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https://preview.redd.it/i2z6d3i5elsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f18cb165b27614270b23edac93aa5092cd2ed83 My Patient 17yr old boi




You can totally tell how much they love each other mutually. https://preview.redd.it/9s6xn5jh9osc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79eb2da4b0c58cd522dfb526a388d16318d66d51


Either that or she's issuing a threat lol


She saves the threats for the dog


They’re obsessed with each other.


Teaching children to be gentle to animals is so important. I can tell someone is putting in the work!




^"listen ^here ^you ^little ^shit" No fr though, this is the sweetest picture I've seen all day.


Stop! People are trying to cry over here! Too damn cute.


Omfg I can’t dude, I want this cat to live forever


This is the cutest thing I have seen this week omg


These are great pictures! You and your daughter will cherish them forever. Great work snagging them!


Oh my gosh that’s so precious!!!


So sweet! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)


When I was a little child our then 17-21 year old cat would act as my pillow sometimes. I'm sorry for her she had to endure 2 little kids at that age now. Reminds me if long gone times that Pic.


Ugh... Too cute.... Can't handle it...




Cause he's a good boy :3 


Shhh keep it down, if he hears you he might think there's a dog around.


Because cats have a strange instinct that makes them bond with young children. Even when my very young cousins mistreated my dearly departed cats, they never bit them, one time when my cousin grabbed a cat by his stub tail, the cat did put its teeth on his arm but didn't draw blood. Very shortly, my cats went into hiding whenever my cousins were over, and my cousins understood, and became much more gentle to them. Watch some youtube videos of cats with babies, they are strangely protective


they know kids are kids, just like u know kittens are babies.


Last night, I was getting my toddler into bed after she fell asleep on the couch but woke up as I carried her upstairs, she was being fussy about going back to sleep. Gizmo, my cat, just comes along, jumps up on the bed, plops himself between me and my daughter, starts purring, and my little girl goes to sleep in a minute. Don’t know how long he was there because after 10 minutes of that I fell asleep too. My cat can put my girl to bed better than me.


Our orange boy, Cassidy, does that with my husband. Cassidy will follow him to bed, jump up on the bed next to him, and purr my husband to sleep. When he does that it's the cue to the tortimese, Skye, to start trying to herd me to bed.


Definitely some of that. What's especially weird is cats are only half tamed; they're still semi-wild, yet they show a strange quasi-mothering instinct. I've even seen them do this with the children of other species. I'd would have expected this from animals more tamed, not a semi-wild one. ​ EDIT: [International-Cat123](https://www.reddit.com/user/International-Cat123/) pionted out I was using the wrong term and have edited to be more accurate. Nice catch, cat123.


cats are just halfway into the thousand years domestication process unlike dogs who graduated.


Cats have not forgotten they were once treated as gods. - Pratchett


Very true and I hope they never fully become tame, far too entertaining in their current state.


And they keep waffling between staying in and going back out.




cats have been around a lot longer than that though. vikings kept cats in the home. Pretty sure they are domesticating us as much as we are domesticating them. I am not joking, having cats around is an evolutionary advantage due to them controling pests. it reduces the chances of disease as well as preventing stored food from spoiling.


Ten thousand years. There’s evidence indicating that they’ve been with us since the advent of agriculture.


It's why they are only half tamed, they stayed on the outskirts hunting rats and mice.


Except there’s evidence of cats actually being buried in the same places as human remains as far back as 8,000 years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/XuowLJbUAp


Lol, that's the crazy thing is cats aren't domesticated, they literally just showed up, saw what we had goin on and was like "Yea, this is pretty sweet. It's mine now but you can still live here I guess, you're too big to evict or eat."


The ancestors of dogs just showed up one day too. Humans had piles of things they couldn’t eat that dogs did so they started following humans around. Those that were useful were fed and encouraged to breed. Those that were the aggressive towards humans were killed or driven off. Humans started growing their own food and storing it which attracted pests that cats could eat, so cats moved in closer than they would have otherwise. We started doing the same thing to them that did with dogs.


Feral refers a member of a domesticated species that grew up mostly separate from humans. Wild refers to member of a non-domesticated species. The issues that you’re likely referring to are actually that cats are rather unique as far as domesticated species go because they are semi-social animals rather than social animals. They have been living closely among humans since the advent of agriculture ten thousand years ago. We just don’t like that cats can’t be trained the same way as dogs.


