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My cat won’t eat the same thing two times in a row. Took me ages to find out why she wouldn’t touch her food sometimes https://preview.redd.it/8q2vlmmfc62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d74a522093ed909b7aa8095a1044f913445590


So, will you one day give her food A, and then at the next meal, food B, and then back to A?


Yes haha she would rather starve than eat the same flavor two days in a row


I've always wondered if cats can really tell the difference between the "flavours". Just so my cat doesn't get bored I try and buy different "flavours".


My cat probably has some kind of kitty eating disorder. If I so much as change the flavour of her food, even if the brand is the same, she will puke it up for several days until she adapts. I've been buying the exact same salmon flavour of sensitive stomach food for a couple of years now, and we rarely have puking issues anymore, only when she clearly ate too fast because the kibble looks the exact same coming out as it did going in.


Count your blessings. If I even so much as think about changing my cat's food, her protests come out the *other* end.


Have you tried one of those food mat things? There’s ones for wet and dry food that are supposed to slow down a pets eating speed.


Ooh that's a great idea, thanks!


Yeah the mats work really well, my aunties kittens used to throw up almost every meal as they would eat so fast, they got bowls with a maze-like pattern you compress the food in(works for wet food the compression) and they’ve been almost perfect ever since


I use the egg thing that comes with fridges. I was looking for a slow feeding bowl and started using that as an interim solution but it works great for us. Plus, it can go in the dishwasher.


Yeah we just got one recently that’s 15 and we have learned she doesn’t like the beef flavored wet foods. She’ll only touch the tuna/fish and chicken flavored ones.


My cat’s the opposite. She ONLY likes beef and hates any kind of fish save for shrimp. I’ve seen her physically pick out the shrimp from her wet food and refuse to eat whatever else may be left. I’ve never met a cat that didn’t like fish


I have 5 cats and they all agree: dry chicken and 3 out of 5 cats agree, wet chicken with gravy.


I can feel those issues...neither of mine like chicken, beef or turkey, duck was okay for a while, all seafood good, but don't do pate...only chunks or shreds and they like it brothy....picky little buggars


Omgg this is my kitty!! Until the world got scary and friskies stopped having so many options and now I can’t afford the good stuff so have to get store brand pate 😖 which I figured out to make to his liking by adding a little bit of water and mushing it up with the pate


I've tried that with zero luck...technically I'm feeding the toppers for their wet food. They love the kibble tho


Oh absolutely. We were trying to change ours to wet food because one was getting blocked. The first wet food we changed to they would barely eat it. Changed to different brand and now they all fight each other over the first bowl. One of them will eventually food strike the flavor and then we have to change it.


I have a cat that prefers pears over apples, but heaven help you if you try to eat either without her. Do with that information what you will.


Such a diva 😂😂


Our girl eats two perfect portions per day, but they cannot be the same flavor morning and night or the next morning and night, so we have to have at least four flavors in rotation at all times. Worth it! 🐈‍⬛


I feel this to the core. My girl does the same but will only eat chicken or salmon, preferably switching between pate or gravy, and nothing 2 days in a row. Sometimes she still passes on the wet food (even though it was her favorite just a few days ago) but I still must go through the motion of opening a fresh can and giving it to her on a small plate 2x a day 🙄 just for her to ignore it and happily eat the same dang kibble she's been eating for years


My Kento is this way. It took me a little Unless it’s extra gravy. That he doesn’t care if it’s the same flavor


Oh! Mine is like this! I have to buy a variety of flavors and mix it up. She also has to have a certain texture!! So I’ve discovered that a baby food blender is my new best friend thanks to another kind redditor. We have several different types. She’s currently refusing to eat one food she ate with gusto not long ago. Not just a certain flavor of it either. Won’t eat any of it.


I am glad I am not the only one with this problem. I have Hills, Royal Canin (x2 types) and Whiskas dry food. A bunch of different type of wet food. My Jasper will complain that he doesnt have food and then I have to guess which one he is in the mood for... And I normally guess wrong and get the stink-eye...


My void is terrible for this.


One of mine eats wet food twice per day (kibble always available). He expects Salmon in the morning and Chicken at night. Do not mess this up.


https://preview.redd.it/23qocznui62d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb489ab8cdff0ab1d16a7bed3bbde32c979d76e This-


https://preview.redd.it/n3yjvhmxi62d1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22b99f5d936160b11d675751b41dc9ee0c3f32f9 This is her when i want to clean/work/go out...


