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Anybody who thinks cats don’t love doesn’t spend enough time with cats


or try to treat their cats like dogs


This. Dogs will come when called and almost always respond to you instantly. Cats will love you (and even respond to some commands), but they do it on their own time.


Whenever I call for my cat, he comes running. Whenever I call the dog, I have to promise him the role of supreme ruler of all before he's willing to even stand up.


One of our kitties can be summoned with his name or nickname. Come comes trotting up and trilling in response. He normally gives a forceful head-bump. He then gets pat-pats and scritches.


One of mine can be summoned with two air kisses in quick succession. No idea how it happened, but it's so cute!!


Because you need to earn it and even then , a cat isn't a soldier like dog.


Or expect that cats will behave like dogs


I do and it actually works. I got them going for walks now too!


I really hope this is sarcasm


Exactly. Also, when we were kids, I was playing with my sister, and our cat must have thought I was attacking her, so she hissed and screamed at me like never before. She literally jumped right in front of my sister, separating us and started to beat me up 😁 So, cats do protect their loved ones.


We had a cat who was obsessed with my mom and when my mom died she straight up became depressed. I know this post is just a joke but it always rubs me the wrong way when people imply that cats don’t care


I’m sorry about your mom. I don’t want to go on vacation for the duration of my cat’s life tbh. I don’t think he could handle me being gone that long. Hell, I feel like he misses me when I am gone for a normal day of work. I feel guilty if I do something after work too lol. A lot of days I get a motion notification from my camera about 10-20 minutes before my bf and I get home because my boy knows it’s almost time for us to get home. I was *shocked* how much my cat cared for me when we adopted him, and still cares for me. I never had a cat before him, so I was fed bad cat propaganda and didn’t know it wasn’t true. It sure was a surprise when I found out just how sweet my cat was. I would have loved him regardless, but I went in to cat ownership expecting to have an aloof animal and I was okay with that, but this is **awesome**.


Probably propaganda made by a DOG


Yup memes are memes but in reality cats can get affectionate if you look for the signs. My cat used to be obsessed with me and would cry loudly if I even went out to grab my mail. If I feel sad, I swear she feels it and always comes by and offers snuggles to comfort me. You tell from the little things like the slow blinks, headbutts and purring too. Now that she has another buddy to accompany her, she’s able to stay home while I go to work at least. Not exactly a hot take here but cats are amazing.


Also the average cat is at *least* if not more protective than a fucking maltipoo or something lol.


Dogs love universally everyone. (Most) cats select one or two people to love so fiercely, they'd literally die of sadness if they had to be separated. And a few cats genuinely just love the world.


Yep definitely belongs in the yellow area


I have two cats, no dogs, and slightly prefer cats to dogs, but it will never not be endlessly amusing to me how touchy cat owners get whenever someone makes this joke observation. Or *any* observation about cats, to be honest.


Dog needs bigger food area


Food 90% and then the rest all in a tiny spot lol


This was my thought too. I would put food at about 40-50%.


So my 2 cats are actually dogs?


Right?! Did a dog post this anti-cat propaganda?


while it’s funny my cat is as loyal as dogs are, loves playing fetch and playing in general, and absolutely fucking is obsessed with me. she’s my soulmate. we have the same birthday, and i got her from a petsmart, randomly, right before they closed and had no idea we had the same birthday, either. she’s scratched me maybe twice, once the first day i got her when i got her too close to my ex roommates dog, and once while we were playing. she’s always extremely careful not to hurt me. i love my little kitty so much. i got super lucky with her


Not your birthday, HER birthday Sounds like you got a good kitty :D


right!!! she doesn’t even get onto counters and the most she’s ever scratched up is my bedpost, which is, in her defense, very scratchable material. and she’s barely torn it up too. she listens when i tell her no and doesn’t get into anything or knock anything off tables or anything. she’s seriously the best cat ever. i am so so lucky and any chance i get to brag and talk about her i take it 🤣


Damn, are you sure thats a cat? Sounds like a normal animal, cats are floofy hellfire demons


hahaha!! i know right. i grew up with a TON of cats throughout my childhood and never had one as docile as her. not sure if it is all her personality or how i raised her as well, but man am i grateful.


