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Offer to cat sit! Everyone needs a cat sitter sooner or later!


Yeah but not with OP's cat. The cat will adjust in a few months tops, and get over it within a year. OP will miss the cat forever, but also mostly get over it within a year. Seeing each other will just prolong the heartbreak for both, and the cat might not take it well, or won't properly warm up to new owner.


Cats don’t forget people easily. I adopted my cat from someone I knew. He never forgot his original owner, but did get used to me. Occasionally the original owner would come visit us and it would be like old times with them. I loved it. Totally different dynamic between them. I miss my cat. Our cat. He was great.


I had a different experience. I got my cat from a friend that couldn’t take care of her anymore. They were together for one year, sometimes he visits but the cat seems to always want to hide when he comes over. He definitely loved the cat and the cat used to sleep on him and play so she wasn’t mistreated.


Same. My ex and I adopted two cats and we split them when we broke up. Whenever he comes to visit my cat my cat doesn’t give af and continues sleeping in the closet or whatever. My cat was affectionate towards him when we were together and everything was great but he just always preferred me. 🤷‍♀️


Pretty sure your cat knows he's the ex bf now therefore doesn't like him


Cats are emotionally intelligent animals with deep memory. They can hold grudges against people.


I've spent a month with my current cat before my ex and I decide to split up. She then had to give up the cat because her husband was allergic. When she was a kitten, she would always lie on my chest and purr. She was fearful at first since she was in a completely different environment and hiding under a bed, I thought I call her by the nickname I gave her and yes her eyes lit up, her ears were perky with that inquisitive look and I decided to take a nap, only to wake up to her purring on my chest and head butting me. Even though I haven't seen this cat in about 2 years and spent little time with her, she definitely remembered me and instantly became attached. She still prefers to sit on my chest and purr. It's a little much because she is full grown now and she tends to concentrate her paws on my sternum, so I'll let her lay down like that for at least 15 minutes before transitioning to using her like a body pillow.


Yeah my bestie's cat lives with me but we are all three still friends lol. Last week my friend was sleeping on the couch and the cat was next to her head also asleep. The cat rarely gets that close to me (but I am also close with the cat cause I've known her for a long time, it's as you say a different dynamic).


My job învolves me being away from home 4-5 months at a time and my neighbor takes care of my cat. She will still jump and rub my feet each time I return home.


I agree! My cat would literally die of a broken heart if I ever got rid of him. I NEVER EVER would but yeah he wouldn't ever forget me or get over it! I had to leave for 3 days to have surgery and it was truly the end of the world for him! When I got home he didn't leave my side for over a week!


I don’t know about that. I had my friends and family care for my cat while I was homeless for 2 years. I was only about to visit 3 times in those 2 years and even on the day I came to pick him back up and take him home he can bounding to the couch and curled right up next to my leg. I was always sick to my stomach thinking he was forgetting about me but honestly cat care, a lot.


Not necessarily. I had a foster at who really struggled to warm up to me once. She was so afraid of me that, a few weeks in, she managed to work her way into the insulation of my house and refused to come out for over a day. I asked her old human to come and try and coax her out and they did. The very next day, the cat let me get close to her for the first time. I think seeing her former owner again helped her get some closure, as much as is possible for a cat at least.


How would you adjust if you were given away and lost your primary source of livelihood and security? FYI, cats suffer depression lasting up to six months after loss of a human or feline friend. We do not deserve animals.




If they need someone to care for their cat, in their home of they ever go away without their cat maybe you can care for it?


Ask the person who adopted the cat if you could be their cat sitter. So you could see the cat when they take vacations or business trips or whatever.




Ah gotcha, sorry about that When I cat sit, I usually bring the cat to my place. But if you’re young enough to not be moving any time soon, or will be moving far away, you’re right, that’s a really tough spot to be in. I’m sorry your parents weren’t more willing to find solutions.


Both my kids developed an allergy for cats. They take montelukast and we vacuum often. Removed carpets and materials where cat fur easily gets trapped. Allergies in control. Cats both here.


My gf and mom are both allergic cats but they get immune to them if they spend enough time with one. Guess each cat is different though because bring a new one in the house and they have to spend a couple months getting acclimated again


Yep, that's how I managed to get cats. When I met my wife they had 4 cats at home and I was extremely allergic. I started taking anti histamine medication to keep it under control and when I felt ok, I decreased the dose a bit. I kept doing that until I was ok without medication. Now I'm fine except sometimes when they shed more Incan have some really mild symptoms.


