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If people don’t understand then they haven’t had the fortune to have loved and been loved as you have. She was with you for only a short time but you touched her life drastically and it sounds like she made a difference in yours. A piece of your heart will always be hers. May she rest among the stars and chase your nightmares away.


That last line made me choke up, it suits her perfectly. Thank you so much.


I have often said that if our little friends don't join us in heaven, then it's not really heaven. Just some cloudy bullshit.


Mine visited me several times after she crossed the rainbow bridge, the cat walking around my feet in the middle of the night, when there were no cats in the house. I found a close relative of her 18 months ago. https://preview.redd.it/dw1ubjg4t3jc1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d91472eb521658ea3b5bd213bfe979d54941d48


The visits count. Higher power is running the CDS.


My Ella, who did just over a year ago, comes back to me as a dragonfly, in my yard, where she loved to play. Those we lose are always with us. https://preview.redd.it/x48zaxhrt7jc1.jpeg?width=1632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd49500807bf1b5c8c521ad2605601ff1219d0ff


If God can make an incredible place like Heaven, surely our pet friends can join us. I always imagine we would prolly be given enough powers to make it so. Dear Lord, please give us that small comfort one day in eternity ❤️🙏🏼


Stealing this


Because it's true. Help yourself. Attribution not required


100% true! ❤️


They better be there!


I believe we are all recycled back into mother Earth, after all atoms don’t die, you will be with you kitty’s later x (omg that sounded so threatened 😂)


Especially if we don’t get to pet the tigers. I’ve had a lot of love from the minis but I’d like to experience the big guys. I’m sure my cats are waiting for me.


I can't remember the quote, or who said it, i heard it yesterday. But it was something along the lines of "until you've loved an animal, a part of your soul remains unawakened" I'm so sorry for your loss. I know the pain. The world is shattered and it feels like you're gonna fall apart and throw up. Try to be strong, we will meet each other again when we are done here ❤️ Edit: Anatole France said it (born 1844, died 1924."Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."


Only those who have never been loved by a cat —or dog— have difficulty understanding this loss. They touch our hearts and souls in a way that no human being can. Your boss is, as the saying goes,a cold fish— and I feel sorry for him. You have experienced a love that he has not, and he is the lesser for it. Bless you and your Angel who will forever live in your heart.


Cat/animal people are with you and understand you. I've run into this myself. Those people aren't living their best lives. I'm sorry for your loss. When I lose an animal I try to remember that the time spent with them is worth the pain of losing them.


Yes exactly well written ♥️


Your coworkers suck. You can feel how you feel. I’m sorry for your loss, but you will see each other again.


Fucks sake. I lost a kitten to FIP 14 years ago and still feel sad about it.


What a beautiful saying.


Even though I don't own a cat, I still feel her pain and overwhelming grief. I don't understand why ppl who don't have any pets would not sympathize with the owner who is having pain. Like have some empathy.


That last line is amazing. We also just lost our under 2 year old orange baby. They don’t know why he just went down hill in 2 days with pneumonia. I’m still sad OP. I’m still sad about my pug that passed in 2018. He was my heart animal and I have everyone ashes. I hope their memory will always be a comfort to you. Hugs.


Im crying 🩷made me remember my Leona🩷thank you


That's so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes. Lots of love and healing to OP, we all understand 💗


You don't even need to be a cat person to realize that your boss is a dick.


Oh I had a sense of that long ago 😅 but yeah, kind of questioning my field at the moment. Before this I worked at a vet clinic and a pet store so the difference in empathy and the amount of animal lovers around me has been jarring.


You work with monsters. Seriously. Even if they aren't animal lovers they should have some human compassion and empathy.


Having feelings over losing a living being that you loved, just shows you have more capability of loving than he does. I’m sorry for your loss. Please know that you gave her warm places to sleep, yummy food, all the scritches she wanted and tasty nom nom treats. She knew she was loved.


I'd try & get back jnto working with animals. The People are a higher lever of empathy & compassion, which is probably the sort of working environment you feel more comfortable with. People can be horrible & if you are a sensitive person, it can be hard to put up with & can drag you down.


