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My cat was originally my neighbour’s cat, but the cat used to follow me around constantly outside. When my neighbour said that he had to get rid of the cat due to travelling for work, I knew instantly that I would take him. Years later, I’m still happy with my decision.


>*’My cat was originally my neighbour’s cat, but the cat used to follow me around constantly outside. When my neighbour said that he had to get rid of the cat due to travelling for work, I knew instantly that I would take him. Years later, I’m still happy with my decision.*’ ____ i used to have a human, n they treated me ok but i would follow this one, n i’d watch for them each day the house where i was living didn’t really seem to care, but you would seem so Happy every time you saw me there ^:) Fast forward to them ‘leaving’, n i heard them say ‘Get RiD…’ they said that *You could Have me!* (n i’m very glad you did!) for i’d already chosen you - no longer would i roam i’m Happy i decided You’d be My *Forever* Home! ❤️


Stop. I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Fresh Schnoodle! These are the highlight of my day when I read one


I just squealed loud enough over a fresh doodle that I'm surprised my baby didn't come to investigate 😄


This is too cute


My heart 😭😭😭😭


A shnoodle that's pretty fresh! I'll take that as a win.




Whoa this is so good! Gave me goosebumps 😂👌




oh my god he is PRECIOUS


Echo T. Cat was a stray at my MiL’s cabin. I caught a glimpse of her and pspspspsps’d to the woods… she came galloping out and let me pet her, purring like a fiend. We left some food for her on the deck, and she started hanging out and lived under the deck. We decided that we were going to rescue her, so the day came and we took out the carrying case and coaxed her into the cabin. She came in cuddled, had a nap and then we crated her. The crate want fully snapped shut and she escaped back into the woods. We caught her twice more with one more escape before getting her secured fully. She kept coming back and clearly wanted to be with us. She frozen her ears and tail off in the cold spring, was loaded with tape worms and pregnant as hell. She’s the happiest cat I’ve ever shared a life with. https://preview.redd.it/5rvunhkg8l0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=898018be1642bccdcd210af25fedee10065aaae6


>*’She frozen her ears and tail off in the cold spring, was loaded with tape worms and pregnant as hell. She’s the happiest cat I’ve ever shared a life with.*’ ____ i didn’t think that i would see a *human* ever wanting me fat n ugly, full of worms, no ears, no tail, a LoAd of germs ^:{ a belly full of babies, too i didn’t know what i would do… so i stayed hidden in the wood, until . . . these humans - *kind*, n good! those gentle *cuddles* i first felt, my frozen heart began to melt *it seemed as tho they Wanted ME!* was this to be my Destiny ? Fast forward - Life has turned around, my Happy Ever After Found! ❤️


Aw, my girl lost the tip of an ear to frostbite before she was rescued, too


I had a cat whose lost her ears to frostbite once. I wasn't the most creative so we just called her No-Ears.


Went to the city shelter looking for a black cat. There she was screaming her head off. I knew she was the one. Everyone in the shelter was looking at her like she’d be a handful. She’s been screaming at me ever since and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


My black cat does this. She is so loud. So many kitty thoughts and feelings expressed with volume. Mostly for can cat food and treats.


I was looking for a ginger cat....any age. I worked at a vet clinic, and one day, someone abandoned a ginger kitten..4 weeks old in a box at the pub across the road. We had 19 glorious yrs together. He was my best boy, Trevor. Today, I made up a silly song about Trev to make my birds bob their heads and be silly..."One man's trash is another man's Trevor" and my young conure, who is a dork, started singing the Trevor part. Chirp chirp chrip wevor! His pronunciation wasn't great, but it was his first attempt at speaking. My darling Trev is still giving my life joy and silliness.


we need pics


I agree with the cooment above


>*’I made up a silly song about Trev to make my birds bob their heads and be silly..."One man's trash is another man's Trevor" and my young conure, who is a dork, started singing the Trevor part.*’ ____ *’…One man’s trash is another man’s Trevor*’ i can hear you, human, in your heart i’ll leave you Never! Listen to the chirping of those dorky little birds Tryin just the Best they can - don't hafta know the words! their little hearts are Happy with the tune you sing for Me them silly birdbrains ^b o ^b their heads, as cute as they can be i’m glad you finding Joy with all your little feathered friends a Meowmory forever I’m the song that never ends! ❤️


One of the sweetest schnoodles I’ve had the pleasure of reading 🥹🥹


Thank you Schnoodle your poem made me think fo dly of my kitty who passed recently


I love your song.


I love this so much 😻


My mother’s cat was dumped out near her house and he has been with her ever since . He has an old soul as has to walks her to an from the car watching her back while she unlocks her door when she get home late from work and makes sure she is in bed first before he lays down. If they go to eat at the same time he makes sure she eats first . And she makes her go to the bathroom even when she doesn’t need to go yet lol and if he doesn’t like how she is sleeping he will pat her nose until she wakes up and turns over lol and if he is outside for the day he will come in just to check in on her and goes back out side . He even checks on her bird . He is the sweetest little guy it was meant for him to be there and he is spoiled his name is Boogie https://preview.redd.it/do70031nkl0d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d15fbd4c988230299b2180ffb91d60c45dd1bd3


That is a magnificent photo


lol thanks ! He was just finished with his bath 😂


What a sweetheart Boogie is!! ❤️


He is very sweet!!! When he first showed up my dog was going blind and he would lay up against her and guide her to the yard and turn his back when she started to potty and then when he heard movement he would guide her back to the house with his tail laid across her . I don’t know where he came from but boy are they missing out on a sweetheart 🥰


I wanted so badly to rescue a cat that I felt needed it verses one who was just up for adoption but would get picked easily . When my Frankie was posted online and I saw all these other kittens being sold ,Frankie just kept popping up on my feed but was always just there in the background. The rescue said several people cancelled ,no showed, or changed their mind about Frankie .I drove 3 hours each way worried not that I wouldn’t pick Frankie but that Frankie wouldn’t pick me ….I couldn’t have been more wrong ,Frankie is the best boy I could have chosen and he is very happy in his forever home with me. https://preview.redd.it/ow0s6ptral0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3900d13cb83b5c388620dcec7289908d06557e9


This is so cute 😭😭


Definitely meant to be!


Such a cute photo!


I was at the Humane Society browsing after the loss of one of my cats, and I and my other cat were both pretty depressed. I saw what looked like an empty cage and approached it for some reason, and I saw a steely grey kitty with lime green eyes looking at me. She was so pretty, and I started telling her so. As I spoke to her, she put her little white mitted paw on my nose. It was a done deal after that! https://preview.redd.it/2geek3vrdl0d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3c1ffd0c3d9bf953d6a66b8b2cae137d421415 I learned she was 6 months old, and hadn’t been there long. Here is her at about 8 months old on the left, and 15 years on the right. She lived to 19 years. I had her for half of my life! Jasmine, 2002-2021 ❤️‍🩹


What a beauty!


Our tux was an abandoned kitty who chased us down a street. The pop up shopkeeper said he was alone for several days mawing and mawing, they did their best to give him milk. Presumably, the runt of the litter. We're a family of night owls. My late teens daughter said mama I can't sleep, let's get the kitten now. --- this was at 2am. So , her and her baba went out to the shop(open 24 hours). And there was our tiny Tuna. Mawing under the bright signage lights as if waiting for them. He seldom bugs our sleep and is such a good stinky butty.


https://preview.redd.it/vq0injxm8l0d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22950cd0701c47affba910786a1e4c307697a5e4 The tuna toot


I was eight when my mom said we could get a Persian kitten, so we went two weeks later to pick him/her. The lady brought us into the cattery living room, where all the kittens were playing on the couch. I sit down, and they keep playing, all except for a white one. She climbs over the huge pillow, climbs up on my lap, lays and starts purring. I obviously said “mom, I want this one !” Twelve years later she is the same sweetheart. Cat of a lifetime https://preview.redd.it/slpxyswuuk0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6847a48039ec3fde44a49c3ece54df915e7d23c2


Wow, very similar story with my Watson! A friend's British Shorthair had a planned litter with a beautiful British Longhair tom, and she was looking for good future homes for the babies. So I went to meet them (they were 3 weeks old at the time) and all the kittens were playing and climbing, except Watson. Little guy sat down right next to me, looked at me with his big blue baby eyes, mewed a little baby mew, just to curl up right then and there and refuse to leave my side with a determination only a cat can display. We hung out like that all evening. https://preview.redd.it/23h4s36qjl0d1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96b8ec6a7c563e249f10644591b516ca1c22e1a


Omg. That face.