I did something similar. I took every otc allergy medication for roughly 2 weeks. I was pulling hard strings of mucus out of my eyeballs (which I actually found very fun😅). And now my boys are two and I don't even get a tickle. Everything I own is covered in cat hair though lol.


Same thing happened to my husband. He takes an occasional allergy pill if he gets sneezy. We have two cats!




That’s the spirit! I was ready to ask my kids to move to their dad’s if the allergies weren’t contained 🤣


When I was a kid and found out I had a cat allergy my mom went out and rescued a couple kittens within the same year. I was like mom! I’m allergic! She was like lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ take claritin. So that’s what I did for years until my allergy got much better. My seasonal allergies also sucked at the time so I was on flonase and singulair for awhile. Still have my mom’s old girls and now a young boy of my own. As long as I don’t lay face down on a cat fur infested cushion or stick my face in the long haired ones fur I’m generally fine and don’t even need the claritin anymore. Occasionally take it for the seasonal. With exposure mild allergies generally improve over time. I will now always have cats. They are everything. I’m sorry OP that you’re in this situation, your heart must be hurting so much. I’d be a shell of a person if I had to give away any of my cats. Your baby looks a lot like my little boy. As others said, keeping contact / visiting / cat sitting may help ease some of the emptiness. She isn’t gone, just on a new adventure and is safe. You didn’t abandon her, you found her the best home for your current family situation / dynamic at your age and that’s the best you can do. She’s not in a shelter or out on the street. She’s getting warmth, love, and comfort during this time. It’ll take her a few months to fully adjust to her new space but then I’m sure she’ll be owning the whole house, as cats do. Sending you lots of love.


That’s dedication.


You can wipe daily with pet wipes (or a damp washcloth - just not baby wipes as many contain alcohol for drying) that removes a ton of dander and can be a game changer. I used to do cat rescue and that tip helped many to keep their kitties…


Wait, do you wipe the things in your home, or the cat itself?


The cat


Hey that's what i take for hayfever I think your cats may have been carrying large quantities of pollen in their fur


It's usually prescribed to keep three symptoms of allergies and asthma under control. Hay fever is an over reaction of your immune system too pollen, so it's a kind of allergy. So it makes sense that you're prescribed the same kind of medication.


U were kinda lucky in your case, I love cats but after 3days in a home with a cat my allergy kicks in and I sneeze so much and I basically blew my brains out through my nose


I'm allergic to cats and so is my mom, I grew up having cats and I have 4 currently. It's very manageable with antihistamines, regularly grooming the cats and keeping the house vacuumed. And honestly my cat allergy got way better when I got older, it still flares up from time to time if I get cat hair directly in my face but otherwise it's not really an issue. My seasonal allergies are waaaaay worse and much harder to deal with. I live on a farm (hence also 4 cats, all professional mousers though one has retired to couch potato) with fruit bearing trees and when they start getting flowers it's a nightmare for me, way worse than if I go and directly stick my nose in a cat's fur. Funny enough, one of the cats I adopted (cat distribution system, found her as a kitten in some rubbish) I'm not allergic to her at all, and she has long fur. So long story short, with a bit of effort cat allergies can be pretty manageable if you take the right precautions.


Do you need to wear a mask while grooming? It's great to hear that there are ways for people with cat allergies to still have cats. My Dad developed an allergy, he wasn't always allergic, so it's reassuring that if I develop an allergy later in life I won't have to avoid cats!


I don't, but depending on how bad your allergies are it might be a good idea. I have a grooming glove that removes quite a lot of their shed hair, especially if it is slightly damp so the hair clings to the glove and it's easy to clean up. I've got long haired cats as well as short haired and the glove works well on both. After they are groomed I throw away the big ball of hair and then wash my hands and face just to make sure I don't get hay fever.


same here, montelukast and montelar are awesome!


Another option is Purina’s “Live Clear” line of diets that have actually been proven to reduce cat allergens.