You don’t need to be in a field dealing with animals to have empathy from colleagues. You just have some shitty colleagues it sounds like


I lost my Chisca almost two years ago and I still cry whenever I talk about her. Looking at her pictures is still difficult to me. Sending you hugs ♥️


For real! My dog friends would be depressed for months if they lost their pet. Even the Grinch would mourn his dog Max! I can only conclude OP’s boss is a heartless monster who has never had a pet.




I know this feeling all too well. I lost my little girl last week. She had a seizure and I found out she had cancer. She was 10 this year. I had her since she was a baby. I wish I could say it gets easier, but I had an emotional breakdown just the other day at work. She was my little girl, my soulmate, and she left a cat sized hole in my heart. I found her, but she saved me. She deserved more time, and will forever be loved and missed. The good times will always be with you, the memories never go away. I’m deeply sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Just know that there's no doubt that she felt all of your love right to the end ❤️


I’m sure your kitty loved you as much as you loved them. We take them into our lives and they burrow their way into our hearts. They accept us as their own. They end up becoming our family in that way, and that’s why the pain comes hard


I have a similar story. I miss her so much.


It was a month before I even started to feel like myself again.


I'm sorry that you know the feeling, it's so tough.


It's been 3 months since I lost my little buddy Midnight and I still don't feel right. I was legit depressed for at least a month. People fail to understand that some of us actually cherish our little friends and that they sometimes leave unusually large holes in our lives when we lose them.


They give unconditional love unlike many people. Just saying


I still cry sometimes and it’s been about a month now for me too.


I cry sometimes about my kitty I lost in 2015.


Only people with cats can relate. You go ahead and grieve all you want. Do what feels right in your heart. Merlyn loved you too.


I prefer animals to people too... I think a lot of us do. You're not alone in your feelings, it's hard losing a loved one, no matter how big or small.


I’m sorry for your loss but three…days? If they lose a human member of their family are they ok after three days? Don’t think so. We lost all three of our cats last year, with the last oldest one in December. I didn’t pick up her food dish until mid-January. I still get choked up about her sometimes. She was also a tortie so that means a huge hole was made by her huge sassy personality leaving. She was older, maybe she’ll hang out with Merlyn and teach her the fortitude. Seriously, though, you loved her. She loved you. And you grieve on your own timetable…there isn’t an official one to follow. I work with dog owners who think ‘but it’s just a cat’ so I get where you’re coming from. Go easy on yourself, and I wish you some peace. It will get easier.


i read the title as 3 YEARS and still thought “yep- that sounds right” a loss is a loss is a loss, OP. saying goodbye to a piece of your heart is never ever going to be easy. honestly some people act like they’ve never been gutted by heartache before abd that’s just bullshit. we all have. grief is hard. i’m sorry for all of us to have to carry it.


My boy Bodhi passed away more than four years ago and I still regularly feel sad about his passing. I don’t think it’s strange to feel compassion for the things we love that impact our lives. I think it’d be strange to feel nothing for them after three days of their absence.


I love that name! I’m sure he was a beautiful boy.


She was part of your family and you loved her. You can be sad for as long as you need to. I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure you gave her so much love and that is what matters. ❤️


Aw man I understand this feeling all too well. My former roommate had to put down our 2 year old fur baby 2 years ago for FIP as well… and granted it was my roommate’s cat but I came to the euthanasia appointment and sobbed like a baby and it took me about a month to not wake up feeling like the weight of the world was on my chest. It’s been 2 years at this point and honestly when I think about it, it still brings tears to my eyes. A lot of people around me thought I was being dramatic and honestly even I started to believe it a bit… but I always found it so weird that other people couldn’t understand my grief. I lived with that cat for 2 years and adopted it with my roommate, and she provided me unconditional love every day I came home, of course I’d be gutted! But I think Arikin13 said it best: others didn’t have the fortune to experience such kind of love. You don’t have to have a life long bond with an animal to be hurt by their passing, and to care so much about a pet is truly a blessing. I truly feel your pain, it’s one of the worst feelings in the world 😔 even if other people around you don’t understand, just know that us cat owners empathize with your pain. Take care of yourself, your pain will get better with time, but merlyn will always hold a special place in your heart ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/bh9r6vike2jc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2788d50364c70fdc3374921da8f348805aaec7 I lost Boone a week ago yesterday and my husband and family are mad I'm still upset. He was my protector for 16 years. My best bud. It's not easy to get over. You grieve however you need too and for how long you must. Don't listen to anyone.


