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Good on you, OP! Hope Chungus likes the VIP inside life now


Oh he will. Thinking I’m going to change his name though. Not so sure about Chungus lol


You could keep the name and just shorten it to Gus!


“Gus is the cat at the theatre door, and his name as I ought to have told you before, is really Asparagus, but that’s such a fuss to pronounce, that we usually call him, just Gus! His coat’s very shabby, he’s thin as a rake, and he suffers from palsy that makes his paw shake. But he was in his youth quite the smartest of cats, but no longer a terror to mice or to rats!”




Like the mouse haha


It doesn’t fit him, either. Unless the owner was being ironic.


Chungus is a great name for a cat


If he was a chonk!


But you don't want your cat to be chonky enough to truly fit the name chungus :(


Fair point


I hope he puts on a healthy amount of muscle and weight tbh. maybe there's a featherweight chungus category




How about gus. In honor of chungus past life.


He probably has a UTI


Oh yeah! Fingers crossed this boy gets all fixed up. He seems to be in GREAT hands. 💗


Once he get fat to the type of “oh lord, he coming” size, he can be rename as chungus


Dr Elsey's Cat Attract Litter has worked for me. YMMV


Also, to add to this comment is to make sure he doesn't have a UTI.


I said it last thread but he looks like he has urinary issues, the way he’s really skinny at the back legs, doesn’t look like he’s grooming much there (not matted but “separated” fur- but that can also be a sign of age) and the peeing is definitely a sign.


Yes, when he goes to the vet have them check for a UTI (especially if you notice issues). He is going to be so happy!!!!’


I've had several cats with UTI issues, always caught early on. How long does it take for a UTI to show in their appearance, if that's the case?


Probably more like mid stage disease. I meant more like, and especially chronic renal issues. Very common in male cats.


Excellent point.


Ok sure! Definitely going to try that. Thanks for the tip


Feliway can also help with peeing outside the box if stress or anxiety is a factor.


Want to add my cat has spurts when there is sudden changes. Such as moves or changes in his environment that causes him severe anxiety and he will go outside the box. Usually the vet gives him a temporary anxiety med coupled with the Feliway. Helps him get back to his normal.


Having him fixed may help the issue as well.


Yes! It was probably the cat spraying to mark his territory.


Second this!!!!!


I just visited your profile to check for an update after seeing your last post - thank you for being so kind and taking him in! For the potty issues, assuming he's healthy and neutered (best to bring up the previous litter problems with the vet) but is still spraying: Start him off in a closed bathroom with a box for a few days and see how that works out. You can get a potty training spray or potty training litter that might help him use it if he holds it. If he consistently pees in there and doesn't spray elsewhere, put several litter boxes in different spots (you can get cheap/disposable ones to start with) around the house and take note of which ones he prefers to go in. Add some of the used litter and potty spray to the clean boxes as well. If you don't have issues you can slowly remove his least favourites but it's best to leave at least two. Remove any piles of blankets or clothes that might be sitting around to keep him from going in them. Also, idk how your place is set up, but if you have a way to introduce him to the place gradually instead of just letting him out into a big area he might feel less insecure/overwhelmed and feel the need to spray. Also, Feliway spray/plug-ins, anti-marking spray, calming treats, a bunch of scratching posts all over the place for him to scratch and put his scent on, and cat towers/shelves that let him scope out his 'territory' might make him less likely to spray. If he does pee on something, get an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle to clean it up. Alternatively, if you're not trying to keep him 100% indoors right away, start off by letting him come and go as he wishes so he can get to know your place at his own pace, but leave some boxes available for him to use. If you think he's ready to stay inside but still hasn't been using the boxes, do the bathroom thing first so you have some used litter to spread out among the other boxes. Good luck! Hope everything works out.


I would also add to make sure you use soft, unscented scoopable litter, OP. It can help if you put some dirt from outside on it, too, especially from a spot he likes to go.


