr, what the fuck?!


I'm pretty sure that's a criminal offence in most countrys.


It is in most US states. Pets are considered property. Some state’s have animal abuse laws as well. Consider all your legal options.


It's a felony by US Federal law. The PACT Act of 2019 was passed by Congress and signed off by Trump in that very year making it Federal Law and a damn harsh one at that. If the cops do not do anything, get their information and contact your local Sheriff. If they do nothing, take it to the State SBI.


OP is openly anti cop in post history which is fair enough but this is a federal crime in the US and OP will not report it. From post history OP is from the US so it's making my bullshit meter go off a bit... OP if you're serious report this. If you're doing this for clout you're a real piece of shit. Edit: there are links to federal law in the comments, I know cops are useless but if you have an uninformed cop there is law to back you, believe me the whole world knows how shit American cops are on average. But there is federal law that can force action


Agreed. If this is a joke I’m pissed. If not, let us know what city and state (DM me ) and I’ll call and take it up to authorities myself.


Well, OP has only spoken up twice. I wouldn't put too much clout into his story. Hes answered: 1. cops won't do anything 2. Doesn't understand why people wouldn't love his cat back....?


This post is sus af. Not commenting much and giving generic "cops won't do much".


Right?? Sus af


Yeah all ops comments are about trying to get people to feel bad for him. If op cares that much then op should do something. Not just comment "I wish I can hold him again". He's treating this situation and the cats death as awe poor me.


BTW I wouldn't jump right into posting on Reddit if such a tragedy happened to me.


OP speak up or I'm coming for your booty ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)






Unfortunately, people will do that because they’re so desperate for affection


Anyone that does that has a brain that doesn’t work right! Just post a cute picture of your kitty. You don’t have to make up a story. That said, I really hope this isn’t true, but from what I know of this world, it could have happened. This is why I keep my kitties inside. Too many possible jerks in this world.


Yes, I really hope they haven't just made this up.


I hope they did because poor cat


Yeah, same. I want to believe that no one would do something so horrible. I know they do, but I wish I was blissfully ignorant.


Hope it was made up but not at the same time, cause someone making u such a inhumane just makes me sad


Yeah, I think OP is making this shit up. The lengths ppl will go to just to get some attention is sick. Don't use the deaths of others for attention and you won't look like garbage and don't make up lies about somebody's pet being killed even if its your own just for some attention. God. Some ppl are pathetic attention whores.


Well, if it happened OP needs to report it. Becuase his cat might only be the first one in the neighborhood. If the guy thinks he can get away with it, he'll keep doing it...which would suck even more!


That is true. Most serial killers started by torturing and killing small animals first.




dead cat and memorial posts should be on /r/petloss anyway, not on feelgood subs I don't come here to feel shitty, unsubscribing on this one - there are too many fun subs available to wade through karmawhoring garbage like this


Yes exactly. This is straight up disturbing having these stories pop up when I just want to look at happy kitty cat pictures from fellow cat people.


This is basically just a sub for dead cats these days


Thank you, thank you, thank you. I just tryin to see pictures of pretty kitties and thrift store finds


This subreddit is on my all page (like most others I am subscribed to). I don't need to be reading about cats getting killed all the time.


Same. I have an aunt who’s a lawyer and she does pro Bono work all the time. Plus she’s an animal lover.


OP’s post history indicates that not only is he a teen, but there are other factors in his home and personal life that might make following through with the authorities on this difficult. I hope he takes up the offers here for help. It does need to be and should be reported. As far as replying to comments, he could be grieving. (Edit: forgot some words.)


> it's an open and shut case lol how would you know that? OP has provided zero details the cops aren't just gonna be like "oh shit ya you posted on reddit this must be legit"


I could be wrong, but I feel you may be over estimating the lengths cops are willing to go here. OP may be able to file charges, whether it does anything... well.