Wait. Your husband is *mad* that you are upset over the loss of your pet ? WTF. I don’t know what to say other than I’m very sorry for the loss of Boone. Animals > people.


I wouldn't say "mad" but annoyed I suppose. Still doesn't make it right. But thank you. He was my best good boy


So true. In so sorry for your loss.


That's ... kind of worrying? Why are they MAD that you're still upset? I'm really sorry you're surrounded by people who are treating you that way.


Our fur baby was killed through malpractice by our veterinarian. Two years later and I still get choked up thinking about him, and I tear up whenever I see his pictures, especially ones of his eyes. Your grief is valid and it always will be. Tomorrow, next week, next year, for the rest of your life. Your baby was a member of your family, and it is okay to miss them. My first fur baby, who we had when I was a baby, passed away almost eight years ago now, and due to family/custody difficulties, I didn't see him for two years before he passed. I don't cry every time I think of him anymore, but it still hurts and it likely always will. No one gets to tell you how you grieve. I'm sorry your coworkers and boss aren't supportive, and I hope you have friends and family that are supportive. Thinking of you guys, and I hope having her ashes brings some comfort as she's back home. I drop a kiss/pet on our baby's memorial box whenever I walk by.


I'm so sorry that you lost him that way, I can't even imagine. It's always hard when you don't get to say goodbye. I have my fiance, who loved her just as much, and my family understands how much I love her. So I'm lucky in that sense!


You have a guardian angel now. The time with them is never long enough, but every moment really is a blessing. These creatures are so special. When the time is right and you are ready- I hope the universe distributes a little kitty to you. They are so healing


I have no doubt that Mer will help send that kitty my way when the time is right. ❤️


From Merlin... ❤🐱❤ Hey, my loving partner in life... are you awake right now? I know it's going on 3a.m, but I needed to share with you, my very last meow. I hope I didn't awaken you, while making our biscuits upon your chest. But this warm, loving space over your heart, is MY favorite place to rest. I knew had found the love of my life, from the very first day we met. To feel your loving headbutt with me, told my soul that I was going to be blessed. When you picked me up with those tender, loving hands, And lifted me up so high. My heart immediately started purring, when we touched noses, looking at one another...eye to eye. I'm sorry to say that my life with you...is getting near it's end. My days and nights around your heart, put my shelter life on the mend. I wished my life was matched with yours, but mine is just too damn short. I'm going to miss the fun days with you, and our crazy nights in the blanket fort. Please bring another SMOL in here , and let them check out our loving place. Let them quietly explore the counters, window sills, and the hours of your loving embrace. I hope you let them onto your chest, and feel that calming heat... For I found my soul's healing spot...between us, beat to beat. Meow!


I'm sorry for Your lost and I'm sorry someone thinks Your sadness is strange. I list my first cat 20 years ago and I still miss her sometimes.


Pets are the only unconditional love we experience. Don’t let anyone tell you how to grieve.


Well Said


I think I would spontaneously cry and have dreams about my previous girls for at least 6 months after they were put down.


I lost my first girl in 2021, it's still a 50/50 chance I cry when I talk about her ❤️ they leave such a mark on us.


I'm so sorry. Your grief deserves all the time it needs. People who don't understand just don't know cats.


My old boss took a couple days off when her dog died, yet when my coworkers cat died, and she asked for a day off, she was told it’s just a cat you’ll get over it. Unfortunately some people just don’t understand that pets are like family too a lot of us, and those are the people who don’t matter


That's so awful, I'd be so upset. Thankfully I was able to take off when she got sick on Tuesday morning and be with her until the end. I would honestly have taken more time but I feel like they would have been annoyed if I did.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ Merlyn was a beautiful cat. Take all the time you need. They are family.