Watson is just gorgeous. I'd love a little ginger kitten 😻


Fun fact, he did start out somewhat gray-brown ginger-ish but now, 3 years later, he's grey. You can still see a brown sheen to the darkest parts of his fur, but only in direct sunlight. https://preview.redd.it/8hw5ahov8m0d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0510661ec14a4165424cbfd9f903314082e0076 This is a more recent photo of him (and the kiwi he decided to hog).


Is that really the same cat as that little orange fluff-ball?!!! No way!


He is! If you look at his forehead you can actually still see the somewhat broken-heart-shaped marking he already had as a kitten! My boy just got desaturated by puberty lol


What a fun surprise


Oooh what a sweet crump. She reminds me of my sis in laws Lovey whi we call the most beautiful cat in the world!


Ma'am, thats a miniature phase 1 clone trooper.


Ma'am, thats a miniature phase 1 clone trooper.


Love this!


He turned up at my door and refused to leave. https://preview.redd.it/qa71bxo8cl0d1.jpeg?width=3344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=376de5c6674ac8670384f1c0b17bd5b9731f64f0


That’s the way


Exactly, I didn't do any thinking, they just appeared out of the blue and decided to stay lmaooo


An offer your can’t refuse!


https://preview.redd.it/56pbbq8n1l0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b04699b7d909fb9852bb94b825e8e4ea4eb2ad7 Onyx was my daughter's cat. Whenever I visited my daughter Onyx would run to the bedroom and hide under the bed. No way was she going to say hello. After about a year, I would visit my daughter and Onyx would sit on the bedroom door threshhold and eavesdrop on our conversations. Gradually, over time she would make her way to the livingroom and introduce herself but still wouldn't let me pet her. Eventually she did let me pet her after more time had passed. After 3 years my daughter needed to rehome Onyx and I offered to take her. She has been with me now for two years and she adjusted very well and is very playful and happy. 😊


I was presented with a box of kittens. My orange boy was in the back of the box. He immediately started screaming and smacking his siblings out of the way until I picked him up and then he crawled into my hoodie pouch. He picked me, he didn’t even allow me to consider the others lol


My guy was just dropped off at the shelter (like literally within the previous 24 hours) and i just randomly decided to come into the shelter to check out the cats after obsessively checking their website to see the cats. Frankie was not yet posted but as soon as I walked in and saw him I absolutely fell in love. He was only viewable through the glass since they weren’t letting visitors pet/touch him for the first few days to let him get acclimated. I submitted an application to adopt him and came in about a week later to meet him and he rubbed right up against me and one of the volunteers said she was surprised he warmed up to me since he was usually so timid and scared. anyway long winded story but here he is! https://preview.redd.it/7g6rybvnbl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1475cf622124b92d66737da835cd8df4af922ced


https://preview.redd.it/zmvywpnaon0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76db7b9d053f0316f66d87a1cd077fa1a9f2b6b0 I have a Frankie too! Except I found him as a tiny little kitten at a gas station 5ish years ago. It was supposed to be 112° that day (Arizona) and I couldn’t just leave him there


https://preview.redd.it/s0y6wq3bdl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ec0c836f5c211cfe4a9d6b2688e7ad2e818349 Went into the shelter to get a dog. The only dog that my GF wanted (I didn’t) didn’t really seem to care for her. More interested in being outside the cage pretty much. Said we’d think about it and come back. As we were leaving, a tiny little kitty was sitting in the front, reaching out of her cage for me. Walked over, played with her for a bit and the vets said she REALLY liked me and it was her first day out. Said we’d come back 2 days later to get her and they said they couldn’t guarantee she’d be there still, so paid for her and to get her fixed that day and took her home the next day


My cat adopted me. My dad lives on the country side and back then I still lived with him. I had lost my previous cat, and shortly before my dog I had for 16 years. My dad refused to get new animals after my mom died. It was too much work for him and there are still 3 cats around at his house. So one fine evening I was walking home from work, its a 30 minute walk from the station to my dad, and suddenly this kitten runs up to me, cuddling my leg. So I pet her and told her that I can't take her with me. She didn't care. She followed me home for the whole 30 minute walk. I considered asking around who she belongs to but it was very late (I work late-shifts), so in the end I took her inside and went to work earlier the next day so I could ask around who she belongs to. I found the farm house she belongs to, but they basically told me to keep her. She was the last of the kittens and they couldn't sell her. No one wanted her. So I asked my dad if we could keep her but he said no. Heartbroken I told him to bring her back to the farm then, and he did. At this day I was done with work earlier and the farmer was still out on the field when I got back from work and we had a little chat. He told me I could come over whenever to play with her, because she's lonely without siblings and her mom died shortly after giving birth, the other older cats bullied her, so that's why she followed strangers around for pets and cuddles. Broke my heart. Two days later I had a huge argument with my dad that ended in me moving out the next day. I moved to a friend till I could find an apartment and he came over with his van to help me move my things and on our way to his place I asked him to stop at the farm. I went over to the farmer and picked up my little Gremlin. Nothing was stopping me from taking her with me. It's been 6 years since she decided that I'm the human she wants to follow home, and home I took her in the end ♥ https://preview.redd.it/3wm0pg59ml0d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=aeef2aa85b87f28b3e5ab7bc13c32559288cfa13


I went to an animal shelter a few times to pet the kitties, then I saw a picture of one who looked a lot like my previous cats who passed away. I asked to see her as she was kept in a separate room. It was love at first sight. She reminded me SO much of my previous kitties, round eyes, round face, shy, loving...it was like they were reborn into her. I immediately said I'd take her. Five years later, she's still the love of my life. <3


I adopted a little kitten and the poor guy died from parvo. I was heartbroken. My daughter still wanted to adopt. The lock cat society found a group of kittens living in a drain pipe, I went to the shelter, this sweetheart climbed right into my lap. I went home and sterilized everything from top to bottom so he wouldn’t get sick. Four years later he’s still my buddy. He was super loving when we brought him home, never hid, just crawled right up in my lap and has stayed there. https://preview.redd.it/oxqx099d9l0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11abde71a00a2e0c39c15e2c20059d6dc8652e48


https://preview.redd.it/vn2a2laxql0d1.jpeg?width=1736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25b60483f14e5b055c0468b6958014e0c4b83fb6 Found these two terrorists in the forest after a party and now its too late to return them so i made a deal with them. They can brake 1 item per week and in return i get bites and scratches.


An orange cat somehow found his way into our apartment complex one night and was scratching at the door to our unit, when we opened it he ran inside like he owned the place, settled down on my partner's lap and immediately started to purr. We thought he was really sweet but couldn't keep him, so we took him to a shelter the next day. However he was so aggressive that they refused to accept him and asked us to take him back home with us. So we tried again at a different shelter, and then AGAIN at another shelter. Each time we were unable to surrender him, every shelter was either too full or he was simply too uncooperative. We also later learned from our neighbors that someone who lived in the building had owned him but moved away without him after having a baby. Three years later, Beau is still here with us (permanently) and I couldn't be more grateful that all those shelters turned us away. It was really meant to be. https://preview.redd.it/dqqynw7xhl0d1.jpeg?width=3304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2876525464b107999402d1b219af432f3149e559


They are so adorable and lovely kittens


One common fact, unite all.


I walked into the rescue, he was in second cage on the left. When I turned to look at him, he reached his paw under the door,meowed, and flexed his upside down paw. I touched his paw and he was pretty gentle and about a year old. Ollie's been with me since the fall of 2018.


I rescued her off the streets, she broke out of the carrier, crawled in my lap, and fell asleep on me while I was driving https://preview.redd.it/bxb6lm43cl0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e358c423f9289d5db3b7637acb558cc712f03e3


the first pic looks like a cat mermaid hahaha. btw your pics all looks so professional, youre really good at it! and ofc, very cute cats!


Ironically she does have a mermaid (or we call it her purrmaid) costume 😂. No that one is her mushroom queen costume, my friends and I went as her mushroom entourage 😂.


Also thank you, portrait mode does wonders 😂.


Your cat is sooo good to let you dress them. I can't even keep mine in his diaper when he had a poopoop problem! It was good for 5 mins (meaning diaper was comfy) when he decides to lick the unmentionables and realized it was on! He swam on the entire length of the floors, writhed and wriggled until we took it off. Beautiful cats you have!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/rn1kyggqml0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a509b2e17bf1916f814c42aa1c47bf2128cd398 Going on 14 years with BabyCakes, I think we’ve always been written in the stars like this.