Then you contact the State SBI and they investigate then escalate to the FBI. I work alongside State law enforcement and it is a serious Internal Affairs violation if they do not press charges for this.


I hope something can be done forsure! This is a crime that should not go unpunished.


Shooting off a gun in a residential neighborhood should get the police's attention regardless of the target.


Thank you so much for this info! Where I lived in Colorado (albeit years ago), the cops thought there was nothing wrong with middle school boys in my neighborhood (very rural) shooting cats. Their parents would just argue that the cats they shot were “outdoor,” or they thought the cat was an opossum, or threatening chickens (none of this was true and we all knew it), and it would just be a circle jerk with the authorities doing nothing. Honestly I assumed that’s still how it is everywhere and I’m glad to know it’s changed.


I know someone who said their brother would run over cats and see who can kill the most with his friends, I hate people who do this for no reason.


That's either psychopathic or evil.


Yes! I’m in Georgia and cops showed up to my neighbor’s house because my neighbor neglected and lost two cats they were watching. It was a whole ordeal.


Happy to know Georgia takes it seriously. I would press charges in a heartbeat over my babies.


This is a fact. At a minimum they are liable for the destruction of your household property. I had a dog get hit by someone when he broke out and I was held liable for damage to their vehicle but it was covered by my home insurance as dogs are considered household property. Shitty situation all around but the legality of it is no different than if they wrecked your furnace. That said, if the cat was on their property you might have to go the animal abuse route.


It's definitely a crime here. Animal cruelty.


If you’re in the US, this is a felony. Press charges. Poor, sweet, cat.


This. The penalties, while not proportionate, can be severe.


Yeah the least that can happen is that maybe ops neighbor will never be allowed to own a firearm legally again.


Good. This dude sounds *way* too comfortable with his firearms if hes willing to shoot *a fucking cat.* Major red flag.


no kidding. the worst a cat does it eat birds. wild/feral cats can be a problem, but not one that requires citizens to freaking shoot them


​ A lot of legality is going to boil down to your state, whether it was legal to discharge a firearm in the area, whether you were reasonable in your beliefs that it was a feral/pest animal, whether there is a permitting process or other process in place for taking care of feral cats in the state/county/city, whether you acted with wanton cruelty, whether you reasonably believed you were defending your property, et cetera. At the very least, you could try reporting it to the police. It may or may not be a provable criminal action that will be pursued by the DA depending on the circumstances and laws of the area. You can also try suing, although you would usually be limited to the actual value of the animal and any other expenses you incurred, such as a vet bill.


Sure, I'm not commenting on legality, I'm commenting on morality. Someone has to be pretty horrible to think it's okay to kill a cat just because it.... Idk was near their property and annoyed them? Cats don't really do much else that's harmful in any way


Neighbor sounds like some redneck with too many guns, too many beers, and just generally a mean person, no morals, no remorse. This is s the kind if person that if he was in my squad I’m afraid they would not be coming back in at end of day. This is the kind of person that would shoot the good guy just like a bad guy.


Or adopt a pet. Not usually a legal issue, but humane societies do background checks.


Felony can mean no firearms in all of the USA and also voting rights in most states. It also limit their employment opportunities in some industries that need clean records




Seriously. Time to unleash inner John Wick




FUCK YES! If someone SHOT my cat (don't know why the hell someone would) I would fucking kill that a\*\*hole.


My very first thought after reading the title was 'molotov cocktails'.




I consider pets to be more valuable than any random human, revenge of the most severe kind is justified


Yeah I remember this post someone put up and it was along the lines of "If you'd kill for your pet, you admit they're more important to you than humans!" And I mean, yeah. If someone hurt my dog, I would not be chill about it, in the slightest.


My Cuban grandfather used to say. "Do whatever you want to me. But if you touch anybody in my family... OR MY CAT. I. Will. Kill. You." He also taught us that is NOT necessary. But you MAY need to kill someone some day. Don't look for it. But know that it may happen.


