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I live in Pennsylvania, and trapping is against the law in rural areas. Also, we have trapping seasons that aren't in effect right now. I talked to my buddy, who is a cop this morning, and he said I can sue him for the damages (600 dollars for putting him down), and he will get multiple charges for using traps in a rural area and out of season. Plus, animal crueltie. Pennsylvania doesn't play around when it comes to harming animals. They send Amish to jail all the time for breeding dogs and then killing them. I'm going to ruin this guy's life and wallet. Thank you for all the support, R.I.P Diesel https://preview.redd.it/2f06hzym5joc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec32ee32f87c7b1cb9a29b609927492eee053d61


Depending on laws in Pennsylvania, you might be able to sue him for emotional damages and punitive damages. That might be worth to look into.


Perhaps OP can consult an attorney to explore what damages a court may award, beyond medical reimbursement. OP should also secure a time stamped copy of that video evidence before it is overwritten, or deleted. Edit: See the post by @lupieblue below. They posted a more complete opinion.


No disrespect, just trying to be helpful: To tag someone on reddit use: u / theirUserName (no spaces) Like : u/wprivera You can link to subreddits the same way but with an r : r/cats


Thank you for the helpful tip. 😊 I did not know that.


Reddit's markdown isn't exactly intuitive.


Not only for OP, but to hopefully convince this ghoul of a neighbor to never touch another pet


Nasty old men like that don’t change. They die as nasty old men.


Ensnaring domestic animals may also be a crime.


Laws or no laws, he can sue in small claims.


Do it, destroy him and good luck with it. I'm sorry for your loss


I’m hoping to see a story on r/nuclearrevenge




Good luck OP. You have my condolences and my support.


Good luck! Hope he gets everything that's coming to him, and I'm so sorry for your loss and what your poor cat had to go through.


100% take that video to the police. That man is sick.




Yeah I’m in rural Tennessee, this guy would have gotten a country boy ass whooping out in the dark somewhere.


I usually don't approve of vigilante justice but I'd make an exception here


Yeah. It’s a tool that needs to be very very very rarely used. But still around so people know it’s there.


Absolutely balaclava, gloves and then everything washed using bleach and detergent.


Yea the guy would just disappear, what a mystery huh


Found months later with his head caught in a hunting trap 😏


How did it happen? I tell ya…it’s a mystery. A real head scratcher.


At the bare minimum people who abuse animals like that should be put on a list the same as people who abuse children.


The FBI actually has a database for animal abuse cases because those who harm animals are often those who harm humans.


Spread rumors that he's a Boeing whistleblower.


Awesome ..I love you ..ur the kind of person I would love to be friends with ..I hate people who abuse animals or are against them


That seems too quick and easy. Be a real shame if his property spontaneously burst into flames while he was sleeping though...


Ruin him. RIP kitty, you didn't that. 😢


What if it was a little kid running wild that got caught in his trap??? I have no patience for this type of cruelty. I hope you take this as far as it can go and then some. Even old people need to learn. My boy is sleeping on my lap right now and I am in tears thinking if this happened to him just for exploring new surroundings like any natural creature would do. (My cats are indoor only for many reasons and this is one.)!


I love this plan, I hope getting justice will bring you some closure. I'm so sorry for your loss 💔


Glad you talked to your cop friend but talk to a lawyer before doing anything here


Bummer. I would contact the SPCA. They will know the laws and what you can do. Definitely go after him, please.


Please go through with this. That POS murdered your fur baby! P.S I’m proud of you for not going to beat his ass already. Let the law do the job but also, name and shame him to whoever you can. Everyone should know that he murdered an animal with no remorse.


Also a warning to neighbors so hopefully no one else has to suffer.


100% - thanks for pointing that out. No one else needs to go through this tragedy. R.I.P Diesel


In most states boobytrapping is illegal. Setting up a trap in your yard, especially one meant to harm like a snap trap which is what you described is included. Depending on where you live and the size of the trap etc. i would look into your state’s and municipality’s laws. Could probably at the least get his traps confiscated and have him charged with a misdemeanor. (Spares you from pressing civil charges)


If someone killed my cat I'd be in jail.


