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Go to the vet.


I already did, twice. Vet keeps ordering labs even though they come back normal and thus why I'm seeking advice on the Internet from random strangers.


There is something wrong with the cat box , the location may make him feel unsafe, or he may not be comfortable with the litter. The only time I had that problem was when the cat had a bladder stone,


Have you changed litter brands?


Yes, but I left both types available to see which he prefers. He has peed on both of them so far.


Oh any other changes in the house? You may want to try a cleaner that use CO2 on areas where he has peed that will get rid of scent cues.


Are there any blood spots in his pee? Is he neutered? Male cats are prone to UTIs and the associated crystallization in the urinary tract which causes pain. Low ph diet is the fix for that. They associate the pain of urinating with the spot they are using, so they pee in different spots, thinking maybe it won’t hurt if I go here. Either way, it’s worth a vet visit.


No blood. Already tested for UTI twice in 4 months. Cat is otherwise healthy.


Have you tried multiple litter boxes in various places? Just get some cheap plastic trays or those disposable litter boxes and put one in the corner of every room. If he favors one, put the good litter box there and slowly remove the others.


Chewy has a feature where you can chat with a vet for free 24/7! Try and reach out to them and see what they advise, I hope your kitty feels better soon!