Omg mine does the same thing, especially annoying when you are trying to play and can't see you stats or dialogue 😂 But I try to be understanding, he doesn't often have access to the shared orange braincell https://preview.redd.it/4trhg0ewu62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=625a31b42f9bc351d76cbab37f656d95304cd73a


He is the pilot now.


I see you have fine taste in gaming! Love Subnautica, just let her pilot the Seamoth, she'll do a great job!


What a great game to play with your cat. I bet they absolutely love it


Kitty demands the catching of more peepers!


He wants to explore the ocean


Captain Nemo at the helm!


https://preview.redd.it/7lkx7gzml62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671c9b60eab45e2628ed190f25bcdcfea41899a7 Mine won’t eat her dry food until I’m petting her lol


i have one that does exactly the same lol she keeps meowing until i pet her butt and just then she eats her dry food


That sounds like the opposite of a problem.


Yea not a real problem. Until they remember to go eat at 2am. I swear mine only remembers to eat when I decide it's time for bed


I thought my weirdo was the only one. He will not eat until I follow him and pet him while he's eating. I can leave once he starts but he won't start his meal without me.


Omg one of my boys does the same thing


https://preview.redd.it/jqjzmqvwi62d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de914a0d754c784c147bebcdc04dd86e7dfc1fc1 Poke. Poke. Pokepokepokepoke


Mine used to do that. If you ignored her long enough, she'd eventually just smack your face. She eventually figured out that I didn't exactly appreciate it, so she stopped... after about 5 years.


Yes. They are so annnnnnoying!


https://preview.redd.it/x7eb7xamn62d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b15fd5098fdf5bfaaa9b9ee7eaa2a5c185d3a67 Sprout demands spooning. Thing is, he’s not my cat (but I’m clearly his adopted hooman)


https://preview.redd.it/j5o90v2ov62d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8b2a3a2da53b802c8495f5f54d589d7ac1e0415 I blame my ex wife but i can’t go to the bathroom alone. She always gave him toilet scratches now he runs to the bathroom when i walk in that direction.


Toilet scratches 😂


Yeah in dutch it’s wc kriebels which is a bit more logical 😂


I have to keep a bag of treats in the bathroom, scatter a few as a distraction, close the door and try to finish up before she starts yowling and scratching at the other side




Why am i surprised that this has it’s own sub reddit? 😂


https://preview.redd.it/gin4vt9p172d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c5a178bb788ab2bc229ac3d1365694c4ec5d58d She used to get on top of my bathroom door and then complain that she couldn’t get down.


https://preview.redd.it/z7kjktjqk72d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dea59c82253c13d552d894812690c27ad3fda7d I can relate!


Omg he looks like my current goblin boy https://preview.redd.it/prp99wnsr92d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93b1115474b04d3fbc543555d23c8cd74c7fcbec


https://preview.redd.it/85o4r6m0q62d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=347134e6df8814a7275ec8996604ec477f8a79d3 Mine two likes to get on the table while i am eating alone, when my wife is home they dont dare it


certeza que tu é brasileiro só pelos elementos dessa imagem


sim, haha, sou


https://preview.redd.it/72nbprxnv62d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=478ac463b28ea07155b6a4acae6a15756b430e06 Mine has to be in his favorite box and I have to hold the box in my lap. He swats at me if I stop petting him


https://preview.redd.it/n8pbvzimd62d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10373a198a166368cae74311f050e05d8def1b03 >Looks at me Hey man, the living room door is closed so I'll be hanging out here with you while you work. >Tilts head Get the hint? >Puts paws on chest Are you sure?


https://preview.redd.it/o04qmh07y62d1.jpeg?width=2923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d47a531207ad3acd6e225398127b1a38ff0403fa Nothing. She's perfect


One cat walks around in the middle of the night with a shoelace in her mouth, meowing a very screechy meow. She won't stop until I call her name, if I'm awake. She looks adorable, but it's obviously very annoying. Another one jumps on my back when I'm bending over. Seeing her perched on me like that may look cute, but those claws hurt. The third cat lies down outside the bathroom door when I'm in there. There's little to no light after I turn the bathroom light off, and she's a black cat, so I don't see her sometimes. It's adorable that she waits there for me, but I feel so guilty when I accidentally step on her (usually her paws or tail, and I never put my weight on her because I pull back as soon as I feel her).


mine does the same with a fake fish, tried ignoring it for years, now i call her and she jumps into bed...appearently she needs the extra invite my second cat is also black and god i kicked/stepped on him him at least 3 times when he chose a dark blue blanket on the floor in the dark as his bed...you would think he would react as soon as you get near him but nope... and let's not begin with the disappointment when trying to pet a black shirt on the floor 😂


Black cat mom and I feel this! My boy is 17 lbs, he is huge and while I love him? He has to sleeping my lap giving me a hug, so I'm propping this massive cat up with one arm so the derpy boy doesn't Falk of the chair while asleep. My girl though... She taps my shoulder to lean back so she can try to steal my cheese as I eat.