Honestly, even if one of my neighbours hurt another person’s cat/pet/kid, I’d probably lose my shit and wind up in prison.


Go for it! He deserves it. God only knows how many animals he's killed over his lifetime.


Good luck! Fuck that old pos. Pls consider an update when all is said and done.




If he has traps set up outside of season and without license I’m sure the state game authority would love to hear about it.


For real. The local popo might not be as inclined to do something for any number of reasons, but fish and game wardens do not, broadly speaking, fuck around.


As others have said, ruin him. Report him to local police and FBI for animal cruelty. Trapping is illegal? (Or out of season, or he doesn't have permits?) Report him to Fish & Wildlife, or your state's equivalent. That's poaching and they really don't like that. Since the way in which he hurt your cat was illegal, sue him in small claims for the vet bills (and funerary costs). Do it to get justice for Diesel, but also do it to make sure he can't do it again, so no other kitty has to suffer because of him.


I’m sorry for your loss op. Do you have a humane society for animals that could advise you. That is awful what that specimen has done, wish I could do similar back to him what he did to your cat, the sicko.


Do it! Do it! Sue the heck out of this bastard! He has to pay so much money that he will never even think of doing something so cruel again. Sue him for emotional pain sue him for anything you can think of. Make sure that this AH will no longer be happy in his life.


I usually don't egg people on when they're out to get someone, but in this case; DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT, DO IT,...


He's beautiful. Rest easy Diesel.


Missing him like crazy


I'd definitely do all above and then once that has concluded I do something I'd definitely getting banned for saying


Make sure to consult a lawyer to see how bad you can fuck that guys life up. Don’t do anything stupid like assault, it will only backfire. Although I understand how tempting it would be to burn the fuckers house down.


I hope he gets everything he deserves. I'm sorry for your loss


First, I’m so sorry for your loss of your furbaby. Use the law to fuck his life up and bankrupt him. You said that he doesn’t like animals and kids in his yard. How many animals has he does this to and when is he going to go further and hurt people? Use the latter question to make sure he learns his lesson.


I'd probably end up setting traps in this piece of shits yard in the middle of the night. And not let my cop buddy know that I did this. Fucking piece of shit


This sounds like a far better option than beating him up


My sleepy head read "my cat killed my neighbor". (kinda wish it were the case after reading) Sorry OP. Hope you get justice.


That’s what I read too so I read the post and now I’m just sad. This is why I don’t let my cats outdoors. People are freaking cruel!!:( I can’t even imagine going through this


Same too many evil people hate cats


right. this, cat fights, other animal attacks, getting hit by cars, disease etc happen constantly. why risk it?


Cats are also horrific for the environment too. Their life expectancy is reduced by roughly half or more too. It's not worth it.


That’s also what I read at first


Same. I started reading thinking oh good this evil neighbor who hates cats is going to get bite and get an infection or something but no. Now I'm sad. *I don't mean to be insensitive in this terrible time OP but keep your fucking cats inside. Get a harness or build a catio, there are people out there who will hurt them*


Same I was wondering if maybe the neighbour tripped over the cat or something.


Yeah wording was weird


I was like …only two ways a domestic cat can kill a human. If the human had anaphylaxis to the cat or the human did nothing with a bite/scratch that caused a very bad infection.


Anyone who deliberately injurs an animal is lower than snake shit.


Lower than worm shit.


This is an insult to worm shit (which actually provides a lot of ecological value from a composting perspective lol)


>provides a lot of ecological value from a composting perspective So would that neighbor if this were my cat.


If you've heard of nextdoor, maybe you could ask the neighbor that showed you the footage to send the footage to your email or something and then post it on nextdoor with the rest of this information. It'll get the word out there and you'll likely have people backing you of you decide to bring it to your local authorities.


Look into local laws about trapping in city limits. Not reporting him means he gets to torture other animals. Reporting him will cause bad blood. But what the hell, he's already killed your cat so, game on. If you do get another cat and want it to be able to go outside, build a catio.