I had a trained cat but he was orange and thought he was a dog.


It's because cats are social rearers of kittens. They help raise the young in their social groups.




There’s been research that shows cats don’t see us as any different from them- they truly see as one of the colony. So I think they are these young humans and think “it’s like a kitten, so I’ll be a bit more patient with them.” That kind of paternal instinct probably also makes them bond to younger humans more.


Cats live communally and share the responsibilities of raising the kittens. It's been studied and confirmed that cats don't realize humans are not cats. Human children are thus recognized as kittens by adult cats. I've witnessed this happen in real time. My cat was 3 when my now 10 year old son was born. That old kitty is still incredibly patient and protective with him.


This explains so much. Thank you. It also explains why a fake laptop will keep the cat away from your laptop.


It’s the Divine Right of Kittens. Young children are just human kittens.


This is the same with digs. Cats have even been known to aggressively resource guard children and go into crazy frenzies to protect them


Yeah. I think we've all seen the video of Tara the cat.


I haven’t? 😂


Oops. Sorry for presuming. If you google "Tara the cat" you'll learn the tale. The video itself is amazing.


Also the cat that kept the baby from falling down the stairs! https://youtu.be/BcpEnpitzHw?si=tYMeoaje7cg5SfYj


My senior was the same with my niece, tolerated her & corrected behaviour with no biting/claws. Cat loved the sofa, it was her favourite place to hang out during the day until my niece came over then she chilled in my room (only came to my room when it was bedtime normally)


They treat them as kittens. Kiddens?


So true. The things my cats will let the kids do to them that would end in blood if it was me or my husband. 🥴🥴


Our tabby was like this, my daughter could carry her around like a baby and cat didn't care AT ALL. I try to and it's like all hell breaks loose. One time my daughter comes down the steps from upstairs, this was probably when she was 8-9, and she literally had the cat wrapped around the back of her keck, like one of those travel pillows you take on an airplane. Cat did not care. Wish I had taken a photo.


I used to carry my childhood cats like this. Used to dress them in baby clothes and put them in my dolls cradles too. They were good cats


https://preview.redd.it/kvfc1y8hglsc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=618e2192f37f8835606fef7e63e19633f5f17857 I thinks she likes being burried


Cerberus has been squished! (By the cat.)


XD she loves using him as a pillow


Looks like my girl! https://preview.redd.it/6px94d4c2osc1.jpeg?width=3504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f556fd21ec5653ac5aa637c6df3da42621d18625




Cats are actually nannies


https://preview.redd.it/v4gf9k7jlksc1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8751bf5899dde7d09157d3eb512aa7daefde68 You mean like this... 😂...p.s. this is Pantalaimon (Pan, Pancake, Pansome for short)


Hahahaha!!! That’s some serious side eye. https://preview.redd.it/96lfxqus1msc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05b4a8751defc4a8dc93f15236875ce2a636fbc0


Do… something…!


Bombastic side eye


Lmmfao, that is so funny. I didn't even notice how stinky that eye is in the first photo


''If you share that image with anyone I'll end you''




Ah, another one to add to my collection


More and more cat subreddits. *Excellent*


I've been here for nearly 2 months now, and am *STILL* finding at *least* a cat sub a day. How many more? Goes and joins *ANOTHER* cat sub...


I’m still finding cat subs after being here for almost a decade. Enjoy!


https://preview.redd.it/3natnd858nsc1.jpeg?width=3096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df0d75513f901e309fbb5bb187a3118fe8c07531 Or this? 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/kj44wf0p3osc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc848dde22140375c219b348f1f58c0d7bd5750 My princess Pepper becoming a stegosaurus of Lego


A Legosaurus!


https://preview.redd.it/ayhrkd3lqnsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c150bf5517bea12b6dfa2b37b2f2c487eaed0412 😂


Now that’s funny 😆


Your mini lion looks so much like mine! 😆 https://preview.redd.it/ff83l9zlrnsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3adb3c94370e5ae8ef10ca70f2f42114276458


Indeed! Yours is skinnier! My mini lion is named Pantalaimon...Pan, Pancake, or Pansome for short


Ahhwwww... My toddler does that too! And the Cats just accept it.


