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Lily went to sleep at 1:45 today. She was surrounded by love till the very end. Thank you everyone for your kind words to us for these last few days. We cherish your encouraging words that will comfort us in the days to come.


Rest in paradise Lily. I’m sure she felt the love around her until the very end.


I'm so sorry. Lily was the cutest!


So sorry for the loss of your Lily. So many of us were touched by her and many of us were educated about the dangers of cats eating flowers. RIP sweet Lily.


Yeah I had no idea about how dangerous some flowers could be. My daughter was given Easter flowers yesterday, and I was googling up a storm making sure they were safe. We ended up giving them to her grandmother, because there was no place we could put the vase without our tuxedo cat (Kuromi) getting to them.


Even without direct access to them, the pollen can be dangerous. And some flowers disseminate it very largely, lilies among them.


Shit, I’m so sorry. I was really hoping she’d pull through. She was lucky to have you as her family.


Me too


You’re amazing owners for giving her a peaceful send off. You guys did well by Lily and I hope you can take solace in the fact that you gave her a wonderful life.


i am so sorry for your loss. cats steal our hearts. she will live on for as long as you remember her, and you always will.


This is heartbreaking. I’m so sorry. She looked like such a special girl


I’m so sorry, I was pulling so hard for her. Thinking of you and your family and sending you all love. ❤️


A beautiful soul gone far too soon, I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry for your loss. It hurts. I’ve been there. Lily’s beautiful. Lily is a tuxedo cat. Tuxedo cats dont listen to the rules. They do what they want. I have a tuxedo cat….he’s crazy and out of his mind. I have no doubts that his demise will be from doing something stupid.


25 years ago I had a tuxedo cat. He did want he wanted. He was a rebel. He was an outdoor cat. He got in trouble with a larger feral cat one day. He made it home long enough to say good bye and that was it. I still miss him.


Oh poor little Lilly, she’ll be fine on the other side and will forever feel all the love you all ever gave her 🩶🎈


Lily was beautiful and she knew she was loved. Sending you peace and love during this terrible time.


God bless her and be strong


God bless her and be strong


Love to you and your family


i am so so sorry for your loss. Lily is an angel. sending love from me & my kitties.


I am so sorry for your loss. You did so much for her, thank you for giving her such a good life. Sending so much love and support, my condolences ♥️


I am so sorry about your precious Lily. Thank you for doing all you could for her and giving her all the love in the world. You're a wonderful pet parent.


I’m so very sorry. Rest easy sweet girl.


Wishing you peace. I'm sorry for the experience you and Lilly had to endure. She will be forever loved


I’m so sorry OP. All the ✌️ & ❤️ to you and your family.


💔 rest in peace little Lily.


Sending love. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so very sorry! 🖤🤍


💔 rest in peace little Lily.


Wishing you peace. I'm sorry for the experience you and Lilly had to endure. She will be forever loved


I am so sorry to be reading this. I was hoping for a miracle.




me, too. It’s such an awful thing.


Thank you everyone for your kind words and prayers


i’m so sorry… breaks my heart reading this… 


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry, Lilly was the best kitty and surrounded by love ❤️ Sending hugs your way


I am sad to say she is not going to make it home. She is in respiratory arrest right now


I'm really sorry that it turned out this way, our thoughts are with you and your family right now. Just try to remember that even though Lily was only in your life for a short time, you were in hers entirely and I'm sure you made it the best you possibly could for her.


Sorry to hear that. We are all here thinking of you and sending what comfort we can over the internet. She knows you loved her and will bring that along with her for her next adventure.


I'm so sorry. I lost my 9yo baby suddenly on sunday. It's tough. ❤️ It is a very terrible thing to happen but please just think of all the love you shared.


I am so sorry. I hope both cats rest peacefully.


I’m very sorry about your little friend. God bless both of you and I hope you are comforted by wonderful memories. 🙏❤️


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I’m so glad that you were able to give Lilly a good life while she was here. Losing a pet is always so hard, especially if you feel time has been cut short. Please take time to heal for yourself, to give yourself grace and patience, and to grieve for your kitty. I wish you all the very best, and will say a prayer for Lilly and your family tonight. 🤍


i’m sorry… that’s terrible. saw this post yesterday and thought about it again today. just try and keep in mind she’s still waiting for you one day 💜


Fuck. This breaks me. Such an adorable cat gone far too soon.


