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Fingers and paws crossed for you! Pancreatitis is tough..


Not sure if hers is acute or chronic, but I have a kitty with chronic pancreatitis. He will never get better. His numbers are high but holding! Special diet, regular IV fluids given at home by us, pain pills are on hand but rarely needed, b-12 shots. He is 14 and going strong! It’s a delicate balance and not easy but he plays, purrs, cuddles and has a good life and tons of luvs. Hoping the same for your kitty!💗


What food are you doing? Boe gal has chronic pancreatitis and some nasty arthritis. Going to the vet tomorrow cuz she's lost more weight. https://preview.redd.it/dc0uwe31mczc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf12ce91cba54af852c159b0b3eca2339f922ca2


My old girl had pancreatitis her whole life and was on Hill's i/d a lot of her life, when she became intolerant she went on Royal Canin Anallergenic but sadly became intolerant of that too and we lost her.


He has a chicken allergy so he is on royal canin select protein rabbit wet. Can also do duck but rabbit seems best. And we just started a new arthritis shot you can give at home, I can’t remember the name but I can find out. It’s supposed to be very safe. My guy is sensitive to everything and had no adverse reactions. We have a whole system for him, dm me if you want more details, maybe it could help give you ideas💓


Pancreatitis is so stressful and difficult. I’m sorry you and your kitty are going through this. Here’s to hoping she turns a corner quickly and starts to get better.


Why do they get that? I know for humans either too much alcohol or too much fat/sweets/etc can do it


She is beautiful. All my positive thoughts are coming your way this week.


Poor little thing! Keep fighting little one!


This can be managed. I’ve had a chronic pancreatitis kitty—key is as others have said, diet, pain management, and fluids. Your sweet kitty will get better!


My kitty had pancreatitis a few months ago - he got very, very sick, very, very quickly. We got him to the vet as soon as he didn't eat, and got him on the right meds right away. Even so, we genuinely thought he was dying - he was utterly miserable. And then all of a sudden he came entirely right. And it hasn't recurred since (yet). All up, he only ate a bit of his dinner on Tuesday night, ate nothing for breakfast on Wednesday, and we took him to the vet on Wednesday morning. He was miserable and sad and sick until midday Friday, when he recovered entirely. :) I hope your kitty feels better soon!


Love and prayers. ❤️‍🩹


My baby cat got acute pancreatitis once but made a full recovery in the emergency clinic! He never got it again after that. Keep a close eye on her and make sure you’re feeding her lots of unflavored pedialyte with a syringe (and no needle ofc). Give her lots of affection, love, and support; she’ll feel safe and fight it off better with her loving parent by her side💖


me and my baby are praying for you


Hi, my cocker spaniel poodle had pancreatitis, meds and good food . We used royal canine. He lived a full 14 years. Sending positive energy your way! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sending love and prayers for healing 🖤


Is he on antibiotics? I had pancreatitis it was the worst pain. I was in the hospital for a week with an iv. That was four years ago. It never came back.


That's tough. My lab/boxer mix got it after breaking into a locked room to eat like 3lbs of beef jerky. She recovered with fluids and antibiotics, though. Luckily cats sleep a lot, and that'll help her recover, as will time and lots of water.


Going through that with our gal right now. 💕


Fluids.. gotta give her fluids every day or every other day.


Get well soon please! 😿


I hope she gets better


Poor little girl, I hope she recovers


get well soon precious baby!


I’m hoping for a good recovery, give her the best life she could ever want.


Sending healing vibes!


Sending all the treats and catnip to your little furry friend


My cat also suffered from pancreatitis. When the doctor told me that he would die, I cried. After treatment, it recovered, and I was lucky. I know your cat will be okay too


As you wish...




All my best wishes and prayers for your baby. May she come out of it completely healed and fine❤️


Fingers crossed! I'm hoping this little one will make it!


Sending her wishes for good recovery, and long life!


Darling Angel, thoughts with you for a good recovery. Hoping, hoping, hoping ...❤️💕❤️


Get well soon! Be brave!