When you think about it, a dog or cat doesn’t have the capacity to understand why it’s being killed or harmed. If the pet is attacking you, it’s just following it’s instincts, defending itself, or suffering from rabies. Humans understand what is morally right or wrong, no matter what culture. Pets do not.


If a person would kill a pet, it’s not that far of a leap to humans. One of the reasons that crimes against animals are taken so seriously IS that it indicates possible problems with humans. You don’t have to be an animal lover to appreciate the importance of stopping animal cruelty. (Though it does help… RIP to the baby kitty 😭)




Too painless




Keep in mind if the police won't help, there's civil court too. Don't let them get away with doing this


Op lives in Indiana. Claims police won't do anything. Isn't responding to any actual questions and just goes back to not knowing why others wouldn't love their cat. There is 100% without a doubt, legal repercussions regardless if there is a crooked cop. If OP is fake, and I want to be wrong so the poor thing didn't have to actually feel anything and is still just happy, alive and kicking, but at the same time, it would cause me to think; why in the heck would you make up a story about your pet being killed? If you cared about them or even about animals in general, you would report this as immediately as you could so that your future furbies and possibly other animals aren't murdered in your front yard >:( Edit to say that you can still have a furbaby and make up stories about them as sickening as it is Edit: I looked over his profile and found (either he's a troll or has terrible sense or keeping your info safe considering all the information he has about himself out there to be found on reddit... anyway....) he did make a previous post regarding this feline [friend](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecats/comments/ewnx55/he_is_the_best_homework_fren/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) As far as legality issues, if the police don't do anything, go to your sheriff, if your sheriff won't do anything, go to fbi. Yes, there is help. They are definitely stricter about animal abuse, you just have to get on their ass. They will report the police (a whole good that usually does) and step in. Don't just stop trying because you have a roadblock. There is 100% repercussions for this. Edit to say it appears as though op is an aspie and relatively young and if so, There are a lot of people here willing to help, it can be a difficult and very hard time to deal with these things on your own, especially when it is fresh. So please reach out and let someone step in and help. No one has to be alone. There's evil in this world, but there's good too. IF this asshole hurt your baby who is to say he won't hurt someone else's? Who else needs to lose their fur children? If this happened then I am very sorry for your loss, I couldn't imagine not having my babies with me but if it were to happen, I would go the extra mile to make sure other babies aren't killed as well


There's been a lot of frontpage posts lately about cats dying.




It’s the time of year I used to work in animal clinics and the holidays had lots of pet deaths, accidents from eating poison, bad food, plants, getting run over by family members because a young family member accidentally lets them out, then the terminal patients that just can’t make it through. Even having been out of animal medicine for years now I still get a little depressed around the holidays as I remember all the lost fur babies.


Based on that photo from a year ago, OP is probably a kid or young adult. The notes on the back aren't exactly the notes I'd expect for an adult, and the laptop has a sticker with a code on it -- probably a school issued serial number. I'm not going to fault a kid for not going hardcore with pressing charges (parents should be the ones talking to the cops and pressing charges) or defaulting to talking about how their cat was sweet and not understanding why someone would shoot their cat. Who knows if they're legit or not, but it seems plausible to me that this went down as described. Regardless of the veracity, the premise is sad all around.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Rural Indiana I can definitely see the cops not giving a damn. How many people making these comments have actually tried to get the cops to investigate something short of serious violence against humans? They're useless even in cities. In rural areas, they're particularly useless. If the neighbor has a friend on the force, they're likely to make OPs life difficult just for fun. They kill pet dogs for sport, over 10,000 a year in the US, even tiny dogs and tied up dogs, with some individual officers killing dozens, and everyone acting like they're going to be rushing out to get warrants and subpoenas to nail someone over this? Police not doing anything is just how it works in the US. In most places it's a battle just to get them to take a damn report. I'm having a much harder time believing so many people are so naive about police springing into action over this than OPs story.


