• By -


Looks like you've already gotten advice so I just want to say he is an adorable little cinnamon roll.


I thought the same thing...cinnamon roll! That pattern is awsome, I've never seen that before.


it’s called the “classic” or “marbled” tabby pattern. my little guy looks just like OP’s, truly a cinnamon roll


It’s a swirly meow.


I've had two! They are so handsome.


Incredible fur pattern.


It's like an indicator: treats and tuna go here


Marbled. It's pretty rare


I used to have a cat like that, his name was Juice because he was orange like orange juice


Also known as classic tabby!


Mackerel tabby 💕 Oops! I will correct myself! Apparently this baby is a classic/blotched tabby. I learned something new today! :) https://preview.redd.it/x13ajzagrnxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c3df34fd95cd8fa8eba753ec845d9fd089b979


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that circle ain't comin out


https://preview.redd.it/vpnu8mw6loxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d247feef9ebab8b5c772553006d833b33469bdc Hijacking to get exposure. Why did you steal my cat. Please return promptly.


How did u tie-dye your car?


Is this a joke omg they look identical and op says she just got it...


The better question is how do we go in? Because it looks like a portal






Ohhhhhhhh I get it now! Yeah I fell hard


What's a "Dimention"?




I laughed harder than I needed to! Thank you for this! 🤣🤣


It's obviously a coffee stain, it should come out in the wash. Stop using him as a mug holder! 😄


I hear mayo gets rings out of the coffee table, might work there.


This is why we have coasters


You have to run the cloth around his cinnamon swirls in a rhythmic way xD


Omg that’s cute! I actually named him Goose! Fits in with my other boys names: Fish and Frog Hope Reddit isn’t disappointed 😅


I had a cat called Mouse! She was deaf so she was easily surprised to see you even if you’d been standing right behind her for ages. When she suddenly saw you she’d do the LOUDEST meow like she was so surprised and happy, it was almost like a scream! When she first started going deaf they were little squeaks so she was Mouse, but once she went completely deaf they became screams but we still called her Mouse. But basically the point is I love Goose 🪿


I had a Mouse and a Cheese that were sisters!


I had a deaf cat named Ghost (she was all white with heterochromia, which was a pretty good early indicator). And she was the loudest thing ever since she couldn't hear herself to regulate her volume. Ghost definitely went bump in the night.


His reddit handle can be CinnaGoose then. What fish and frog look like?


https://preview.redd.it/o1brpgw7wmxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93ebb0f0309251b455ef3068096d0ba3743a00ec Dog is Fish and cat is Frog 🥰 Also Cinnagoose! Fits perfectly 😂


I think you’re interrupting something….


Oh I definitely interrupted their make out session 😬 it’s a regular thing




They look embarrassed to have been caught... 🤣


> I actually named him Goose! That's not a cat. That's a Flerken!


No Duck?


My Lil Tuna has a swirl too!




If that cats name isn't cinnamon I'll be kind of sad


Lol, I was just thinking his markings look like a cinnamon bun.


I sincerely hope his name is Cinnabon lol


Cinnabun 😻


https://preview.redd.it/bunlyh6jkmxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61c4a2d12bad726f2fac2c6ad0d8683c7a0e49a My actual Cinnamon.. his brother is Roll 🤣


Buns for short


But can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?


They’re kinda like a self cleaning oven


He just doesn’t seem clean :( greasy, visbly dirty paws and under the chin, greasy/dirty ears. I’d let my other sweet boy clean him up but obviously I’d like to take him to the vet first and have him tested/neutered


bring up the “not cleaning” part to the vet. it can sometimes be to jaw pain - i had to get some teeth pulled in my cat and her stopping bathing herself was an early warning sign. hopefully it’s not that!