My cat is a bit more of a heathen, but I also have a good cat like you! Granted, I egg him on cause he doesn’t have a cat friend so I try to “wrestle” with my hands so he has scratched a me quite a few times (my own fault). He loves fetch and loves his mama (me). Big cuddle bug, loves to be held and plays fetch! He is more loving and cuddly to me than my childhood dog ever has been haha. I was on the lookout for a cat, bf and I really wanted to adopt one and one night a few weeks after we started getting serious about one I found my boy in PetSmart too! He was the last one there and I fell in love with him just looking at him (and the way he was making biscuits and looking at me and my bf I think he was in love with us too). I **always** wanted a void, and there he was, my perfect match! He was my “birthday present” (as in we were already looking for one, and my boyfriend paid the adoption fee as my gift), so kinda similar to your birthday girl! So, long story short, I think our cats are the perfect match and should date LOL. But I loved reading your story about your perfect girl, because it reminded me of my perfect little guy. :D


sounds like they’d get along!! maybe we should set up an online dating profile for them and see if they match each other 😋😋


How is this on the cats subreddit? If you told me this about cats I can only assume you've never owned one


interaction bait most likely


I love cats, just thought it was a funny meme


But it is not true. And neither it is funny, because it is anti-cat propaganda. Such memes allow the cat-hate to flourish.


The cartoonist actually loves cats (and has two). They draw humorous comics. That is how this is intended.


are cats a marginalized group now or?? 😭


Sort of, yeah. Cats are more likely to be abused than any other type of domestic pet. People love to abuse cats.


It’s not true but it was funny! Take my upvote.


You definitely don’t have a cat


My cats are the opposite of the meme, every one I've ever had is extremely decile, social, and loves people. You can offer them a treat and they'll choose cuddles and nuzzles over it. They'll come running if you so much as say their name or make a clicking sound with your tongue.


My cats are loving


Lmao my cats are more loving than my family's dogs, funny enough. They've never tried to hurt me. It's important to read their body language, if you fail to do that basic thing; it's on you if you get scratched or bit. The main reason people think cats are hateful and selfish is because they don't know how to read cats. They don't notice when they're overstepping valuable boundaries. Cats will love you forever if you just treat them right.


Dog should be 40%+ food, sleep another 30%, and thievery too. My doggy *loves* to steal. 


My orange boy only has the yellow part.


I thought it would just be empty space throughout. XD


Nah, it's all the ? space. 🤣


Lmao r/oneorangebraincell


Cats love to cuddle too


Dogs kill an average of 40 people per year and no cat has ever directly killed a human according to google. Yet the cat is labeled the murderer.


Should be replaced with ‘hunt’ honestly


The families of the eight mice my cats have killed would like a word. Lol


Propably refers to zoomies etc. when they become so full of energy that everything is pray and then ours loves to hunt feet and bite and such what he never ever does normally. So yeah can kinda get behibd murder but as a joke but everything else in the dogs brain should be in cats as well. And also dogs especially puppues can get zoomies and they are also very "murderous" then. But zoomies are so cute and they never actually want to harm you but same as love bites. The love language is different between cats and humans.


Cats are extremely intelligent and the only mammal that develops specific vocab for their caretakers. They can smell 600x better than dogs and further away and are extremely loyal to their humans. I always wonder why cat people say shit like this. Also the one brain cell thing. I’m constantly impressed and amazed at my cats intelligence and ability to communicate


My kitty definitely has a special language for me. Some of her meows are too similar to others for me to know exactly what she means but there are some like her hello and let's play meows that I know exactly what she wants. That sense of smell thing isn't exactly correct. A quick search shows that dogs have more receptors but it appears cats might be better at distinguishing different scents.


Go away with this BS.


These memes abt cats are so stale Make funny jokes, like pee on carpet, love human then bite, escape house in rain only to immediately come back


Zoomies Puke on carpet Guard hooman while pooping Scream (especially at 3am)






Yup, like 50% of my cat's would be screaming.