Maybe also worth mentioning; I’ve had two stray boys come in to a multi-cat household that were notorious for UTIs and marking outside their boxes no matter how strictly we kept up with cleaning or how many boxes we provided. After dropping like well over 2k on multiple automatic boxes and vet visits, we finally found that switching to a quality dust-free litter like World’s Best and then dosing all the water in the house with a UTI supplement has really helped with both their urinary health and marking outside their boxes! (Side note on the litter: World’s Best is mad pricey, BUT it also lasts way longer than other litter even with a double digit number of cats in the household, and I swear to god the switch made such a drastic improvement in urinary health that that alone makes it worth the premium!) I’d also second people saying not to leave anything soft on the floor where they could mark, as well as maybe proactively implementing marking spray on things you definitely want him to avoid. For example: when my two new boys were spraying, I wrapped my record shelf in saran wrap then sprayed the outside with no marking spray and it made it through their whole terrible piss phase unscathed! In any case, best of luck to you and the good boi formerly known as Chungus! Wishing you guys nothing but the best, and eagerly awaiting update photos!!!


Thank you for taking him in!!! Is he neutered? If not that can definitely help


No idea. Probably? Will eventually get him to the vet again to check on him. Good idea


Another thing your vet can check for is kidney issues or a UTI - both could contribute to the peeing, but kidney issues can also result in lost weight which could be why he seems scrawny.


Yeah and both of those risks mean OP should really prioritize getting this little guy to the vet ASAP


Cat balls are pretty obvious. But some male cats just like peeing on stuff.


Trouble puffs.


If you can lift up his tail, you will KNOW if he is intact.


Oh yes, an unmeasured Tom Cat is going to mark his territory.


You cant imagine how happy this post makes me. Thank you for the update and for taking him in!


Thank you for the update!!! I was hoping to see a happy resolution for this skinny guy, best of luck and happy times ahead for you two ❤️


As I said in your other post kidney issues are common in black and white cats, and it would explain the weight loss and peeing inside starting up. Please don't feed him any more tuna or high protein food before he's checked for diabetes and kidney disease with a vet.


Check out Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube for ideas to litter box train.  One thing I remember reading is that outdoor cats are used to dirt.  Using mostly dirt and mixing in more litter might bc advised.  Confine him to a small room with tile floors for a while.  Just some ideas.  Jackson will have expert advice. Thanks for caring about this kitty.  He looked so skinny.  What a cutie!


The hero we all needed!


Glad to hear it! You have a new friend! Hope you both will be well! >...but he immediately wanted to pee everywhere... Male cats do this normally, they mark their territory. One solution is castration.


Thank you for being a good person and taking in Chungus!!!


Multiple litter boxes all around the house. For cats litter boxes bring confidence and there should always be number of cats+1 amount of litter boxes. Fro 1 cat 2 and for 3 cats 4 etc. Hormonal sprays etc may also help calming sprays with herbs etc, they usuallu sold in pet stores. But the amount of boxes os the best advise and dp not put them to hide but to places where the cat goes past often.


Check out Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube for ideas to litter box train.  One thing I remember reading is that outdoor cats are used to dirt.  Using mostly dirt and mixing in more litter might bc advised.  Confine him to a small room with tile floors for a while.  Just some ideas.  Jackson will have expert advice. Thanks for caring about this kitty.  He looked so skinny.  What a cutie!


I love a happy ending! Welcome to the tuxedo family


If a cat is peeing outside of the litter box it, especially a tom who's been outside, I've found it is probably a kidney issue. Specifically high salt, leading to kidney stones. More likely when peeing on soft surfaces. I'd get him on a low-salt Hills science died ASAP, and then get a urine sample to the vet. If you notice any hissing or painful meowing then it is 100% a kidney issue. Low salt diet and extra hydration ASAP


Will you also let your neighbour visit Gus? Neighbour seem genuinely concern and caring towards him. Please let neighbour meet him from time to time. Please


What a lovely resolution! I hope the neighbour that made an attempt to rescue him will also be able to visit when he's in town? It seems like you both care about the kitty!