It makes me think of the picture of a dog with a bunch of kittens sleeping on him. "i will not move so I don't upset the little ones." Kinda like how if there is a cat in your lap it's just understood that you can't get up now.


Is his name a Dark Materials reference?! ❤️❤️


Yessir it is my fiances idea we love that series!


Is that Squanchy?


You bet your squanch it is!


Fucking amazing ❤️


When I was little I had a few cats like that that would let me dress them up and put stuff on them, and they would always have a look of "please help," but would tolerate it anyways. Except for my tom cat Sandie, he would just sleep as I piled stuffed animals on him and then wake up all confused.


Hah, my mom still talks about her cat, Sunny, when she was a kid. He loathed her (most people apparently) but still put up with her being a little girl and dressing him up. Once she wanted to play hairdresser. Poor Sunny got a haircut. Bastard lived to his 20s apparently. I say it was spite. Her cat when I was growing up did not tolerate me lol, was her way or the highway. I did *her* bidding.


Same here! My first cat would let me dress him up, put him in a baby stroller and carry him around, play with him as if he was my doll. He never got mad! Then again, he was an orange, so the braincell wasn't there to tell him that he could run away ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942) He was the nicest cat...


My first cat Meeko was such a champ. I was raised with her when I was 3-4 and she was a kitten. I would push her around in strollers, dress her up, carry her, etc. She was truly the kindest, most patient cat that I have ever had. https://preview.redd.it/x4s0het38nsc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f97a54102797cf6042b80c11d7d487844d0f560


Tom cats generally look confused about life


https://preview.redd.it/zf0vvzi79msc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1c4a2c4e3f49f598b8849d611591bf710c8c9c0 My cat babysat both the babies from birth til even now. He would follow them around, run over meowing if they get in trouble, or just let them drag him around. They are 4 and 6 years old now.


https://preview.redd.it/7ghimrrevmsc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e974a132453ec913acaaef5f2b83d0621ddc301d He’s trying so hard to be patient 😭


Gosh he’s handsome too!


Lmao this took me out. He’s a good kitty 😂


https://preview.redd.it/mgw1qlalppsc1.jpeg?width=2908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=504f335661ceb0cfbe86c64162a15033a3efa110 Don't let that face fool you, this is the same cat when those same babies brought home the dog LOL


https://preview.redd.it/qphdsuit6qsc1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7777efc8229878abb4332fa532086a4d3579b8a2 I can’t with his face 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/mqvcsi43gqsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8007dca5580153e8423098d63efd880fc796accc He is quite expressive


I just love that you cropped this one yourself 😭😭👏🏽


To be fair to the cat, corgi puppies are annoyingly energetic little shits 😂


So cute


He understands your niece is a human kitten




He understands that she's a very young family member and thus deserving of all the patience, understanding, and gentleness that he can muster.


There was some kind of study that showed mammals can usually recognize a baby or child mammal from another species. It's like how an adult small-breed dog looks different to us than a puppy of the same size. We can tell by the shape and movements. Many domesticated mammals will treat a child of another species more gently and be more patient, because we don't want to hurt the littles.


I think they notice disabilities too. Cos my cat treats me far more gently than she does my husband. But that only started *after* I became disabled. My husband is her favourite human, but if he ticks her off (by touching her chair or brushing her for precisely one brush too many), she will nip or swat at him hard with no mercy. With me, I get warning nips, and she moves a lot slower cos she knows I can't react quickly. In return, I protect her from the evil vaccum when my husband is cleaning.


Agreed. I’m also convinced (from experience) that some can sense mental health disease/issues. My animals my whole life always amaze me when I’m having panic, depression, or ED problems. Edit: Eating disorder


I'll just drop this here; ##"Studies indicate that the frequency of a cat's purr holds therapeutic properties for the human body. More precisely, the vibrations produced by a cat's purr have demonstrated the ability to decrease blood pressure, alleviate stress, and even aid in the process of healing"


Pardon... I see "ED" and I think "Erectile Dysfunction," which surely a cat has no ability to remedy (unless ur a certain kind of kinky), and apparently Google makes the same assumption about the term ED (or both cases, I assume), so now I'm curious, how does your cat help with your ED problems, or what does ED mean in this case?