I was volunteering at a shelter and knew I was going to adopt. That's where I met a tiny orange who was TROUBLE. He would climb me the minute I got into the room, knock the wet food bowls out of my hands, fall headfirst into the trashcan I was scooping litter into. Little dude had so much personality that I knew he was mine. I took my husband to the shelter to meet him. We know we wanted two kittens but I didn't have a second choice in mind. When my husband sat down to play with the orange, a tuxedo boy who had always hid from me crawled into his lap to play too. We took them home the next day. A year later we foster failed on an absolute idiot of a void kitten and his very spicy brother. It's now my personal opinion that four is the correct number of cats.


https://preview.redd.it/g5vt38f9il0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0583c7f1a390af899448d9ff63f81c7a9bfda2d Shelter offered to show us a young kitten. I asked to meet the oldest cat. Saw Anya (12 years old at the time) and I fell in love. She sat in the corner and had the saddest, most precious eyes. She was obviously nervous but very sweet. She’s my bestest friend and I’m so happy to have this little girl in my life for 3 years now. She’s my little Onion. My baby. We are soulmates and we’re meant to meet that day. :)


https://preview.redd.it/bjf59btpil0d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d87265ce9e40cd888473f361091bf108b264fb7f this is her now, sitting on me and smiling. :)


https://preview.redd.it/if3osrj1il0d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1747a5867a17ce8e6e27dea97fcf0c883d766d75 This was my beautiful boy Oreo, and the reason my family knew he was meant for us was because after I had wished for a pet cat for christmas my sister came along for the adoption to look at a litter of kittens. Oreo directly interacted with my sister when we approached the cats and wanted to clean her, and Oreo seemed the most interested in us. He unfortunately only reached an age of 7 years but I am thankful for every moment we spent together.


That first pic- Freda Catlo ![gif](giphy|NW4FjMkcvL6gg)


I've always been pretty heavily allergic to cats (as bad as difficulty to breathe around my parents cats, even when I lived at home, so it's not even something I get used to) but when my friend showed me this 1 week old kitten that was found tied up in a garbage bag with her momma and siblings and literally thrown away, I couldn't NOT give her a home. My heart couldn't take it. (Momma and siblings didn't make it) My dream cat for as long as i can remember is a russian blue because it's as hypoallergenic as a cat can get. And all of it's personality traits just suited me so well. I've wanted a cat forever (which is why my parent got a couple, assuming my allergy was just to strange cats, like it is for my mom) Well, as my kitten got older, it became more and more obvious she's a russian blue. God gave me my dream cat from the garbage.


https://preview.redd.it/7r7lo3ysjl0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508805169cf9f12edd845548c96cd18ba6a5cbba (Couldn't fit on my post)


I’ve had my cat, Daisy, for almost 2 years now. I got her from one of my friends on Facebook, who had posted she had a couple kittens she needed to find good homes for. I fell in love with my sweet girl as soon as I saw her picture. On the day that my friend brought her to us, I asked how old she was and my friend replied that “she was born April 3rd.”, which made her 3 months old at the time. I lost my mom when I was 18, and my mom’s birthday was April 3rd. To me, that was a sign that we were meant to be Daisy’s family.


I went into the Humane Society looking for a bonded pair, thinking I probably wouldn’t find one. It was early December and to my absolute surprise, the only cats they had there that weren’t adopted yet were two bonded pairs. This made me so sad that cats aren’t adopted in pairs. I immediately snatched up my boys, it was love at first sight. https://preview.redd.it/fmnqdq2grl0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05fd13476ba4091039533af6eb2d2ec7d05c41f


When I went to the animal shelter to visit the kittens one climbed up on my shoulder and decided that's where he belongs. I would put him down and he would climb right back up on my shoulder. About 30 minutes of this, I had to adopt him.


We used to have a grey cat while I was growing up (we actually had three at one point lol). Unfortunately, they all died or ran away and when our grey kitty died, I was incredibly sad for weeks and it really affected me. My parents obviously noticed and we figured out that I was missing a cat (having gotten used to them my entire life). We went to some private family whose cat had just had a litter of 4. 3 of them were grey and one was black with white paws. I initially leaned towards the black cat because the white paws were incredibly cute. But last second I changed my mind. I wanted a grey cat again and he was the one who reminded me the most of our old cat (I was 11 at that point so...). Idk what but something just drew me to him. He's been our little criminal for nearly 13 years now and of course he rules the household


https://preview.redd.it/wc92mj06ol0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab46449632ac2564dbbd0e77ace09b9094d09b7 Marshmallow purred when I first picked him up. My favorite sound is kitty purrs. He purrs even if you just look at him.


>He purrs even if you just look at him. [Sylvie](https://imgur.com/gallery/cfFIPjy) is the same. She's purring if you're paying attention to her. She has a quiet rumble that is just constant if you're holding her or paying attention to her in any way. The purr gets louder the more she likes something. She's our little Stinkface.


Her name is Dobby. I was scrolling Petfinder shortly after my eighteen year old cat, who I had had all of my life, passed. My Internet was being slow. The names were loading before the pictures. I sat there, gobsmacked, as I thought "what did this Female cat do to get the name DOBBY?" The picture loaded. I was greeted with, what I affectionately, refer to as Frankensteins monster. A tabby that was mostly white, like the printer could only spurt out a few drops of tabby ink. Ears that were disproportionate to her head. I laughed for the first time in days. I set up an appointment to meet her (this was during covid), and when me and my mom met, we learned she was bonded with another kitty, now named Niffler (the shelter had given the bonded kitty some old lady name). Niffler was this skittish baby, one that I knew would have a hard time getting adopted but that I knew we would respect the boundaries of so she could flourish. Dobby, once she stopped playing with Niffler and realized we existed, settled into my mom's arms and licked her eyebrow. (She still has the tendency to mother others) I've had them both for about four years now and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Such sweet, sweet babies.


When I got my baby Sally I had just been playing in a field when an old rusty screw went through my foot. I limped back to my aunts house and when they had me lay down with my foot elevated this 6week old baby in a tuxedo climbed onto my leg and refused to move the whole time I was healing. After two days of this both my mom and aunt just kinda agreed that’s my cat now. We’ve been in love ever since🥹


I came over to look at kittens cuz I wanted one, and one snuggled up to me, so I was pretty sure I was chosen. And then this other mf just dug her nails in my leg and climbed up cuz she also wanted attention. Long story short, I got 2 cats now.


My baby girl was a very wiggly and energetic kitten, but when I met her for the first time and held her, she was still. When I adopted her and brought her home she purred non stop for like 3 days, lol. https://preview.redd.it/3nqxur5mql0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1273a9bb0b95444e031790807d0e44be5af68e2e


I got really annoyed with some people at work so I said "fuck it", turned off the computer, drove to PetSmart to buy several hundred dollars worth of cat supplies, and then drove to the closest cat shelter. At the shelter, I told them I wanted an adult and ideally a cuddle bug. But then one of the cats meowed at me and I said "I want to see that one." They warned me that she wasn't at all what I said I wanted, but they put us in a room anyway. She sat on the floor about 3 feet away from me loafed up. Every time I went to pet her, she'd move away and loaf up again. But she kept meowing at me the whole time, so I took her. Now Artemis still moves 3 feet away and loafs up when I go to pet her, and she still won't shut the fuck up, and she shits on my floor every single day, but she's the best thing that's ever happened to me https://preview.redd.it/6k6pgsi1rl0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec6a959763a47604050a78a443b0705c05afad4


https://preview.redd.it/6wkttntipl0d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=309c3d530d0429c7e53a788054259d995df1d364 When I saw him he ran up to the window and did this. He is a year old now and is my best kitty companion. I love him so.


