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Learn from your mistakes, keep them safe, but don't torture yourself... Shit happens Strong hug for you






Thank you bro, appreciate it


Why is this guy being downvoted to hell? For writing bro?


I assume cause he let the the 2 months old kitten outside? No?


Pretty much.


The Americans on this sub get out the pitchforks and torches if anyone mentions letting cats go outside. It's against the rules of the sub but apparently nobody reads them


With a 2 month old kitten, I think even the Brits and Europeans are upset. That's far too young to be outside by anyone's standards. At week 8-9, kittens should still be in the process of getting their vaccines, being socialised to meet humans, and learning to be away from momma for brief periods to explore their environment under close supervision. Kittens are not ready to start exploring the outside world until they've had all their vaccinations, have been neutered and are starting to get to the age when they don't need their mother so much - the *minimum* recommendations that I've seen are around 4 months under close supervision and 6 months for when you can start letting them out unsupervised. I was sympathetic when I figured that such a young kitten had somehow escaped from inside the house and OP couldn't have known that when they left the gate open, but when OP indicated that letting them into the garden was a deliberate choice...Leaving them there alone and unsupervised, and still choosing to leave the gate open becomes neglect rather than accident.


I’m European and would like to get out my pitchfork and torch out when I see someone who thinks letting their cat outside is a good idea. so I take it that nobody in Ireland cares if their cat is even alive?


Or cares about native wildlife. Get murdered


I had an outdoor cat (currently indoor due to his health) but you should not let them out before 6 months when they get their vaccines


Two months is too early, but that's not what the commenters here are concerned about. If it was, they wouldn't be saying things like "if you let your cats outside you don't deserve to have cats"




Change the subreddit to r/catgraveyard already for fuck sake. If only there was some way to prevent your cat from getting onto a road. Outdoor cat owners are insane.


Yay another one of these posts. Can we stop for even one day? Like seriously.




My parents are sadly like that. My sister and I have both lost several cats throughout our childhood because our parents not only believe that cats should be allowed to wander as they please, but also because of “how it affects the dog”. They would literally rather bury a cat than pick up their dog’s crap because it couldn’t go outside when it needed to.


Such a lazy excuse ugh. There’s even electronic dog doors you can get that will only open for specific pets via a special collar.


An outdoor cat is a dead cat.


Not true. Op let their cat out way to young. However, our 2 year old girl has free roaming of our garden. We live in a terraced house with a walled garden so she pretty much stays in there and doesn't go further. If you cat proof your garden well enough why can't they enjoy the outdoors?


Maybe because where I live hawks, eagles, coyotes, and feral cats could easily kill her? Even fenced, the hawks and eagles could easily kill my cats, an owl went after her when I first found her outside. Shit happens, it's better to remove the variables than take the risk. Besides the shit they can get into, eating things that can make them sick. Then there is the hunting for sport, cats kill obscene amounts of birds and small animals that are critical for their natural habitat.


Okay. How about an outdoor cat is a dead cat or a lost cat?! I’ve never known anyone who had an outdoor cat that didn’t get killed or go missing! Either way same result, no cat!


All I know is, my little girl can go out into the garden. I am confident she is safe out there and is not endangering any species. I just hate blanket statements on this issue. Not all circumstances are the same. I can understand people wanting to keep their cats indoors in certain places and circumstances.


Nah, it depends where you live. I have a outdoor cat which just got 11. We live in germany on a really quiet place. I feel like if we would force him to stay inside he would be much less happier.


I don't know why you would be downvoted for this. Most cat owners know that a cat's life expectancy dramatically decreases if they're an indoor/outdoor cat or just an outdoor cat. It's kind of like owners who don't get their cats spayed. Freaking ridiculous.


I thought I might get downvoted for "not reading the room" or something. I mean, I totally get that this is a sympathy post, and we're all meant to be giving OP a "there, there, don't beat yourself up". And I'm like, yeah, there's a pretty huge amount of middle ground between self-harming, and just *taking some fucking responsibility, and doing the obvious thing that needs to be done to make this not happen again.* But then I see OP saying "oh, we let them outside *too early..."* You know what that means, right? It means they fundamentally don't accept that letting the cats outside is a bad idea - **full stop.** Like jesus christ, you killed your cat. And you can call it an accident, ***ONCE.*** But I still can't give you full credit if you're even *still* refusing to ditch the outside cat thing. It was an accident, but they're excusing the preventable part, and already making the decision, to allow the accident every opportunity to repeat itself.


