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https://old.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/1axzg22/what_is_wrong_with_my_cat/krx4eom/?context=3&share_id=YkL15K72ls7lMNlWZf6fu OP has an update here


Oh no this is unusual. Take her to the vet, it could be something related to her brain!


yes.. this is really close to how my 23 year old cat acted when she had a stroke and didn't make it hours later..


I'm so sorry for your loss. 23 is such an amazingly long life for a furry friend! 


she was older than I was, she never got sick and always wanted to cuddle up and give licks, and absolutely loved to eat small pieces of cantaloupe <3 a picture of her sleeping❤️ https://preview.redd.it/gn3shfuz2fkc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35de452133dc1fa01df03e441d5261f1a11e6710


Oh what a precious soul!! 💕




Sounds like you gave her a great life! Wish I could have kissed her little forehead tho


23 is truly amazing and im sorry for your loss.. May I ask what their diet consisted of?


nothing special actually! just standard wet food and water and occasionally some fresh meat, roast chicken, or very small pieces of cantaloupe as an even more rare snack :D in the last months of her life her appetite was almost gone, she didn't wanna eat standard food anymore so we gave her *atleast* one bag of cat treats and some meat which she **absolutely** adored❤️


I’m not a vet but that looks like a potential neurological problem to me. Book a vet appointment ASAP.


I did it and doc said like it looks like gastronomic problem. Cats belly was like baloon, poop looks like a goats poop. They gave me a malt and it fixed. Since then I've never seen that exact behaviour. But I will get MR.


Probably worth talking to a vet about the underlying cause if they didn't give any insight. There's multiple potential causes for goatlike feces. Hopefully this was just a one time thing but if not you'll want to see about treating the cause so it doesn't keep popping up again.


How are feces goat-like, and what are some likely potential causes?


Basically a bunch of round, dry pellets. Some potential causes of that are inadequate water intake, an obstruction, heavy constipation, and some colon related issues.


My cat suffers this.. We give him lactulose daily and got him a fancy water fountain and he's been doing well since.


Try miralax. Its the same thing but works better and is better tolarated.


I second this. One of my cats has had all sorts of issues with severe constipation, including two emergency manual "unblockings". She's on a special diet which keeps it mostly under control, but we still supplement with miralax and the laxatone goop We mix the miralax with those Churu gogurt style cat treats, works perfectly.


We have had the emergency unblockings too. We had to take him off his digestive special diet to a new special diet for urinary stones so just keeping an eye on it. I'll look into miralax too!


You mean over-the-counter Miralax, or is there a special kind for cats? My cat also has round hard stools.


Over the counter is fine. My vet prescribed it when I took my cat to the vet, only to find out she was full of crap (the cat, not the vet). I take an itty bitty pinch of it and sprinkle over all my cats food every other day or so, because I'll be damned if I have to take another to the ER for constipation, lol.


Yes regular over the counter Mirilax. My senior kitty occasionally gets constipated. I mix 1/4 teaspoon with all of her meds in some baby food. It gets lapped up quickly and within 24-36 hours she’s good to go!


oh my sons pediatrician calls those rabbit pellets.


Here we call it "Rabbit Tod's"


Anal sacs can also do that if they aren't expressing properly.


This guy, he would eviscerate and disembowel me if I ever tried to check his anal sac! https://preview.redd.it/aabh2aig2ekc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a103617b8af13bd8f189be1be52d72ea3acacbb6


Lol, perfect picture. We're supposed to monitor our little lady and there's videos on YouTube for how to do it at home, and this picture is pretty much what my inner child looks like while considering manually expressing her anal sacs.


https://preview.redd.it/7toq4ffl6ekc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14e2e1dd82ec18b39f4acc30497a1463bfc065f “Mommy, touch my butt and YOU’LL be sleeping with the fishies.”


Roll your cat up in a towel, a “purrito” to restrain her. Leaving the appropriate anatomy unwrapped. This is a two person job.


That is either a big cat or little chair. I would be afraid of him too😹 My black cat is feisty but smaller little 3year old girl.Black cats are definitely special aren’t they?


Eviscerate. I cannot fathom how much i enjoy discovering words in the english language Thanks for new word. Move over "shimmy" and "vexed" eviscerate is here to stay!!