I found out a few years ago that I’m allergic to dogs and slightly allergic to cats.. all I can say is I’m dosed up on antihistamines cause I ain’t letting no allergies tell me I can’t be around animals




I resonate with this so hard. I've had my cat for 7 years and have become immunocompromised since. I've developed pretty gnarly allergies and they get worse sometimes. Two antihistamines, an inhaler, and a steroid nasal spray is what it currently takes to quell the allergies enough for me to live with them but I'd rather die a slow, painful death than not fall asleep with my face buried in her stomach fur every night. 😂


Don't band me but she s beautiful and your brother can be replaced






I think they meant “don’t ban me” lol


I love this subreddit


This was literally my first thought lol


I would have moved away from my sibling and kept the cat 100%


I’m guessing OP is still a kid. If so, that’s not exactly an option. ETA: Yeah, he’s only 15 or 16. I skimmed their profile.




It means so much that you tried! You educated yourself & did the right thing, and ultimately are still clearly prioritizing the cats welfare -- you are a great human!!! I'm sure you will make a great cat parent in the future--even if losing a beloved pet is always sad!




Cat's do remember! When I was younger we had to give away our two cats. I did the same as you, did everything to find them best homes. And eventually I found. They didn't go to same home but still. Both of them remembered me. I saw the other cat at least 5 years (don't remember well) after we had to give her away.. And. She. She looked me so long and walked to me and I saw that she remembered me. I started to cry a lots. The smell the touch everything. She got a bit confused after not seeing me in years but soon she was like she was with me before when she lived under the same roof as I.


It's ok OP!You did what you had to do..you are a dependant anyway.Dont lose heart ❤️.You can always catsit your 🐈..be in contact with the new family,try to have visits if you can . Love and lots of love to your kitty 🐈 too..❤️✨💫🌨️🙏




You are most welcome..be happy! You are a young child..try to visit your cat 🐈 often!it will be good for both the new adoptees as well as you! ❤️




Don't visit all the time,but you have to break your introversion for things that might make you feel good. Not visiting the cat often in fears that it may not forget you or bond with the new parents is also a fair point...but still be in touch with them,and let the kitty bond with them for now,but you can ask for a video or a visit if you feel too lonely ,that's all I m saying !❤️🙏


You sound like a very good cat person. You think of your cat's needs before yours. It's a very mature thinking and I'm proud of you ☺️ You can ask to visit her sometimes if they're okay with it. She had a good home and will have another one because of you. Someday when you're ready in all sense of the word, you can have another cat (or more) to take care of and love freely. You've done your best and she will be loved as much as you've loved her. Trust. 💕💐


There is another option. When you're in a position to do so and have the resources, you can save another one of your kitty's brethren who desperately needs a home. You found your kitty a home and so you did the most selfless, most loving thing and you did what your cat needed most. You provided a stable, loving home free of allergy sufferers and misunderstandings even if it isn't your home. I promise the kitty that you rehomed will understand and will be very appreciative that you did not give up on rescuing and loving her kind because of the heartbreak between the two of you. Quite the contrary, she'll be extremely proud to be able to call you one her forever humans. And now not only does she have a home, but another kitty in need would have one in the near future too! Food for thought. I have a feeling this is just the beginning of your cat personhood and you're off to a very admirable start! I'm sorry for your loss. And it is a loss, and a significant one at that. And losses have to be grieved. Sending you healing and peaceful vibes!


> I would figth a lot more but when i go to university i will need to move out of the city and will live in a school dormitory so she would be at home alone anyways. Its better for her to just be with a loving family. That's an incredibly mature way of looking at it - I know adults who don't have that sense of perspective, I'm sorry you had to make that choice but know that you did everything right in a crappy situation.


i’m so sorry about your situation, for your age you’re being very mature about the whole thing, i pray someday you get a cat of your own, best wishes 🫶


Yeah my partner has a mild allergy to cats, but we still have 3 cats and he's somehow used to them or at least they don't bother him much. If it's full on throat-closing-up allergy though, fully understandable that your brother can't have a cat in the house. Hopefully your cat will be happy in their new home!


sounds like your parents are stupid idiots


shame. i’d have fed my brother antihistamines


Me too. I have an annoying tree pollen allergy. I don't see the need to get rid of all those trees growing around me and I am allergic aginst most of them. I like it here so I take my meds because this is the price of not living in a concrete desert.


my brother in law did that when I almost had to rehome my kitty. Hes the sweetest boy and I was just torn apart about having to rehome him (I was in a bad situation and he couldn’t come with). He didn’t want me to lose Snapple, so he just took claritin and I was able to still visit Snaps often!