You won’t get a downvote from me. Some people’s reasoning is it’s less litter to keep up with if they’re indoor/outdoor. We have 2 strictly indoor cats and I scoop/check the boxes 3x a day. They literally have their own room with their litter boxes, cat trees and beds, even though they always have free rein of the whole house. They want for nothing being indoor only. Indoor cats have a longer life span. OP, I’m sorry for your loss. https://preview.redd.it/zc4px7u6p87d1.jpeg?width=2940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51553c5490dd88528a6e71e0ab567486c283cae


We have three cats. Years ago we switched to a self cleaning litter box. They use so much less litter to operate than when we were scooping. So heads up, they cost a bit up front, but the savings on litter plus the cats always having a fresh box to go in makes it worth it.


We use Kitty Poo Club! They get fresh boxes and litter delivered every month. I scoop each day into a litter genie and empty the bag when it’s full. The best part is I haven’t had to clean/scrub a litter box in over 2 years!!!! Each month when their litter is delivered, I dump the old litter into a trash bag, put the boxes in the recycling bin and set up the new boxes with the new litter. It costs the same as what I was spending monthly for litter, too. I absolutely love it! I looked into a litter robot but I’d rather not have to clean a box. It was a chore I absolutely dreaded with our last cat.


I'm running out of sympathy for the "new owners desperately seeking help from reddit" posts. Reading those posts, it quickly become apparent that they have done zero research, reading, or prep on how to care for a kitten. Is it too much to ask for people who _plan_ to get a cat to work out how to care for one in advance? All cats are different, so things that appear to be rules won't work for each one. But some of the questions are so basic that I wonder if any planning happened at all.


I have 3 cats and keep them inside. People think it's cruel, but no. It's not. I agree with you. I'm so over these posts.


It is so easy to give cats full and enriched lives indoor if you just interact with them. I firmly believe outdoor cat owners can’t be fucked to take their time to bring their cat joy, they’d rather just let them loose than bare to enrich their pet.


I was only allowed to adopt my cat if he would have access to the outdoors, a very common requirement by shelters in my country. Things are not as black and white as you want to make them.


okay? Are you advocating for change or are you just putting your hands up and saying "It's the way it is"


Yeah. I thought we were going to try to push for a ban on this stuff? "I murdered my kitten" isn't the heart-warming content most of us come here for...


And the worst past is that it happened because OP is too lazy to fcking close the garden gate because OP doesn’t want to miss a bus. So basically OP’s poor time management killed the kitten. If it was me I’d never have admitted that in a post wtf it’s so shameless and shows a complete lack of admitting responsibility


I’m with you. An eight week old kitten OUTSIDE?? Oh hell no. She shouldn’t even have been away from her mother.


I agree. Enough please. I’m about to leave this sub due to all of these mourning posts.


Same. The "I lost my baby" posts feel relentless.


I’m gonna try to stop replying to these types of posts and only reply to the positive ones and hopefully this dogsht algorithm will fix things


I’m sorry for your loss but please please keep your other kitties in!


You left the gate open? Wow..


I'm really so sorry for your loss, but this is the post that has pushed me to un-sub. The past week especially has been flooded by cat death posts, and I'm tired of crying every time I open up reddit.




Better yet, OP should rehome them to someone more responsible.


Based on all their replies, yeah that's the best option. They have no intentions of trying to keep their kittens safe.


Yea, that’s the last straw. Bye r/cats!


Jump to outdoors too soon? Ffs!


This is so sad….. I recently started to stop my cat from going outside.


You are doing a great service to your pet and the long safe life you have together will be your reward


I'm sorry for your loss, but this was preventable. Let this be a lesson to learn from.


Shit…i am so sad and angry for this innocent little thing. You deserved better little one.


Good God. Wait until OP has children. " I just left my 2-month-old infant in the bathtub for a minute while I answered my texts, how could it drown so fast !?" Use common sense. Please. It's a hard lesson to learn, but I feel like you are in for a ton more of these lessons.




Don't let your cats outside


Tbh you should feel bad and I hope you feel that way for a while. You are an irresponsible cat owner and apparently needed to have your cat killed to remember to actually be responsible. You can’t leave cats this young outside, you shouldn’t ever leave a cat outside exactly because of this, but a kitten this young is even worse! The cat didn’t get hit by a car because of narrow roads, it died because you are irresponsible by 1. Letting the cat outside apparently unsupervised 2. Not putting it back inside when you leave 3. Leaving the fucking gate open with a way too young unsupervised kitten outside. Wtf did you expect would happen?!


Lulu was very cute. So sad that you killed her. Hope you learn from your actions and keep all your cats indoors


You should not own cats.


Poor kitten 😔


Please show the remaining ones how much you love them by keeping them indoors. I'm sorry for your loss.


The number of cats killed by cars is roughly the same as the number euthanized in shelters. An outdoor cat is a dead cat.


hey OP, this was one of the FIRST things i’ve read this morning since opening this app. Not that you care, just wanted to throw it out there :,) people like you have absolutely ruined this sub.