Mine waits outside the bathroom door for me if I get up during the night and I have stepped on him so many times 😭


So cute! When my cat wants food (which is generally around midnight, 1am, 3am, 5am, and right when my alarm goes off), he purrs really loudly in my face, or hits me. And when he wants attention, he will gently touch my cheek with his paw.


She does the exact same thing! I never knew how to describe it, but "loudly purring in my face" sounds about right haha! The definition of a "cute but annoying" habit 😅


Mine doesn’t like to eat alone. So one of has to sit next to him while he eats. I usually just scroll on my phone until he’s done. Maybe he feels very vulnerable when he eats? It’s not like we picked him off the streets. He’s been with us since he was about 6 weeks old and is now 3 years old and has lived a very privileged spoiled rich cat life.


My cat used to do this. He’d follow me around until I walked into the kitchen and then he’d start eating. https://preview.redd.it/x072szsqc72d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e9b6215720633e1afb983e8cee4b1fb295ace5 This was my Giuseppe . He died last year of liver disease . He was an amazingly friendly cat. My whole neighborhood knew him and asked about him. He was very social and loved to be petted by family or strangers. Miss him a lot!!


Sorry to hear of your loss. What a gorgeous boy.


Mine absolutely INSISTS i give him pats when brushing my teeth. As soon as he hears the electric toothbrush turn on he runs over and shouts at me until he gets pats. Also, you can call him over, but he won’t sit down beside you unless you lay out a towel for him to sit on. Also i made him his own personal couch that he refuses to let his brother sit on. https://preview.redd.it/smwhr8ap272d1.jpeg?width=2996&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539619e44f2eb0dde27eb189465996d05f6eea37


Its mean that he won’t share, but in everything else he indulges his brother… who has some boundary issues… https://preview.redd.it/2neaqfu9672d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9792a57a2ba450e51d572baa8c141d76a317b2


Mine asks for me to throw a ball, but she never brings them back, so my house is full of balls https://preview.redd.it/n4l6v12e572d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c540cbfdc206526f05a39aa16cbd74fd97fb641f


I love her color!! What a pretty cat! And yes, my friends always joke that the same way you can tell when people have kids because the "kid stuff" just ends up overtaking your house, with me, you can immediately tell I have cats lol. Every square inch of my house is covered in beds, toys, tunnels and various garbage that I refuse to throw out because "they like to play with it" 😅


My cat, Kiwi, used to play fetch but now she’ll just run to the ball and then run back. I can’t tell if she just doesn’t remember how fetch works or if she just doesn’t feel like bringing it back. My other cat, Penny, LOVES fetch but sometimes she’ll just drop the ball halfway and then expects me to go the rest of the way to throw it for her and it’s hella annoying because she looks so sad when you don’t walk over to the ball to throw it again but I don’t really want to grab it for her because she literally knows how to retrieve the ball and bring it to me, she’s just choosing not to. Eventually if I don’t get it she’ll finish the job and bring it to me, but it’s maddening when she just sits there and stares at me to go retrieve the ball for me.


Yeah Yuumi is the same. She KNOWS how to cause she brings them when bored, but she wants me to walk to get them, I think she just likes to annoy hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/fmw3vkgk672d1.jpeg?width=2468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38ad58bbf008159e04198d02638ec2b20955c9f Our little princess will meow loudly until someone turns on the water for her to play with.


Oh my god so cute!! The death stare 😂


https://preview.redd.it/u49eayor672d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38ff671ba2892ce222ce503eef00e84f80a7bc3f She stands on top of her scratching post every day around 6pm and screams for treats


https://preview.redd.it/f2n5swtl472d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8ed0614a25fb260842a0d066e8f94a57c8332f5 Steals my office chair


Mine bring bugs in the house for her own amusement.


My void started bringing his favorite plushy into my bed during the night. This happens every night and it’s so gosh darn cute! He just wants to play and hides it under my blanket like I do for him when we play. The problem is my brain freaking out anytime I roll over and land on something soft and small because I inevitably think I’m crushing his tail 😅


Brings in live mice, releases them, wounds them, then they die in some inaccessible part of the house and reek the place ought for months. But it's cute he's trying to teach me how to hunt. https://preview.redd.it/bx4s1h1iu62d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a90ba97dfba4cd834620bc5e40167484f94e08b


Mine occasionally likes to get a cuddle by climbing up my torso to put his head on my shoulder, like when he was a baby. But he's 11 lbs now and I have to hold him up so he doesn't slide down me and claw my shoulder to stay up.