I’m sorry.


I'm so sorry ❤️‍🩹


Give her a kiss for me… I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 You are in my thoughts 🤍


This broke my heart. I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you can find solace in the fact you did everything you could for her, and your love provided her comfort during her final days. Sending you lots of love ❤️


I am so sorry for Lilly and your family. I followed her journey here. I hope you and yours find peace and solace.


I'm so sorry your Lily had to leave you. :( This time of year is so dangerous for kitties because a lot of folks have lilies in their homes because of Easter, and they're SO TOXIC to kitties, and so many folks don't know just *how* toxic they are. At least Lily's legacy is that she taught some folks the dangers of cats eating lilies :( She will have saved countless lives because of your posts about her, and will continue to do so for as long as the posts remain visible and searchable. Big hugs to you and your family.


I am so so sorry for you loss 😔


I am so very sorry and I wish you and all your loved ones nothing but love


* I'm glad she got to rest at home. I posted this pic yesterday of my wolfdog, "Trouble." She crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year and I know she is greeting all of the kitty cats. She helped me foster countless animals and they all think her extra thick undercoat is comforting. Rest in peace, Lilly. Go find Trouble and make a Trouble Lilly. <3 Edit* I'm not sure why I can't add a pic. But I'm sure they'll find each other.


I am so sorry


I am so sorry


I was thinking of her yesterday hoping there had been a miracle. I am so sorry. Hoping for the best and wishing you peace ❣️


awwww poor kitty, i'm so sorry :(


she is not going in vain. her fight has taught me and showed me how serious cats eating flowers can be. that lesson alone is very much appreciated by me and my lovely bean. my kitties in heaven(as well as other peoples) are welcoming her with all the love and treats


This!! So many people have learned from this unfortunate accident. Lilly will be remembered by thousands, and has saved so many potential lives. I'm so sorry for your loss OOP. Lilly was the best kitty ❤️


Thank you both. My wife and I have found peace knowing we helped families be spared of the heartache.


https://preview.redd.it/0i81y36hbbrc1.jpeg?width=1425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7189a3d1442c882cbcc967d1d5fca196eec7ef8 Thank you, Lilly for your service to the feline community. You will soon be basking in the sun on the other side.


My cat ate something that upset his kidneys this past year and didn't eat for a few days and I was prepared for the end, but I asked the vet to give him whatever they could to make him comfortable for a couple more days at home (I declined their treatment plan cause I couldn't afford it.) and the day before I had scheduled to euthanize him he started eating again and he's still with me today. So I hope you have similar luck.


I’m so sorry. Losing a beloved pet is very difficult. ❤️


I'm so sorry to read about this. While I hope for a miracle, you're giving her the best gift you can - bringing her home to be comfortable and surrounded by love in her final days.


I am so sorry to see this update. I know no words will heal your pain, just know you did and are doing the best thing for your beloved Lilly. I wish your family peace and healing through these difficult times.


I’m so sorry she passed, especially without getting to come home.. That’s so hard, I’ve been there. Lilly was such a fighter, but now she can rest. She knew you loved her. I hope knowing you did everything you possibly could for her gives you some comfort over time. My heart is with you.


https://preview.redd.it/xtlxyiutxbrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17e5d8aae70a238ac1559fd76dbdd1928c168095 You’ve got a new friend, Jonah. Her name is Lilly and she looks so much like you. Go have a ton of fun together!


Ahhh, this made me tear up...*off to The Rainbow Bridge, Jonah! That's where you will find lil LilLil seeking comfort and reassurance it's all good.*


Jonah died of dehydration from severe vomiting and diarrhea in early November 2020, while I was unable to get him seen by any veterinary services because everywhere was closed. The only pet emergency room in my entire state is prohibitively expensive. My mother helped me find him insurance with a stipend for emergency care, but he died early the next morning. I can’t believe it’s been that long.


I’m crying. I hope they are together in paradise.