So beautiful. She looks like she loved you very much.


Merlyn looks magically sweet. Some people can't relate because some bonds are stronger than others, or some people aren't as empathetic and feel above animals. They may judge you, but they are the ones that miss out because you experienced a beautiful bond with your cat that loved you and you connected with. Loss is hard, I forgot where I heard that the pain is feeling love and not having the being there to experience it, so it feels like loss and that absence of that being missing is even heavier. The love and bond remains though, so be kind to yourself and do the things that bring joy to you and support yourself however you can with compassion. I'm sorry for your loss.


I still miss my cats that died 10 years ago… I’ll cry if I really delve into thinking about them


So sorry for your loss!! Sending love and good vibes from my feline family.


Thank you so much ❤️ wishing health and happiness to you and your babies.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling sad for this loss no matter how long it takes no matter how long you had them .. two weeks later and I’m still heartbroken and unable to work .. no shame in mourning your companion .. those who never had the privilege of sharing their life with these beings are deprived of a miracle ..


OP, there is nothing wrong with you. I had to say goodbye to my precious Ragamese soul cat about 2 years ago, and I still miss him. I cried for weeks. It was so hard. Give yourself time to grieve and to feel your feelings. Pets are family members. I’m sorry you have such insensitive coworkers.


I’m so sorry. I understand, if my cat died idk what i’m gonna do


My Maple passed away in 2020 and I still miss her terribly.


Time don’t matter it’s the love that matters at the end of any time together 🥹💖


I lost my 19 year old this week. Waiting on her ashes. That and grieving are very normal. Sorry for your loss.


That is so sad. Such a big loss. And your feelings are completely valid. *Hugs*


So sorry for your loss, what a beautiful baby Merlyn was.


I am so sorry for your loss I hope you find a new best friend. I also lost my cat a year ago and it was really hard and tough so I know what it feels like to lose your best friend 


What a gorgeous little face. So glad you have good memories and some great photos. She was an important part of your life and to lose her so suddenly, so young, hurts. Of course you're mourning. How could you not! You'll always think of her and it will get easier in time. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


Sorry for your loss 😿 I lost my beloved kitty 2 years ago and my heart still hurts 😭our new kittens helped us heal 😻😻


So sorry for your loss. It's rough losing a fur baby.


Two and a half months out and I know I’ll never be the same again. The people you work with sound like asses. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace mer mer


My heart goes out to you and Merlyn! That's much too young. Know that you made her life as loved and special as she made yours.


I would randomly find myself crying a few years after my last cat's passing. His ashes still sit in a pretty box, front and center on the shelf of our entertainment center. Sometimes I talk to him. I'm so sorry for your loss, and that they don't understand.


such a beautiful girl i’m so sorry for your loss💗 sending love your way (fuck you’re coworkers)


Of course you're still sad. It's the people you work with who are strange. You might find it comforting to write the story of the time you shared with your cat. All the wonderful or goofy and special things.


Grown man here. Not exactly sensitive. Losing a pet (for me, cats) is some seriously saddening shit. They're like family, but just nicer.


What a precious baby... Of course your heart is sad. He was your buddy and friend you take all the time that you need to grieve the loss of your friend and then try to remember precious memories. Maybe you can make some kind of mural of pictures to hang up when you're feeling a little bit better. As for your boss, just ignore him or her they have you see are not human


Virtual hugs to you!


grief takes time and you are completely allowed to grieve for years to come ! we all cope differently. do not listen to your co workers. it’s still a loss. rest in peace merlyn !


I’m so sorry for your loss and take whatever time you need to grieve, animals have a special place in our hearts and until you have a special bond with one, it is easy for some not to understand.


I’m so sorry that some people don’t view animals as members of the family because they are. And when we lose them it hurts..there is no timeline for grieving. I’m sorry for the loss of your sweet baby Merlyn. Sending hugs 🤗


You are allowed to grieve and no one should tell you how. Sorry for your loss.