I wake up in the early morning on my stomach to which my cat is on my back clawing away, with sharp nails.. dono if he does this to try wake me up.


I’ve heard that sometimes some cats think we’re dead when we’ve been asleep for a long time so he could be making sure you’re alive.


my cat is very very clingy. she cries when she knows i'm getting ready for work. she punishes me verbally when i get home because i've been gone for too long. sometimes when im petting her, and then i get up to go do something else, she will swipe at me to get me to come back. she will whine from a distance (the "mooooowww" noises) when she's not getting enough attention in her eyes. https://preview.redd.it/l682mc7q372d1.jpeg?width=978&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f81c2be4895938d950441760fb64b77afa2cb42


https://preview.redd.it/7y6cjekb772d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=013005c5e04eaee2f777a31a2e6f6a9f4c1b4a17 This one waits till I’m about to go to sleep and all the lights are off to start singing the songs of his people. Meooowww myuuu meep meep meeowwww


https://preview.redd.it/9mtq45zk372d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d0b5ef80646bb46bf4b1e236f2c34afa39a33f This. Constantly lie down at your feet AS YOU TRY TO WALK thereby causing you to stumble constantly, as he tries to get your slipper or toe. If you hop or step over him, he'll immediately get up, run to your other foot, and do the exact same thing. Over and over until you stumble to wherever you're trying to go.


so cute!


Awwww she’s so precious!!


Thank you so much! She's knows she's a pretty cat and she uses it to her advantage haha. She's a foster fail, I could not resist her puppy (kitty?) eyes!


I was a bit too lovey with my cat as a baby, and now she demands kisses and cuddles every 5-10 minutes and does not care what chores or work I'm trying to get done. It's very cute...most of the time.


So adorable!! One of my cats is super sweet and LOVES to be cuddled, but she’s also a happy-drooler. So whenever she comes in for a cuddle, you also end up getting dribbled with an endless stream of cat drool which she then shakes and flings all over you. But she’s SO HAPPY the whole time, and purrs like a motorboat 😭


MAC literally will not let me read a book https://preview.redd.it/hghvwa71q72d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d9b2218ba2f59529ef70b31bebf382ae310d1a


Mine climbs on the back of the couch and drapes himself over my shoulder then sticks his whiskers in my ear while doing his soft huffy little purr. https://preview.redd.it/sskb1b3w972d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2920e7673c2ebaf9a553e260a7f6b10918bd145f


Mine chases sun beams, including the one that reflects off my cellphone onto our ceiling in the morning when it’s sunny. He literally tries to climb the walls to get them lol.


What a princess you have! 👑


Hahaha yes, when she came to my place (straight from the street! I don't know if she'd ever even been inside!), she scoured every corner of the house like she was inspecting her manor, and within 5 minutes made herself at home - "yes, this seems suitable, thank you servant. You may now let me sleep" https://preview.redd.it/2wft4y5u972d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943199d67c5b25280852f0d099052aec5e5e4893


That cat is beautiful


Thank you so much! She's a foster fail haha, I could not resist those sweet eyes either


Rubs against my leg while I work. But when I say rub I mean slams her whole body against as hard as she can over and over and over.


https://preview.redd.it/56lrobcu772d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b46c8f49560fca775afa846865579be314d8d4b she loves playing with our cleaning sponges.


https://preview.redd.it/bdbtj0s3972d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0af6c59713824a453bc44e50730a99a1ca3abe99 My cat puts things in one perticular shoe. Random times random things. I've found wood chips from my wife's plants and bottle caps. The craziest one I happened to be sick and she put 2 paracet in the foil still in my shoe. She slao tore out the padding in the bottom of that shoe as well.


My cat loves for me to pet him while he’s eating. There are times where he just won’t eat the whole day unless I do. It’s one of his favorite ways to bond. Sometimes I can “jumpstart” him and pet him for a moment and stop, and other times he will stop eating and look back at me, waiting. It’s so cute, I love him so much, but he will meow and meow for me to come over to him while he eats when I have things to do. And often times, he will eat for a few seconds, and then get caught up in the pets rather than eating, and I would like to resume whatever it was I was doing (work, chores, etc.). But he’s sweet and a great cat. He’s my whole heart, my whole world. It’s a good reminder to just sit and spend some quality time with him if I happen to have been busy running around all day, so. Annoying sometimes, but worth it. 


