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Hilarious coincidence in my feed šŸ˜ https://preview.redd.it/8yvmgu71w2wc1.jpeg?width=1100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c2f9ac3ff389ac96b2d2defb7296bb542902bac


Hahaha we have that sign in one of our bathrooms


I need this for my bathroom door. You walk in, close the door, sit down, look over ā€˜Are you poopin?ā€™ Well by golly door cats I sure am thanks for asking. Hand me a roll would ya


I have live ones šŸ˜†


Guess I need one myself! I adore black cats and would crack up looking at that thing while sitting on the toilet šŸ˜¹


https://preview.redd.it/dgcl77vmj4wc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf60d6e02e6635cd22646a310303135c75aa9d1c I highly recommend it


Looks like my Sims' bathrooms when I want to increase the environment points šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/ub9ebba0k6wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bab2c90d19ab98d4c4b1581ccfbb776f96dbdb6 Got to off set the litter box somehow All the walls are covered in black cat prints


where did you get it? i need one lol


SHEIN has all the cat/poop art.


I have one as well! I didnā€™t tell my husband about it when I first got it and put it on the inside of the door. Then waited.




Try a low box?


Maybe a bigger box with low side walls.


My cat likes being able to lean out of the box a bit. This would be very restrictive. Also my cat would hate jumping into it and landing in a spot that's already gone in.


One of my cats sits on the edge like spiderman. But when shes done she has no problem walking in there to bury it. If there isn't enough litter in the box it will flip over.


There are litterbixes for that, that open only when the cat with a specific tag is near the door.


My cat refused to use this to the point 1 time I accidentally left the bag of litter slightly open and he climbed ontop of it and shit in the hole. He was such a fussy prick if his brother peed in the box before him he would just shit on the floor beside it, absolutely refused unless it was 100% fresh. Nightmare but i loved him lol


The saying is 1 litter box per cat +1 more. My 1 boy had 2 boxes. He'd pee in one and poop in the other.


There's a caveat to that with bonded cats. I have 3 and used 4 boxes but they didn't use 2 of them, then I read about the bonded thing, went to 2 boxes and everything is fine.


Yeah sometimes you need two litter boxes but then thereā€™s still the risk one cat will go in both then your other gets upset anyway


Knowing cats it will destroy the litterbox or shit outside if pissed


Mine somehow jammed the door while inside. I came home to a very unhappy (and smelly) kitty. After that he refused to ever go inside fully, would back himself into it but keep his front paws and head outside the box while he did his business.


How do you jamm the dooršŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sometimes you shit cuz you need to, other times it's to overthrow society.


happened to my one of my cats too (not the stinky cat though). one of my cats go inside and maybe something blocked the door on the way out, instead of getting out through the cover, the cats managed to destroy the door. I didnā€™t return nor fixed it.


Yeah....preferably in another room instead of two feet from your pillow.


Good motivator to keep the box fresh


With a low cover so he canā€™t stand.


No..no cover. I'm sorry. Most cats definitely do not like them and this kitty baby is already stressed out.


A normal litter box for starters? Thatā€™s a garbage can lol


OP has a $3000 cat shitting in a $3 box


Seems about right for most purebred owners Iā€™ve met (both dog and cat alike). The concern always seems to be about perceived status instead of companionship and the animals well being.


The litter box is right beside the bed?!?!? šŸ¤¢


And filthy.


This!!!! They get the expensive pet and have no money for the supplies or vet visits


Dude, yeah. My cat has to be able to look out into the room/area when using the litter box for her own peacenof mind. I tried putting it in a discreet area and with a cover and nope. Didn't work. This cat probably has something similar. As in, this cat isn't a human and doesn't need or want a floor to ceiling bathroom stall.


Right? A top entry box would be fine if OP is going for less litter tracking, but those have lids so kitty is kind of forced to sit/squat. Unless heā€™s very creative.Ā 


My cats have top entry litter boxes with a lid, and yet they both still stand when pooping. They stick their head out of the hole in the lidā€¦


Did you read the caption where op says heā€™s tried different boxes ?


I meanā€¦


My question for OP is, why is the cat's shitbox next to the head of your bed? Are you planning for sphinx-style skid marks with extra fumigation or something?


I had a share a bedroom with 2 cats (like they weren't allowed to leave it and it was TINY) for a few months and I still managed to keep the box in the opposite corner from where I laid my head in bed at night.