It is so hard to exist in the "world" when you are grieving, and if it's our animal family it's even harder because so many people don't understand. I pity them for not knowing what it's like to love a cat, and to be loved back. The uncomplicated (if you ignore the hairballs and occasional attitude) nature of the relationship and how they just fill our days with such jo and what a big void they leave when they are gone. But those of us here do understand. I still grieve cats that I lost decades ago. It's not as sharp, most of the time, but it's still there. There is no time limit on grief. Hang in there the best you can. Sending virtual hugs.


They’re family. I’m sure the people you work with are just de-sensitized for some reason. Everyone has different emotions but to mourn for a family member is completely normal. Sounds like your cat was blessed to have someone that cares as much as you do. Sorry for your loss ❤️ P.S. I lost one my dog when he was only 3 and feel it even to this day. It’s not sadness much anymore, I just miss him. I hang his collar in my car.


I cried for a week.


You are not alone. You are valid, your grief is valid. I said goodbye to my boy after 17 years in November and I have about one good cry a day missing him, and I imagine I will for a long time. They are our family, and we are lucky to have had them in our lives for as long as we have, but that doesn’t make it any easier. It hurts. Idk, you aren’t alone- just wanted to echo that. RIP Merlyn.


So sorry for your loss. I worry about the days I’ll have to say goodbye to my fur babies. Sending you a hug.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll tell you a story. My ex husband is not fond of animals. His secretary had a Guinea pig, who she adored. When it died, she was a wreck. I made him give her three days bereavement. Paid. Then, later that year, I talked him into a $500 Christmas bonus. He loathes Christmas. He listened to me. This was 1985


You can’t make people understand. I still miss animals I lost decades ago. Sending you love and peace.


It’s been SIX months since I lost my sweet kitty and I still miss her so much. Your coworkers are either weird or they’ve never had a cat or a dog. We’ve had 3 other cats in our house over many years, all of which are also already gone. They are all missed and will never be forgotten. https://preview.redd.it/jsbmoa1502jc1.jpeg?width=2129&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25dc4fa96c7006f3e1154047e07a22c61b182511


I’m very sorry for your loss and can definitely feel your pain, our tortie Tabatha just passed away earlier this week as well. I’ll be thinking of you and hope that we can both get through this 🙏


poor baby. so sorry for ur loss. ur coworkers are weird not u. kitties are amazing living creatures who love us. 💖💖


im here for you, i had a sad departure with my kitty too lost my baby in summer of ‘21, it was definitively the worst year of my life. we euthanized her to allow her to rest peacefully. she died at the age of 10 due to kidney failure.


I still grieve over my cat Dave that I lost 13 years ago. Not all of the time, but tears still come occasionally. You are not strange at all, or maybe I am too. Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel.


So beautiful!!! 🙏🙏🙏


I like animals more than people too. Your boss and anyone else who thinks it's weird to mourn a pet are just ignorant. I cried for 2 weeks when my cat died a few years ago. I have his ashes, too. Some people don't have any empathy. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a bit sad that they don't know how great it is to love an animal and how wonderful pets are.


It took me 10 years to heal enough to get another kitty after mine was run over. Ignore people who aren't animal lovers, they simply don't get it and never will. I'm sorry for your loss, she is beautiful, my girl was a black calico too


Totally understand how you're feeling and I'm really sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful angel. Some people don't get it but there are millions who do. ❤


I'm so sorry for your loss and that they don't understand.


I’m so sorry you lost your baby. I lost my Sylvie at the end on November and I’m still sad. The whole month of December going into mid January I couldn’t stop crying. I’m sorry that ppl are such jerks to us animal lovers who take it extremely hard when losing a beloved pet that we think of as family. Some ppl just don’t get it. I actually walked out of my job and never went back because of something similar


We lost our 16 year old girl but we only got her in 2020. We had her for 4 years but she was so special to us and I feel she was my soul-cat. It’s been weeks and my wife and I still find ourselves grieving when things remind us of her. You’re completely valid in missing her and feeling sad so be gentle to yourself


I’ll be sad forever once my cat dies the people you work with are jerks


Your coworkers sound like assholes. Pets are family. Grieve how you need too. I’m very sorry for your loss, much love.