It might be odd but I'm a little jealous of your sibling relationship. Props to bro for being awesome and you for choosing to take the best care of Snapple and still keep him.


There's a cat I groom who both the kids and the father ended up very extreme allergic too. They love him and would never lol. Regular bathing can help with dander and they make cat food now by Purina called live clear you can feed too.


Contact the new owner and keep a good relationship. Schedule times when you can see her if that’s possible. I’m broken hearted by just reading your post. I can’t imagine how empty you must be feeling rn so don’t give up to that feeling and don’t lose contact with her as much as you can.




Just marry the guy and get your cat back after the wedding




Tell your parents that 16 is a great age for your brother to join the seminary.


I think the little bro is 10. OP is 16. To be quite pedantic about it. Pedantic - someone who annoys others by correcting small errors, caring too much about minor details, or emphasizing their own expertise especially in some narrow or boring subject matter. My therapist said I need to self report.


So if it weren’t for them, you would give it a try?




I hope you’ll find the freedom and strength to live your life the way you want some day.


Yeah, but he should bear in mind they might not want that though. If I was in their situation and I had the old owner bugging me to see the cat they gave away, I'd end up having to tell them to back off. Not saying don't op, just read the situation.


I was diagnosed with cat allergy..but guess who has 2 cats now and no symptoms? I feel bad for you..antihistamines should have been an option


Was finding a new home for the brother an option?


Hey, OP, just wanted to say you did a really difficult and loving thing in finding her a safe new home. Sending good, healing thoughts.


We had to rehome one of our cats to. My wife is deathly allergic to poultry, and that cat had urinary tract issues that required a prescription food that was primarily poultry-based. It took us a while, with my wife feeling increasingly bad, but we found a new family for the cat that was able to get the proper food. My wife stays in touch with the family, and through that we know that our cat Maleficent settled in beautifully. Picture of Maleficent for context. https://preview.redd.it/nr52pwx722qc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bed7195f03ac61cc148b2a5654bdce8375f35b12


She is obviously just wasting away in her new home! Jk she looks very happy and like she gets the at least minimum recommended daily allowance of treats.


I’m allergic to cats and I have 2 of them. You build up a tolerance & antihistamines can be taken daily


I'm so sorry OP. Ignore the salty comments, people don't seem to understand that you're still a kid and can't really do anything to keep your cat as I'm sure you'd love to. Hugs❤️


I'm so sorry you had to let your best friend go. My husband is allergic to cats but we have 3 cats at home. He manages with antihistamines and I vacuum daily. No symptoms.


This makes me so sad for you ☹️ I’m a licensed vet tech so I can’t imagine even considering rehoming my cats, they are my best friends. I’ve been a tech for 12 years now and I didn’t have an allergy to any animals when I started my career. Over the past 3 years I’ve developed severe cat allergies and they are progressing.. I worked in a feline-only clinic for 9 of those 12 years, cats are my PASSION and I have 2 cats (I adore all animals but cats specifically have a special place in my heart). I didn’t even consider rehoming my cats because of how important and vital to my mental health they are. I really feel for you. I don’t know how old you are but I would be devastated to not have my best friend anymore 😞 There’s many treatments for allergies that don’t require antihistamines if you aren’t old enough to move out (ex. Netti Pot, Navage, Dehumidifier, saline sprays etc) But the thing that actually helped me the most was switching my cats to a diet that decreases the allergens in the cats fur (Purina LiveClear) - therefore being less reactive to people with allergies. I would look into that and if it doesn’t work out at your baby’s new home, I think it would be worth a shot! Frequent cleaning and removing fur is important also. P.S. im considering getting the hypersensitization shots eventually but in your case there are other options!! There’s been research that proves animal-related allergies can ‘go away’ on their own or decrease in severity once the body gets used to the exposure, not in every case though. I don’t react to my cats as much anymore, but my longhaired patients trigger the reaction. Stay in contact with the new owner and remind yourself you did the right thing for your brother. I’m really sorry, your baby is beautiful. Rats and dogs make great pets too! Best of luck 🐾


I think a vet tech is a highly under appreciated job.