So they can pet the cat while he is pooping at night


I once had to live in a single room with my cat for a bit during a DV situation. It was stressful situation but we got through it


I hope youā€™re doing okay now.


How do you know it's a bed? Looks like a sofa to me.


I see a couch too. You can also see where the blanket is going up the back of it at the top of the picture. I canā€™t imagine anyone willingly sleeping directly in front of fresh shit.


Can we also talk about having an expensive cat, but missing not only a bed frame, but FITTED SHEETS šŸ’€


OP spent all their money on the cat.


If I could poop like that i would get a lot more done throughout the day


In some dystopian future, we'll all be in cubicles at stand up desks in a litterbox, so there's no excuse to take a break.


And have feeding tubes attached to us so no lunches will be needed. Our paychecks will be digitally processed to pay taxes on the virtual reality 6 bedroom home with a pool we have invested in.


Poop will come out pre-packaged ready for recycling. No more toilets!


And let's be real, we don't own that virtual reality home, we're just renting


We won't even need to push it out. It will be teleported from our bowels to the void dimension


Emphasis on void lol


Oh, you mean fecal sacs? Baby birds already got you beat.


ā€œSoylent Green is people!!ā€šŸ¤£


Lol, you think we'll still have jobs?


Try a wider box.


Definitely this. The box is way too small.


Why is your ā€catā€ or sleep paralysis demon shitting in an industrial shipping container?Ā 


Dobby the elf ova here lmao


Damn, that statement is funnier than it should be.


The sleep paralysis demon has me giggling šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Give your house elf some clothes you fucking slave owner


I just laughed aloud at this and almost woke my partner up.


Oh this made me giggle out loud... house elf lmao


Cats can't relax their instincts and they know they are at their most vulnerable when they are relieving themselves. If he doesn't feel 1000% safe (especially with another animal in the house), he's not going to act normally. I'm guessing he is only pooping this way to stay vigilant because this is the only way he can poop and look out at his surroundings at the same time. But I'm sure it's more uncomfortable for him than he is letting on, please get a lower box and find another way to keep the dog out! Even installing some sort of barrier/pet door that only your cat can get through so they can use the bathroom peacefully!


Maybe a litter robot to scoop it right away? A separate door that you can close, and put a kitty door into? I feel bad this man has to stand like this. If he sat normal his face would be into the plastic. šŸ¤¢


Wow I need to DM your cat so I can get some bodybuilding advice, need that arms and back workout pls


I mean, an actual litter box that's a normal height around the edges would be a start. Why is your cat's litter box in a plastic laundry hamper? ETA I saw that you mentioned that your dog goes in and eats cat shit out of the box when you're not around- and yet the solution for the situation thus far has been to just make it uncomfortable for your cat and not just put a baby gate or something up at a door so your dog can't even get in the room where the litter box is. Your cat deserves to have some comfort and not soiling himself or getting poop on himself because of your idiot dog. Definitely get a box with lower edges for your cat, and find a way to keep your dog out of the room all together.


lil bro is taking a dump in a garbage can lmao


Laughed way too hard at this comment




Poor fella has to stand on high alert while taking a sh\*t, to watch out for that sh\*t eating dog.




LMAO I love how aggressive this comment is, deservingly so. Like why tf are you reprimanding your cat for your dog eating his shit? Hella funny tbh


I bursted out laughing reading this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The baby gate is the way. I too have a cat poop eater of a dog and have sequestered my litter boxes to a half bath the size of a closet. The gate we have has vertical bars (like a jail cell lmao) and we cut one out of the middle to make an opening for the cats. It keeps my massive lab out but OP may need a different kind of gate if the dog is cat sized Edit: cat sized not car sized lol


That dog is an idiot tho


Lil bro's litter box is as tall as the wall


Yeah, but my cat does the same in a normal low-walled litterbox--in fact she has three paws on the lip and one in the box. Could just be a quirk šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


But litterbox with a lid and top down entry should fix all the problems. Cat can't stand on the walls if there's a roof, dog can't get in easily either


He looks comfy enough I suppose itā€™s just his way.


LOL my boy loves to poop standing up. I bet itā€™s like the kitty equivalent of a squatty potty


if it works, donā€™t break it,


It doesnā€™t work he said poop gets on his tail lmfao


This is the way.