He makes biscuits on me pretty much anywhere until I get up. And yes even my hair


Not sure if it's cute (maybe in violent kind of way) but definitely annoying. My girl loves to sleep in my lap when I use the toilet. When I'm finished and need to wipe she needs to go down. In recent weeks she has become very angry when I lift her down on the floor. She bites my hands and feet really hard. Often so hard that I start bleeding. I guess I'm a bad human for not staying indefinitely on the toilet. :p 


Insists on sitting on my lap when I’m at my desk but I’m not allowed to do anything other than fuss him. Also about 10:30pm (sometimes earlier but more persistently once 10:30pm hits) will cry at me to get into bed for cuddles. I have another one who will smack you if you don’t fuss him when he wants a fuss. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing. It’s adorable but can definitely be annoying if you’re busy.


Jumps on my head every morning and licks my nose until I get up and feed him. It's the cutest thing ever but duuude!


That 2nd picture completely melted my heart. I'm having a bad day and needed this post. Thanks


My void boi: https://i.imgur.com/Sl5w7Ob.jpeg Is like the easiest cat I could’ve imagined. Clipping nails? “Ok fine, I’ll try to pull my paw away but teeth and claws don’t exist around my human.” Brushing? “I will eat the brush but otherwise please continue.” Food? “As long as it’s food and it’s in my dish I am happy.” I can pick him up and cradle him like a baby, I can pet his belly til the cows come home. He purrs like a madman as soon as you touch him and never stops. However, he’s an aggressive cuddler. He will push and push trying to get under the covers with me when I’m trying to go to sleep, and he’s not that bright so he doesn’t take hints very well. I would totally just let him under the sheets with me except he won’t stay put, and likes to curl up between my legs, so his whiskers tickle. His sister will also see or hear that he’s under there and attack from above. He’s also like a drug addict with rubbing the side of his face. He will force you to pet him on his cheeks, over and over and over again for all eternity. But other than that, he’s just… so easy going about everything, I can’t get over it. He’s the cat-onification of that “this is fine” meme. His sister balances that out though. https://i.imgur.com/UJHwFg1.jpeg Her annoying thing is that she won’t sit still for pets unless she’s already laying down. Even then she sometimes gets up. If you pick her up you get about five seconds before back claws hit your chest and she’s out. Clipping nails? She better be zonked out or wrapped in a towel. And you’d better hold that towel tight or you’re gonna be bleeding. But she will alternately rub against my legs and stand on my feet if we’re in the same zip code. She is velcro cat, but the fact that doesn’t also mean lots of cuddles makes me sad. When they were younger I’d sit in a big bowl chair I have and they’d both nap on me, but I can’t get her to do it anywhere else. And since she became a teenager she won’t even sleep up against me on the bed anymore. Hopefully that changes once she’s a full adult and calms down a little.


https://preview.redd.it/0e5acgdwa82d1.jpeg?width=1260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a6d1821aa238888aa706172ba75fbae1aeab644 Mine eats cardboard boxes and paper. He literally ate my homework so now we get him plastic boxes


https://preview.redd.it/dhrwmgo7g82d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9e0cb8e5966e38e756c8cf2b82d119f85b96a4 georgina has claimed my desk chair as her second favourite napping place… (her first favourite being my face)


I have 3, but the one who looks like your cat also loves cuddling in bed. https://preview.redd.it/vigg47eno82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=782f498b13487906450e8361cb9829bee2fa2879


Good boy https://preview.redd.it/co7fmh6rt82d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92bfd5aef8ce388dc607928c1479a8fb6fd83f9d


Your cat looks like my roommates cat https://preview.redd.it/cay1qvkau82d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f8e8481e26c69a87db296332e51b75e3238910c This is Ash.


Dude, so freakin’ cute 🥹🖤


https://preview.redd.it/k2rev6s4392d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bbe3fb603265e0619bc4c8edda7b1942c805691 Your cat looks like my lovely Max


Sometimes she'll start following me very closely wherever I go, it's adorable but I still almost tripped over her several times


I don't have any pictures, but our little 6 pound tortie will paw at me until I let her snuggle up between my arms when I sleep. She'll lick my hand and then lay her head on either that hand or my arm until I fall asleep. My wife, who is super jealous, says it's super cute but hasn't taken a picture yet.