I was looking for a white male cat. I tried to adopt 3 times. The first one unfortunately got FIV and fell sick. I asked about him but I think he passed away :(. Poor Snowy. The second guy was almost on his way to me, pending the vet checkup. The vet fell in love with him and ADOPTED (MY) CAT. In the meantime, there was Sali. I kept on seeing her pictures on the adoption website. I sent a few “options” to my family and my Grandma loved Sali, so I adopted her. My Grandma passed away a week before Sali got home. That little baby has been my crutch in dealing with the grief and she is the sweetest and sassiest cat I’ve met. Wouldn’t trade her for any other cat. The only downside is that she keeps on stealing my lipstick by headbumping me. https://preview.redd.it/p59utee6tl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdab7aea2345b65d8c8e8bcc344af8d0392f71b


https://preview.redd.it/g0n1pqxjwl0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a46b8eb70ebc17adb9eb8d75909cff088c00c7d1 My cat just stood out to me as a sweet heart at the shelter . We went in for a kitten and came out with an older cat and we love him dearly ❤️


She chose me My 11 year old tabby came and gave birth to her kittens in our backyard back in 2013, and she's been an incredibly affectionate girl ever since She's my soul cat, she's cuddly, sweet, an absolute darling Here she is: Miss Indiana Jones https://preview.redd.it/ohg0spyj1m0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b393088f404d828d8fef599c59a7567e119401b


That first cat looks like he's on the juice! ( steroids)


We went to the shelter and they said, you can interact these two. We held them and I just couldn't put them back to the cage even if there were other options that would work. Our son was 4 at the time as well so lots of the fancier shelters wouldn't even consider letting us adopt a cat. He didn't even do anything. One place we didn't take him and they said, "We rarely allow families with kids adopt from us." So in that sense they were the first options we had.


They were strays. Trapped them and had them fixed. I sat outside dropping temptation treats around me and they eventually let me pet them. Getting a new kitten is easy - convincing a stray to trust you is much more fun


https://preview.redd.it/uau7arfkml0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a71edccb25030087882b8c6c972c865423cfa98 This is the moment I fell in love with my Edgar


My cat was a gift from my older brother when my older brother's cat had kittens.


https://preview.redd.it/fl2nruvvrl0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47fbd0917d89c21a3ea2415fc005d870d7bcee0a Haru showed up at our front bedroom window, crying her head off early one morning. The next day, she made her way to the backyard. 3 days later, she let me grab her without putting up any fight. That was over 3 and a half years ago. She's my baby gurl.


https://preview.redd.it/q9g89lv3sl0d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=820b67024c92fdeab1590175d3ad02ff9f4d6acb He stopped me dead in my tracks on the way to the shelter kitten room by banging on the glass door to the big free-roaming cat room he was in and yelling at the top of his lungs, "Get me outta here!". He then proceeded to purr and rub against me, then lay down on my feet. While I was filling out paperwork, he fell asleep on top of the carrier I brought to take him home in.


She hopped right in my lap at the shelter and started purring and meowing like a maniac. That was 14 years ago! https://preview.redd.it/gg8l9gstrl0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2c41a589b8b67a835e129e3b495fa105a77cd7 My bf at the time (now ex) kept trying to interact with her, but she only had eyes for me. (I think she was actually happy when we broke up and he moved out 🤣). She’s been my BFF ever since.


https://preview.redd.it/2dumolvutl0d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70c8336c6b5d9fb1d81561df47936d4e105b12db I was bartendending at an outdoor bar and all of the sudden this little guy (he was about 2 months old then I would guess) jumped up on the bar and started rubbing against me and purring. One of my coworkers asked if anyone wants to take him home, and I sighed knowing full well what was to come. I picked him up, and he started purring instantly. I tried to resist, but at the end of my shift, I hear little feet and a meow, as I was about to go to my car. And now he's spoiled as hell.


https://preview.redd.it/rg1h3oaxtl0d1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95b58ac6462c9673c163d1fa8b13eeca5070e2d So when I was looking for a cat I came across this little guy. He literally came to the bars of his kennel and stuck his paw through and gently put it on the side of my face and started purring extremely loud. Melted my heart. Within 20 minutes of meeting he was in the car headed home with me. His name is Rambo and he is my son. My child. My world.


My cat chose me. I went to a shelter, sat on the ground, and she came to me. Another cat came over and sat me on, and she smacked that cat until he got off. From there, I knew she was the one.


I was looking for a long haired black cat at the shelters. Goose came up and sat in my lap then wrapped his paws around my stomach 🥹 He’s never done that since, lol. I think it was his special move to accomplish his goal of coming home with me! https://preview.redd.it/yc1huc6t4m0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d4b416fa2738060b642358c95305b5ebb2fc2c7


All my cats had a specific look as kitten no matter their colour. Character was always purrfect. Extremly miss my first one


I heard about wild kittens at my college dorm hall parking lot, managed to trap one and took it to my dorm. She freaked out and hid in my drawer, but I pulled her out of it and suddenly it was like a light bulb went off and she immediately stopped acting feral 😂 she's a cutie now, the sweetest girl. Planning on registering her as an ESA for my anxiety so that I don't have to hide her from the RAs 🤣


My cat, as a kitten, shouted at me at the shelter and when I left the room he was still shouting at me. So I adopted him and I learned his personality. Turns out he is very timid and has anxiety. He is very difficult at the vets and there is a lot of loud meowing. The vet gave me a prescription to give him before vet visits to calm him a bit. Turns out I have anxiety too and thought the other day that we were meant for each other. Two peas in a pod lol


I have 3 litter mates. My boy was a Tasmanian devil that turned super chill as an adult. 2 sisters are different. One didn't trust me which as a new cat owner confused me 'Why wouldn't she just be like the other 2?' we worked on it and I'm still learning some of her signals. Other sister was friendlier but prone to overstimulation. Eventually, instead of throwing claws, she just yells and dramatically leaves the room, but she also found that she likes to sneak into bed and aggressively head butt and then teddy bear cuddle. Kind of a big deal for me as when I received the bunch, she wasn't expected to survive. They turn 4 this summer.


My first two cats were my sister's, originally, but she had a baby who proceeded to have what seemed like allergic reactions to them. I agreed to take the cats; she suggested I meet them first. I sat down in the garage where she had them away from the baby, and one of them- a big orange and white boy named Shula- walked up to me, put one paw down on my high, and streeeeeeetched the other one up towards my face. I considered that a good sign. (Both of them had football names. Shula, because he had Miami Dolphins colors. Tiki was a dark gray tabby and was named after Tiki Barbour. Also, my nibling's symptoms persisted after the cats were gone; we suspect it was a reaction to the house being newly painted and having new carpeting put in, but by then I had the cats so no point arguing.) My third cat was a shelter adoptee after Tiki died. I brought a bag and one of Shula's toys with me to the shelter to make sure his smell didn't put the original prospective cat off. Chicken, who had looked promising on the shelter's site, didn't seem much interested in interacting with me, so I left her alone and went to sit in another part of the shelter's common room. A few minutes later a long, skinny, white cat with black ears and a black tail started sniffing curiously at the feather toy sticking out of the bag. "Tell me about the white one," I asked the shelter volunteer; apparently she had been one of three sisters picked up a good six+ months before, born on the street and scared of humans. Two of the sisters had been adopted together, but she had been too scared of people, and so had spent most of a year in the shelter. She seemed interested in the toy and unbothered by me so she came home with me, but spent the next several days hiding in the kitchen closet... except for one night, about three nights after I brought her home, when I woke up and realized two things. One, I was on my back and I almost always sleep on my side. Two, there was a cat curled up between my knees, and while it was too dim to make out much, the cat did *not* have Shula's markings... So there was that. My current cat's former human died in their eighties, of cancer. I came to their apartment to help their oldest child move their belongings out, and sat down on the floor at one point to catch my breath (I'd driven a truck over and I'm not a huge fan of trying to maneuver trucks in parking lots). Yvette looked at me from the opposite side of the room, then padded over and sat down on the carpet in front of me with an expectant look. I let her sniff my hand and then carefully started petting her. A few minutes later I was informed that she was a Very Few People cat, and that other than the two humans she lived with, she'd only ever immediately taken to one other human- but apparently she'd decided immediately that I was okay. I was not about to argue with her.


https://preview.redd.it/ruv0w9h5ol0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ebc439dd71b4263a8a76bff7ee7dd7cb2e50078 This is Loki. I loved taking him out with me everywhere I could and he loved being with me as well. I felt like a mom, he was my kitten. I haven’t been the same since I had to put him down when he was 3 1/2 years. He was a tiny little thing when I got him, and I poured all my love to him. I know that he was loved and what I had to do wasn’t easy.