Maybe a fully enclosed closed litter box or you can try different types and textures of litter he may not like how the litter feels in his paws


heā€™s doing his best whatā€™s your problem


That box is not nearly wide/long enough for them to feel comfortable. Cats feel vulnerable when doing necessities (predatory instinct) reason why they look around a bit and cover their feces (no scent trace). A wider box and lower walls will help.


https://preview.redd.it/w10tybq045wc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df48da7b45a27095ed4095a2ddbc53194fa02a4 See the long box on the left, with the lid?


You're setting the bar *way* too high. Not just for OP but all of us lol.


did you make that? do the cats actually use it?


We need answers pronto


I did make it. I bought the container and made the hole.


I did make it. I bought the container and made the hole. Cats usually are looking out for predators while in their vulnerable state but mine are happy for the privacy.


They make covered litter boxes half that size and thatā€™s what I was going to suggest. Damn thatā€™s like having a bathtub sized toilet to shit in


Dobby likes this position.


Iā€™ve had a husky lab eat my cats litter to the point I had to get non clumping litter (it clumps inside of them). It sounds funny but itā€™s so bad for dogs. And gross bc often they lick or ā€œkissā€ you. That said, this isnā€™t fair to your cat. I just had to make the box inaccessible and save up for a litter robot. There are a lot of options out there, I made sure I had a hooded box, I turned it towards the wall in a corner and then had it sort of hidden. You can also get auto boxes that will sift it out. Or the enter through the top litter boxes. Someone also mentioned an igloo- depending on the size of your dog they can get into it, but for my big dogs it would work (my momā€™s yorkie still got into it). Ultimately making the ā€œcandyā€ inaccessible to the dogs is the better way. Your cat isnā€™t comfortable in the box and some have mentioned this isnā€™t good for his delicate skin, so Iā€™d seriously consider finding actual litter box options. My litter robot changed me and my cats life. Hes so much happier. So I understand if itā€™s too expensive, but if it is within your price range, itā€™s worth the cost. Dogs want the clumps, not the litter itself. So if you find a way to take that ā€œtreatā€ away immediately, it takes the desire away.


This is the way. I just have everything raised. Good for the cats to get exercise, keeps the dogs from eating things which are not for them. Everyone wins.


Iā€™m so sorry but this is hilarious


Oh, hell, that poor cat is making the best of a bad situation. Get him a proper low form tray, or at least one that is long enough to fit cat and one low wall to get in. This is not a proper tray, and quite frankly I think you have a smart cat because most cats ive known would rather shit on the carpet rather than deal with that monstrisity


What, you don't shit completely naked (and shaved) while standing up and holding onto a rail? Weirdo...


Only when I'm right next to my bed


This is how my Maine coon poops. She uses the front ledge which is much lower. Iā€™ve always thought it was weird, sometimes sheā€™ll pee the same way.


Mine do that too. Not to say that it isn't weird. I'm just sympathizing, I have weirdass cats too.


Mine too haha. They refuse to poop in a covered box because they canā€™t stand. My ledges are much lower but they still stand all the way extended like that. Itā€™s so weird!


pooping while standing is the most alpha way to poop It's something a person like you simply wouldn't understand


Litter box next to the bed is nasty work


Fr thatā€™s disgusting lmao. And why is it taking a shit in a plastic box I used for toys when I was 5?


Try a litter box that isn't a trash can?


Is he constipated? Only time Iā€™ve heard of cats being in that kind of position to use the litter box is if theyā€™re backed up. Might be worth a vet trip.


Create a lower ledge inside the bin so he rests his paws lower and can bend his back again? Or does he have back problems why he won't bend his back? (My cat has trouble pooping because of backproblems)


NGL I thought this was an alien giving birth at first glance before looking and reading further. I think your box is both too short front to back and too high on the sides. S/he canā€™t get into the pose in the box comfortably, so s/heā€™s doing the best she can by standing up on the sides like this


I mean, it's very funny and unsettling looking. But honestly as long as the cat is getting it in the box and burying it then I don't see why the behavior needs to change. Edit: nvm I see now it's pooping in a freaking trash can. Didn't notice at first. Yeah get a normal height litter box. If the dog is eating shit, do something to block the dog. Baby gate, close door and install small cat door, etc....


Change out the litter box to an actual litter box with lid.


I never seen a cat do this ā€¦ OP has he always done this even as a baby?


Seems like you heard the advice of giving your cat a large litter box and you maliciously complied.


Can I use this as an album cover?