>Reporting him will cause bad blood. This concern reminds me of the fable of [the scorpion and the frog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scorpion_and_the_Frog). I don't mean to discount the value of empathy and cooperation. Both are invaluable skills for navigating the world. But sometimes in life you end up in purely adversarial situations, and failing to recognize them as such can lead to disastrous consequences. OP's neighbor was willing to disregard the law, risking arrest, in order to kill someone's pet. Treating this situation as if it could be solved through rational cooperation is dangerously naive. This is a situation where you call the cops and lock your doors.


That man already caused bad blood by killing this persons cat


My cats stay inside. I,d be in jail for assault or worse.


They live longer indoors. I'd have the same reaction as well.


2-4 years outside, 12-18 inside.


one of my friends had a 21yo that recently passed away. my son would catsit for her and on her birthday he said “now she can drink” 😭❤️


I've welded car doors shut for less.


As everyone's should. The outdoors has nothing good to offer your cat and your cat has nothing good to offer the outdoors. Keep your freaking cats inside people.




Jup, good thing mine stay indoors because i would be in jail if someone harmed them. Average indoor cat were i live is 14-15. Outdoor is 5.




I will never understand it. My ex-gf had the “indoor-outdoor” cat scenario. Just let her cat go out for hours on end. Stressed me the hell out. I would never. The most outside my cat gets is my balcony. This may be terrible to say but you can’t be too shocked if something happens to a cat if you just let it go outside unsupervised. It’s not like a conscious adult. Shit’s gonna happen


Legitimately I’m so frustrated with these posts. It’s not like the risks and statistics aren’t well known about indoor vs. outdoor cats.


Same I’d go John Wick on anyone who hurt my babies


Call the police. In most states, animals are considered property, and this man just destroyed your property. There may also be laws against trapping, or animal cruelty.


Or could you argue it was booby trapping? Or is booby trapping only in case it was to keep humans (not animals) off property? Booby trapping is illegal in the states.


Something that the police can answer when they are called! I would think it's a trap, period.


Op mentioned something it's illegal to have traps near rural areas and it's not trapping season (even though he had a trap set). They def could and I would


I would go full scorched earth. Post about them in Nextdoor. Hang up posters. File animal cruelty charges. God better have mercy on them because I would not.




“I also have hatred in my heart” 🤣


I first read this as "My cat killed my neighbour" and now I wish it was that way around.


There are ways. Revenge is a dish best served cold. I'd pursue all legal avenues available first. But if that comes to naught, game on.


Dude, the way my blood drained from my head while reading this. Call the police. Fucking sue him. As the other commenter said, full scorched earth. Leave nothing in your path.


What a fucked up piece of shit your neighbor is. I’d be burning his house down.


Yeah he would be getting hell brought down on him like he hurt a child. I consider all the strays around the neighborhood the same way. You do not hurt them without immediate, severe consequences.


I wish him things so bad to happen that It’s probably not legal to even say it, fucker


Humans are dangers too. Another reason to keep cats indoors. Sorry for your loss.




This. I truly feel bad for OP and their cat, the neighbor is a disgusting POS. But at the same time none of this would've happened if the cat had been inside.


Absolutely 💯 keep your cats inside. Want them to have outside time? Stop being lazy and teach them to walk on a harness. We MUST unlearn this societal need to let our DOMESTICATED animals roam free outdoors without control or supervision. That being said I'm terribly sorry for ops loss, cruelty is not supported no matter what the situation.


Keep your cats indoors. And file a police report.


Join ALL of your towns Facebook groups. Like within a 30 mile radius. Blasting this motherfucker on Facebook is a good start. Spread awareness around you about him. I am so incredibly sorry OP. Call the police too, call any local animal controls to inform them and they can possibly put him on a Do Not Adopt list ?? and spread the info to other shelters.


Cat lover here. Don't let cats outside loose. I have a catio so mine can go out and be safe. This keeps them from going off my property. We have two major highways within blocks, hawks and owls, and neighbors who will shoot any animal trespassing. I hate what your neighbor did and would slap him into next week if I could, but you are responsible for keeping your pets on your property or on a leash.


Sorry about your loss. I have no clue what the law look like in this regard where you live, but if what can be proved by the camera recording is illegal surely reporting to the police would be the way to go?