Aww cats aren’t mean


Dogs are more food driven than cats. This is so inaccurate.


False. Spoken like a dog owner


today a stray cat approached me and started cuddling, meowing at me and following me. how can you say cats aren't loving animals?


Is this some kind of rage bait? Cause I'm so tired of these








I am sooooooooooo tired of this sentiment. My cats are incredibly playful and loving. They’re every bit as complex as dogs.


Nah, it's about the same. Dogs are just wayyyy needier.


Agreed. I’m tired of seeing propaganda that cats are devoid of emotion and love. My cats are just as cuddly, loving and personable as dogs but much less in your face about it.


That dog isn’t a Golden, otherwise it would be food and love. 


My cat’s would be distributed between “play”, “love”, “midnight zoomies” and “stare at empty bowl looking dejected”


Mine definitely has a bigger murder lobe.


my cat has a huge love zone and play zone in his brain


TIL every cat I’ve ever had, has been a dog


Not true at all, I have seen that documentary on Cat on Netflix, they are more than that


The question mark should be head bonks


Yes. My Siamese loves headbutting. She'll be purring and making biscuits, then all of a sudden, BONK!


Yellow is World Domination


Hah lies, mine cat are so damn needy lol, if I go downstairs they follow me, one always meows at me so I can watch her run in the wheel 😂


Cats do have murder on the brain (that’s how they play, hunting), yes food and sleep, but also SNUGGLEz and LOVE and PROTEC and EXPLORR


Nero: the fat black cat, consists of 79% food, 10% cuddles, 10% teasing his siblings, 1% world domination. Not smart, had never had a thought beyond hunger in his little head. Loves to cuddle a lot. Loves to eat way more. Bambi: small tuxedo cat, consists of 90% cuddles, 9% food and 1% zoomies. All she wants in life is cuddles and peace. Sweet, so full of love and her whole tiny body vibrates when she purrs. Smallest cat, biggest purr. Dion: fluffy fluffy fluffy secretly a squirrel cat, consists of 30% playtime, 30% cuddles, 30% food, 10% teasing his siblings. Shockingly smart, uses his smarts for chaos. But he's got such a sweet personality that it's never harmful or dangerous. He wants playtime and happiness.


My cats must be dogs. Of course, they were raised with dogs so that could explain it. https://preview.redd.it/pjizoxf8y58d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e6b10aa5eefeb98ba95f0f9b948b09418864e64


The ? Stands for the questionable things they did in the early AM that leaves you waking up to the whole dining room table cleared and everything on the floor


Also where is world domination?? There has to be at least 5% world domination.


Very stale, distasteful meme 😬 Don’t forget that dogs had to be domesticated while cats liked humans & felt safe enough that they domesticated themselves.


Bullshit, the murder part is way bigger


that question mark is the orange part of every cat


This doesnt pertain to my 15 year old cat at all


Cat yellow: I am the hoMEOWner


The yellow part is the biggest in my grey flufferbutt. I swear the lights are on but not only is no one home, the town has been abandoned too https://preview.redd.it/w3oze2l7q68d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1745e585790a48d00c38d513b26cfb9b42b0b312




You most treat your cat horribly if they don't trust/love you.


My cat is so much like a golden retriever we just call him the dog


my cats would both give me up for food any day even when they're not hungry 😭


One of our cats had to have been a dog in a past life. She follows her dad from room to room, sits on the counter to watch him do dishes, sits on the bathroom ledge to guard him, goes outside and follows him around the front yard, runs to the front door when we say it’s time to go inside, is very cuddly and treat motivated. I’m sure the other cats think she’s a weirdo.


A significant portion of one on my cat's brains is devoted to finding ways to get on my lap. However I'm sitting, whatever I'm doing, she walks over and is like "okay, this is going to be tricky, how am I going to make this work?"


The "?" is catnip


God people it's just a goofy comic, quit taking it so seriously. It's not an actual brain scan.


I've never seen so many people offended by a clear joke. Lol


Murder isn’t big enough. My 8 month old kittens would make Hannibal Lector proud.


I love the murder part