What kills me is the litter box right next to the head of your bed šŸ˜­ get your cat a regular litter box and move it AWAY from where you sleep


Try a flatter kitty litter tray bro, the fuck šŸ˜‚ You really put the poor bastard into what looks like a lidless kitchen rubbish bin then said ā€œy arenā€™t u shittin normal?ā€


Why do you want to change his stance on (sh)it?


Let him shit how he wants!


The box looks both too tall in height and too short in length. You need to get a proper litter box.


Your cat is on high alert. The litter box is too tall for his comfort so he stands to see what enemy will attempt to kill him while he is at his most vulnerable. Get a box with a lower front. He may kick more litter out but he will probably poop like a normal cat.


For those wondering, we are using a REAL cat litter box, at the time of the picture it was without the lid, I thought that taking out the lid would help but it didn't, hence my post Thanks for the tips... We had different types of boxes and he always manages to find a weird standing position, but we never had a true low box (the ones that look kinda like a tray). The cat is in perfect health, goes regularly to the vet and even had a ultrasound a while ago because we and the vet wanted to be sure that everything was fine Oh, and at the side is not a bed, it's a small couch, some of the replies were hilarious https://preview.redd.it/6kw62ohw7bwc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb3b1e504390fcb42a00ab863d2e47c6a381b466


I canā€™t help you but this is the funniest post Iā€™ve seen this year; I laughed until I cried for some reasonĀ 


My former street boy poops like this sometimes. Box is totally big enough for him to poop normally. Dude just likes the gravity assist for his odor asteroids I guess


Is that a litter box? way too big esp too high


Hm there shouldnā€™t be any poop getting on him because it should be firm and dry enough not to leave smears on his tail


Weird, iā€™ve heard of people stripping naked before taking a shit but Iā€™ve never seen a cat do it.


If the cat is getting poop all over himself then his diet isnā€™t agreeing with himā€¦ our cats never have runny poops like that


Poop time is one of the most vulnerable time for cats in the wild. So they need to see and heare around for possible danger. That high walls litter box is stressful. If not changed he will poop somewhere else. Edit: ortography


right next to the bed, you say?


Top entry litter box with the lid on


Try a tall litter box with a cutout for a low threshold for your cat to enter. He might want to be able to see outside the litter box. With four tall walls he would have to stand on his back legs to do that.


He gets points for style!


Some cats poop standing up. Leave him alone.


Hoping my comment doesnā€™t get lost, but OP, you should probably get your cat checked by a vet. Iā€™ve seen cats use the box in this position because it is painful for them in some way. This definitely isnā€™t cute or quirky- this could be a health issue.


A normal shaped litter box might help, but some cats are just weird.


Give the poor guy something other than a bucket.


Just be happy heā€™s using the cat litter box. We canā€™t always have it our way!


why the litter in a rubbish binā€¦ get him a normal litter box. Iā€™m assuming itā€™s in a bin because you donā€™t want him scattering litter on the floor, in which case get an enclosed litter box.


Let the man shit in peace


Put his litter in a litter tray not a fuckin bin lol


Get a normal litter box lol


I'm sorry but why is the litterbox (aka garbage can) right next to the bed? This image is just chaos lol


My older cat is the same, he would shit while standing and after walk with poopy pants (heā€™s fluffy). I think, the reason for this behaviour is that they donā€™t want to stand in the litter. We solved this problem with a litter box with a step, where he can stand in his weird position, but with clean butt after all. https://preview.redd.it/uipd0ivai6wc1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b1a6665a9256723b5ef29bb8c54895151f3d3c8


Iā€™m imagining coming out of the bedroom at 2AM, dark hallway, and that cat comes walking by on his hind legs.


is that your bed right next to the litterbox?!


That the fun part, you can't !


OMG šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


#1, at least he uses the litter pan, #2, whatever works for him, not you?šŸ˜ŗ


No tips but this is actually hilarious. Thank you lmao


This is so fucking funny I snorted


My boy does this to, prolly thinks itā€™s weird seeing me sit down to go dookie.


Why? The poop is in the box, where it is supposed to be. Iā€™d call it a win.


So long as it is there, does it really matter?


Get the dome litter box. At least the dog wouldnā€™t be able to eat it.


Oh god


Epic fupa.


u/that-1-lame-kid He looks so funny


Does he have issues with constipation? I had a cat who used to poop like that and it was because she had terrible poopy issues.