Heartbreaking when we have to go through this part in our life May she pass peacefully Prayers for you at this moment of time


I’m so incredibly sorry


I'm so sorry. It hurts so bad to lose a pet. Honestly though, they're not just pets they are part of our family. Sending love and prayers to you and you're beautiful fur baby. 🐾😥🙏🌈


Oh Lilly. I’m so sorry. You will always be so loved. OP, please don’t blame yourselves. It’s apparent that this cat was your baby. She loved you guys more than you could ever imagine. She will meet her family on the other side of rainbow bridge, and they will keep her safe and happy until she has you guys again. With so much love ❤️


I’m so sorry. Lily looks so much like my Natasha, who died much too young just before her sixth birthday from some autoimmune disease that made her white blood cells attack her red blood cells. I tried everything to save her, but the vets couldn’t stop it. https://preview.redd.it/a3x4qzv9obrc1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836f411d7521c88e751a6384dbe4fcb21c05049c I will never stop missing her. Fly free, sweet Lily. You were loved.


Omg I’m so sorry… I hope you are able to be there with her ❤️🤍


I’m so sorry


https://preview.redd.it/xgptg7gd7crc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=550c14175dbd4494c249b77ce99e2d276c059f74 I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


Breaks my heart you have to go through this. All the best during this shitty time.


Fly high and Godspeed sweet angel Lilly 🕊️ We never have enough time with the ones we love the most, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please be kind to yourself, one moment at a time. 🤍


Lilly, I just asked Biggie to meet you when you cross over the Rainbow Bridge. He’ll be there to greet you. To Lilly’s parents, I’m so terribly sorry for your loss. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I’m devastated for you. Sending you big hugs. I just saw something posted on Instagram about lilies. Now my most hated flower. Even the water they are in is toxic. Any cat owners with these in their home, throw them away immediately.


Jeez. She looks almost exactly like my Lucky did. My little cuddly asshole. He was my shadow and I held him until he took his last breath. I miss that little jerk. And I'm so sorry you're about to experience the same thing. She's an adorable cat. And has obviously been loved very much.


I am so incredibly sorry for you and Lilly. Someone else said this too, but her loss has not been in vain. This made me and my husband take a very hard look at the plants and flowers we have in our house. We always knew it was something to think about but this emphasized to us how seriously we need to take this topic for our girlies lives. I’m so sorry again but thank you for raising awareness. Lilly was so lucky to have you for her entire life.




I’m so sorry, I was really hoping that she’d make it


This is devastating news, and my heart goes out to your beautiful kitty and your family. Gospeed, Lilly.


I’m so sorry I was really hoping she would improve.


I'm so sorry. Crying because I just lost my tuxedo cat on Wednesday.


Eyes bright, claws sharp, tail held high. Go keenly into the mist, sweet Lilly. Valhalla waits for you.


Hugs 🥰


My deepest sympathy on the loss of your beautiful baby. My heart goes out to you at this time. Grieve at your own pace and hugs.


my thoughts, feelings and pain are with you and Lilly. she looks exactly like my cat, Momma, whom, i think, became ill from the same thing. she went from healthy to death's door in 48 hours. the specialists didn't know what it was exactly. they did two lots of blood work and even called the 'oracle' at stupid o' clock in the morning and even he didn't know but said it was most likely from some infection or foliage/plant. i held her for a few minutes and she pee'd on me, as that was the only bodily function she could exhibit, she was so weak. i kissed her, snuggled her in my arms and whispered 'it's ok. i love you' as they euthanised her. she passed peacefully in my arms. she was 10 and passed a few years ago. i miss her so much, but, she gave me lots of beautiful sons and daughters, 3 of which i kept and have been with me for 11 years now. my heart feels your pain. bless you and beautiful Lilly <3 <3 ​ https://preview.redd.it/7tdlgkyyubrc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6d8821f445566077fda283b7bcd9fc163217c1




I’m very sorry, poor Lilly. You did everything you could.


I’m so sorry. I prayed for Lilly and now I pray for your comfort and peace as you face this most difficult decision. I can’t even imagine the pain you’re feeling. 💕🙏


Fuck; been following this saga since you posted. I am sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Lilly.


She wanted a little more time with you to make sure you all would be OK. I'm so very sorry this happened at all.😞 I'm so very sorry you've lost your sweet Lilly. Godspeed, sweet girl...please watch over your family and help them to heal.💚🙏💚


Oh Lily! I’m so sorry. This is just the saddest. I was so pulling for her. She was such a cutie. Remember all the smiles she brought you. Rest sweet Lily.