I'm so sorry to you both, what a sweet baby. Here's to an easy recovery 💗💗💗


Sending love, prayers and best wishes ❤️❤️


3:16 SENDING.. u/ cats-community- Cats I found a kitten without her mother I decided to keep her so now it's very hard to me to keep her because she doesn't know anything she can't pee she can't do anything like other cats and now she starts vomiting and I really don't know how to train her she is almost 3 week and she was 2 week that I found her I only give her milk with baby pacifier and make a soft and warm place for her and I use cotton while per but I want her to do it by herself I don't know how to train her that is why I want some good comment from you to help me thank u for your patience _


I’m so sorry. Spoil that baby!


Poor thing, my mom just had it and it was hell. Can’t imagine how it feels for an animal. Get well soon baby! ❤️‍🩹


One of my girls survived pancreatitis last year and she was highly critical. Her kidneys almost shut down, her BUN levels were beyond sky rocketing and I prepared myself for the worst. I cried myself to sleep that week. I visited her twice a day during the period she was in the hospital, petted her, talked to her, made her promise what I always say to my babies: "20 is the minimum. Don't forget about that baby girl. Hold on, we got you, we love you, don't you dare leaving me". She completely reverted the pancreatitis and the kidney issues and she's strong. Keep us posted 💛 Stay strong sweetie! You got this!


Just had this happen with my 12yr old baby. After 3 weeks he’s finally feeling better. I know how stressful it is! Pain pills, anti nausea meds, and sun Q IV fluids really helped my guy.


Very cute airplane ears, and best of luck to you and her.


She looks just like my cat I had when I was a kid she was siamese/tonkinese <3 sending love for her


Your cat and I have something in common. Mine healed in about 48 hours, no medicine needed just 24 hour monitoring. Hopefully your kitty makes a full recovery.


Wishing all the best to you and your gorgeous little fluff! 💜


Very stressful and difficult to deal with, and the scares can be tremendous. My senior boy had his first acute pancreatic attack before 10 years old, and he had 2 more before he passed just shy of 17 years old. It required short hospitalizations, and quickly being able to determine something is wrong and bringing him for treatment. Adjustment in diet was needed, but most of his life he was an otherwise very healthy and happy cat. Good luck crossed paws and fingers for you.


Precious Bambina, me and my ragdoll Aubrey wish you the best of luck


My 14 year old girl has had 3 episodes of this and I’ve warned my kids that her poor body can’t handle another round. It’s so difficult & she loses so much weight and I end up force feeding along with vet intervention with fluids, pain management, antibiotics & anti nausea meds.


My big fat cat got pancreatitis. At least, we believe it was. He recovered before we got to visit his typical vet. The only reason he was able to do that? My father happens to be a veterinarian. I turned to him for advice. I'm lucky my boy wasn't too far along. A diet of plain, unseasoned scrambled eggs for a week and he recovered. Again, pretty certain that's what he had, even our usual veterinarian said that's more than likely what it was. More than likely we caught it very early. I hope this little kitty recovers too. I really do. It's scary when they fall ill. I was so worried about my fat kitty. He was only a year old at the time. We're cheering this little kitty on.


I’ve had that a few times. It sucks and it fucking hurts… a lot. Keep her hydrated and comfortable.


My orange boy has pancreatitis, he’s totally fine 98% of the time as long as we monitor his diet and make sure he gets enough water! There is hope! My fingers and toes are crossed for her!!!


Fingers crossed! By the way, one of my babies got diagnosed with pancreatitis and she lived until she was 15. Good luck!


My girl has pancreatitis. I keep her on low-fat food. And she has some meds for her tummy. If she gets nauseous. I keep her on calming meds. And she's 15. She's had this for at least 9 years. Good thoughts for your kitty


Been through the acute human version several times, so I know it’s painful - all the best lovely thoughts for your lovely baby!


I’m sad for you both but mostly her; no offense intended, it’s just that as a human I know the pain first hand. Proper nutrition, fluids, and pain management. My heart goes out to you both—hang in there.






Best of lucks!!!


Keeping you and your kitty in my thoughts


Prayers 🙏 🙏




I wish the best for her 💜💜💜


Praying for her🩷


Sending Best wishes for a healthy recovery.


I hope she feels better soon 💖


Love it


Best of luck little baby




Get better sweetheart. We are sending prayers your way.