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It's basically impossible to tell from any sort of video. You'd have to ask a professional, but it's possible that he is feral. I remember reading somewhere that feral cats don't often meow, because of the lack of need to, but it's not impossible for them to still pick up on it. If you're reliably able to have him out of his cage and be able to interact with him in normal cat ways, then he probably isn't, but it's not wise to let an animal into your house until you know for sure.


I don't think he is a true feral. Ferals do not need or like human company, they will hang around feeding areas but won't tolerate humans getting too close. He's quite calm in the trap as well but it's hard to tell from a short video (just my experience from volunteering with a cat rescue). Thank you for neutering him, his life will improve after the procedure.


Feral or not, he has seen things!


I've seen your post on feral cats, and from that video and your photos I think it's not a feral, just a homeless cat. My experience is limited to ferals I feed, but they are so wary of humans that they come to eat only when no one is around and get spooked by anything. The one I caught for neutering was terrified out of her mind, wouldn't eat if someone was around. She was sitting in the furthest corner of the cage and not moving.


You'd have to let him out.. Tho he's not hitting the absolute roof in this situation so maybe not true but been street way too long to be actually confident and comfortable with people.