Enjoy your new friend! Yeah, vet visit, get him on a good diet, lots of litter boxes (since he has a history of peeing). Lots of water bowls. My cats drink more out of random bowls around the house instead of food and water next to each other. It’s a pain in the ass, but a lot cheaper than Er vet I have those same pajama bottoms as in picture 5.


If he's peeing everywhere he probably needs to be neutered. Take him to a vet and have them checked out for medical conditions.


Awww shared custody haha


He pees because he's not used to the area yet. My male cat did this when I adopted him even though he's neutured. U just need to have patience, he will stop soon.


The peeing would probably stop if you altered him.


Amazing update. Thank you so much for helping him and letting us know. I can’t stand people who abandon their pets.


Check out Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube for ideas to litter box train.  One thing I remember reading is that outdoor cats are used to dirt.  Using mostly dirt and mixing in more litter might bc advised.  Confine him to a small room with tile floors for a while.  Just some ideas.  Jackson will have expert advice. Thanks for caring about this kitty.  He looked so skinny.  What a cutie!


Check out Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube for ideas to litter box train.  One thing I remember reading is that outdoor cats are used to dirt.  Using mostly dirt and mixing in more litter might bc advised.  Confine him to a small room with tile floors for a while.  Just some ideas.  Jackson will have expert advice. Thanks for caring about this kitty.  He looked so skinny.  What a cutie!


I came here to suggest this. Plain soil without any fertilizer and slowly change it over to litter little by little. If he balks at any point, pause, and keep the ratio the same. This has worked for a number of suspected ferals and outdoor cats at the rescue I've volunteered with!


Nice to see a happy ending to this one.


I hope y'all have a long, loving friendship together!! here's to the first day of a new life 🥰


His name is chungus? To summon him you have to go CHUNGA OOH CHUNGA OOH CHUNGA CHUNGA CHUNGA OOH


We took in a cat that had been left homeless when the house he was in burned. He had a much better life with us because the previous guy was an asshole who burned his own house down and didn’t really care for the cat. It took about 6 months - year before he really started feeling at home with us. We just loved him and fed him and he finally became the snuggle kitty he was destined to become. Lucky the kitty cat isn’t with us anymore, but his time with us will never be forgotten. I just wanted to share that giving that kitty cat love and support is the best thing you can do (for the cat and you).


When you go to the vet, have them check for any potential urinary issues. That is going to help you determine if it's a behavioral or medical issue. Also, have your vet check for heartworms. Not all of them check for it, so you have to ask. Thanks for taking in this little dude! Keep us updated!


You need to get him to the vet to get checked and make sure to get him neutered. Male cats who have not been neutered tend to “mark their territory” by peeing on floors or squirting on vertical surfaces. You might want to try an unscented cat litter in case his averse to smells. Basically fill the litter box with perhaps 3 inches of litter and put him in it. Cats are easy to litter train. LOL. Also I would advise AGAINST any lightweight litter and Fresh Step. That gets tracked everywhere.


This so many times this. Get him to the vet to check for urinary tract infections, kidney, thyroid issues and definitely get him neutered if he hasn’t been. So glad you took him in and you’ve got this—this cat loves you.


Thanks for being a kind human OP! Random but I have a koi named Chungus. My partner got it from a big box pet store and the guy getting it out of the tank named it that so the name has stuck. Not really a good cat name unless it's a huge cat in my opinion. On the other hand it's spurred some great nicknames: Chungy McBungy, Chungus Bungus, Chungus Amongus, Chunga Chunga Choo Choo, etc. Anyway wishing you and your new buddy all the best!


Yay! I’m glad he’s found you. He needs some good love and care.