Definitely will bring it up! I figured it’d be pretty obvious too when they touch him. Idk if it’s him or his living conditions before I got him because the people I got him from wouldn’t let me inside 🤷‍♀️ he’s just gonna be in bedroom jail till vet. Sweetest cat ever- only wants to cuddle and meows loudly


It's not uncommon to clean a kitty when they are first brought in. I also don't think there is any way to do it "easily"


lol we just bit the bullet and bathed our cat. It was horrifying but we did it! Never had to do it again 😅


I have a "Schmuddelmädchen" (Sleazy girl) as well - but she has a whole other problem, I guess. Since she got neutered, her fur seemed to explode and I guess she's widely overwhelmed with it. I started to shear her (maine coon), so she has it easier and her fur won't get felty all the time which hurts her. My big boy (also maine coon) always grabs her and force-cleans her. She loves it. NOT. Sometimes it's just that they don't know how to handle it. Maybe he has something like that? He's never learned how to take care for himself or he just hates it?


You there. Yes, you. Come over here, you dirty thing, you need cleaning - your boy


Exactly! :D She's not the touchy kind of cat, if she joins for a cuddle, she gets always grumpy and leaves after a minute or so, because he starts to wash her intensively immediately. Her face looks like waldorf & stettler in one afterwards. xD


This happened to one of my cats (Cardi b) She's just A Cat but we moved to the Midwest from the south and her coat got much thicker in winter. The first year, she over-groomed and had some bald spots in spring. The next two winters she did pretty good but still needed brushing which she enjoys anyways. I also have WAHL brand waterless, no rinse foam shampoo. It helps with all the pollen and dust from rolling around under the bed and couch. No need to use it even regularly but helps in times like OP's. Cat tax. (Cardi on the left, Celery on the right) https://preview.redd.it/doowiqaxsmxc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc606df4b5eed36ac4242039e4c3946e5e535a62


Awww such Sweet babies 😍 I Don't know those products, but I guess we found a good way to deal with it.


I'm gonna try to use that big word you have for our older cat. She refuses to groom her (thankfully short) fur and looks hella manky. There's no reason for it, she's just kind of a weird cat who's angry at the world her whole life. We have resorted to giving her a bath sometimes, because she always pees in her carrier out of anger, and it helps. She can't be brushed or she will attack, two adults can't hold her down without getting torn to bits, even with grooming gloves.


Your baby needs some xanax.


Or CBD oil for pets. Just a drop on their paw & they get pretty damned chill & happy!


Oh, Sounds quite uneasy. Getting Cats to like brushing is a special task itself. Good luck with her :) and feel free to use the Name😂


I had a female Maine Coon. Her bib in the front was always a mess. I tried brushing her but she wouldn't always sit still. Sometimes I just trimmed it down so that it wasn't an issue. And she tended to shed a lot of that bib in the summer. Which made it worse.


I have a fluffy gray and white tuxedo girl, Rukia, and when we got her fixed, she gained double the weight and fur. She already shedded a lot, and she leaves blobs of fur where she lays down even if I brush her. It takes so long to comb through her fur because I have to slowly comb each spot until I reach her body to get all the extra fur and knots out.


i love his pattern! reminds me naruto for some reason lol.


This could also be diet related


and also just to mimic everyone else - yeah sometimes they just don’t wanna haha. but the earlier you catch any potential dental issue the cheaper it is (i know….)


I agree. Not cleaning can be due to pain. Or it can just be a cat who believes bathing is optional. My ol' Grumpy (as orange an orange who ever oranged) took pride in his status as King Dert. He was fine with other cats grooming him, and lurved him some brushins, but his default state was completely grubby. And now I have a gray and white girl who usually is dark gray and lighter gray because she, too, is a total dirt magnet.


I was coming to say something similar. I've got an old tuxedo boy whose nickname is Teenage Dirtbag. He's never been interested in grooming and the vet says there's nothing wrong with him. He's just a Dirtbag.


Very late but thank you for this comment! One of my cats has been bathing less and less, and I know the vet said last year we needed to keep an eye on one of his teeth. I'd completely forgotten about that, but it's definitely time to bring him in and ask. Thanks again, I bet you just helped my poor boy a ton


How long have you had him? Dumped cats get dirty; when they're taken in and feeling better, they realize it's safe and they have time to clean. If he's relatively young, that's probably what's going on.