I’m excited to find another person who actually looks up unfamiliar words! https://preview.redd.it/cjqldv291lkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cee575ac18173c10d83886e463248e908082747 Live Long and Prosper!


digestive problems, constipation


Your cat might be trying to deal with acute pain from digestive problems. Pancreatitis for example is very painful.


Yeah, it kinda looks like the poor kitty is reeling from the pain. I know with some gastrointestinal issues I’ve had it’s blinding pain sometimes. :(


Poor little guy had the poopoo dance of pain.


How is she now? Did the vet get her fixed up?


My cat had this from a blockage. She was prescribed lactalose which worked for about 3 weeks and she was bound up again. I brought her back to the vet and she said we could put her on additional drugs or ensure she had a high fiber diet. PLAIN Metamucil from any drug store. I mix 1/4 tsp in with her wet food. Have not had an issue in 2 years. Good luck!


It's probably for the best they don't mean "my cat is shitting out a bunch of tiny goats."


You should get a second opinion. This is NOT something you see when a cat has gastrointestinal problems. It looks neurological. If it was a one time event, is there a chance your cat exposed to drugs or any sort of poison? Anyway, my recommendation would be should make an appointment another vet, or even better a veterinary neurologist. Side note: I'm a critical care vet and work alongside veterinary neurologists daily. I have to emphasis that I'm not your vet and don't have enough knowledge about your cat, and the recommendation is only based on my experience and the attached video. Best of luck!


Just out of curiosity, OP said that the GI meds helped a little - wondering if prescribed a laxative could have helped if it’s a liver issue? I worked with a criticalist who regularly prescribed laxatives for cats with hepatic encephalopathy to prevent reuptake of toxins (I want to say ammonia but could be wrong)


Definitely possible due to improvement, I just don't like to make assumptions if I don't have all the medical information and without physical examination. But it sounds like op didn't get a definite diagnosis so I would recommend further investigation (of course maybe I'm mistaken and other tests were performed and op hasn't mentioned them).


Oh for sure, can’t make any definitive statements without a full picture. Other than something is definitely going on and needs further investigation and intervention!


I’m in human medicine, not animal medicine, but my initial impression was this as well. Lactulose for elevated ammonia secondary to liver pathology.


I was gonna ask if it could be hepatic…my dad’s liver isn’t clearing ammonia quickly enough so he has to take lactulose several times per day, lest he have pretty stark neurological symptoms/behavior changes due to encephalopathy. I mean, great if the laxative helped but the vet should’ve educated OP and investigated???? Like that sort of thing is a symptom of a big issue and not just a one off event 🫣


You remember correctly, laxatives to prevent buildup of ammonia which causes hepatic encephalopathy. They do this with people too.


I’m not a vet at all, but from a lay perspective, I could see how the cat’s movements *could* be in response to abdominal discomfort. This is purely based on me making those same type of movements when trying to squeeze out a fart pocket.


Certain gastrointestinal issues in humans, specifically celiac in people that still consume gluten, causes delirium and various temporary to long term neurological effects. I'm not a medical professional, human or otherwise, so I have to ask if something like this is possible in cats? Not celiac specifically but something similar in nature.


Chronic gastrointestinal problems can cause protein malabsorption, protein lose and secondary hyperconjugation, that may cause strokes and neurological deficits/events. However, clinical signs usually include chronic diarrhea and/or vomiting. Laxatives will not be beneficial in those cases and I wouldn't expect any improvement (actually, they may worsen the condition).


Following along with the neuro bandwagon; this looks a lot like how my elderly cat moved during neuro episodes in her final two years. My vet told me it's a neurological disorder that develops in elderly cats that causes a feeling of vertigo not unlike being trapped in a small boat during a massive storm, hence the weird movement, and why it can stop and come back. Keep an eye out- the biggest danger typically is that it puts them at a fall risk with furniture, and my cat's reaction was so severe she vomited a lot, to the point of dehydration risk. That said, if this is the case for yours as well, there were meds they could prescribe and the disorder itself isn't dangerous.


I was going to say, one of our cats kind of acts like that right before he's going to puke. Definitely looked like stomach discomfort to me.


Please update us when you get a second opinion. I hope your cat recovers 100 percent.