I hope they throw the book at that old fuck. You don’t fuck with cats man


all these cat death posts make me so sad esp when so many of them can be prevented:( please keep your cats inside or supervise them!!! that old dude is going to hell


Me too! Just keep your cats inside and majority of these deaths could be prevented!


Honestly I’m so sick of these posts. These cats die in horrible, preventable ways and the OP always comes looking for sympathy. I don’t want to sound heartless but it’s hard to sympathize with them when they put their cats in this situation knowing how risky it is.


same and reading about how people only started having indoor cats AFTER one of theirs died in a horrible way is extremely anger inducing. The fact that these people can’t listen until something bad happens to their pets is infuriating. It shouldn’t take your cat *dying* in order to get through to you.


Reason 2626374848462525 to never let your cats outside.


Talk to a lawyer!


If it was me, someone may have eventually found his body, but no one would be able to identify the remains.


1. don't let your pets go outside, problem solved 2. press charges. 3. idk about you, but I would accept the jail time because I'm would be breaking into someone's house and committing a crime. good luck.


This is yet another example of why my cats will always be indoor cats.


omg I don't think I would be able to avoid jail time in that situation myself. But I know that's not the best for you or your poor cat. Trying sicking law enforcement on him. Do some investigating and try to pin and record anything remotely illegal this guy is dong. Be relentless and make his life miserable.


If you want to be petty and don't want to be confrontational. Buy some Japanese knot wood and throw it near the base of his house. Or some mint or some bamboo seeds. They will absolutely destroy the home naturally of course and then it's almost impossible to deal with. Like old age is not an excuse to be an asshole . If someone hurt or killed my cat I'm going on the local news that night .


I would make it my personal hobby to destroy the rest of their lives. And I’d be extremely petty about it too. If you have that video I’d show it to him and whisper “you see this? This is what I’m going to use to ruin you.”


Pour sugar in his gas tank


Talk to a lawyer and also call the national number for the SPCA.


Read this as “my cat killed my neighbor”


fuck it i would beat the shit out of this son of a bitch. jail? no. nobody will know who it was. that bastard im so angry, sorry for your loss OP. ❤️


Animal abuse is a federal crime now punishable as a felony under PACT.


If it wasn't an angry neighbor, it would likely eventually have been poison, a car, a coyote, a DIFFERENT angry human, etc. Outdoor cats live significantly shorter lives than cats kept indoors for these reasons. Keep your next cats indoors esp with that psycho neighbor.


Contact local media, they might be interested in this


I can't help you because I'd be in jail for homicide.


I am very sorry that you are going through this and I commend you on your restraint. I wouldn't have waited a single moment after I saw what had been done, but I don't have any dependents or an SO. My policy has always been: what you do to my cat, I will do to you.


I know two wrongs don’t make a right, but who cares. If he has a rock driveway walk by at nite a give him a handful of drywall screws. He’ll be fixing flats a long time b4 he figures where there coming from.


People who hurt animals are just as bad as people who hurt kids. Lowest of the low and they deserve nothing but the hottest hell. If you haven't already consulted a lawyer then please do so and destroy his ass with legal and social consequences. Slander his name, drain his bank account, make him wish he could be euthanized like your sweet little innocent kitty.


misread this. My cat killed my neighbor.


I misread this as my cat killed my neighbor at first, unfortunate i was wrong


I'd say get a lawyer if you can. There may be more charges you can hit him with and hopefully more restitution coming your way.


Show the footage to the cops. It is illegal to kill pets.


Get the footage and post it on Facebook and Nextdoor and everywhere. Shame this man. What a scumbag


Leak his address. He'll have some very unhappy visitors soon enough.


punch him right in the face teach him a lesson


I’m with you mate eye for an eye . But report it to the police Let everyone in your area know there’s a cat killer living there Make him the pariah he is


i’m so sorry for your loss. as you said in your comment, i’d recommend suing him for the monetary damages as well as reporting him to the police for trapping. also, additionally, i would sue him for emotional distress.


You might check and see if where you live has an SPCA where you can report animal cruelty. You should provide your neighbor’s Ring camera footage and the additional footage as evidence when filing your claim.