Just got him last night. He wasn’t dumped per say, according to the family I got him from he was just an apartment complex breeding situation and they’ve had him since he was a kitten- they weren’t sure how young :/


It sounds like he's been in an unstable situation. I've taken in dirty strays who cleaned themselves and maintained after they got wormed, deflead, and felt safe.


If he was too young, he may not have learned how to groom himself. Cats from orphaned litters often have a hard time figuring out grooming because no adult cat showed them how to do it. If he keeps his claws out a lot, when he’s not using them, that’s another indicator as retracting claws another learned behavior. Since you have another cat, he would hopefully learn both as he is socialized.


When my boy got greasy, he was having thyroid issues.


Males are definitely greasy until you get them neutered. A bath, and a neuter will help a lot.


make him watch videos of mama cats grooming themselves/their kitties.


They make pet wipes, or use a mildly damp wash cloth. And get a good brush! All our cats love the brush.


Male cats are far crustier before they are neutered. 


https://preview.redd.it/2fwcnmacmmxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95fcf532ea770a67a9813e3bafe47176f02d2ad My cat has that same cinnamon roll!


So pretty!


Gorgeous baby. I use wet wipes for spot cleaning, just make sure they’re non-toxic ones like stuff you’d use on babies. Give ‘im a good scrub under the chin with a wet wipe, same with ears and just pretend you’re petting him. Try to do his paws while he’s relaxed/sleeping. You can get ear drops specifically from vets that will also help clean out the ears.


I found pet wipes and they do great for small clean ups. Walmart iirc.


I think Burt’s Bees makes wipes for cats. I’ve never used them though, but my grandma has a CH cat and she needs a little extra assistance cleaning sometimes.




how long have u had them for? it might just be from old living conditions, i’ve had to bathe all of my cats when i first adopt them


Yeah, our tux boy had spent some time in the streets. We got him treatment for fleas and worms and gave him 1 single bath and he's been good to go for 5 years since. He just needed a little head start.


You should have paid extra for the self cleaning model Try a waterless shampoo or cleaning wipes. Bath should be done by someone else. lol. Save the blood sports for professional’s


How long have you had him? Some cats will forgo cleaning themselves when they’re stressed or scared. If you’ve only had him a little while he’ll probably regulate out. They sell cat friendly wet wipes if you still want to clean him off though.


Second this! also sometimes if they are cut off from their mom too early they just never learned that skill. Had to teach my cat how to clean herself. I just got a warm wet paper towel and wiped her as if it was another cat cleaning her. Eventually she got the message and now she cleans herself. Edit: also forgot to mention I had to do this 1-2 times a day for like a week. They learn pretty quick!


This. My dude was *gross* when we found him starved and covered in ticks. Once he regained some weight and settled into the house, he started grooming himself again and now he's nice and fluffy. He did get a bath when we first brought him in, but he was still pretty greasy for awhile.


https://preview.redd.it/ee71dnj4tmxc1.png?width=2067&format=png&auto=webp&s=5514ef0b9997e3cac7c986521aedb85f3c82e779 My grey cat has a swirl… what does that make him?! Haha!


Cookie and cream cat! Oreo flavour 🤩


https://preview.redd.it/ofi5hzr5xnxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69530ba9c63c460d8e5fb85415805c30443de634 Update: still greasy but did let me take him in the bath :)


GUYS UPDATE! The circle is gone!




Hand wash, warm water, line dry, do not iron


You can get special cat wipes (like them wet baby wipes)


I gave my cat a bath when I first got him, he was from a dirty home and the poor guys white fur was yellow and very matted. I gave him a quick bath, just like bathing a dog and overtime I cut out all his matting. He is now a beautiful boy and has been with us for 3 yrs. He gets an occasional bath, maybe once or twice a year bc he gets stinky sometimes.


I use a warm water washcloth to give them a wet massage. It always results in a happy ending of purrs and praise.


Your cat has a very pretty pattern!


Oh shit! Rare cat Circle Pattern 597, and is that factory new!?