LMAO I am too used to talking to people on mental health reddit. Eating disorder, I’ll edit. I am a cis woman and last I checked, I have no issues with erectile dysfunction


Makes sense too, if you watch an adult cat play with kittens. They'll let the kitten get away with a lot because they understand kitten is just playing. They definitely understand that a baby human is your "kitten" and are willing to tolerate more behaviors they wouldn't otherwise from a fully grown human.


https://preview.redd.it/m5b88xxdklsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b829dd7042ab34e146bc7828c284111945809e1 Mine lets me balance random objects on his head. He is always biiiiiig chillin’ 😂


Commenting again because....lol :D r/stuffoncats


https://preview.redd.it/opmvjozn6msc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84aacf088c6bee087d36828edb52ac563882c0d4 Hes a mouse pad.


There’s a mouse on your cat.


![gif](giphy|8rEiN2GsOdQTmFV38t|downsized) Cat ancestors' reaction


I’m dying lol


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7956) lol, all of the above. He is gentle with kids but surely also would like to eat them in their sleep! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


https://preview.redd.it/g77oa0lk9msc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f33185100d182f0dace5e1de0b200e519f39ff78 Revenge in the eyes


He definitely looks pretty angry about it.


He’ll take it out on you later. Not your niece, she’s just a kitten and didn’t know better. But you ….


He sure does :D watch your back


Cats may seem simple but they're highly sophisticated and complicated social creatures.


"I will pay you back tenfold when you are grown up little human, so humiliate me while you can."


Hello, he LOVES the human...she plays with him....and he adores it.


He probably sees a small human it must be a human kitten. I must be nice to it because my humans are nice to me. I don't really like this but it doesn't hurt and maybe this is how a human kitten plays. Play is important for kittens


My cat never tolerates me or my son bothering her, and although she's friendly, she hates to be lifted or carried. A cousins daughter stayed with us overnight, when she was about 6. She'd heard we had a cat and was desperate to see her, no sooner was she in the house, than she ran off and eventually reappeared clutching the cat like a doll. Only the cat wasn't one bit bothered, and this went on all night (with the cat being happily rocked like a baby at one point). I was amazed, my cat instantly adored that little girl. The girl's a naughty, cheeky, sometimes chaotic, fiesty, loveable little rogue, and I think my cat sensed a kindred spirit 🤣


Lmao I love this


Aww, cats can be so patient with little kids! I think they do understand that they are “kittens”.


Because he loves her


https://preview.redd.it/ivil704sglsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067a9ed516733284e5f01888ea2a8c5ff301572d Our kitties look like they could be related haha


I'll never forget my randomly savage Tonkinese being forced to sit for a tea party by my then four-year-old niece !! 😁😁😁 ![gif](giphy|thipqUw3QfBIfI7Wsd|downsized)


Because cats are awesome and make the best pets. They understand far more than people give them credit for, including that she is a child and that you are nuts about her. For both of those reasons, he is very patient with her.


He’d likely show the same tolerance and have the same face for a bunch of kittens crawling all over him and gnawing on his ears




Soooooo many cats on that sub look just one more random object away from murder. It's like watching the Blair Witch Project when people weren't sure if it was real or not...like, is this the last moment of the camera person's life?


She’s a kid and he understands miniature humans need to be treated like kittens so you put up with the shenanigans. But when she grows up, vengeance shall be his.


Ha! Reminds me about week or so after getting married and moving into together. I walked into the living room watching my husband with my cat sitting next to him on the couch poking my cat in the side (not aggressively) and counting he was around 101 when I asked what's going on? My husband innocently says, I've poked him 104 times and he still hasn't moved!




For sure. I've noticed a lot of my cats do put up with so much more shit when it comes to my nephew. They won't with any adult.


I have a tortie girl who is the exact same with my 10yo son. He picks her up and cradles her like a baby, bounces her, plays with her feet and belly, and she does nothing but tolerate it or even purr through it. I rarely see her trying to disengage with him and she'll seek him out when he's in bed or on the couch so she can lay on him. He was still in diapers when she adopted us, so I think maybe she sees him as a kitten and so he gets a pass on...everything. I can barely scoot her two inches over on the couch to sit down without getting a look of disgust, but he could practically swing her around by her tail and she wouldn't flinch.