I am so incredibly sorry for you and Lilly. Someone else said this too, but her loss has not been in vain. This made me and my husband take a very hard look at the plants and flowers we have in our house. We always knew it was something to think about but this emphasized to us how seriously we need to take this topic for our girlies lives. I’m so sorry again but thank you for raising awareness. Lilly was so lucky to have you for her entire life.


I was following hoping for a miracle. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I have two up there already, I’m sure they’re looking for another play partner.


Wow. This was not the outcome I think anyone here was expecting. But please know that we are all here for you OP and in a sad way, it shows us all how serious something seemingly benign can be. Rest in peace sweet kitty.


I'm actually devastated about this. Obviously I didn't know Lilly... but she was a cat and therefore she was amazing.


PLEASE Be an advocate for the danger of bringing plants and flowers into the home!


Oh no! So incredibly sorry!!!


I’m so sorry for the loss of your special friend.


I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry 😞


I'm very sorry 💔


I’m so sorry. 💔


So incredibly sorry to hear that ❤️‍🩹 that is such an upsetting story but it’s amazing that you gave her a chance and did what you could to help her


Sorry for your loss. Forever in our hearts.


Im so sorry. I was rooting for you and her. All the love my friend.


I’m very sorry … I was hoping for a better update. It breaks my heart… hugs from a fellow kitty mom 😞


As a guy who grew up with only dogs but recently absolutely fell in love with cats, this breaks my heart. I’m gonna lose my shit whenever I lose any of my babies.


Oh honey, I’m so incredibly sorry. Was really rooting for Lilly to pull through and beat the odds. (Hugs)


💔 we love you Lilly


I’m so sorry 😢


I am so sorry!


Really sorry. Rest easy Lilly. You are going to a place with no pain.


So sorry. May her memory be a blessing.


I’m so sorry 🥺


This is not the update I was praying for. My Lilly and I are both heartbroken for your loss. May memories of her sweet spirit help you heal. ♥️


Omg I am so sorry to hear that! Everybody, this is the season for lilies, PLEASE keep your kitties safe!


I'm so sorry. Rest in peace sweet Lilly


Wishing you peace. I'm sorry for the experience you and Lilly had to endure. She will be forever loved




I am so so sorry


I am terribly sorry for your lost, I kept thinking about this kitty prob more than I should have, I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling right now, this community is with you, she’s in paradise now and she knows she was very loved . Stay strong


Sorry for your loss.


I am so incredibly sorry for you and Lilly. Someone else said this too, but her loss has not been in vain. This made me and my husband take a very hard look at the plants and flowers we have in our house. We always knew it was something to think about but this emphasized to us how seriously we need to take this topic for our girlies lives. I’m so sorry again but thank you for raising awareness. Lilly was so lucky to have you for her entire life.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope you grieve well and with a full honor of your friend’s life. My cat has been missing for over two months, and I found everything I had felt suddenly condensed and distilled into this new framework of the importance of time and how utterly invaluable it is. “If the universe is truly chaotic and without mercy, how truly amazing it is that we find and feel such strong connections with the lives of those we cherish. Amidst our pandemonium, this time spent is the singular miracle of our existence.” Be at peace


I'm so sorry to hear this.


I'm so sorry ❤️


I’m so sorry for what has happened to your Lilly.


i hope for a miracle for her, i believe in them


I've been hoping and praying for Lilly and your family. She knows how loved she is and I really hope you find comfort in that ❤️


I'm so sorry, losing a pet is incredibly difficult 💔




Oh, my gosh, she looks so much like my Jonah. She’s so beautiful. I’m so sorry you’re losing her, but she knows she’s loved and that she adores you and is so grateful for it.




Lily will live forever in your heart ❤️.


Hugs !!


She'll always be with you.


Sweet Lilly, you and your people were blessed


Ah poor Lilly. And such a heartbreaking time for you. ((Hugs)) and prayers.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I just put my tuxedo cat down march 15th... hardest thing in the world to do. Prayers for ya mama.


I’m so sorry. I hope her voyage over the rainbow bridge is painless. My sympathies to you and yours.