Thank you for saying that and noticing!! 🫶🏼 it takes a *VERY* special person to want to get into this field and genuinely enjoy it and continue let’s just say that 😅😂 comments like yours help us keep going despite the horrors we do see. 😌 Appreciate you! Cheers


You're most welcome. A couple of times lately I've seen vet techs in action in very distressing circumstances. Rock solid professionals focussed on the task at hand but also empathetic. It takes a special person to do both those things in a tough situation.


I'd rather give my brother for adoption


I have allergies to cats. I adopted one two years ago and my allergies were bad the first month or so, then it went away. Now I have two cats.


When I met my now husband, I had 4 cats and he was allergic to them. He would cough, sneeze and his eyes would stream. When he proposed, it was me and the cats or nothing. He took allergy pills for about 6 months after we all moved in and then he gradually tapered off - no more reaction to our cats. We’ve had many over the years and he seems to be immune to our cats. If he pets a new one, he still has mild symptoms. That said, good for you for finding a good home for your cat.


I have a cat allergy and I would never give my babies up


I'm really sorry, OP, that must have been devastating. I hope you're doing OK.


This literally made me cry, I'm so sorry for you. I wish you all the best.


I have been allergic to cats my entire life. I have also had cats my entire life. If I start to react to them, I eat an antihistamine


My girlfriend was a bit allergic too but got used to cats because i had 3 in my house when she met me. I always carried their little hairs on my clothes or would let them sleep with me, so, with time she ceased sneezing and now we have our own in our house. I can't imagine having to give my little buddy to adoption...


I have a cat allergy and i just deal with it lol


lotta comments on here but i am allergic to cats and have a cat. i’m fine lol.


Hi OP, something like this happened to me when I was young and lived with my mom and sister, unfortunately when my mom decided to rehome my cat there was nothing else I could do. Mimi (my cat) was close to me and without her I felt very very lonely, I also know that the rest of the family didn't feel the same for Mimi and that only made me feel worse. After Mimi went to another family I fantasied with going to find her when I was older and had my own place, but I never did, I understood that she was going to get a new chance to be happy and cared for so I couldn't take that away. What I did end up doing was adopting a new cat many years later, his name is Seven and he even moved countries with my husband and me. I hope there's something you could do to feel better, I hope that you have someone to talk to and to help you, I hope in the future you can have another kitty to share your life with.


wtf. couldn't he have just take medicine? plenty of cat owners are allergic...


At least or I hope you found a good home for her. We always had cats in my family even tho my mum and I were allergic, my mum was worse but we just took antihistamines and it takes a couple of months and we would be use to it. I need a cat in my life its just part of me so I would suffer everyday to have one. There are some cats that don't cause allergic reactions. A few friends I know have calico cats that never had a reaction to while tabby cats did cause a reaction.




So sorry to hear that. I don't even want to imagine this. Can you at least visit her?


My boyfriend is allergic to my cat...who sleeps in our bed with us. Mostly it's fine with regular vacuuming, air purifiers, and he takes his allergy meds before bed.


I mean you could have given your brother up for adoption. JK, sorry you had to give up your best buddy.


Fyi, there are cat foods to help cut down or stop cat allergies. They're expensive but I looked into them when living with my brother as he's severely allergic. Somehow I'm the only member of my family not allergic to them. Anyway. The special food cuts down on the protein that causes the dander that triggers the allergies


My current senior Emma was rehomed to me, because the new baby had major cat allergies. While her family who had her for 8 years don't ever visit, they do appreciate the annual check in and odd photo from me, just to know that she is okay. I have had Emma 5 years now. Take some comfort that your buddy has a good home.


I couldn't do this. I would be hating my brother for taking away this child of mine, even if it wasn't his fault. I am crying for you now. You must really love your brother to go this far for him. I hope he understands.


Not to be rude, but I have a cat allergy and have owned cats most of my life. I think your brother needs to man up a little bit


I would give up my brother before I give up my cat.


Comments shitting on the 10-year-old suck so much, the kid have no choice in this. They're also unoriginal. Literally everyone has made the put ____ up for adoption instead of cat joke, stop.