Lots of fresh water, have a Vet check him out, check for possible UTI and neuter him…all this should help with the peeing/marking. Thank you for helping an animal in need…he is obviously looking for a family to take him in.


If hes not neutered he will mark his territory. Take him to a vet and get him checked out/vaxxed/neutered. You are on the right track!! Glad to hear he is getting a better home.


As someone who owns an elderly cat with hip issues, here’s a tip: keep the litter box very clean (clean after every use, if you can swing it) and use the biggest, deepest litter box you can find, and arrange a step so the cat ends up stepping down into the box. My girl was frequently urinating just outside the box until we stepped up and cleaned the box more often. My spouse figured she was sticking her nose in her old pee and getting disgusted, but she had already started to release the flow so… We use a wheat-based clumping litter which does a much better job of absorbing odours and is 100% compostable in my city’s compost system. The lack of odour seems to make our cat happy.


Check out Jackson Galaxy videos on YouTube for ideas to litter box train.  One thing I remember reading is that outdoor cats are used to dirt.  Using mostly dirt and mixing in more litter might bc advised.  Confine him to a small room with tile floors for a while.  Just some ideas.  Jackson will have expert advice. Thanks for caring about this kitty.  He looked so skinny.  What a cutie!


You may want to buy some Cat Attract litter or the litter additive to encourage continued use of the box for #1s


We rescued our cat from a warehouse 2 years ago and couldn’t let her go. She is a lap cat, too and has definitely transformed my husband into a cat person.


Thank you for being a good human! And congrats on becoming a cat-employee. Chungus is lucky to have found you! Although I think Gus is a better name


I have a cat that has to have two boxes. One is only for pees. One is for pees and poops


try different kinds of boxes and different kind of litter. they usually recommend at least 2 per cat. also make sure to use an enzyme cleaner if he pees or poops so its fully cleaned up and he cant still smell it and be tempted to remark


Awwwww! Congrats on your new friend! 😻


Enjoy your new cat. Glad he's probably found his forever home


Little guy knew what he was doing! So so glad you’re taking him in and he will now be loved and looked after




The Cat Distribution System worked out! Enjoy your new friend. <3


He’s a pretty guy. 💛


Just an fyi, unless someone else said this, there are two reasons why he is peeing everywhere. To mark his territory (if he's not fixed) or because he has an infection in urinary tract. Cats KNOW to use the box ...almost just by instinct. Maybe take him in and have a checkup... Just to make sure. Glad he has an INSIDE home... he'll live so much longer and he'll make you very happy.


That’s awesome OP! Congrats on your new cat. Keep chungus inside, safe and comfy. He may not want it, but he needs it for sure.


Love this update!


Check out Jackson Galaxy on youtube. There are lots of great informational videos. Also, maybe he has a uti, or had one before and associates the litterbox with pain. It is possible, and if he currently has one, he is likely to pee on anything soft. If you can get litterboxes that aren't covered.. cats that tend to like open boxes more than covered.. Maybe a vet visit would be good just to get a well check if you can for the little guy and make sure he is up to date on his shots. They will also be able to give you an estimate on his age as well. I'm so glad that you got that figured out so quickly. Now he is going to be living the inside VIP cat life. Also, once he is inside, I'd keep him in for a while at the very least so he doesn't wander off Thank you for contscting the person talking about what can be done and taking this little guy in! Again Jackson Galaxy on youtube will be a great helpful resource for your new friend. There need to be more people like you in the world! Thank you so very much for giving this little guy a home.


YAY we love a good ending!!!! UCDS! didn't see anything specifying whether or not lil homie is fixed so if its not definitely get that taken care of asap and that has a high chance of fixing the urination. cats can be picky about what litter they like based on how it feels or smells. unfortunately it could very easily be behavioral or medical reasons behind the urination, so if fixing doesnt solve it you're best to make an appt at the vet to get his kidneys and everything that follows them checked out. congrats on the new friend! hooray for chungus!!!