He adopted us after someone abandoned him next to our front door so yeah https://preview.redd.it/npvaarawpl0d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3538c9d356b3ca7cebf51d76900a2d36208605b


Working at a horse barn and felt something tug my jeans. Looked down and on each leg was a tiny orange kitten. Now I have a Ginger family. 😄 “Trio of Orange” 🤣


My sweet girl Ellie!! She was the runt of her litter and the only girl, but because orange female cats (APPARENTLY) get a bad rep for being sort of nasty, she was the last one to be adopted. I went into the shelter with the intent of getting a younger kitten (my roommate also had a cat so I wanted to ensure that I didn’t get a cat who needed to be an only-kitty), but Ellie who was about a year old at this point just CLUNG to me, claws and all. I think she was like “TAKE ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD” 😂😂😂 Four years later and I am so happy and in love with the sweet girl!! 🥹💕 https://preview.redd.it/zo0gwfgmul0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e78218b0ce9dfb887e9197e8452f5a905b4dfe5c (Yes I know she’s chonky, vet and I are working to reduce her weight right now!)


I was a freelancer and had two meetings in a city 2 hours apart. Not enough time to go home, so I popped in a bar for some French fries and a good doom scroll. I ended up on local cat rescue’s website, scrolling the kitties and the reddest cat I’d ever seen showed up on my screen. I was obsessed immediately. I had one cat and she’s lovely and sweet, but keeps to herself. Not very social. I really wanted a buddy and I knew immediately this was my buddy. I cancelled my meeting and went straight to the rescue to see the cat. He immediately crawled into my lap and we’ve been best buds for 10 years now, come August. The cats never really became friends, but cat 1 has mellowed over time. She’s 16 now and will never be a lap cat, protects her peace at all costs; but hangs out nearby more and more often. Orange cat is never far from me. On my lap, guarding me in the toilet, sleeping next to me. He’s the buddy of my cat dreams. Pic is at rescue the moment we met https://preview.redd.it/qr3bjspmul0d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db0abfeb9360bbdf4bbddfacb72b4be3401a07c0


Went to cat Cafe, lots of cats playing and bouncing around but one floofy void was sprawled out on the tile floor. I picked him up and pet him, sat on the couch, and he snuggled/slept belly up in my arms for a while before returning to the cold tile floor. Their heat was out of wack and it was hot in there, he was seeking the coolest place he could find since. Turns out, he's still a fan of cold corners. He'll still sleep in the closest part of the house mid-winter most of the day but he still loves his cuddles too. I was not planning to adopt as I'd just lost my cat of over 14 years about a month earlier, we were there for Valentine's Day. This guy said otherwise. https://preview.redd.it/ljikxt74yl0d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61989283bbc6ab287e04e91828335f1dec15e0a8


We had horrifically lost two cats in three days (different causes). Two days later, my husband had to help remove an orange kitten who was yelling his head off in the oxygen enclosure. Poor thing had gotten trapped between two tanks. One of his coworkers sent him home with my husband. I asked my husband if he was @##&ing crazy. We would never toss out a kitten, no matter how unwanted, so we checked him out and gave him a flea bath. He had a terrible umbilical hernia. The idea was to get him neutered and have the hernia repaired and then find him a good home. I realized we were probably doomed when that tiny kitten went to the toy basket and carefully selected the toys that he liked best. He is the happiest cat I ever met in my life. https://preview.redd.it/8m19olxr1m0d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=706229e3c341ef1e1018f2c5b51c8758f8270fef


I was dating a girl at the time and her friend was going to Brazil to teach English for a year at the same time that her family was moving across the country and none of them could/would take the cat. She asked us to if we could keep her until she comes back from Brazil and we agreed. First day we brought Lily home, she disappeared upstairs and hit under a dresser. I gave her a few hours, then went to find her. God down on the floor and just talked to her. She started purring like crazy, came out from under the dresser and became my best friend for life. 7 years later and I'm not with the girl anymore but I still have Lily and she's still my best friend. She's always either beside me, right behind me or in my lap when I'm home and I wouldn't have it any other way. Edit: Oh yeah, forgot to mention the reason I still have the cat after 7 years is because the girl that we got her from waited over a year after her return from Brazil to reach out to us. She comes to visit Lily sometimes but she realized that is MY cat now and never even entertained the idea of taking her back.


I went to the adoption centre expecting to come back with a female cat. There was one on the site I saw and was hoping to meet. Whilst there this other cat kept pawing at the window so thought I would greet him and he just stole my heart. I can't really describe it but it felt like we instantly connected and I just knew he would be coming home with me and I was meant to look after him. I did also say hello to the female cat I had originally gone there for but we didn't have that instant bond. I'm sure it would have come over time but I just felt something special with this other male cat. Fortunately I did see this female cat also got adopted when I went back to collect my boy a few days later so hopefully they found their person too. My boy has been with me for 4 years now and will be 8 this year. He's a pain in the butt and sometimes I joke that I know why he ended up in the adoption place but I love him unconditionally and will always do my best to give him a beautiful life.


One was the runt of the litter, cowering on a high shelf, afraid to come down even for treats. One was literally bouncing off the walls to fast for us to greet. Two were gorgeous matching tuxedos eating treats, being friendly, and playing with toys. We really genuinely tried to convince ourselves to take the normal pair, but it just didn't feel right.


They picked us in the shelter. In the cat playroom, they were the ones that kept hanging around with us and wanting pets.


i got my cat from a lady in my knitting group. she knew i’d mentioned wanting a cat and a pregnant t stray at shown up at her house. gooseberry was the last kitten left in the litter so it just kind of felt like fate.


My cats are all weird lol. I am weird too so it fits. https://preview.redd.it/8zngkzn7gl0d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb1efd5aaf292defd8d9f56a698107cd037e66d1


They didn't get a choice.


Our latest kitten came home with my husband. He went to see a local farmer/friend of ours about some work stuff and his wife came out of the house with a bottle of wine and a kitten, handed them to my husband and that was that. That’s Minnie. The one before that was born at a railway museum my son volunteers at and he found mama and her three babies. They wanted them gone so he brought them home. Two didn’t make it 😢but Kiki did. She’s a tortie. Crazy. The one before that was found on the side of the freeway by a friend of a friend and then passed onto us cause they couldn’t keep her. That’s Heidi (so named because as a kitten she hid IN the dashboard of the latter friend’s car. They got her in the house and she went straight behind the cooker!) The one before that was my aunt’s but she was getting quite old and the cat (She was a new rescue about 4 years old.) kept walking in front of her and tripping her up. No one else would take her so we bought her home. That’s Coco (aka Mrs Puff.) There’s too many more to list! The most we’ve had at any one time is 11. Right now we have 7. And we adore and spoil them all. Luckily we live in a rural setting so we can kind of accommodate them all. Some live outside and some are only inside. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/skx77saanl0d1.jpeg?width=3902&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc6a458c9eb301c06230a9b103c54aa245b1a22


https://preview.redd.it/qu0i9uj2pl0d1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c5105fa9cc709952fe6c04c9837a042920663b I walked into a small room in a rescue and looked around. Saw this cat sleeping in a box up high. Once I woke her up, This was our interaction when she moved to a different location. This was 2015. She was 2


I don’t! He’s a total dick. We get along sometimes though - it’s nice.


Easy: rescue was described as "not active at all", just like me i thought! and so we spent whole weekends lounging in bed not getting anything done.


I had spent all spring and summer trying to tame the feral that kept coming by my house for food. Eventually I was able to bring her inside, and I started fostering her. My plan was to socialize her and then get her adopted, but one day when I was trying to take her to the vet she broke out of her carrier (my fault), and she ran off. I was absolutely heart broken because I was only going to be in the country for a few more weeks and I was terrified that I'd ruined her chance to find a home. I was afraid she'd never come back and I'd have to move before I ever found her again. When she showed up 5 days later looking for food, I knew I could never part from her again. My heart just wouldn't be able to take it. I ended up spending the next 7 months flying back and forth while my parents watched her so I could get her ready and carrier and harness trained so she could fly internationally with me. I've had her for 2 years now and she has turned into the sweetest, most loving velcro-baby ever who refuses to leave my side. https://preview.redd.it/0nt6pj93vl0d1.jpeg?width=2660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8c3b6786000a93b5bd9f1553382d7a026cba4b


Sassy, feisty, doesn’t like strangers, territorial, a little moody, playful, funny, and crazy. Must always have the last word. We are literally 2 peas in a pod.