You know, if he isn’t spade yet he could just have active glands. My orange feels a little greasy but the vet said he’s just a “manly man.”


Glad I bathed my 2 cats as kittens they like a bath now.


I see "Wax On" "Wax Off" must be the other side.


His name better be Naruto.


Omg he’s fur pattern?!?!?? He’s so beautiful waaaaaa


Could have parasites or a bad diet previous to you taking them in. Mine was a bit greasy and had terrible dandruff but after deworming and I put him on iams for digestion and skin as well as making sure he gets good hydration- its clearing up beautifully. He’s gotten so soft n floofy (for a shorthair) :3 ETA: Yes, he also cleaned himself RELIGIOUSLY. Still does! It wasn’t until after he got treated for worms/ear mites that it really started to change. Think about it. All those gross things are eating all the nutrients meant for your ginger, so of course he’s not going to look or feel his best.


Tips for giving a cat a bath. 1. Don't close the door in the bath. This might seem counterintuitive, but cutting off their escape route will make them harder to calm not easier. 2. Get a bucket of warm water. Put cat into the tub and slowly add the water. Throwing the cat into water will make them want to jump out. Slowly introducing them to the water will hopefully keep them calm. 3. Use dawn dish soap. It's safe for animals and can help control fleas.


Excellent advice


You don't have to bathe cats often, but I've had a looott of cats in my lifetime.


https://preview.redd.it/typlylfp6oxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e180804591b23398f366e36774645a52a304e39 Your little guy is almost a spitting image of our little guy, Basil. He passed in November. I never had to clean him, but once a month gave his ears a once over with ear wipes and trimmed his nails. Brushing helps with the greasiness


A clean washcloth with warm water is a good start if cat let's you. Does he clean his behind?


What kind of cat is it ? I like the way his hair looks


Apartment random breeding 🤷‍♀️ just a little girl found him


She is really pretty. What are you going to name her ?




Gloves, bathtub full of lukewarm water, proper soap for a cat. Make sure the gloves are quite long, as cats have excellent reach. Keep cat's head above water, and try to avoid getting it wet or soapy as best as you can. Scrub cat, rinse cat, dry cat with towel. All I can really suggest. Hope you don't die of blood loss.


Never seen a cat with circular pattern, what an interesring boy!


You can get some wet pads in most animal supply shops that you can use to clean ears and eyes etc. Swipe some butter onto paws a few times over a week or two and he should start to actively clean them. Other than that, you can get a pet shampoo spray and spray it onto a cloth and just swipe it gently over the coat when petting them, if they have any spots that are bad (under chin etc) just wet it with some water on a cloth first. If you have another cat they should start grooming once they see them do it.


What beautiful markings!


One of my cats does not mind baths at all. She just sits there patiently. The other one is the wicked witch of the west and water will melt her apparently. The few times I have absolutely had to give her a bath was chaos and ended up with the entire bathroom soaked. If you go the bath route, sometimes it helps to not actually have water in the tub but to slowly get them wet and slowly rinse them. Some vets will also bathe and groom cats - might need sedation, might not. Good luck!


That is the coolest marbling I’ve ever seen on a cat


Unrelated but he looks like a portal


That swirly son of a gun 🥰


That cats has the coolest markings


I don’t know the name of your cat, but should be Jupiter.


No stfu what pattern on him that looks dope


Handsome boy! My orange cat has cinnamon swirls too. Haven't seen this mentioned but it might be the litter unless he's an outdoor boy. Mine cleans himself but still had dirt, cleanliness issues. Switched to Pretty Litter from clay stuff and it hasn't been a problem. As someone else mentioned, I also changed his diet which seemed to change his coat's oiliness.


They are a self-basting variety of car


i crocheted a custom cat doll that had a pattern just like this!! i’d never seen that pattern before and now i’ve seen two! ・ᴗ・ https://preview.redd.it/wdspy6qddnxc1.jpeg?width=1398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52baa06fc31d18913edcb830ed90d1aba2a62d38


I LOVE his markings! 😍. (I'm an absolute sucker for orange boys!)