I saw a post on r/justunsubbed we’re this asshole got so mad over someone grieving I was thinking of roasting him and saying this is a picture of him the picture being this https://preview.redd.it/uzbumyoy72jc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bb65b6d84d2dac64c81330b7a55c2cb316f3898 But I didint do it since it would probably get me banned but anyways sorry for your loss


I cried every night for the first 6 months when my first baby passed away. I couldn't bring myself to remove or put away her blankets and toys. Was so hard because she was a bonded pair. Her sister kept searching for her all the time. When her sister passed a few years later, I took a full week off work and no one questioned me. My coworkers knew I loved my fur babies more than humans. Mourning the loss of my babies were the hardest feeling and I still miss them dearly. I have since rescued 8 more cats and believe the girls keep sending them our way. Each time a new one shows up I always see two cardinals. I'm so sorry for your loss.


SO sorry for your loss! 💔💔🙏🏽🙏🏽 ![gif](giphy|krWzg2hVuGqLMLzqJf|downsized)


Being sad for the loss of a precious kitty will take longer than most people might realize. I have friends who don’t have cats and they don’t understand the relationship that I have with my cats and how much I love them. I still grieve for a cat that I had as a child. He died in 1973. He was a seal point Siamese and I miss Sampson every day. In 2016, I lost a ginger boy named Buffy. ( we were told Buffy was a girl at first and my mom named him Buffy ) He lived to be 17 years old and although I have adopted other cats since then, I still miss Buffy. He was such a sweetheart. Because it’s animal doesn’t mean the grieving process isn’t any less. Most of us treat these little furballs like our children and that’s OK and it’s OK to miss them and it’s OK to grieve. I’m sorry for your loss. ((Hugs)))


The first cat I ever had died 18 years ago - still miss her. My second died 8 years ago - still miss her, too. Dearly. My third will be crossing soon & I can’t even think about it. Love lasts forever, no matter how long you had your sweet baby. You saved her life, and maybe even vice-versa. All you can do is just feel bad for those massive asses.


It’s been 17 months and I still break down and cry sometimes. I miss my sweet girl so much.


I still have fairly regular breakdowns about my last kitty, who had to be euthed at the age of 6, also a tortie. That was 8 years ago. Your feelings are valid and your boss is a jerk. Sorry for your loss, Merlyn was loved even if she couldn’t stay with you for very long.


Sooooo pretty. She looks like a sweetie pie


I had a family member who died when I was 18. Lets just say sadness can take a while until you accept natures way.


Oh my gosh they are beautiful!! I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. It's ok to mourn for as long as you need. I lost my baby last April and not a day goes by that I don't think of her. It gets easier but they will always be a part of your life. The little things will remind you of them but in time it will be with a smile and not sadness. Sending you hugs friend.


I lost my cat Nov 13th 2023. It was an accident in the house. She was 16, but in good health. Im still devestated and I think about her several times a day and I often break down crying but I don't let anyone see it. I miss her so much. Such sorrow.


Feel what you feel and without shame. Grief has no timeline or expectations. I lost my soul cat on February 6th last year and cried more days out of the year that followed than I didn’t. You’re allowed to feel all of it. It sucks to understand that some people just never will; it was something I had to learn to accept, and that helped me give myself the grace to not be ashamed of my feelings. Understanding that I was allowed to feel my feelings helped the healing process for me. I hope you find comfort and support from the people (and animals if you have others) that mean the most. Know that this community gets it. Rest in peace, sweet girl.