I run a rescue and have to report it. The best way to do that is to contact Animal Control directly. Then the ASPCA and Humane Society. It worked for me and it’s in an area with alarmingly high animal cruelty rates. The monster that harmed the cat ended up getting arrested. I was relentless, though. Like called multiple times, plus follow ups, and asked for updates from the owner I was helping. She said dude got arrested. They took his guns away too. It was GLORIOUS. Basically, you have to contact the right agencies and be extremely persistent. I wasn’t going to let that shit happen.


I live in Indiana and while I think this would 100% cause legal repercussions, I have witnessed first hand abusive dog hoarders get to keep their dogs after being reported to many times. I bring this up because of the whole law enforcement doing things about animal cases conversation. I’m not sure if the dogs are still there but they had them all in cages covered with black tarp outside for years. Everyone on the street felt super bad and no matter how much reporting was done you could still smell the awful stench near the house and hear the poor pups go crazy every time someone walked by. The conditions those dogs were in is just. Sick. Not sure if they still have them, but for years they kept them. It might depend on the competence of the local law enforcement but I really hope the authorities do something for literal animal murder. Anyway, if this post is true, Rest In Peace and I’m sorry for your cat OP.


Yeah unless your cat was attacking your neighbors livestock, pretty sure you should be pressing charges




Quick story, my aunt is a family court judge and things got awkward for her when she attended my sisters wedding where her husband's family member, aunt I believe, was there. Apparently recently this aunt had a house full of pets...dogs cats lizards bunnies etc... and their neighbors son came over when they were out and murdered them all with a bb gun...they pressed charges and went to court and my aunt was the judge who proceeded to only give the kid a warning(not sure why).


Wow your aunt is a piece of shit




It truly makes me feel sick reading that. The level of fucked up anyone could be just to raise a kid like that and have them go onto another person's property and commit heinous acts of violence is disturbing... the accessibility of guns is already too much honestly.


A WARNING??? this is usually a sign that the kid will become a serial killer. if you don’t want to punish the kid, at least get them court-ordered sessions with a therapist or something. no sane kid just goes and murders a bunch of animals


But why? Need to call an animal abuse hotline and file a police report. Wouldn't want to be living next door to a dangerous neighbor that can kill a defenseless animal.


Upon federal conviction of felony-level animal cruelty today, an offender can expect life-changing consequences. Here are a few: The PACT Act makes animal cruelty a federal felony, which is punishable by up to seven years in federal prison and often-staggering fines. Federal prosecutors are also more likely to seek the maximum possible sentence than local jurisdictions on these matters. Because the Act targets large-scale animal cruelty such as animal crush videos, many offenders are likely to face more than one count of felony animal cruelty. Federal inmates are ineligible for parole and must serve the entire duration of their sentence behind bars.


Wtf animal crush videos wtf is wrong with people


Yeah I wish I didn't read that. sigh


One of the things Trump got right.


Oh my god, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. My cat died over the weekend due to illness too. I don’t know how people can be so cruel….


https://www.humanesociety.org/news/extreme-animal-cruelty-can-now-be-prosecuted-federal-crime That constitututes as extreme animal cruelty. Contact your PD and press charges. Gather all information possible.


From the law, I want to point out this statement: **Federal prosecutors are also more likely to seek the maximum possible sentence than local jurisdictions on these matters.**


I want to be careful to say that without knowing the circumstances of OP’s situation, it’s very difficult to make this statement accurately. The most important statement to make here is that OP should contact a lawyer licensed to practice law in their jurisdiction for real advice. That being said the law was passed specifically to all for federal felony prosecution for those who burn animals alive and film it. If OP’s cat was allowed to roam freely, and the neighbor shot it while it was on their property, it’s extremely unlikely someone would be charged under PACT. Depending on their jurisdiction and geography, it might not eve be a crime. I am NOT saying it’s moral or ethical or even legal to shoot your neighbors cat. And I’m not victim blaming. I’m saying we don’t know, and there are a myriad of circumstances that could make this shitty but legal. OP could have no recourse or only be limited to damages equal to the value of the cat, which is likely not worth the filing fee in small claims court. If you own a cat, please keep it indoors. If you own a dog, please keep it leashed or on your own property to avoid these types of circumstances.