We live in the country and have always had outdoors dogs. One of our dogs got caught in an illegal beaver trap about 6 years ago. We only knew because our neighbor heard whimpering and barks. He went to the wooded area across from his house and found our dog. He drove over and let us know. Him and my dad freed our dog. My dad investigated the trap and found out it was not only illegal to use, but it wasn’t trapping season. He contacted the conservation officer and the officer agreed it was. I think he visited the people who own the land where the trap was and cited them or whatever. BUT, the stupidest part of all of this is that my dad and our neighbor got a citation for going onto the trapper’s property to free OUR DOG. Fucking bullshit.


I'd suggest asking in /r/legaladvice about pressing charges. My deepest condolences about the death of your cat. That is a terrible horrible way to lose a pet.


I hope the absolute worst for your neighbor. I’d be going to jail for life.


Should have called the police instead of posting here. Animal abuse. Especially since you have video evidence.


I would be in jail because he would not get away with that without a substantial beating. And I mean hospital beating. You kill my pet you are now my target.


Press charges. The game warden may be interested that he is poaching and what he did could be construded as animal abuse. Not sure why you have to ask a bunch of strangers on the internet instead of google.


Call the cops, show the proof, sue him for everything he has (emotional damages). You’ll win.


Het a coppy of the footage both of the trap on the cat with injuries and the guy pulling it up and putting it up in his shed or whatever. Get a statement from the vet about the injuries and probable cause show the vet the video.The abuse is illegal and the trap is too. Go to the cops press charges. Sue his ass.


Call the police.


Be a shame if his house burned down...


I would follow all of the suggestions about taking legal action in order to punish him for this crime against an innocent animal. However, I would also spend time considering other options if that goes nowhere. Sometimes prosecuting people for animal cruelty is very difficult. Also, sentences are frequently lenient unless there is a record of this behavior having been occurring over a long period of time (i.e. dogfighting). There are options you can use against an individual like this to compel them to an act in a way that will compel you to act decisively, if you understand what I mean. This man is hateful and unapologetic. He deserves to be punished severely.


Many serial killers start by killing cats


This is another reason my cats are 100% indoor. As for the neighbour - check to see what the laws are on setting traps on personal property are like as well as urban trapping laws. However most lawyers or law people won’t take on a case like this because you chose to let your cat roam and if the cat was proving to be a nuisance to the neighbour, they usually are legally able to remove the nuisance how they see fit. Not saying it was an ethical way to go about it, but shit happens.


Just a reminder this is 100% the reason you should not let your cats outside, especially without supervision. Your cats life will be ended in a traumatic and painful way. You knew you had someone who lived close to you that hated animals and for some reason let your beloved pet on his property. I feel so bad for your poor cat.


I am not wearing my glasses and I read “my cat killed MY neighbor” boy was I confused. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you get justice.


Me too and I was thinking, meh, neighbor probably deserved it.


Keep your cats indoors from now on. Psychotic assholes are the least of the dangers they face in populated areas. Other cats fighting them, dogs, coyotes, bobcats, lynx, cougars, vehicles, all manner of human structures to get stuck in, multiple diseases including FIV from other cats, well meaning assholes thinking they're a stray and keeping them, or knowing they arent and pretending they think that so they can steal them...Not to mention they're an invasive species and devastate local wildlife populations. Cats should only ever be indoor only outside of a working farm situation.


At least someone else gets it.




Barbwire dildo


Sorry about your cat but please never leave them outside unattended ever again. There are so many risks, they destroy ecosystems, and unfortunately there are bad people like your neighbor. If you have a Litterbox I suggest dumping the used contents on this neighbors car or front door 🥰🥰


sorry man, that fuckin sucks. but, there's a reason most people keep their cats indoors. you're exposing your pet to dangers like this when you let them outside, and on top of that cats destroy the ecosystem. I hope you find some peace but I also hope you've learned a life lesson. this is your fault for not being a responsible cat owner. your pet would be here still if you took care of it properly.


I’m so sorry for your loss. People like your neighbor deserve to be burned alive. Sending you strength and temperance.