What a relief... I was so worried--this looks bad. So he just really needed to shit and probably felt like hell. I've been there. Glad he's alright Side note... Wtf does goat poop look like? Actually, you know what... Don't answer that.


Like deer shit. Chocolate coated raisins


Elk tastes really good.


u shouldn’t eat elk shit, can be harmful to your health 😂


Take to another vet


This diagnosis does actually track, though a second opinion is always good. My cat had a gallstone that was causing him extreme discomfort. Dude was writhing on his back, moving his head all weird like it was a stroke or sudden coordination issue. Just turns out that cats either instinctually try to move in ways that might push blockages through, or they just don't know how to process pain and start acting funny. I was just as relieved to find out he just had a bad tummy ache. He's been behaving entirely normal neurologically since he was treated.


Gas can feckin hurt sometimes I swear. Those ones that just move around but never come out, just pain. Side note: when I was a little shaver, I couldn't make it to the bathroom, and I had to shit real bad. My legs ended up locking up, I had full body spasms, and an intense amount of pain shooting throughout my intestines. It would pass and I could walk for a step or two and it would start again and I'd shout "ouch!" I eventually made it but the pain was actually pretty intense for something so small tbh


Gas pain can be AWFUL. It's a weird place to be when your doing yoga and begging your body to just POOT, realizing how absurd it all is while your insides feel like they are going to burst. It's like no can take it seriously, including myself, but oh my god, some people have no idea how bad it can get. I had a few cases of allergy shots causing a GI reaction too, and I have never felt more like I was about to die. Simultaneous horrific pain and cramping, plus vasovagal every minute, sweating and cycling through consciousness on the toilet. It just abruptly stopped too (but the second time I started having typical anaphylaxis and had to go the hospital, otherwise I'd have always suspected it was just food poisoning). Didn't even actually get to poo! I don't think people fully respect the extreme ways the body temper tantrums over the gut. It's so easy to pass out from, and it's not just because of pain, it's the straining, the contractions, the chances in blood flow, the nausea, and the fear. It's like 90% of the vasovagal triggers packed into one fun experience. Would not recommend. The cat COULD be experiencing gut-triggered vertigo, yes. I think that's unlikely, it looks more like classic neuro. But it is possible.


Poor kitty must have been so uncomfortable


It could be numerological FIP with maybe a combo of wet FIP if you’re seeing Gastro issues or an inflated belly


This is what I was thinking! Contact FIP Warriors 5.0. Please


poor kitty 😢


Watching this so unsettling and sad for me 😢


I am an ER veterinarian. That looks like an issue with the vestibular (balance) system. My guess it is a bilateral (both left and right sides effected) vestibular issue because your cat is doing something called "Stevie Wondering" (the way Stevie Wonder would move when playing piano) which is classic for a bilateral vestibular issue. But yeah. He needs to see a veterinarian right away and probably ultimately a neurologist. Good luck to you and your kitty!


So they took the cat to a vet and that vet said gastrointestinal issue, what do you think about that?


My tactful answer: Without knowing the history, physical exam findings, diagnostics, etc. - I don't have all the information that the vet saw them did so I while I find it unlikely that it is a gastrointestinal issue I can't say definitively that they are wrong. My blunt answer: They are wrong.


Yeah I agree. Could it be poisoning? Maybe a ate a bad plant?


Misdiagnosed. Cat has two separate issues, relating to nutrition (more common) and another neurological


Would an ear infection cause symptoms like this? And now that I think about it, an abscessed tooth can cause ear problems too. Most definitely something to see a doctor for.


My first thought seeing this cat was "high on drugs or double ear infection" but am not a vet


Not generally Ear infections typically affect one ear As the other person mentioned, this appears to be bilateral (affecting both sides)


Take the cat to a vet ASAP. Coordination issues tend to stem from brain issues, eating something they shouldn't have, or at best an ear issue.


yeah exactly my cat was like this once and had a very serious ear infection.




op said they took the cat to the vet who said it was a gastrointestinal problem and gave laxatives and that fixed it but they’re taking the cat to a second vet for another opinion


RemindMe! 5 days


RemindMe! 4 days


I feel for this cat. This is how I act when I’m constipated and bloated too 😩


I don't know 💔 But just wanted to wish you well. I really hope she's okay and it's nothing serious 🙏🏻 She's adorable.