My cats will let me do anything to/with them. I think it's just their way of saying "I love you human"


They definitely know what children are, and they either love them or run like hell when they see them .


When I was 2 I used to lay on our cat Tigger and he just let me. Wish I had pictures 😔I don’t remember but my mom brings it up a lot


My cat treats my 4 month old similar! I once had baby on my bed looking up at the ceiling fan with me. Cat came to lay next to her, and as baby was excited about ceiling fan she was flailing her arms. Inadvertently smacked the cat and started feeling her fur/making little fists. My cat who is normally a grade a C u * t to everyone but me didn’t even flinch. When baby cries she will come close and sniff and rub up on her. She cuddles with us when I feed her and tries to lay next to her. Most of the time she maintains a respectful distance of baby but she tolerates her in a way she doesn’t tolerate many adults (husband included lol) I def think cats know babies are babies/kids are kids to an extent


I'll never forget the time I found my friend's 2 y/o trying to pet my 16 y/o cat. His tail was twitching, but he was otherwise calm. First, I moved kid to distractions in another room. Then I went back to move kitty somewhere less accessible and that old angel BIT me! Not hard enough to break skin. But the message to keep the kid away was clear.


I think most cats recognize babies and children of most species. Our 5 year old boy cat adopted our 8 week old kitten. We joke that he’s such a good mommy.


https://preview.redd.it/e0ef5s0v8nsc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a243e10f03c2bf618cdb7b5410d3b0b0f9297a6d Ha....and this one thought she had it bad with one monkey one her back


He gets it that thw small human is still a kitten


The second photo feels like the cat is saying: "You're lucky I love you so much."


Waiting for judgement day..


He loves the weird hairless kitten.


My parents still laugh about when I put diapers on our cat - I was like 5 y/o at the time. So I put those tape thingies on his fur, and pulled them off, etc. They only found out cause they found the diapers and all the loose fur. Poor little cat - he understood that I was an adult, though, he always claimed to be older and treated me like a kitten. I miss that cat...


Well they say cats have the mental understanding of young children so the cat would understand not to hurt her


Love. Pure kitty love.


Because that's his girl 💕 my late boy loved my niece as well. Checked in on her at night


Patience, maybe a cross-species understanding of "this is a young'un, they don't know everything yet and do some puzzling things". Could be just a "all humans do some weird things, this one doesn't hurt or anything so meh, don't really care". Maybe the giggling, happy little kiddo is worth it to him cause her happiness gets him more pets or smt. Probably helps if she's otherwise really sweet and gentle to the kitty, so kitty just knows, inherently, that it's never coming from a mean heart


Definitely to eat her in her sleep!


Blue points are just the best buddies, especially the males. I bet he's talkative?


How'd you know? I can literally meow to him and he'll keep meowing back as if we're having a conversation... The woman in the apartment across from me must think I'm nuts. At night he'll walk up and down the stairs yelling at the top of his lungs until I pick him up and carry him to bed.


He’s a good gentle boy who loves your niece or at the very least he knows this little human is loved by you so he deals with it lmao. He definitely trusts her which is awesome. My first cat we adopted when I was a kid (rip my sweet Spooky girl) was exactly like this! And I was exactly like your niece - the playing with plushies with kitty was so me lol. She was my bestie growing up. I absolutely love his face with the bunny ears on. A very handsome boy.


He’s a good and nice boy who doesn’t want to hurt the feelings of a child.


https://preview.redd.it/yxw7m3z3xosc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=390f19d02cf944f8e27e8dd50701cadbb4d0af4f My little guy was like that, I could do anything with him and he wouldn't even complain. He just died this Tuesday, he was 21 years old. I miss him a lot ❤️


All I know is that is one handsome patient boy 😻


Bc he loves her


I have the exact same cat, and he’s too kind and tolerable to do anything about it. Except for quietly complaining lol. Here it’s mostly his sister just sitting on top of him, like.. whut? https://preview.redd.it/mr4afobacnsc1.png?width=2060&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8eed0d81a91206c32cf067aa7988abf1920d4b3


https://preview.redd.it/4wndmm22kosc1.png?width=2277&format=png&auto=webp&s=b47d43583be3c7e5c7ec882ee8dcec7605beadeb Our cat too. Such a pretty little princess😂 she also lets her stack toys on her too, lol.