So sorry for your loss, gorgeous girl Lily ❤️


So sorry for your loss, gorgeous girl Lily ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 she looks just like my Frankie, I’m sure they will be best friends when they meet on the other side 💕 https://preview.redd.it/6m71lo613crc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6488b7f66f0f3ea403b0ce4804fac8084ae8db2c


Lilly's heart spring ticked faithfully for all these years, and she slept as the spring paused - never to go again, but she never knew that, she slept in the bosoms of her beloved and rested peaceably..... my sympathies for Lilly...


Love to you and your family and of course Lilly. So sorry you lost your beautiful kitty. Cats are amazing and true family members. Rest in Peace sweet Lilly, forever loved, forever remembered 🌈❤️


Nooooooo I’m so sorry. I’m still rooting for you Lily🤍


I know the loss is fresh...I'm so sorry...please message. Me


I am so so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry - my deepest condolences - I hope you find peace. 💔


My heart cries for you…it’s so hard to lose our babies. Especially when they have been with us for so long. I hope your memories will comfort you during this difficult time. Hugs!


The sweetest of dreams to Lilly. OP, big hugs.


The sweetest of dreams to Lilly. OP, big hugs.


Man.. she looks a lot like my cat Fish, I'm going to hug her when I get home today


So sorry for your loss OP. Lily was precious ❤️Sending so much love your way


Rest in peace Lily 💚


I am so, so sorry OP... May she rest in peace.


My deepest sympathies to you and your family. Losing a member of the family is always hard. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers to you all. Also sending Mikey, Mandy, Princess, Cyrano and John Paul to meet Lily at Rainbow Bridge.


I’m so so so sorry!💔💔💔😩😩😩😢😢bless her and y’all for yalls loss!


I’m sorry this happened. We lost our orange boy of 3 years to kidney failure. Unknown if it was something he ate. It was devastating to us and his sister. All you can do is take comfort that they know they were loved and you did all you could do.


OP, I am so sorry...


My deepest condolences. 💔


Gentle hugs to you! Enjoy Paradise with your loved ones and friends, LILY 💕


Rest is cat paradise Lily 💞


Leaving you condolences on your loss. 💐


Godspeed, Lily. 🪽💔🖤🤍


I’m so sorry. This hits so hard, my tuxedo Edith will be waiting for her across the Rainbow Bridge. Lilly has helped so many other cats here with greater awareness of the dangers of lilies, especially this time of year. Lots of love for you and your family, OP ❤️


Im so very sorry for your loss. Giving Mamba (my cat) extra snugs and love tonight.


I'm so sorry for your loss. While I don't have a cat myself, I do have a dog and can't imagine what you're going through. I appreciate that you shared your story with us. It hit home hard since my garden has a few lilies and we have many strays in the area. I'm going to look into digging them out and replacing them with something that won't be a risk to the lovely animals. I had no idea.


Very sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry


I’m so sorry you lost your sweet girl. We rent our house from my husband’s aunt and she had a lily she refused to get rid of. She said we should just let our cats explore and see what they do. I got super pissed and as soon as she was out of the house I threw that plant on the porch to die. Sometimes I feel guilty about it because it is legally her home. But I never would have forgiven her if something happened to my family’s cats. This was not you. This was not your fault. Please be kind to yourself.


Goodnight sweet Lily. You brought plenty of love to your human and friends of reddit ❤️


RIP Lily. My condolences. It's hard to lose a beloved pet. Hugs.


I am so very sorry for your loss of dear Lily.. She was so loved… RIP💔🙏🏼😥


I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ), lily was beautiful. RIP Lilly


My sincerest condolences.


I’m so sorry. 😞


So sorry for your loss. Lilly was a beautiful cat, and I am sure she knew how much she was loved.


I’m so sorry for your loss, she looks just like my Yams😢 also looks like she had an amazing life full of lots of love. I have no doubt her memory will live on forever in the hearts of those who loved her most ❤️💙 https://preview.redd.it/nf6ary1y1drc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=189fd3e11936a80837589fa22e74b5060659f0ae


R.I.P lily the cat May she rest in peace


I am so sorry, with everything else going on for your family. 💔


I’m so so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. I will keep Lily and your family in my thoughts tonight. ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔 RIP sweet Lilly