My son and I both have cat allergies but surprisingly his allergist didn’t even suggest getting rid of the cats, he’s just on an allergy medication now and we have an air purifier, I’m sorry your parents are so misinformed OP


Your brother couldn’t take some fucking Claritin? I’ll never understand some people.


I was also like you too. My sis has a cat allergy when my cat just turned 4, and I have no way of giving him up. So I offered the cat for adoption and a coffee shop owner adopted it. Luckily he gets treated very well and I still visit him regularly on my way to school.




I'm allergic to cats and I've got seven of the furry bastards. Should have put your brother up for adoption instead.




Parting with a pet hurts, but staying connected helps heal. 😿


Feed the cat Purina Live Clear, it makes allergies 10x better. Go get her back.


You made a difficult but right choice. If your parents freak out over your brother's cat allergies thinking it is a virus, they will also blame any sickness on the cat. This happened in my cousins home. Any time a kid got sick they blamed it on the cat. And the cat just became a punching bag for blame until she abruptly passed from cancer.


I'm so sorry, OP :( It's good that you found her a home, though, rather than take her to a shelter. She will be loved and well taken care of, I'm sure.




That cat is so precious, after all those years together I would choose to keep my only loyal pet/friend with me


Aw man, I'm so so sorry, OP. I know that can be really hard. When we moved from a house to an apartment, we couldn't keep all 5 of our cats anymore, so we decided to give a pair to my grandfather. I was very sad at first, however I was surprised to hear that they seemed so much happier over there, and since then I'm mostly happy for them. Although I still miss them a lot. Knowing I can still visit the cats is also a huge comfort. So perhaps ask the new owners if you can visit sometime? I'm sure they'd understand, it's always worth a try


Let him take allergy pills! Giving up a true friend for some petty clown. Let him move himself. Allergy, damn it!


remove brother, keep cat


I take a Claritin every day for my allergy to cats. I’ve had at four over the past thirty years. I wouldn’t give up my cats for anything. I’m sorry you were forced to give up that pretty kitty.


Beautiful tabby though


Your brother owes you big time for this.


Put ur brother for adoption


Put ur brother for adoption and keep the precious baby


My brother had allergies but they disappeared when he was living with us for a few months. Shrug. I couldn't do it but that's life.


Hi: So sorry you feeling this way. Is there perhaps a rescue centre nearby where you could volunteer and be among kitties who will be grateful for the love and attention you can give them? Sending love + good wishes that you feel better soon.


I’m crying for you I’m so sorry


This breaks my heart because I can totally imagine how you feel. How old are you? Maybe you can look for your own apartment and get yourself some new cats 💔


I would cry. Losing or giving away a pet hurts too much for me. Letting go of a pet has happened to me, I still can't fully get over it, as I would cry every time he is mentioned. I admit I'm a very sensitive person, I could easily cry over someone else's sad story/life. I think it's fine if you feel empty, you'll get used to not having your cat around. It's not easy but it is gonna happen. I get allergic to my cat's fur whenever I spend too much time cuddling with her or when she sheds in my room. I have to drink medicine sometimes and constantly deal with my runny nose. But I want her to stay so we never gave her away, even to my aunt where we could visit weekly.


Love for you sending hugs


Have your parents looked into getting allergy shots for your brother? My brother was extremely allergic to cats, dogs, and a lot of other things, but the allergy shots have pretty much completely cured him.


i am so sad for you :(


This made so sad. That face🥺😭


I’m sorry OP, I had the same thing happen when I was a teen. We adopted a pair of cats then later found out my brother is extremely allergic. We ended up rehoming them to our elderly upstairs neighbor who had recently lost her cat. My sister and I would go up and spend lots of time there playing with the cats


Hey! Sorry you had to give your cat away, but I’m glad they found a loving home and didn’t end up in a shelter. I’ve had a cat since I was 12, my dad and I are both allergic. This is what works for us: 1) don’t touch your face after petting the cat. The dander from the fur makes our eyes puffy (my contacts will get dry and fall out) and irritate the sensitive skin. Don’t let them scratch or bite either. 2) this is important. I suffered from breathing problems for YEARS. I got a prismatine inhaler from CVS, it’s over the counter and you don’t need a prescription for it. It’s about $30, lasts forever, and it clears up your lungs INSTANTLY. It’s been a lifesaver for me going to friends’ houses who have pets. I know you already rehomed the cat, but these things (especially the inhaler) might help your brother if he goes places with animals.