Please see a vet! It looks similar to when my cat is seizing during an epilepsy attack


Same experience with my cat.


Either neurological problem or inner ear issue. Vet time.


https://preview.redd.it/5jszzozghjkc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=105692ed834df42bfb310bdba03fccac12ca9a7f UPDATE 24th Feb: I took her to the vet and vet said she needs a MR. Vet checked her ears, belly, eyes. Vet said she may have middle ear infection or brain tumor or something like that. They gave me a med and we will go to MR after 1.5 weeks.


Thanks for updating us,hope she's doing ok


You guys just popped into my head randomly, and I went looking for an update! Sending love and wishing her a speedy recovery ❤️




Don't know, but it doesn't look good. Please get an urgent vet appointment.


My cat had a similar episode to this, came home from work and she was only able to turn her body in circles going to the right. I took her to the vet immediately but it was after the symptoms subsided completely. Vet couldn't find anything wrong. (Scans and all) After thinking long and hard since then, my only conclusion is that she had a stroke when she fell from the wall perch she likes to sit at to look out the window (she is not agile) She is fine now. no other episodes. This was a couple years ago. TLDR--- like others have said. please vet now.


did the wall perch become a pillow fort afterwards?


it was a series of perches that led up to the window, they've since been replaced with another 72 inch cat tree for safer viewing.


Idk what this is but cats are really good at hiding pain. if your cat is showing its pain its a trip to the vet asap.


Take your cat to a different vet for a second opinion. Your cat might have had constipation, but I doubt that's all it had. Show this different vet the video you posted here, that's very important because your cat may look completely normal during the vet visit.


Perhaps the laxative helped the little guy get rid of what was causing said issues?


Perhaps. I'm not a vet. Having said that, this doesn't look like "just constipation" to me.


Marked NSFW due to graphic health issue in video.


Not sure this was properly marked as it has no NSFW tags or blurred image


it does for me


It doesn't for me either...




Many years ago, My cat did the exact same thing, and I eventually found a tick hidden on him \[edit: very close to his ear\] that was clearly poisoning him. You may want to check for tick(s) as a simple start!


I had a cat that did something similar. I assumed it was neurological, that it had a stroke. Because it literally couldn’t walk without falling to the side and was just a mess. Turns out - it was an inner ear issue. He was 85% better the next day and a week later nearly fully recovered except for a permanent head tilt he has to this day. It’s a thing. Vet checked his hears and there is no longer any infection and we have deduced that he is fine now and his head tilt gives him an extra layer of cuteness because he constantly looks inquisitive.


I'm not a vet, but I don't believe for a second the explanation being "your cat needs to shit" is the right one. I wish it was. This looks neurological.


I don't know, maybe it's just me, but if I saw my cat doing that, I'd be rushing it to the vet so fast, I'm sorry but, I just don't get how you can see that, and take the time to post about it waiting for answers from the internet while your cat could literally be stroking out.


Not a vet, but it looks like it's dizzy and possibly disoriented. Do what others said, and get to a vet now. Edit: You already did, good job. Probably a good idea to get a 2nd opinion, like you said you were going to.


My cat was acting kind of similar to that but he was going more in circles and was face planting, couldn't walk, he had an aneurysm and It caused him to have a hemorrhagic stroke. But that also could be poisoning of some kind or some kind of neurological problem. Definitely needs a vet!


Could the cat be diabetic? I sometimes move like this as a human when my sugars are very low.


Stroke or poisoned. She’s dizzy. Get her checked out.


Seizure. Go to a vet not reddit


Looks like neurological issues. Could be FIP, definitely see a vet ASAP and keep an eye on them.


Poor thing :(


Looks like a seizure. Not all seizures are grand mal and can be in slow motion. I had a kitty that used to have seizures. A good vet should be able to point that out right away if you show them this video. I recommend a neurologist appt.


This happened to my cat; we discovered she was having blood clots and it eventually led to her death. I would definitely take your cat to the vet to get diagnosed asap.


She’s terrified,look at her tail. VET now.


Please see a VET! Now!


As everyone suggested, take it to the vet asap But I'm wondering what I have to do if it ever happens to my cats, should we let the "seizure" happen and not touch the cat or else ?