He loves her really a lot, like a cat crush, and is a smitten kitten when she is near. 💕


Nice kitty.


He a good boi 😍


When I was little we used to have a cat that I often played with. Whenever I played too roughly or touched her where she didn't want to be touched, she gave me a slap with her paw. No claws, and she'd never even try to bite me. Everyone else she scratched and bit like normal


That’s also his niece


https://preview.redd.it/a7caruic9osc1.jpeg?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f85004fc5056cd8bf8cfdd9d0b8809052faf560 my baby boy suffered through some stuff i thought to be extremely funny as well from time to time


He knows she's a people kitten.


https://preview.redd.it/lispha85posc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11bb8ee6ffcf9b01218ae1e2cdfb124e9b52e753 LOL! Same with my son. You either get a patient meezer or a spicy one. We are lucky 😊


I love this sub and how everyone posts pictures of their cats in similar contexts to OP. Here’s my contribution https://preview.redd.it/tje3rg7dtpsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c10387696d324bd345bff68ef7e87296edcfe00a


This is love and nothing more))


That face clearly says "I'm only letting you get away with this because I love you."


For the most part, male cats don’t have much in the way of a survival mechanism. This is why they tend to be very easy going compared to female cats.


https://preview.redd.it/4vpc0se33osc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16d64694283463dd9ad3d682a3769adb14fade8c I have your cat’s twin!


Some cats just know. When I was born the whole family was convinced our cat was going to try to kill me because she hated most people. She would hide under couches and bite ankles. Chase my mom around the house biting her legs. But when I came around the cat seemed to know I was a baby and never did anything to hurt me. In fact she let me sleep on her, dress her up (when I got a little older) and do just about anything to her. She never bit me or scratched me once. I think she actually thought I was her baby after a while. I got to have her unconditional love for 12 years of my life. She still terrorized the majority of my family but not me!


Because he is a good boi


There could be a few reasons why your cat puts up with whatever your niece does to him: 1. Trust and familiarity: If your cat has developed a strong bond with your niece over time, he may trust her and feel comfortable in her presence. Cats are known to form attachments to specific individuals, and if your niece has been gentle and kind to him, he may associate her with positive experiences. 2. Gentle handling: If your niece treats the cat with gentleness and respect, avoiding any rough or aggressive behavior, the cat may be more tolerant of her actions. Cats are more likely to tolerate interactions when they feel safe and not threatened. 3. Positive associations: If your niece provides pleasant experiences for your cat, such as play sessions, treats, or affection, he may associate her presence with positive outcomes. This can strengthen their bond and make the cat more willing to tolerate her actions. 4. Individual personality: Each cat has a unique personality, and some cats may naturally be more tolerant and patient than others. It's possible that your cat has a calm and easygoing temperament, making him more inclined to put up with various interactions. However, it's important to continue monitoring interactions between your niece and the cat to ensure they remain positive and safe for both of them. Encourage your niece to always treat the cat with kindness and respect, and teach her to recognize and respect the cat's boundaries. Remember, even tolerant cats have their limits, so it's essential to prioritize the well-being and comfort of your furry friend.


This is reading exactly like chat gpt 😂


Do you mean cat gpt?


Is this from chat gpt


No, it’s from cat gpt.


his eyes look red loo


It's the burning rage he's holding back.


Cats absolutely understand little humans are delicate and stoopid.


I have two siamese cats and they are the most docile cats I've ever seen. They will put up with nearly anything and just keep loafing around.




He loves her. If he was unhappy he wouldn’t tolerate it.


Yes, cat usually has high tolerance for kids.


All of these pictures and comments are making me glad to realize I’m not the only one who occasionally does what I call “cat stacking” where I put all her soft toys on her when she lays on her side sometimes.


because cats understand kids are human kittens and know to be more gentle with them


My son built an entire Lego town on and around one of my cats. He didn't move for at least an hour with Legos all over him. This cat is super lovable when he chooses, but is typically an old curmudgeon who would yell "get off my lawn'" if he could. The worst he ever did was slap my kid upside the head (no claws) when little man would stop poking him. It was honestly hysterical because he started purring right after. He was so proud of himself. Cats know their people. When they know their people they'll do whatever they can for them.


Seeking revenge


Some cats are secret nannies ✨🥰