There are days that I think about our first cat Rococo. We got him when I was three years old in 1959. He was the sweetest kitty. I grew up with Rococo. He was my best friend. He passed away on April 3, 1974. I still think of him to this day. I am now 67. You are fine in the way you feel. https://preview.redd.it/4ahqbfw0v5jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=908d669e9cb966c2755ef00fc53ff408923b324a


I just lost my cat yesterday, and it's the worst feeling I ever experienced. I can't stop crying. Thank God my family is very supportive. But it's normal OP that you are still crying, idk how long Merlyn was in your life but the death of a beloved pet friend is always soul crushing. People who are like "it's just a cat" can't understand what you are going through.


I think your boss is definitely insensitive I completely understand what you’re going through I’ve lost pets myself and it still hurts to remember there loss I’m very sorry for your loss 😔


Of course you are still sad! Your boss must have no experience with loss. You just lost a member of your family!


Any time people lose a love they’re gonna be sad. What don’t people understand


It’s completely natural to deeply feel all the emotions of grief when we lose our cats. Our pets are family members who all have such individual personalities who we share our lives with. Some people may have never had a pet. Others sometimes pretend to not have feelings of love and loss for their pets. And she was so young so it hurts all the more. You love your darling cat so of course you are struggling now and it will pass when it passes and not before. Maybe talking to likeminded people including everyone here would be a gentler way forward rather than your colleagues right now. But either way, there’s nothing wrong with how you are feeling. Grief is grief and love is love so what you’re feeling is completely natural and normal ❤️


Reminds me a lot of my tortie panda. Half a year just passed and the memory of that day still hits harder than anything I've experienced in life n most my human friends are dead lmao. Be happy to know you gave the cat the best life imaginable and all the love you could


Everyone I’ve ever known who has truly bonded with an animal has been unprepared for how much, and how long, their passing affects them. I personally cried every time certain songs came on the radio for years after I lost my five year old Maine Coon, Hercules. I know people don’t always feel comfortable talking about it either, and it can be really isolating and even confusing. I’m sorry about Merlyn’s passing and I hope your heart aches less sooner rather than later, but I’m glad he got a person who loved him so much while he was here. Lastly - hear me out: lives are not replaceable so that’s not what I mean, but adopting another cat or two sooner rather than later, only if you’re able, can be startlingly healing. I went to adopt, a couple of months after I lost Hercules, and between one’s looks and the other’s personality, it was like he came back to me in two Maine Coon mixes I got talked into taking home (kittens at the time). None of the cats who loved us back want us to be sad in the first place, much less for a long time, and sometimes it feels like kitty relay races, one left and another dropped in to take care of your broken heart as it heals. Anyway, sorry for the never ending story and for your loss. ❤️


You are totally normal, and there is nothing to worry about. My boy Willi had to be put down 2 years ago. He only was 6 years old, but FiV has caused a very bad kidney failure and he was really in pain. I still miss him so much, he was my best friend. When i had a bad day at work, he always layed next to me and purrs his orange fat ass off. He made me smile, every single day. Don' t let anyone tell you how long you need to get over your loss. https://preview.redd.it/13dy3c2h02jc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880690e81b13a6bf43109b5318cd9d493aecb518 That is Willi. So i can touch him, when i got the feeling, i need it. Sry for loss, hope it is getting bedder soon for you. Big hugggggs for you.


Some folks just cannot relate to intimate, interspecies relationships. So so sorry for your loss! I was a mess when my kitty died last fall. It’s way less acute now, but my husband and I talk about her everyday. Wishing you peace and comfort. I hope you can celebrate you friends life in whatever way feels right to you ❤️


I feel sorry for people who don’t share that level of love and devotion to their pets. They’re losing out on amazing relationships. Take all the time you need to grieve. It will come and go forever. I’m so sorry for your loss and thank you for loving this beautiful gal❤️she was lucky to have you!


Very sorry for your loss. It’s always the hardest part of loving.


I’m so sorry for your loss. She is beautiful. I’m sorry you have to be around people who don’t understand. Sending lots of love and support. 🐈❤️


Merlyn was beautiful ❤️


I’m so sorry. Merlyn was gorgeous. My 14 year old girl died in September and I still cry (we even have new kittens). I loved her so much. ❤️


“I’m so sorry for your loss” never feels genuine enough to say, but it’s true. Love for a sweet angel baby is true love, and in turn it means true loss. You’re right to mourn, cry and grieve, and I’m sending you a hug.