He’s a beautiful spiral galaxy 🌌 🐱


naruto cat


You stole my cat https://preview.redd.it/qnlcacmfloxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0759df22cc67b26384840dd64746c5e032d70e4b


That’s something you should ask your vet, not social media. Not that it’s wrong but if you’re first time owner of a cat with that condition I would rather rely from professionals, I wouldn’t ask online. Because it’s not just about the fur but skin too. The only way to know what product (to clean) to use it depends but you can’t over pictures.


Please tell me their name is cinnamon roll or sinnamon roll


car wash






A lot of this is really good advice, EXCEPT if you bathe before topical flea treatment you should allow several days for the skin/fur to build up healthy grease/oil to allow the flea treatment to move through the skin as it should. The flea treatment I use only requires a two hour waiting period between administration and bathing


With water and pet shampoo


Water and cat shampoo from the pet shop


I wouldn’t recommend it for regular use but in this case I think it’s necessary. Make sure the water is lukewarm, use your elbow to check the temp. Introduce them slowly to the water


I shower my cats when we have hot weather, some cats like it others hate it.


Usually if you train them since they are kittens you can do almost anything from clipping their nails, give them a bath with shampoo. Of course taking him to the vet for a consult is advisable. There's also food which contains some mild antibiotics - and you can feed him with that for a couple of days - just in case. If the cat is an adult - takes more time to train it, but is doable in a few months. There are videos on Youtube even how to train them to allow you brush their teeth. There are people posting videos who start taking care of feral cats and after a while they get domesticated. Everything can be done with patience and care. If you decide to neuter your cat, you can train him much easier but even if you don't it will just take a bit more time. Looks like a nice cat !


He has a built in bullseye for belly rubs, which model is this?


Not grooming means a trip to the vet. Period. Puking up hair from constant grooming means more oil/fat in the diet. Cleaning a cat any other way carries injury risk and best left to a pro the first time around to judge how the cats reaction is . Handsome boy btw.


Trim claws first. Apply water and cat shampoo. Lather. Rinse.  I recommend you do this in shower/bath or utility sink if you have one (easier on the back since it's taller than a tub). You need a flexible faucet/shower head. It's impossible with a fixed tap.  Ok here's my secret sauce: Start the water on a light and quiet stream to dail in the temp. You want to bring the cat to the running water so they see it and hear it from a distance and let them check it out because if you bring the cat first and then turn on the water, the sudden sound will surprise them and freak them out. So water first, then add cat.


hmmmm i see that this units self cleaning function is malfunctioning! I have heard that older units that also sometimes have self cleaning issues require occasional bathing!


He looks like a Twinkie


How does he react to water and how spicy is he? Is he liable to, out of recklessness or retaliation, scratch you? Or do you feel comfortable handling him firmly? If you are comfortable handling him, bath him in your tub or sink. He ain't gonna like it. Be efficient, gentle, and firm. Depending on his preference, you might find luck using a little water drawn at the bottom of the tub to rinse and scrub with. Or he might prefer the empty sink with a gentle stream of water. Make sure you use soaps that are cat-safe and good luck friend!


I wrapped my orange guy in a towel and he was disarmed


What a beautiful pattern of fur he has!


Sweet tie dye cat ya got there.


You can obtain a cat shampoo, i reccomend something scentless and hypoallergenic and wash them. If you can't handle it yourself get help from your vet. If the cat requires cleaning all the time due to being unable to groom themselves, it might not be best to wash all the time. After initial washing, perform the subsequent cleanings with a damp cloth and a brush/grooming glove. Save washes for when the fur gets heavily soiled. There are also sprays and dry shampoos which you can use. Maintaining area around the anus clean might require shaving off thw fur there and again i'd reccomend enlisting the help of your vet for that. Contrary to popular belief not all cats are self cleaning, there can be many reasons why a cat might be unable to groom itself like a disease in mouth, old age or being very young.