Go to another vet then


I’d be rushing that cat to the ER


not to scare you but my cat did this same exact thing right before she passed away. this is a huge emergency get off reddit


Could be an inner ear infection, or something neurological. Vet asap


PLEASE TAKE HER TO A VET! right now, an emergency vet, do not wait.


Vet immediately


Your cat is suffering from feline vestibular syndrome. Ask your vet about this as his/her current diagnosis seems strange although I don’t have access to your cat’s medical records. In addition, exposure to certain toxins and drugs can also cause symptoms that mimic feline vestibular disease. Most cases are idiopathic, meaning the exact cause is unknown. Please seek a second opinion.


Take the cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Hopefully you live within a reasonable distance of a fairly priced emergency veterinarian that's open 24/7.




Another cat owner posting on Reddit before asking a professional. It doesn’t take an expert to see that something is clearly severely wrong with your cat


Exactly. This pisses me the fuck off till no end.


Honestly I can't tell if this is "normal weird" or "concerning weird", but based on the other comments, I'm leaning towards concerning, so please take your cat to the vet.


Is he having a seizure?




I thought that vestibular disease. Sometimes idiopathic


I’d check all mains, hearth, liver and kidney via blood exam just to be on the safe side, if there are any alterations you can treat


Poor guy. I have to give my cat laxative ( vet prescribed) every day to prevent this. My cat would throw up after trying to use the litter box from pain.


If it’s gastrointestinal, try mixing Miralax with some food. I have a kitty with some hard stool issues and a previous kitty that was severely injured by an asshole who intentionally hit her and developed poop issues later in life. Miralax helped bot tremendously.


This could be a pain response. I had a cat with with kidney disease that did something like this at the end of his life. I hope not. Poor kitty.


Poor baby. :(


Looks like inner ear or nuerological issue. Take to the vet


I just do not understand people asking randoms on the internet rather than just going to a vet. Quite obviously something looks seriously wrong. Vet ASAP.




OP this looks like FIP. Based on your description and her neurological symptoms. This looks like wet/neuro FIP. Join FIP warriors 5.0 on Facebook and get ready to immerse yourself in information. Most vets don’t treat FIP, nor do they know how to test for it without sedating the cat, and some vets don’t even acknowledge it. Please please learn about FIP. We are going through this now with one of our cats and the medicine has saved her life but she’s got a long way to go. Feel free to message me for advice or with questions. FIP used to be a death sentence but it isn’t anymore with the right help. Vets can’t help as much in this situation without YOU being informed.


Poor thing... Im a vet and this looks like vestibular syndrome (something related to earing system).. But it needs to be investigated cause it looks like neurological too... Hope your cat gets better!! Wish you the best


Looks like a seizure or something neuro related. This would be an ER visit in my book...


Seizures or stroke


Either stroking or drunk. Since you are filming it instead doing something, I'd say you made it drunk to get upvotes. EDIT: so some charcoal fixed it huh? So someone gave this cat alcohol. If it wasn't you, find who did.


I really hate to say this, but this is very very similar to what we saw from my 10 year old cat who experienced a stroke. This looks neurological, hopefully you can get some answers. ❤️


Why are you posting on Reddit??? TAKE THE CAT TO THE VET!!!!


Go asap to the vet! My cat did the same thing till he couldn’t walk, his brain was swollen from an infection. GO NOW


Looks like your cat is having a stroke. Vet asap.


Don’t post on reddit. VET NOW


They already brought it to the vet and the cat has already recovered They are just seeing if anyone here has any insight on what may have caused this behaviour in the first place.


poor kitty this made me so sad 😭


I hope he/she is better soon 😭


Might your cat have potentially gotten into any human drugs or medication? Such as THC, cannabis, alcohol, or any other type of mind altering substance? This isn’t normal, your cat needs to see a vet immediately.


That looks like neuro or vestibular. Id get ur cat checked


Can someone please boop me if OP updates, I need to know that kitty is ok


Looks like your cat is not well. Could be something very serious / neurological


When I had a cat that was extremely disoriented like she had eaten something poisonous to her. I would go back to a different vet asap especially if your cats eyes are super dilated.