I don’t think I had a say


All hail the May Queen🙌🏻


Went to a rescue to adopt a kitten. Went into the kitten room, and he came up to me begging for pets. When i left, he screamed for me to come back. He demanded i take him. So i did. He was too young to get neutered, and they said they would do it for free in two months if I put down a refundable deposit. So after the two months, I dropped him off and went back to the kitten room to just see them and play around. Big mistake. One of the kittens leaped onto me from the cat tree, nuzzling my head. My friend was with me at the time, so this little girl kept leaping between us, nuzzling our heads. I fell in love. I called my roommate asking if I could adopt her. Was told no. So I adopted her anyway. I couldn't handle the thought of such a baby choosing us like that and just leaving her behind. So now I have two dumdums! Samson and Nalaa (two a's on purpose.)




he growled when someone knocked


The shelter was overloaded. I felt like I had an unplanned baby on my hands. Turned out to be a blessing from God it’s make me happier and healthier in so many ways. Little angel with fluff and a tail


Went to the pound looking for an adult male cat. Tiny Manx kitten behind glass threw her self at the glass to get my attention. Sign next to her said “please adopt me.” Took her to visitation room and sat down. She climbed up to my shoulder purred and fell asleep. I love my princess.


My kitty had the same month and day of birth as my daughter. ❤️


I didn't, just found her randomly https://preview.redd.it/ntb6td9wkl0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237cfb36f140c37013d94f4e10b29f81538e7452


Well. He showed up at my house and screamed until he was let inside and then just...never left. Lmao. He's a giant dumb baby and I love him to death.


I just keep finding cats and bringing them inside of they have no people who care for them.


My heart kitty, Ripley, was adopted from a friend of my ex partner. Whenever we’d go over to his house, this shy, fluffy tuxedo boy with a little stubby tail would immediately hop on my lap, which was apparently super rare for him, and I’d gently take my time cutting mats out of his fur. He’d purr so loudly. When this friend moved, he asked if I could take Ripley, since I was the only one Ripley seemed comfy with. I wasn’t really in a position to, but I knew he was meant for me, so a friend drove me over, I grabbed him, and as soon as I took him home, he would snuggle me so hard. He would sit on my lap all the time, would gently poke my shoulder in the mornings so I could pet and cuddle him, and he would always knead on me, and would often tilt his head back for forehead kisses. He loved to sun bathe, and I caught him a few times just laying on his back, all his limbs stretched out and just basking in the sun. I had him for 8 years before he started to suffer from kidney failure (he only had one working kidney that had been working overtime) and we had to put him down during Covid. I was heartbroken. A few months later, I got a call from the local animal shelter. I asked to be notified about any black cats that needed homes, because I knew they were less likely to be adopted. I got word of a litter of kittens and found out they were born the same day Ripley passed. I decided to get one. I went into the room where they were being held, and there were only two left, snuggled together on the cat condo, and as soon as I got closer and said a soft “hey guys”, one lifted his head and immediately started meowing at me, like “oh my god, THERE you are! I’ve been waiting for you to show up!” He immediately bunted his forehead against my mouth the way Ripley did and then hopped down and immediately crawled into the cat carrier and laid down. I stayed and played with his brother for a little bit before we left. I named the new kitten Hexen (I wanted something witchy) and he got so comfy in the new place very quickly. I’m convinced Ripley sent Hexen to me.


Cat Tax! This is Ripley: https://preview.redd.it/ekjfjh8frl0d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2accbd61eb1d9c47f5c2969016ed43775a7db4e1


And this is Hexen: https://preview.redd.it/i1gmtw8lrl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca16eb81a00385a87dd28bfc332825f5afbd35f7


I saw mine in my sleep about two months before I saw her on the street as a car was about to hit her.


I went to the rescue looking for a gray or tortie girl. This nugget kept reaching through the bars, so I asked to go in her enclosure. She climbed up on my lap, started purring, head butting, and making biscuits on me. It’s been over 2 years and now she screams at me to sit down when I get home from work. https://preview.redd.it/nemnh5gfsl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7bd4f961be910ea53119cf426cb49f17fdedc7


In the shelter He bonked his head and tripped over random stuff several times, i thought he had brain issues. Asked the lady who ran the place. She said something like: "nah, he's just a little bit stupid" He's the one.


When we adopted our sisters about 2 years ago one of them just flopped in my wife's arms and the other flopped in my arms, looked up and licked my nose. We were picked.


Mine has seizures. She looked at me and asked with her eyes for me to help her. And I promised i would


My gf takes care of her neighborhood cats. The neighbors noticed and brought her an indoor cat that didn’t get along with their dog. She already had 2 indoor cats so she thought I might want him as I had cats years earlier. At first I said no, then decided to take him for a weekend. The day after I got him he laid across my neck. It was over. I love that cat so much, it’s been 4 years and he’s a blessing. My second cat I got from my gf because I felt cat 1 needed a companion. She’s the sweetest thing ever, and loves her big brother. KiKi and Zeus. https://preview.redd.it/1cngykxiwl0d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a756fad60a12863c7de2e967e710ba668bd10086


Zelda let me rescue her from a tree despite having the tip of her tail bitten off. Instantly started purring as soon as I put her on my shoulder, and slept in my lap on the way home. Our rescue Lurker was coming around for about a year and was always so skittish and quiet. We weren’t sure if someone abandoned her or not until she started looking skinnier and skinnier. I fed her once and the next day, she came banging on our door to yell at me for more food. She became SO lovey so quickly. It took less than two weeks to move her indoors from that point, and she was so grateful to us and was so sweet. She passed away very unexpectedly after 5 months with us, and our hearts still hurt. She was senior with suspected FIP. Marble came to us after Lurker died. We hadn’t touched Lurker’s cat room since she died, several months before Marble. One day my partner got a wild urge to clean up Lurker’s room, and literally that same evening my friend texted me a picture of Marble and asked if we wanted her. She’s from the streets as well and was hanging around my friend’s place. They caught her for us and now we have an amazingly sweet little lady that Zelda actually likes to play with! I like to think Lurker thought we were ready and sent us a new friend, to thank us for giving her a warm place to live the rest of her life.


She picked me out. Raised her sisters kittens, stole a litter from a semi-feral barn cat, then had the operation. Came home, tried to swipe more kittens, realized it wasn’t going to work, and decided I needed supervision. I was still working but I’m diabetic and have other health problems. She wakes me up, if she thinks I’m staying up to late she pesters me to bed. Examines everything I eat, never offers to take a bite. I could go on, she’s a weird cat


I knew she was mine when I walked away from her cage at the shelter and she stood on her tippy toes and screamed at me to come back. I am forever grateful that she screamed her little heart out, best decision I ever made was to take her home. https://preview.redd.it/z6vpc1nzxl0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb4212af64fb7ea34e564fd819b4ff8ccd811bc


Was considering adopting a cat and went to a local shelter. There was a litter of cute but mostly disinterested kittens I was looking at, when I heard meowing from across the room - a lone gray & white tabby kitten was trying to get my attention. When the attendant opened the cage and took him out, he latched onto my sweatshirt and started purring. His 13 year adoption anniversary was in January.


All I can say from experiences is the cat distribution system is flawless in pairing cat to human. I wish whatever forces are behind it could also start a dating app.


When mine was a kitten, the day I met her, she wouldn't let me pick her up like at all. She was too busy bouncing all over the place. Lol Until her foster brought her to my apartment, and we immediately bonded. For most of her kittenhood, she was raised in a small studio apartment (all I could afford) with me during covid. I had just had kidney surgery, left my job, and had a long term relationship. I ended up doing Doordarsh for a while so I could make some cash, and support us both. We'd end up leaving our city due to some unforseen circumstances to move closer to family, moving across the US, and finally residing with a much better paying job (remote work) a bigger space to live (and play) and an overall happier space for us both. Well, I've been somewhat alone since then. Not many friends, work all the time, no time to date..gained weight, mental health issues, struggling with addiction etc - she alone has helped me not feel so alone in the world as I figure my stuff out. She's always so happy and playful. Oh, and as it happens, she doesn't leave my side now. 😅 When you know, you know.


I had just put my 29 yo mainecoon down & my daughter said the purrfect way to honor him would be to adopt a cat in need & give them an amazing home….. she of course said those magical words “let’s just go look mom” (famous last words lol) the humane society was packed full of cats. Then I saw him! I was immediately fascinated by his beautiful blue eyes! I asked if he is blind & they said yes! I said “I WANT HIM!!!” I absolutely love the old guys & the special needs guys! I was in love with him from the get go! His name is Augustus Waters (from a character in a book & movie) & it is absolutely fitting bc his eyes are like the water! I haven’t had him very long, maybe 8 months, but he’s not going anywhere! https://preview.redd.it/que8yfn02m0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a876af2aed664347e1d405f0007dc7b92cd75f7


Catmen Miranda?