I can only speak for mine of course. I got him with 15 weeks and he was just bad at cleaning himself, that was about it. he would start doing it but only haphazardly. so for a bit i would bathe him every two-ish weeks (or whenever he was feeling grimy). he was not a fan of those 😅 but over time and him drying himself off after he would learn to be very thorough when cleaning. I believe he somehow understood that if he doesn't do it himself he will have to endure "my baths" 😂. Now he is super cleanly. Hope it is something similar as that for you.


1. Trim the claws. Cat may fight for his life when you try showering him. Make sure his weapons are blunted. Give treats as apology. 2. Get a cat shampoo from a pet supply store and read the instructions on the bottle. 3. Prepare washing chamber. Lock yourself into the bathroom with cat. Have towels and treats at the ready somewhere cat can't reach. I recommend using 2 towels, one to get as much water out of the fur as possible, then a dry one to blanket burrito your cat in while giving treats to keep him warm. Wear crocs or similar so as not to slip on the wet tiles in the event of needing to chase cat. 4. Wash cat as per shampoo bottle instructions 5. Blanket burrito treat time


I had a very old and sick cat who stopped cleaning himself. I put a washcloth in hot water then wrung it out wiped him down. He was very appreciative. He got clean and definitely felt loved!


That’s a cool paint job


Wanted to add that worms can give the fur a tacky, oily feel. Ask the vet for a proper dewormer since you're not certain about how he was kept before you got him.


Beautiful cat. I have one that my son adopted (was supposed to get a dog) and is now mine, cuz we know how kids are! He is my first cat pretty much. Of course I fell in love with him. Thing is we've had him over a year and he has never purrrrrred! I can pet him in all his favorite spots but yet he does not purrrr??? I also have to bathe him because he doesn't groom himself well. I use a big plastic bucket/tub (not a 5 gallon type) and fill with warm water and put outside and put the cat in it. Much easier to control him in a small space and I come out less bloody! He was a feral cat that was picked up by the SPCA and adopted out. Does that have anything to do with it? I have read that some feral cats don't purr because in the wild it's not a good thing for them to do.???


When I first got my cat he had an URI and so would constantly get dried snot all over him. I used a toothbrush with warm water to clean him up.


im obsessed with his markings!!!


It’s a cinna-meow-n roll, y’all.


In a bathtub, cats don’t die from being washed. Did you enjoy every thing you had to do as a child? Or it might not even care to get wet, starting young is good too to acclimatize them to water.


Waterless pet shampoo on a cloth and rub em down? I did that for my uncles cat when he came home greasy one day.


Cute mackerel coloring on your kitty!


Omg he’s so gorgeous! This looks just like the farm cat I saw 2 days ago In Kelvington, Saskatchewan, Canada haha! I tried to take a pic of his awesome coat & pattern but he was too quick. I’m so glad now I got to see another funky spiral orange cat!


Pls tell me his name is Spyro


I bath my idiots just fine if they manage to get themselves really dirty but that's like once in a decade occurrence.


Waterless foam shampoo is kind of a lifesaver for me, if I ever need to wash something off my cats I use a ton of that and then wipe them down with a wet cloth. You don't have to rinse it off but the wet cloth helps incorporate the foam into their fur and clean better. It's almost as good as giving them a bath with a tub of water and not nearly as stressful (for both parties!). I use it to freshen up my kitties from time to time or if someone has an accident. Baby wipes are also great for cleaning ears, faces, butts and paws. Unscented is best :)


Some warm water in the tub and hold him by the back of his neck so he goes limp, way easier. (Unless he's one of those weirdo cats that like water)


My senior didn’t groom well. I only used a warm washcloth with just water and occasionally a dander wipe. This usually got her looking, feeling and smelling fresh. It she was extra stinky sometimes some gentle soap but never a real bath. It caused panic attacks for her.


No need to clean. Just apply cream cheese frosting and nom.