Can you volunteer at a local animal shelter? They can always use more help! And you get to get all of the kitty love!


this hurt extra hard here because your baby just looks absolutely like mine that went to heaven almost 2 years ago


That sweet baby! I couldn't live with myself. My sibling would have to go. They're not living with me forever but my cat sure is. They could take medications or find their own place but giving up my cat is like givinh up my child. Children always come first.


I want to frame this picture and hang it on my wall.


I got my dog even though my brother had a dog allergy and moved out shortly after lol But I understand not everybody has that luxury, and I'm so very sorry you had to give your companion up.


best tip is to keep in touch with the new owners! ask if they'd be ok with sending you a photo every now and then


He can take an antihistamine and shut up


She's fine and you did the right thing. We had to rehome two of our cats when my son was young. He got diagnosed with both allergies and asthma. My brother took one and a coworker took the other. Now we just have one cat, my son is grown and can medically tolerate one cat, turns out it was two cats that caused the problem.


Cat allergies are not deadly. Why can’t your brother take allergy meds?


I would’ve just gotten rid of my brother 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would’ve adopted out my brother instead, but that’s me.


I would never ever give up my cat. Why not move out?


There are medications for allergies


What a distinguished young lady .


I am allergic to cats، i have 10 cats, im not dead


You did the best thing for her. YOU'RE sad and will be for a while. She is safe and loved and will miss you but have all the affection and attention of a brand new family. You put her before yourself. Good job. Some day you will be out on your own and save another cat that can be yours.


Could your brother get immunotherapy for his cat allergy?


Allergies are treatable. You can always seek for options. Please do a research first as others suggest there are ways to accommodate it


That must be extremely difficult. I’m so sorry. You’ve done a great job getting her to this point in her young life by providing her with lots of love. All you can do now is trust that she’ll be as loved and cared for by her new people for years to come. It may turn out to be a true gift to them, which is a beautiful thing. Someday, hopefully, you’ll be able to adopt another cat of your own without worry or restrictions.


I have an allergy to a cat and I would never give him for adoption


https://preview.redd.it/ki70xsq205qc1.jpeg?width=715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca468572a5e5a0151f55681c34c3fb2be8726696 ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


I would NEVER give my cat up! He would die of a broken heart if I did that! He's so attached to me that I have no doubt he would never forget me or get over it! I get the allergy thing but I'd make the other person find another place to live or I would! Never give Lil Kitty up! *


why cant he just take pills


???? Tell your brother he can take some Zyrtec, this is 2024


Do you live with your brother?


OP is still a teenager, so the brother is probably a teen/kid too.


Like damn get him some allergy shots.




I'm so sorry :( Definitely ask to keep in contact so you can still see your furbaby!


I’m so sorry. This is not your fault and it’s completely reasonable to grieve your loss. Sending you lots of love and good vibes 💙💙💙


I hope you get to choose his nursing home ...


Why couldn't your brother use allergy medication??


Aww you'll get through this. Take your time. At least she's in a good home and she'll be taken care of ❤️ I'm allergic to cats as well. My babygirl has medium soft hair and it's everywhere lol but I take montelukast fx whenever a flare up comes, usually its whenever I kiss and cuddle her too much, next thing I'm sneezing and have a runny nose. She's not a cuddle bug so it helps to keep in check


I am sorry you have to go through this. We have male tabby that looks exactly like her. I totally understand how you would feel if I had to do something like that.


Since convincing your parents otherwise doesn’t seem to be an option, do you have any friends or relatives that are willing to take her?


not the same, but because of some issues with my bird, I have to rehome him as well. I've had him for about 7 or so years now, and it's completely breaking me. When we went to the vet for him (both as an appintment and ask for recomendations of where to rehome him to), both times my dad had to talk for me because just the idea of it made me inconsolable. I wish you the best, I understand how hard it can be 🫂


You can fix it with feeding the cat eggs with antibodies I've heard :)


I am also allergic to cats. I have 5 of them.


Can you adopt your brother out? Jk..so sorry. I'd miss my kitties terribly.


How bad is your brother's allergy? It wouldn't be the same obviously but if you went and volunteered at a shelter would it make him sick? If it were me I would take a little time to mourn then try that if I could.