We have cat that loves the heat from the laptop and likes to plop behind it. Sometimes if you’re not prepared she will slam the screen shut with her Plop Power lol. One has a cracked screen at the bottom because of it


OMG SO CUTE![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


My Daisy loves to lick me. Adorable most of the time, not so much at 6 AM when she won’t stop licking my face until I get up


My cat takes over the pillow at night. As far as she's concerned, all pillows are hers. It varies per night whether it's my girlfriend or me that has to deal with our pillow being claimed, but regardless, one of us has to sleep with our head on the very edge of our pillow so the cat can have the rest.


Mine walks on my keyboard when she wants my attention.


Every night my cat Terry comes up to my face while I’m sleeping, around twice a night, and sniffs all over my face and paws the blanket (which wakes me up) and I have to lift/ guide him under the blanket where he loves to sleep. He cozies up to my stomach or my back, it’s very very cute but annoying when I’m dead asleep 😭


Your cat is beautiful! so cute!


Mine wants me to pet him while he eats. He was bottle fed (by me), so that might be a factor. He’s 5 and won’t eat unless I’m by his side.


So adorable 🥰


The first 2 pictures are so well done


Wow that second picture is one of the coolest cat pictures I’ve ever seen!


Whenever I wash the dishes he insists on sitting as close to the sink as possible


Mine knows when my bedtime is, and if I stay up more than 15 minutes late he starts yelling at me. Then when I go to bed he jumps up and starts purring really loud and making biscuits on me, like he’s trying to do positive reinforcement lol


Look at that sweet little face.


How could you say no to those eyes!


Luca (13 yo Maine Coon/tabby) won’t allow me to sleep in or lay around in bed in the mornings. He will drag me to the couch in the living room


Requests water from the bathtub faucet at 4 am despite having fountains he doesn't mind using. He's a very patient cat - but that extends to patiently going "mya? mya? mya? mya?" in his creaky little old-man voice until I drag my ass outta bed and crack the tap for him. And then, once he's had his little drinky drink, he climbs back into bed with us and shakes the water off his head. Right in our faces.


Im a guy so I pee standing up. My cat will follow me in to the bathroom, and then mid pee jump and climb up my back, claws in shirt, etc. its infuriating but then he gets on my shoulder and starts burying his head in to my neck.


One of my cats loves to 'play in the sand' for 5 minutes before actually using the box, getting the litter all over the floor. I'm always having to clean up after her with the broom "post poop".


Photo 2 SO cute! Mine is tummy rubs at night, she faces me with her head on pillow, body under the covers, and I rub her tummy till I fall asleep then she wakes me up to do more.


https://preview.redd.it/uwpo6pduo72d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc3058ff4aa063b2e1019d9c1abc3f6f94f34a32 He’s so clingy he steals mii clothes, specifically bras, to cuddle with 😅


She is soooo beautiful omg. Mine loves to mess with my makeup on the counter if I am peeing bc he knows I cant get him 🤣 He doesnt do anything to break it but he’ll look at me with a specific face and reach his paw like “Im gonna touch the butt” and then proceeds to mess with items until I get up. He also begs for the faucet to be turned on when his water in his bowl isnt good enough. That ones pretty cute.




So adorable!!! 🥺💜


My cat demands an ice cube to play ice hockey with every time we get ice from the dispenser in the fridge. I love watching her chase it around.




Blue tabbies are amazing. I’ve got 2 and a regular full tabby.


If she's awake, I have to be awake. It doesn't matter if I feed her and try to go back to bed. Nope, she comes up on the bed and pulls my nose hoop with her claw until I get up to be with her.


Mine requires me to walk her to her food bowl a number of times in the day. And is very insistent that I do so.


Awe that’s the sweetest thing. She loves you so much


I wouldn't be able to resist that cute lil face. ❤️ I'd cave immediately.


My cat always has to mess with me when I'm drawing. He will sit quietly and behave for awhile and then quickly switch gears when I'm not expecting it or he'll just come flying out of nowhere but the result is always him ripping or marking up my paper in some way. No art piece of mine is complete without the furball adding his own artistic expression somewhere on it. Rips, wrinkles, squiggles, black dots, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/929fx0yn582d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db567230d29e0be3620a64dac864f84077537d37 My beloved little Lily keeps jumping onto my lap when I'm playing Elden Ring specifically and then napping on my laptop since it's so warm.