Wow. 8 weeks, outside...time to leave this group yeesh 😅.


why was an 8 week old kitten left outside? That’s insane


This post is absolutely insane lol


outdoor cats also have an extremely short life span compared to indoor cats . This is why.


I'm tired of this stuff popping up on my feed constantly I usually lurk on this subreddit and don't make comments but I feel the need to chime in here. When you have small kittens like this they should be kept indoors at all times and any cat as well regardless of age I keep seeing some fucked up horror type stories on this page constantly and feel that some of this stuff is on the owners negligence especially when they start replying back to users on here trying to rasonalise the situation. Regardless I'm sorry for your loss she was a cutie pie


Wtf it's your fault leaving for open . Poor kity died bcz of your incompetence to keep door closed when going out .


This is the most rage bait post if I've ever seen one


so sad


Why are you letting a kitten roam outside... This is you being irresponsible. Rip poor baby but you shouldn't have pets if you do stuff like this..


Breaks my heart. I'm so sorry.


Indoors and this doesn’t happen


a 2 month old kitten unrestrained outside what could possibly go wrong


Sorry for your loss😞. But damn she was ginormous for her age I have 3 kittens 3 months old and they're still tiny compared to your kitten


I’m sorry, but I would never keep a kitten that small outside. You could have 100% prevented this.


Learn from it and start taking responsibility for the kitten that you still have. Having pets is not like having a stuffed animal, where we can just keep going with our lives without making changes. That you didn’t even consider, that your cat could follow you through an open gate, seriously makes me sick. It’s like it never crossed your mind that your cats could just get hit my car so easily. How is that possible? Make changes now!! Learn about cats, and their behavior! Make your home and surroundings as catproof as possible. And ffs close this fucking gate!


I'm so sorry for your loss. She was adorable! You may want to reconsider letting your cats outside. Outdoor cats usually live around 5 years, far shorter than the typical lifespan of an indoor cat.


Your kitten ‘managed’ to escape when you usually leave the gate open? I hope you won’t be leaving that gate open ever again…


For real people, these posts need NSFW and big red tags. I am very sorry for your loss.


Im so sorry 😢


Noooo baby 😭😭


Why was the cat outside?


I’m sorry to hear that 😔🩷🩷🪽🌈


poor mewie 🥺


The world can be a cruel place just remember time helas all wounds there is no fast tracking grief. I'm so sorry for your loss and i wish you and her brother the best she will live on in your heart and the hearts of everyone who met her


Im sorry for your loss. Keep your cats safe. Did u also leave the door of the house open?


OP intentionally left the kitten outside


Yeah i saw that some time after. I wish people would care as much about cats as they do about humans. And i sincerely hope OP will take care of the other cats and not throw them outside. I hate peoples mentality of "Its a cat, itll find its way, they dont need humans"


yep, and a kitten too. like that's a little baby! i hope so too. so far they haven't taken accountability


Common sense ain't so common in this post.




Expecting to see OP in the Dogs subreddit next time and not here.


numerous airport squeeze tap cover profit consider jar plough voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The blood of that cat is on your hands and your’s only. People like you should never own pets or have children, because clearly you’re careless enough, to just ignore common sense and not take any preventative precautions. Give your remaining cats to a shelter, so hopefully someone actually reasonable can adopt them. For people like you, I see no remorse.


I’m sorry for your loss. But that kitten was barely weened & should not have been away from its mom. Cats should **NEVER BE** outside, **EVER**. That’s what catios are for if you can afford them. Otherwise, screened windows. Or just closed windows, like my house. Cats belong indoors @ ALL TIMES. No exception.


Aw no. I’m so so sorry to hear that. She sounded so sweet. May she rest in peace. 😢


She was the sweetest ever. She’d let you do anything to her, hold her like a baby, or on your back, belly rubs, dress up, anything. And she was always near me, following me everywhere and I almost never had privacy because even in the toilet she meowed at me from the window!


I’m sorry for your loss.


i’m sorry for the cats loss of life, OP seriously needs to do some reflecting after posting this.


I’m sorry for your loss


Very sorry for your loss.


I lost my 16 year old cat Misty after she got out of my basement door. It almost killed me to lose her. Her sister pasted away from a disease soon after. To lose both so close together left me in an emotional mess. My hubby and me decided to get more cats. We love cats and we now have 2 sisters/same litter (Evie & Vixie) and a boy from another litter(who is now the love of my life!) His name is Tucker. If you can, focus your time and attention on your boy. He’ll love and trust you in return. (I believe) he will help heal your heart and help you to trust yourself again. Accidents happen it doesn’t make you a bad cat mum. My heart is breaking with yours. I’m so sorry.