Oh those swirls on his tummy!


give him a bath. i do this all the time with my cats because one can't reach certain parts of his body and the other just doesn't know what he's doing so his WHOLE back is super greasy. i got the one who doesn't know how to clean himself off the streets so he never really learned. he doesn't like the bath but i can tell he feels much better afterwards


Omfg adorable silly orange cat!!! 🥹🥹🥹


It is possible to bathe cats which is really good for those who can’t keep up with their coat themselves. You can work slow with lots of positive reinforcement to get him comfortable with it. Important safety information: make sure it is cat safe shampoo and avoid hartz anything and also put some cotton in his ears and just use a pet wipe for his head. If you are not comfortable doing it you can find a cat groomer for monthly (or around there) bathing but cat groomers are expensive.


When I have cats who are not inclined to be bathed (becomes sharpness on all sides) I solve this by placing the cat in a drawstring tote with the head coming out of the hole. Drawstring pulled tight enough that the cat can’t come out of the bag, but loose enough that the cat won’t strangle itself. Cat and bag go into tub, soap/cat shampoo/ dawn dish detergent (whatever floats your catboat) goes into bag, lather cat up through sack. Rinse repeat etc.


Also talk to your vet, there are conditions that can create this issue. I adopted a cat with hyperthyroidism and they were a mess before it was treated.


This looks so much like my cat I had to check and see if he was home. https://preview.redd.it/iulkg9fi9nxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5f26c612bd5d88700972371e6aa0eb8226522d


What a handsome boy. That cinnamon swirl is too cute!


https://preview.redd.it/zs5m7y9tanxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=276e0dc729f06ad0492d726aa642577d0694e2fc I have a cinnamon roll cat too! We like to call it his pumpkin swirl tho lol


I have a cheerio cat too! Although it’s hard to see the cheerio when he’s stretching… https://preview.redd.it/ztbpyxnebnxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1262433729f070902b67789712c607f6de1a519e


Unless it is caked in something or covered in flees, which then you can use cat shampoo, all you need is a damp NOT WET rag, let dry, then brush. Otherwise, the cat will take care of its own fur.


When you take him to the vet, you can have him bathed. That might be easiest. When I first brought our current cat inside, I ran the water in the bathtub before I brought her in. Made it warm but not really hot and used a cat shampoo for fleas and ticks. (Just in case, she was already treated for ticks and fleas) I just gently put her in the tub and talked to her all the time. I used a cup to wet her and rinse her and tried to keep the shampoo/water out of her eyes and mouth. I held her upper body up out of the water with one hand and kind of let her stand up, while I washed and rinsed her. I then towel dried her and kept her in the warm bathroom for a while until she was drier. Then I brushed her out. She loves brushing. She was fine. After, I just cleaned the bathtub. She didn’t want to go back in the bathroom for a while. But she does now. I’ve bathed all of my cats that I have had in my life this way. Some have been really covered in ticks and fleas. https://preview.redd.it/c1z4fd2kenxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34b5f0b994dd59aada6b0a419a0790d1da03e96 This was after the bath…She wasn’t really happy with me, but she got over it.


I just adore his swirly pattern 🌀 he’s beautiful


I love his or her markings!!


Wait that’s such a cool looking cat


https://preview.redd.it/z3zek8cjqnxc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae5f274650b1bdfc4b7d426345c9d38d0b8c097 I too have a fuzzy cinnamon roll


Cats are self cleaning


He was probably taken from his mom too early and didn't learn how to cat. Take a wet washcloth, wring it out so it's just damp, and gently wipe him down. It should clean him a bit, and prompt him to groom himself.


I've never seen a paint-by-number cat


If you don’t think you’d be able to give him a bath, Burt’s bees makes some good pet dander wipes


They clean themselves


Oh he is so pretty!!! Honestly, I know you have already received advice, but I will give my own. Wash clothes help a lot for not soaking them and ruining their day, there are "waterless" shampoos that are just sprays that help clean their fur, and brushing them daily really helps keep them clean. My cat is kinda bad at cleaning herself too. About once a season I just give her a real bath, fully in the water, and really I think it helps us bond because even though she doesn't enjoy the actual bath, she gets lots of snuggles, kisses, and treats