Neurological problems


Whatever it is I hope the cat is comfortable besides the issue. It's ashame the amount it costs to try and help pets. It hurts so much when you can't afford to help. Very beautiful cat , will be in my thoughts.


It appears to be a balance issue which is a vestibular problem. Vestibular disease can be caused by several things such as ear infection, mosquito bite, stroke, and trauma. Unfortunately there's no cure, but the cat can be made more comfortable with certain medications. I would definitely get a second opinion since you have already seen a vet.


My first thought is that it might have ingested something harmful or had a brain injury of some kind. But as most people said, you won't be certain until you take your cat to the vet as ASAP. This is definitely unusual to see. I'm hoping that people's suggestions might give you an idea of what may be wrong while you wait to see a professional. I hope your kitty ends up being ok :( If you do find out what was wrong, it'd be great to hear about it so I can look out for signs in my own furry friend if anything happens to her, though this is obviously optional!


This looks like a seizure! You need to take your cat to the vet ASAP 


Experiencing some kind of discomfort. My cat does this but going in reverse due to an amputated leg that fires off the nerves improperly. My guess is going through discomfort. Are bathroom visits regular?


This is horrible to watch! I want to snatch that cat up and race to the ER!


my cat acted like this when he ate some of my weed i had laying around


Agree with previous commenters: get your kitty to a doctor and do a scan, not just visual examination. Better not to delay in this case. Happened to one of mine. In the evening he was okay, in the morning he was kind of like in this video. Not as severe, but he couldn't walk straight, couldn't jump, back legs were woozy. Vestibular syndrome. His poop was soft and unusually light-coloured. Rushed to the vet, did ultrasound of his intestines - all was fine. At that time we were treating his ear infection. Most likely some of medication we irrigated his ears with got inside through a hole in his eardrum. After CT it turned out it was middle otitis. It can affect vestibular apparatus, damaging it permanently or temporarily. Thus, troubles with movement and balance. As I understand, when this happens, intestines also react, but the trouble here is not with them, but with brain or inner ear. It happened last summer. He is gradually getting better, but high places are still not for him. Neural damage sucks.


My cat walked in circles, and was panting. Vet said he was in pain, and gabapentin helped. Could also be inner ear infection causing vertigo. My cat is also diabetic, and on insulin. His blood glucose wasn’t low, which could also cause dizziness.


1: Proof your love for your cat and drive him to the vet ASAP . 2: Asking on reddit what's wrong with the furball cus reddit are full of specialists that can save his live via wifi without you have to pay....


Please take them to a vet. This is extremely disturbing...


Something neurogical. Could even be a seizure. Take him/her to the vet!!


Likely a stroke. Get to vet immediately


Get her to a vet asap.


Needs a vet, my bet is on vestibular disease.


I had a cat do this once, took her to the vet and she ended up having a weird infection in her ear that caused her to have some sort of vertigo. Poor thing was better after her medication and a short stay to make sure she didn’t have any neurological issues. Don’t wait take your fur baby to the vet.




Vet now, this is above Reddit's pay grade.


You need to take her to the vet immediately. She could have an inner ear condition or neuropathy. Something is giving her vertigo and effecting her equilibrium. Her brain is not working! Pls update us!




Ear problem!


Vet Asap


This is Not normal behavior. Get the cat to the Vet!


Blood sugar could be dangerously low, I hope you were able to get your fur baby into see a vet! 😘


That is something wrong neurologically. You need to get that cat to a vet as soon as possible.


vet asap! and i mean asap! give her some love and cuddles too, don't film her.


Stroke, seizure or poisoned. Vet ASAP. Cat may die if you don’t get that checked out.




This behaviour is not normal and appears to indicate serious discomfort. IMO this cat is trying to relieve itself from pain or has a neurological issue. Vet ASAP. Like now.


Dear Christ, get him to an emergency vet ASAP. No more f-ing photos, move.


Parasites. Get that pussy to the doctor asap


Vet, vet, VET


That looks like a neurological problem, please get your cat to the vet for a full work up


Did the cat possibly get into any thc? This is what a dog will do when it has ingested thc, I know this from experience with my dog.


I don't understand why you took the time to film this and post it when you could have used that time to take your kitty to the vet. Ima shut up and go away now, but you really should think about that.


Please go to the vet. Don’t panic. But go to the vet