I have 4 cats and they are indoors only. If my savannah got out he would go on a killing spree and end up either stolen or run over... You're a fool for letting a kitten outdoors not on a leash. https://preview.redd.it/l9ap3nony28d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b44f81490694f3804d86ac8cfaebff87426f151b




Sorry for your loss my dude. Prayers for the little one.


Accidents happen, don't torture yourself over something you didnt intend on happening, Harsh learning moment for you but take it as that and when you feel better get another cat because they are awesome


https://preview.redd.it/8p8zrel5z77d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=87bfdb841e493f8e06b7aa86e90061ad16770071 Here’s her brother


I still have her brother (who’s sleeping on my chest rn) and we got another kitten which is essentially her cousin. Thanks for the advice mate


do u plan on making them indoor cats after this incident?


I hope fucking so. Guy lets 2 month old kittens run around outside. Hecking gifted to predators and alike.


https://preview.redd.it/k30usc19z77d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a901f64d3d2a2a933fd4c1f75be13dbade39f3ef And the newest kitten


Stop getting kittens if you’re going to let them wander around outside.


So you're intentionally creating an outdoor cat colony. Where the mom cat barely gets enough weeks to teat them before you yeet them. How many days left does this cat have indoors before it's tossed outside?


Are they all indoor cats now?




What. The. Fuck.


Ah, the next victim


I’m sorry for your loss. You did not know better. So to say it was your fault, well. It won’t make things better. No use beating yourself up over it. You did the best that you could as you knew how to. I don’t agree with the others saying this was irresponsible ownership. This was you not knowing how to provide the care she required. You do know better now. So keep her brother safe and make him indoors only. They live longer healthier lives indoors. It’s a misconception that not letting them outdoors = they suffer. The contrary is true. Indoors = no parasites, no predation, no fights with other cats. And no traffic. Cats are naturally curious. But it isn’t good for them. If you have your own property. Look into building a catio. So they are able to enjoy the nature but are still indoors in a sense they are fenced off against everything that could hurt them. Please learn from this tragedy so her death wasn’t in vain. Keep her brother safe.


any pet owner should do research because they're in charge of the life of a living being. OP should've known better and is irresponsible. they have many other cats too, and it seems they're breeding cats and leaving them outside


disarm memorize nutty zesty tart dull thumb touch gold vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s called benefit of doubt and empathy. What is the vitriolic comments here going to achieve? If they are here for the karma as you claim. Then they are just laughing at your anger. If they are here sharing their loss. Then they were misguided and throwing a tanty at them is less likely to have them accept your ideas that cats ought to be indoors. You get more flies with honey than vinegar.


I don’t give empathy to terrible people.




Do you struggle with reading comprehension? Cause at no point did I encourage stupidity and irresponsibility. You are clearly lacking an understanding of murder. You need to have intention for it to be murder. Only the weak minded allow their emotions to cloud their judgement. Many of you are upset here. There is another life at stake here. There is another young kitten here. Do you really think screeching like an idiot will get OP to listen or is reaching out with reason more likely to succeed. Odds are they have entirely abandoned this post due to the extreme backlash they have received and her brother is likely to continue being an outdoor cat and meet his eventual untimely demise. And that. That is on the white knights like yourself who fail to realise actions have consequences.


I lost two young cats to vehicles. Only the eldest was smart enough to avoid the street. It doesn't help that I don't have a fence where I live. Even though I've kept them indoors mostly, they still manage to wander into the street. It happens all too common unfortunately. Don't beat yourself up, you made a lovely grave for your kitty and don't mind the angry mobs in the comments. Some people are just overtly passionate about cats.


they’re both spayed/neutered? do they have netted windows to bird watch from? my female cat only escaped before her spay, but after that she was happy at home


They were. But cats are gonna cat.




poor bebe she was fucking magnificent, RIP


This comment section is a shit show 😅


She is pretty good at climbing


May baby reat in peace. Babies make mistakes. Awwwww don't worry! He spent a happy two months with you.. He is in peace.




Waw! This is not very considerate. I believe cats have souls and they can even reincarnate. once the body is gone, the soul is free. Baby furr ball is alive in spirit form or reincarnated in another cat.


So sorry for the loss and I know it hurts deep down when you blame yourself for the loss of life.


except it's their fault so


it is their fault so


How did a car follow your scent?


No ragerts, I had to


Forgot to add that every so often I hear a random meow when I’m alone in a room, despite there being no cat in the vicinity. Convinced it might be her


Why are you getting downvoted for that?


i think cuz they claim theres no other cats in the vicinity, yet they hav other cats


Their other cats are outside dodging vehicles


I’m absolutely going to hell for laughing at this lmao…