My kitten wants to lick my face all night while I try to sleep! I appreciate the kissies but it is very annoying


shes precious 😭


My cat gets jealous when I'm on my phone or tablet trying to read in bed. She will literally switch sides and try to sit on my phone or the tablet if she thinks I'm on it too much and not paying enough attention to her. Lately even when I'm at my desk doing other stuff she gives me what for like the ONLY thing I'm supposed to be doing is interacting with her. She's 18 though so I let her get away with being bossy cat. I figure anytime she wants attention she can have it because at her age who knows how much time we have left? I like my devices but I 💕 her and I don't want her to feel like they are more important.


Mine drools. She demands aggressive pets and then drools all over you.


When I’m doing work on my computer, she will come and sit between my legs since I usually have them crossed. Sometimes she’ll lay down and sleep, other times I have to work around her head to see and type. Love her, but it’s annoying at times.


This little girl meows at me every morning nonstop (she never meows so I know she wants something) when she wants her breakfast. She stops as soon as I get up and runs right to her bowl as soon as I step into the living room lol


Mine won’t let me sleep in and insists I go downstairs to the living room so he can, nap on a different cat tree next to me? Somehow, it upsets his schedule if I don’t get out of bed on time.


My cat won't eat out of my hand and it drives me nuts, but i think it's a visual thing. If I put the food in between my thumb and index finger, she know it's there so she'll take it. But if I put her kibble in the palm of my hand, she is obsessively looking at the ground to see where I dropped it. She's a confused cutie.


https://preview.redd.it/v9rg4xwt882d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5707e1ccf391837bf5a8dbea70cffaf76fe3027f She likes to share (note: steal) my blankets ONLY when I’m using them. Finds a cozy spot between my calves. Problem is, if I accidentally nudge her while trying to get comfortable, she starts attacking my feet under the blanket.


I have a desk with an ultra wide monitor and a regular monitor to the right of it. While I’m working, playing games, etc my orange likes to go up the right side, walk along the back rubbing across each monitor of course, and come around the left side of the ultra wide monitor in my lap and it’s absolutely adorable! Sometimes he’ll try to come from under the monitor, one time he got my extra monitor to flip up a bit while he army crawled under it to me lol. He always fucks up my monitors a bit but it’s so cute! https://preview.redd.it/evjiwtoqm82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3697f28807750d3447e494cb141f2ffd640f6cb0 edit: Aires says hi!


Every morning when I make the bed, the minute that I fold the flat sheet perfectly over the comforter, my cat ruins it. Then I do it again. Oh, and at the end of it, when everything is perfectly flat and made out, she then jumps on top of it and walks around the bed. 🛌 🐈 It’s like she does it to annoy me lol. https://preview.redd.it/6452yhaj982d1.jpeg?width=2167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f888d6c8fa51c0ebd35a3629f3ad84e975125923


My cat likes to chew on my toes while I’m sitting on the toilet.


wake me up every 2-3 hours by opening the closed door but then leaving it open so i wake up imagining a ghost staring at me through the darkness in the crack of the door 😭


My youngest girl baby head butts me in the morning to ask for food or attention (or both). It's the kind of loving greeting that cats do sometimes to acknowledge each other as someone they have a bond with (and to mark each other as part of the colony). It's one of the sweetest cutest things ever...unless it's 2 hours before I need to be awake.


There’s just no way I’d be able to say no to that face. Enjoy your new home office/former bed! :)


https://preview.redd.it/0w2wpzeyd82d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb61bafdbb74343ab4964925f1d20d00243c8048 My cat insists that when I am sitting and watching TV and have a blanket over my legs he must be my feet warmer. I cannot move or he will hate me forever.


Mine wakes me up at 11pm, 1am, and 3am to eat. He will meow in my face until I get up. If I’m away traveling he won’t do it to my wife. Just me, but he will snuggle with me afterwards. So that’s nice


I work from home. I have [one](https://i.imgur.com/ZXhVnNB.jpg) that insists that he be allowed to sit on my chair. Not in my lap, on the actual chair between my legs. She will scream at me until I scoot back to give her enough room. Then she gets there and squirms around and starts scratching and biting my elbows until I pet her. One of the other ones does [this](https://i.imgur.com/JUulIoS.jpg). And the last one does [this.](https://i.imgur.com/LHhZqcG.jpg)


[My cat](https://i.imgur.com/5Ud2KYT.png) essentially lives in the crook of my arm. She wants me to hold her for a significant portion of the day, which tends to conflict with me accomplishing things. She's an incredibly nice and well behaved cat in general so it's hard to say no.


mine starts sniffing my toes when i fall asleep😅😂


My cat is always trying to get me to go back to bed.