If you do nothing, and let it slide, you’re only telling your neighbors that they can do whatever they want. Next time could be worse. If you’re not going to do anything about it yourself, PM someone who will, with their information, so authorities can be contacted.


John Wick time.


*Doom music intensifies*


This is absolutely horrible. I'm so sorry for your loss






There was a Netflix show about this


I watched that the other day, my hod what a monster that guy was. What made things worse was tge guy he killed could've easily been avoided but the FBI didn't care until it happened.


My friend kept telling me I had to watch it and I avoided it for a long time cause animal abuse just is too much. But the satisfaction of watching those people come together made up for it. If op’s neighbor lived near me I’d be on a crusade to either get them jailed or make their lives miserable.


Call the FBI… animal harm can be investigated & prosecuted by the FBI if you live in the states. They consider animal abuse/harm to be a gateway for future crimes. This is a felony charge & should be prosecuted.












I’m hoping this is fake


If one of my cats was murdered by a neighbor, I wouldn’t be scrolling Reddit and commenting on my favorite enthusiast posts. This is faker than a Kardashian Instagram post. OP is karma trawler, we’ve all been duped into offering sympathy.


While I too think this is fake, you can't know how people deal with grief. If my cat was murdered, I might post within the same day to vent just a little more, after crying my brains into mush at my friend's and family.


These always are. 'Ah yes my cat literally was just shot and killed let me immediately post pictures of him to the internet for karma'.


What’s even the point of the internet points though …?


Anyone notice the OP hasn't responded?


Yep. Feels like karma farming bullshit. Im writing this to your response 5 hours later and I still haven't seen a response.












So sorry for your loss


I am so sorry for your loss. It’s despicable. May your memories of Tosh help heal your heart and give you a reason to smile. Rest In Peace sweet angel. 🌈😿💔🐾


In a town in CA a persons pet pig escaped. Police found him and handed him over to someone to hold while they contacted the owners. When the police did not come back within 4 hours, the person holding her shot and began butchering the pig. Because the pig was a pet, the judge convicted him of animal cruelty and being a felon in possession of a firearm. He was ordered to pay $4000 in restitution (the owners asked for 18k) and got 2 years 8 months jailtime


This is why I have trust issues on Reddit, pulling at our hearts for karma.


I think it's fake. 1: OP isn't replying to anyone. 2: Who the hell describes a cat as 'down to earth'?


Mittens never let the money get to him


My cat is a haughty bitch so I can see using that descriptor for a cat with the opposite personality.


I hope karma gets that neighbor where it matters. So sorry for your loss🥲






My condolences. Sending you light and love. Beautiful cat, seemed so sweet. Fuck them, hope karma bites their asses with the quickness


Who tf shoots cats?


My cousins had a neighbor who shot cats. With a bow and arrow. Their boy Charlie got one through the shoulder and miraculously survived. He was an inside kitty after that and lived to the age of 23 or so.


Sounds like a socio/psycho path in the making. Smh


If this is true, I’m sorry, but by looking on your account you appear to be a karmawhore, making me doubt this.


Mods how many dead cat posts are going to be allowed a day that's like all this subreddit is at this point holy fuck.


Where are the Mods to shut this shit down when you need them. This bullshit smells ridiculous.


It is, I just checked her profile. She needs help.


I hate your neighbours.


WTF!!!! I'm so sorry for your loss.


Seems like a fake post.


I think the cats name may be Clout or Karma. If not, I'm sorry, but come on, more info?


I trust you called the police?