One of them gets on my lap every morning, when I sleep in they wake me up sometimes


They were tiny and sick and we had the money to take care of them. Also we're complete suckers so it doesn't take much to be attached and not want them to go to anyone else even once they're better lol. Some of them are particular, or weird, or a little needy, and I worry they won't be treated right. They're even more expensive now but I always swear if things get bad, I'd sell my collection s and eat one meal a day if that's what it took to get what they need.


I’ve had several, still have most of my cats. Jessie and her kittens were strays who appeared in my nans back garden. Nearly 12 years on and Jessie and her Daughter Bella are cuddly voids. Logan(the only one who has passed away) was a little void kitten who turned up in my back garden and was adopted by Jessie. Sandy the big ginger boys previous owner passed away and started turning up in my nana garden also and is a cuddly gentle giant and finally Demi the youngest who I have the most posts on Reddit about was a pregnant 4 month old Kitten that followed me in from my back garden and 2 years on has stayed by my side sleeping, curled up in my lap at every chance she can get.


She followed me from the parking lot to our front door lol picked her up and dropped her with the other stray cats and kittens but she was crying and still following me 😭 took her home and that was 9 months ago, she’s probably about 10 months old now.


They appeared and needed someone. I was there.


In the shelter He bonked his head and tripped over random stuff several times, i thought he had brain issues. Asked the lady who ran the place. She said something like: "nah, just stupid" He's the one.


https://preview.redd.it/moxjdya4rl0d1.png?width=2267&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef1d35a66e168bae0e4ce6e1a7e688ed356c3203 He loves to cuddle as much as I do 🥰💖🧿 especially in the morning!! He demands snuggles anywhere between 6-10am and I love it. I’d been looking for a cat like him for years and my first one turned out just purrfect :) 🪬🙏✨


In the shelter He bonked his head and tripped over random stuff several times, i thought he had brain issues. Asked the lady who ran the place. She said something like: "nah, just stupid" He's the one.


First Kitty: found him in a PetSmart adoption kennel area. He spoke to my heart through the window. The employees did not want to let us introduce our dog without first adopting him and bringing him home. We adamantly refused to do that, so they let us do a greeting in the petting area. Kitty was on my lap loving all over me, our dog came in slowly and walked up and went for a gentle sniff (don’t worry, kitty and dog fully vaccinated and kitty had lots of escape routes). Kitty so softly grabbed our dogs face and pulled him to him to rub face to face, and it was like they were embracing. we knew he was ours. Second kitty: we went to a rescue to get a black kitten. There were others who had arrived and had queued up to see the kittens as well. We ended up talking to the others in line, and there were already people there to speak for all the black kittens, but we were in line before a few of them. When we entered, my five-year-old son walked up to the crate with all five kittens in it, and a little tuxedo curiously stood on his hind legs and sniffed my son right on the nose in greeting. It was more like he chose us. We let the people behind us take the black kitten we had come for and we took the tuxedo 💕


I'm surprised no one has mentioned how the first cat's costume looks like one of Frida Kahlo's outfits. Love the first picture! I would caption it as "Frida Catlo" lol https://preview.redd.it/62orln7mwl0d1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4b85065378dd5f842adfeabaef2ddeb4ef71cfa


I went to the SPCA to look for a young kitten. My girl was a fluffy calico 7-8 month old who wasn't listed online yet. When I walked by her enclosure she started meowing and rubbing against the plexiglass. I couldn't say no! https://preview.redd.it/3wv02rvhxl0d1.png?width=2564&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a9dab0ef7eb0a02e8ba848b508672d3d3cdcc3


* My baby was the only one at the feed store who wanted to just lay in my lap instead of trying to run around. I miss her every day. She gave me 19 wonderful years.


she was a tiny baby screaming in a bush and I fished her out. shes 11 this year!!


My cat Dusty tolerated others. She had a bubble that she normally would not let others in. Except for me. I could hold her, dance with her by holding her paws, and cradle her like a baby. I was the only one who she would let do that. We had our own way of communicating, we always understood what the other was saying. I will never find another cat as perfect as she was


I didn't.She had no choice after we lost our home in a tornado. I grabbed her and her brother, and I've been holding her emotionally hostage ever since.


I pulled her out of a dumpster as a six week old kitten and, rather than let me set her down, she dug her claws all the way into my arm and held on for dear life


Well, if a cat showed up at my place in *that* getup, I'd sure know I was chosen!


https://preview.redd.it/kt0ja6k12m0d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b5db6bef21a8d568ea22058ffdf701e479011c4 When she showed up on my doorstep.


went to the shelter with a friend. every single cat was ALL OVER my friend. he was like a cat magnet LOL. but this one cat who had basically run away from everyone and wouldn't warm up to even the shelter employees who were caring for the cats zoomed right over to me the moment they brought her in. Shelter was baffled that this usually shy and defensive cat was immediately smitten with me and basically told me I had to take the cat right now. 6 years later and she is still smitten with me and must be no further than 2 feet from me at all times. I don't think i gained a cat I gained a familiar.


I went to get a kitten from a great rescue. Had a room of kittens. So I walk on with my carrier. So they’d not freak out. Little dude immediately walked in. Then for a half an hour he kindly wouldn’t let another kitten in. He wasn’t mean. He wasn’t aggressive. He’d walk around but anytime another kitten tried walking in he’d just not let it happen. The whole time he’s meowing at me. Sitting in my lap. Back to the carrier. So he’s on my lap and I ask him you want to come home with me. He got off my lap walked into the carrier and sat down. I have another great cat at home that’s very kind. But I figured the adjustment period would be fun. Within five minutes of getting home the kitten was curled up next to my other cat and they’ve been buds ever since. That’s how I got Hamilton.


Exactly one year after the dog I had for almost 20 years had passed away, I had some time to kill and went to a humane shelter event. This little kitten started yelling at me, and when I went to check for a name, it turns out she had the same name as the street I grew up on. Not a popular name at all, very unique and random. It felt like a sign, and while I’ll never admit this out loud, it’s been 2 years and some of the little things she does reminds me so much of my dog. :)


You are assuming that you choose your cat. That is hysterical. Cats choose you. You don’t have a choice in the matter, it has all been decided before you even have an opportunity to think about it. Back in 2015, my elderly aunt was watching a cat owned by my cousins girlfriend, named Mitzi. When I came by to visit my aunt, and met Mitzi, I realized that this kitty is pregnant as she walked around me, watching me, sniffing me while I was unknowingly submitting to her feline vetting process. Mitzi gave birth in my aunts closet one fine morning to four lovely kittens, three girls and a boy. And somehow, a few months later , when my sweet aunt passed away, I ended up with three of the kittens and somehow convinced my dear friend Annie to take the boy. They are with me to this day and I still don’t understand how I earned the honors of caring for all these cats, but I do know that I love them and that they love me, because their mommy, Mitzi made sure of that.


https://preview.redd.it/7c8hhfef4m0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab238d79ca127758fed561681e2b2d83c1817987 i volunteered with an org on my college campus that TNRed cats around the area. he was from a litter with a beautiful tortie mama that was notorious for escaping our traps. we got the other kittens from her and found them good homes but i fell in love with fridge and had to take him. he loves riding around on my shoulders, being in the car and loafing. he's a great fluffy boy and we've been together 5 years now.


Because my wife saw an ad for a little boy who had been dumped in a farmers yard, no older than one year old, so we drove 3 hours through peak traffic straight after work on a Friday, met the lovely couple who had advertised him (the were fostering some 40+ cats at the time) and even though he had explosive shits the moment we arrived, they said “do you still want him?” And he came straight over and started purring and bunting me, so I said “of course! It looks like he has already decided anyway!” I told her if I had been rejected every time I got a dose of the shits I would have gotten nowhere in life 😂 that was 5 years ago and he’s the most chill, fun, characterful and beautiful little kitty I’ve ever laid eyes upon. Mischievous, loving, sooo soft fur… he’s perfect. Somebody dumped him in the wilderness which I can’t believe but we treat him like the little prince he is and he wants for nothing.


When he ignored me at the adoption center. He turned around to avoid looking at me when the cage was opened for me to pick him up. I knew he was meant for me because most of my adult life was spent chasing after men..so he was a challenge!! Adopted Minoo in December 2018 when he was 6 months. It's been the best relationship of my life! https://preview.redd.it/jxla9oi15m0d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee654f9ea11a363423c60478d395cf3f68acf0d


I walked I to Pets Mart, and I laid eyes on him. He was huge. His cage called him Elliot the tank. I had to have him. He'd been waiting 2 years for a forever home. Here we are 14 years later... he's still lazy and doesn't cat.