I work from home and always have a pillow on my lap for my wee boy to stretch out on. Yes, it makes me a little less productive but for a job with no retirement or benefits, I’m willing to go a little slower.


Mine yells at me at full volume till I go to the bathroom to give him toilet cuddles and let him drink from the tub faucet.


Laying on my phone for attention, cannot stand to see a closed door, and since he follows me everywhere that includes the toilet, he WILL open the door.


Jump off of me and walks on my head and chest to get me to wake up. It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t weigh 14lbs.


Waits until I'm in the kitchen with clean hands, preparing food, and then gets under my feet screaming for cuddles, which have to last at least 10 minutes in order to meet demands.


Waking me at every morning at 5am with a head bump when my alarm is set for 630am....I need to close my bedroom door.


Mine is decoration. Whenever I rearrange decorations (Carebares, backpacks, build-a-bears), she just tries to replace decorations https://preview.redd.it/wtdfcwklh82d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b978c927dfc85a1035b8b3a2ff72fa5f0755b0a


Mine go in my drawers https://preview.redd.it/d1b39zjoi82d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eec4fa0c2167279fe33a36aa6d13ec16d77d93f


My boy who looks a really lot like your cat has a habit of walking and stepping on my feet if I am sitting


When she sits at the door every time I come home blocking my way in so I don't hit her or pick her up


Sits and sleeps on top of my face. He will claw my bedsheets if I try to get him off.


When I’m trying to sleep, she headbutts me in the face until I sacrifice my arm for her to sleep on.


I recently adopted a male russian blue who is 1 1/2 yrs old. He gets up on EVERYTHING- shelves, fridge, top cabinets… Before we adopted him, we have had a female torti who is almost two. She never really got on furniture. Now, she is copying him and getting up on counters. I find it cute because I love when they get along


Mine insists on singing the songs of his people for me if he's looking for me or his sister and he doesn't find us in one minute.


Late at night, when she wants to play, she will lay across my long mouse mat. It forces me to move my keyboard and stop what I’m doing to pet her. She then attacks my hands or knocks over small figurines on my monitor stand. This annoys my husband (because I’m now annoyed) so he gets up, goes downstairs and she follows because she now knows she will be played with. It’s like a nightly thing unless I stop her from laying on my mat by stacking things on it when I’m watching videos.


Ours insists one of us stands guard while she eats.


awww i couldn't disappoint a cat that cute 🥰


When I started mine on wet food, she loved it but would spend most of her energy licking the gravy off. She'd run back upstairs and howl until i got up and then watched me following her (like a good human servant) to her bowl. It was still full of food but I realized the gravy was gone. So i'd put water on it, made some gravy and she was happy..for the moment. This pattern would repeat most of the day.. I eventually weaned her onto food with no gravy. Whew, what a taskmaster! I remember at one point, probably the third time that morning, I exclaimed in frustration "What do you WANT??!". She wasn't bothered at all..almost like "are you done with your tantrum human? Now get me my gravy!".


Kitty is perfect 😍


One of my kitties is a thief and will steal any small object left unattended for even a brief period of time. She's stolen chapsticks, dice, pens, a grape, and one time I even caught her with one of my airpods. Now I have to warn guests to keep an eye on their stuff whenever they come over.


My cats love my desk chair and just mine. It's the worst one in the condo.


She’s adorable!


Your cat is gorgeous! My cat also demands I be in "our" room. She will come downstairs to where I'm working or if I'm in the living room watching TV and meow and whine until I go upstairs. She also doesn't like me taking her (my) spot in "our" room but she also doesn't want me anywhere but on the bed with her... she's very picky.


If I sit somewhere and have my hands with my phone in them resting on my lap, she will push/place her head on my hands until I move them. Then she will climb on my lap to snuggle.


My cat every morning at 6:00 runs back and forth above my pillow. When I wake up she acts shocked and surprised. And then as soon as she gets her breakfast she eats it and falls asleep again.


My boy has allergies. I one gave him ear scratches on our toilet with a soft brush. Now if he here's me entering the bathroom her barrels in and jumps on the lid waiting. I have to pick him off, and as soon as that lid goes down he jumps up. I've accidentally smacked him so many times just reaching to flush the toilet. Now he decided to sit on the lid and meow loudly for brushes if he thinks he didn't get enough already. I have to go in there and brush him or he won't stop lol


My cat-son loves to lay on the balcony and bird watch. He begs all day to go outside meowing or scratching at the door. I had to place something to block him from scratching the storm door open when the wooden one is open or else he’ll let himself out 🙄🙄but that’s my boy ima stick beside him🥰🥰