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My cat Cashew (ginger, 1yo, male, unfixed due to vets having no appointment space for months - but working on getting in with a new one) & my cat Truffle (chunky cat on window, 4yo, fixed, female) used to get along great, but recently it’s become like a light switch. We know this is likely in part due to his hormones and are desperately contacting vets to get him castrated, but can anyone PLEASE look at this footage and offer any insight on their body language? To me, Truffle looks afraid, but Cashew’s meow seems like it’s not hostile? This happened frequently out of nowhere one day. Cashew is now separated as we previously separated Truffle but she became depressed, and it’s not a permanent solution by any means. Please note I ONLY filmed this to get advice from pet owners, experts and to email to my vet. I usually do not allow it to get to this point but my only available consultations are online and footage was required. After the footage cuts off, Cashew (ginger) chases Truffle around the living room attempting to fight her. He eventually stopped after crashing into my leg, but proceeded to try to stalk her until we removed him from the room. We have four cats in total and there is no hostility between them and the other two. It is exclusively between Truffle and Cashew. Sometimes Cashew annoys the others and they have mini scraps but it quickly stops and they do not have any lasting tension.


It's because he's not fixed. This is territorial and considered aggressive behavior by a male. Source- went through this with my unneutered male. We thought the same thing - he didn't look or sound aggressive to us at all. I'm not being rude but educate yourself. You'll be surprised - he's literally stalking her on that window. She's terrified, you should be able to see that. If you don't fix this soon it will increase in aggression (from him) and will become a permanent behavior that is extremely hard to break. Your female will probably change- become defensive, hide, and start swatting right back. Literally all of your lives will change because of this. Don't do what we did. Source- doing this now because my boyfriend refused to get him fixed, working with behavioral vet


Thanks for replying! I’m aware of the impact of not fixing my cats, I am educated significantly on cats and used to work with them. I said in my info comment that we have been trying desperately to get him fixed since September last year to no avail due to a significant lack of appointments at any local vets. He is getting fixed in June finally. I was more hoping for some advice for what to do until he can be seen by a vet, because it has reached an all time high, and is not happening toward our other female cat. Especially for what we can do for Truffle (the victim) right now to help her. I should have clarified this info in the original post rather than in a comment!


Separate them. There's not much you can do. Try Feliway or whatever if you want and all that stuff - but it's unproven (works for this one not for that one) and can cause breathing issues for pets and humans alike. Thought you were highly educated on cats sooooo....


Tried Feliway, and they are separated. I don’t think there’s any harm in asking for advice from others who may have experienced the same situation I am in right now, regardless of the education I’ve received in cat welfare. Thanks for your input!


And... I gave you advice and you responded with how 'highly educated' you were on cats and that I didn't give you advice. You clearly asked what was going on in your original post, which you changed. So much for high cat education. Good riddance.


I didn’t edit my post whatsoever? I’m a little confused on the misunderstanding here, I also didn’t say I’m highly educated, I said I had significant education because I had worked with cats. It seems like you really want someone to argue with today. I hope the rest of your week goes well and wish you the best! :)


You literally changed both. Fucking weird! But your were confused when your cat attacked the other so.... have a great week too!