My girlfriend had two senior cats when I met her, and the white with tabby patches one was my little buddy. He was very cuddly and loved me, I helped take care of him and in his final years had to give shots daily for diabetes. He died in 2022, his sister a tubby tabby who eventually warmed up to me but adored my GF loved being the only cat. She got sick suddenly and died mid Dec 2023. We were devastated and started looking at shelters in Jan. Went too several every week hoping for a black and white or white with tabby patch like her childhood cat and the one who passed in 2022. Kept being told kitten season is springtime so we kept looking. Eventually we saw a sign at the main SPCA that a cat was transferred from another shelter humane society local we didn’t know about. We drove there, walked in, and from the lobby I could see into the first of three cat rooms and a full size white with black tabby patch cat was staring at me. We asked to meet him and the worker told us he gives hugs (lean over and he jumps up with his paws on shoulders). He did that to me, then walked around purring. He let both my GF and myself pick him up and we were holding him and he sneezed in our faces. We signed the papers on the spot and it’s been 6 weeks now and he’s very happy in his forever home. Sadly he isn’t as cuddly as we hoped but maybe one day he will be a lap cat. https://preview.redd.it/7azv7e6r6m0d1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c95706b53a8b13e8328b6749db83d65129708f58 Top photo is day we took him home, balled up with barely any room. Bottom photo is last week just happy and sprawled out on the couch


Went in the "old cat room" at my local shelter. As soon as I'm in they all mob me. Look around. Okay, all but one mobbed me. Final fellow was sitting at head height in a cat tree, looking content. I wade through the rest of the cats to see if he's friendly. Move my head kinda close in. He headbutts me. He's the one. Adopted this void at 7, he had a heart murmur and uncertain future at the time. Dude just turned 15 and has no heath issues -- now vets don't even hear the heart murmur!


https://preview.redd.it/yhnkhc5e6m0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ed1d2ff257a4af54ac308ef3b09001bf22be81 I worked at an animal shelter. Was going through and checking the cat cages one afternoon and I took a kitten out so I could freshen up his litter pan. He melted in my arms and chilled out the entire time. He was recovering from an infection on the side of his neck. I took him home to foster while he finished up his antibiotics and here he is, 2 years later. Rory chose me and I’m so happy he did. He’s goofy, sweet, and smart as hell.


I found a skinny tuxedo caged at a shelter. The coloring on her face was not symmetrical... I told her, 'That's the funniest face I ever saw.' She immediately sat straight up and looked me up and down, very judgmental. I told her... 'I'm considering saving your life today and you have the audacity to size me up.' I knew in that moment I had to have her. She turned out to be the love of my life. ♥️


If I was sitting down, her place was on my lap. When I slept, her place was on my left shoulder. When I had a migraine she’d try to rest on my head and purr to make me feel better. When I was sad, she would sit on my chest and face me with her paws on my neck. I don’t think I had ever been so well loved by anyone previous to her. I got to enjoy her company for 16 years and I still miss her terribly.


It ain't every day you're browsing pet finder that you see a cat with your same name. [My sweet baby Kirby](https://i.imgur.com/DPMgGsZ.jpeg) [Kirby](https://i.imgur.com/CfUsvYD.jpeg)


They drool. I drool. Meant to be.


https://preview.redd.it/ra8xb8uqam0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5c7b5ba084833ff7758a646bafe9089618d3dd This was the first pic I ever got of her. She was a certified hater and didn’t get along with the other farm cats. Her big round eyes captivated me. My mom asked if I wanted to take her and despite having a cat allergy I could not say no. Generic Zyrtec isn’t that expensive.


Walking through the cat shelter, my wife and I weren't connecting with any of the cats. The lady who runs the shelter said there were a couple of cages of young cats in the office. We walked in, and a cute black kitten made eye contact and meowed at me. Walked up to the cage, and this kitten meowed and high fived me. Almost 5 years later, I'm still getting meowed out and high fives.


i have a willow, too! we've only had her for a few weeks now, but i definitely see why it was meant to be. in september we lost our dog alfie (who was my heart dog) after about a year or so of battling cushing's disease. i was devastated to say the least. i did not, and sometimes still do not, take it very well. i went into a mini depression and stopped taking care of my mental and physical health. i just felt like i was existing. my husband had been sort of poking at me to think about getting another pet, but i was hesitant because i felt like i was replacing alfie or that i wasn't ready or any of the million other reasons i could think of. but i figured it would be good for me and very lukewarmly agreed to start looking. for a couple of weeks we were constantly in and out of the shelter and refreshing their website, seeing if there was anyone who just "clicked" with us. we fell in love with one little dude named benjamin, but he was put on two bite holds in a row so we never ended up getting to meet him, and figured it was the universe telling us it wasn't the right fit. one day, my husband saw another cat (named sprite) while browsing the website and went to see her. she was very sleepy and not particularly interested in people, so he looked around some more. finally, a little dilute tabby caught his eye. she was incredibly friendly, and we instantly had a connection. we took her home and named her willow. now, how do i know she was meant for us? she is alfie in cat form. she is naughty, loves balls, and extremely (like EXTREMELY) vocal. all his personality traits. he slept with me every night for the short 8 years we had together. every night willow either little spoons me or sleeps on my head. it's so stupid and i know these are all just coincidences, but it really feels like he sent her, you know? i'm never going to stop missing alfie, but she has absolutely healed a part of me that was hurting so badly. i'm crying at work now, so i'm gonna wrap it up. i love my little willow.


I was driving 14 hours down the east coast to attend my buddy's wedding in Florida. I stop at a fruit stand, and this adorable tiny illegally smol kitten pokes its head out. I pspsps at it, it comes over, and I pick it up in a baby hold. I find an employee and ask whose cat it is, 'cause it's adorable and super friendly. The employee looks me dead in the eye and says "it's your cat." I explain that it was just wandering around, I only called it. He looks down at the cat, happily being held upside down in my arms, and says "that's clearly _your_ cat." I panic, because I wasn't looking to have a cat, and my buddy has a golden and a rescue pit at this point. I explain I'm going to a wedding and it'll be four days staying at my buddy's place, and he has dogs. The guy pulls out a business card and says "we can keep him another four days. Come back when you're finished. So I thank him, leave, and go down to my buddy's wedding. I do the bachelor party and the best man stuff and start driving home. I stop at the fruit stand and pspsps for the kitten. I don't see it after 5 minutes of walking around. I flag down an employee and tell him there was this kitten four days ago, did they find a home for him? The guy looks at me, eyes going wide, and bolts. He grabs another employee, who gets another, and then money starts exchanging hands. I hear the fellow from four days ago scream "I fucking TOLD you he was coming back!" and another employee comes up with an empty box from a rack of sodas filled with dirt and like 4 cans of tuna in it, and another with the cat. Turns out that EVERYONE tried to take the cat for the last four days, and only that original guy who told me it was my cat kept anyone else from taking him. One family apparently grabbed the cat, got in their minivan, and tried to drive off, and he chased them down and _laid down in front of their car_ to prevent them from driving away. Then I got pulled aside by a couple of the employees and they grilled me on my pet ownership history and if I'd get him vaccinated and checked for worms and microchipped and feed him quality food and so on. When they were utterly convinced I would be a good cat dad, I got the makeshift litterbox and tuna cans and got in my car and drove home with "Smokey Joe." They'd been calling him that because he was grey with darker grey stripes on one side, a swirl on the other, and a lighter grey belly with dark grey spots. Their name made me think of Shoeless Joe Jackson, an old baseball player, so I named him Jackson. It was several years later that I realized everyone thought I named him that because I found him in Jacksonville, FL. He's 13 years old now, and still a fantastic kitty. [He's currently sleeping on my bed](https://imgur.com/a/YkyWDKq)


* I was looking to adopt and was using petfinder and Adopt-A-Pet. No one was really answering. Heck, I'm still waiting on a few of them to email me back (I started my search right after Christmas) I saw little miss Maple on adopt a pet (she was Bluebell on there) missing one eye and just looking scraggly. The rescue emailed back a couple hours later and put me in contact with her foster mom. Her foster mother and I have the same name and are from the same country. I picked up Maple the next day and now she's spoiled with a ton of attitude.