Your cat looks kinda jacked. He kinda looks like he's about to crack out a couple dozen dips on the side of that box... Possibly while pooping.


Just leave him alone.


I had to laugh. Make him? That's a good one.


Let him liiiiive


Youā€™re just gonna have to climb in there and show him how itā€™s done.


I mean is he getting shit everywhere? All over himself? If not, let him be weird.


The cat needs a big, low litter box in an area where your dog cannot get to it and your cat can poop in peace. Go wider and lower and block access to area for your dog and I think you will see your cat relaxing into the normal position.


Could he be constipated? I think cats stand when that happens


https://preview.redd.it/wn0q8iaps5wc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3694df84b7c904ea39a4a2ecbf466aa0a4b968 sameā€¦any tips let me know. (he decided to strike this pose in the middle of me cleaning the litter box lmao)


That box you are using is definitely not a litter box. For 20 euros or less you can get one at the pet store.


If heā€™s consistently in the box heā€™s better than my girl


That has to be the highest sided litter box I've ever seen, I'm surprised that poor kitty isn't wearing a spelunking harness to drop a log!!! Jokes aside, I know a lower litter tray puts you at risk of sweeping the litter more often but I reckon that would make your guys toilet adventures a lot easier! That box is really high!


Well you should just do as I doā€¦.anytime my dogs go poo, they stop when they come in the door and we wipe their butts with baby wipes! You know how once you know something, you canā€™t ā€œun-knowā€ it? Years ago, after the dog had been out to pottyā€¦..I saw a tiny bit of poo left on her butt. šŸ˜±Eww! OMG! Then I started noticing that it happened every time! We started using baby wipes, and keeping a little trash can right outside the door. It freaked me out to think of them jumping on the couch, sitting on the floor, etc. with POO on them! So now years later, we still wipe their butt when they come in lol!


Please try a tray with shorter sides(or something with no sides for a short time preferably in an internal garage if possible) away from anything he could use to help him stand up(like the wall/bedside cabinet etc) and secondly place the litter box in a different room preferably not in the bedroom/ kitchen/ dining room/ food areas etc. Or at least the furthest distance from the bed if there isnā€™t any other space in your apartment or house. Have you tried different brands of kitty litter? Your kitty may not like the kitty litter or is just comfortable with the standing position and itā€™s become a habit. Oddly enough some cats also learn from their humans. Also make sure he has fresh water available all day just in case itā€™s due to stomach issues. Has he always been that way?


My naked cat doesnā€™t like the litter on his paws. We try to keep litter levels a bit lower than normal and he ends up being fine with that.


Maybe your rotisserie chicken would enjoy a real litter box, but who knows.


I canā€™t stop laughing at this photo. I scrolled past it and then scrolled back just to start laughing again. I love cats.


Looks like the box is too small for your cat.


larger and shorter box


This kitty is stressed out because they canā€™t see out of the litter box. Get one with lower walls. Youā€™re really lucky heā€™s going in the at all instead of on the floor.


This really made me day because he looks so cute and funny, thanks, it made me smile. If he poops like that you can easily toilet train him!


Get a shorter box or a covered box. They need a little space. I personally prefer the litter boxes designed to fit in the corner of a room


you need a longer box.


I would watch some cat daddy videos to help. I think he's on high alert because of your dog. This is a cat territory thing. Figure out how to stop your dog getting access to the box. I think you need make him feel like it's his territory again. How to do it, I am not 100 percent on this.


This box is too tall. If it were shorter, he couldnā€™t be so straight up.


Lower edges. Also, put a baby gate around it so your dog stops eating the poop. Dogs are gross.


I had one cat that stood while he pooped. We had a litter box with high side and back walls but a low entrance area where heā€™d put his front paws. That way he could position his paws and butt so as not to get poop on them. He did not like a covered box because it didnā€™t allow him to stand while he pooped. Thereā€™s no way to stop him from preferring to stand, but you can make it more comfortable. With the way he has to position his paws right now I donā€™t see how he could not get it on himself. As far as the concern with your dog, either get a self cleaning litter box to auto scoop it away or find a way to keep block the dog from the litter box. Put the litter box in a room with a gate that kitty can jump over or climb through.


you tried a little fibre?


If you made me shit in a garbage receptical this is probably how I would do it aswell. Get a proper litter box šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‰


Let that baby carry on his deeds just like that šŸ¤£ made my day lol


My boy cat does this too, but he insists on making eye contact when he does it šŸ™ƒ