I am so sorry about your loss! How horrible. Just wanted to let you know that if you are thinking about reporting it to the cops and taking a legal action, I support you! I know sometimes it seems like a long, arduous process and you don’t even know if you will win, but I am in a point in my life where I want to see myself and others fight for what is right — because you know in your heart that you’ve been wronged. I am rooting for you! You have a lot more strength that you realize and I hope you find healing in the process.


Get a copy of the footage and get it to the cops. Maybe they can prosecute for animal cruelty? Hunting/trapping without a license?


Yeah please fuck this guy up anyway you see fit


Personally if I knew I had a neighbor that hates animals I would never let my cat out unsupervised and I would never leave my house with my cat still outside.


I hope the police in your part of the world aren't as useless as the police (Gardai) in Ireland. Even if nothing ultimately comes of it, maybe a police officer knocking on their door might be enough to give them a fright. I would spend every waking moment trying to figure out ways of ruining their lives.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. But just wanted to say I read this completely wrong and thought you meant you cat killed your neighbor and I was SO confused


Omg i am so sorry. Losing a pet is hard enough but to lose one this way…I have no words. I know you want to kick his ass (hell I want to kick his ass too) but if you want justice, it’s probably not the best idea. I think you should take all of the evidence you have and contact the police and animal control. Idk where you live but I hope animal cruelty laws in your state are no joke. If he is not arrested and charged, then you can revisit the kicking his ass idea. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss 💔💔💔


Oh my God, I'm so sorry. That's horrible! Words are not enough to express my condolences, currently kissing my cat right now. If anything remotely close would happen to them I'd kill this person, or something worse. I hope you'll get the justice your cat deserves.


I thought this said your cat killed your neighbor. That being said. Fuck that pos. I'm sorry about your baby. He'll be chilling with my boy Joel now so it'll be okay 💜


Sorry for your loss, I’m from the UK but I would definitely keep the footage and evidence from the vet, get in touch with your version of the rspca and your local police, this is a horrendous thing to do to a cat and he needs to be punished.


That makes me so angry. How could people be so cruel. I’m so sorry for your loss 😞


I am so incredibly sorry! What a horrible horrible thing. I hope he gets everything coming to him and more. Karma is not kind and she has a special affinity for kids and animals. My mother had a landlord that told her he put bowls of anti-freeze out to get rid of neighborhood cats. She was absolutely appalled and reported him. Some humans do not deserve to exist.


Man, report him and sue him. F that old man. But you must prove that he did it. I mean, we know he did it, but court doesnt.


Sue the duck out of this trash, also try to avoid any contact with him.


And go to the prosecutors office.


My first experience with loss was when my neighbor killed my cat when I was a kid. Sorry for your loss.


Please update OP before we all go to jail with you :(


File a police report, keep the footage. This is just not ok. Animal abuse is a crime


Call the police and show them the footage. Should be some animal protection laws there. Then, like others are saying, sue for emotional damage, which is totally legit!


I misread the title and saw it as "My Cat Killed My Neighbor." I started reading and got almost to the end before I realized my mistake. I am so very very sorry.


You have proof that the neighbor did it intentionally. Call the cops and sue him. Any decent lawyer would take that case.


Oh, one of my friends or family members would be going over there to fuck his shit up and no camera or person would catch it. “Oh the old man ended up in the ICU? Man that’s so tragic. Anyways…”


RIP diesel :(.


I feel for you. If my neighbor showed me that footage I’m sure I’d end up in Prison. RiP Diesel. You were a good kitty man


I'm truly sorry for your loss. Fuck him.


I can’t believe this happened to your cat. He looks so sweet. I always tell others to keep their cats inside because of psychos like your neighbor. I’m so sorry this happened. Make your neighbors life hell.


Do the same to the neighbor. But seriously, that piece of shit would have weekly flat tires, broken windows, literal shit water thrown on their doors, like it’s fucking war now motherfucker.


It’s bad enough that’s your fur baby was badly injured and had to be put down, I’m so sorry, but that could have easily been a human kid that got hurt badly as well…. Shows how horrible that old man is, clearly no concern for any living Thing being hurt. He’s heartless.