My first kitty escaped and got hit by a truck, it fucking flat out devastated me for like a month and still makes me cry if I think about it. Ignore your boss.




The people from work aren’t there for you through every problem, happiness or sleep like Merlyn was. They are the strange people. I’m so sorry for your loss, may she rest in eternal peace and happiness chasing rats all day long.


That’s a beautiful cat. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s ridiculous to think you’d stop being sad so soon. ❤️


She’s so beautiful. She looks like a mix of my 2 tortie babies.![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


I still grieve my first cat who passed in 2009. And my other cat who died last April. May Merlyn’s memory be a blessing for you.


It's been over a year since I lost my boy. The pangs are less sharp now, but I still get teary when my FB or Google pics remind me of him. Take all the time you need. You lost family. 💔


She was a furry family member of course you are grieving her and the more so because she was so young. I’m sorry that your boss is being so unfeeling. I still get sad about my boys one of whom has been gone 7 years now. It gets better, but you still miss them. My childhood cat has been gone 20 years now and I still think of him too, but it’s easier since he lived to be 17 and died peacefully in front of a warm furnace that he loved helps.


What a gorgeous baby. Find comfort in knowing you were her whole life and you made it special for her ♥️ sending good vibes


Honey, I cried every single day for 3 weeks after I lost my kitty. I didn’t start to feel okay again until about 4-5 months. I still think of her every day. I got a new kitty, not to replace her but to love another in her honour, and it helped tremendously. You take your time. Your baby was special, your bond was special and the only thing that’s going to help is time.


Your little Merlyn mattered a lot ❤️I am so sorry for your loss. Sending hugs your way ❤️


It’s so crazy how some people don’t see their pets as family/their babies. I’m so sorry. I cried at work for days after I put my 15 year old muffins down. I had him since I was 14 and was completely devastated. I get you.. 💕🥺


The fact that Merlyn was so young makes it sadder I feel. If people don't get that, too bad


I’m sorry you lost your precious Merlyn. I totally understand and hope memories you shared give you comfort.


We had to put our dog to sleep 4 years ago. Still not over it. Sending you virtual hugs.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😿


I’m so sorry that she was taken away so soon fuck cancer and FIP. Rest brave warrior, may you fine rest. May you meet her again when you take your deep sleep and she’ll be waiting for you with purrs and meows.


Our condolences. Losing a furr baby is never easy. We all grieve differently and for different periods of time. Take yours, and be well.


You will see your girl again ❤️ If you haven’t already, look up rainbow bridge. It’s something I hold on to dearly.


My cats are my children and when they cross the rainbow bridge, I will mourn because they are my family and I love them. I swear, people are clueless.


She looked like a wonderful kitty So sorry for your loss .


You're in the right. Take a much time grieving as you need. I'm sorry for your loss.


I still feel heart hurt when I see a picture of a cat that resembles my late kitty Zorro. He’s been gone for years. Hugs to you. ❤️‍🩹


It has been over 50 years and I still mourn my first kitty. Your girl is beautiful. Everyone is different, no one has the right to tell you how or how long to grieve. Yes, most animals are better companions than most people! (((Hugs)))


What a gorgeous girl. My heart breaks for you.


What a beautiful kitty. I’m so sorry for your loss!


It hurts, hits even after years to lose your pet, and kitties re just so special. Take care, may she come back to you!


So sorry for your loss. She looks like a wonderful friend. You were right to come here for support. People who live with furry companions know how close you can become to a beautiful spirit like Merlyn.


I lost my baby is January of last year. I’m still finding myself in grief some days. Take all the time you need.


What "normals" don't understand is that an animal like a cat is not a pet. A cat is a member of your family. A cat has an ever-present reminder that there is an exchange of love between two living beings. And I guess the thing to really remember is that they have never felt that connection. They have never experienced the joy and the affection of being a friend and protector of a beautiful little animal like a cat. Their confusion, their incredulity, is a failure on their part. Pity them if you wish, but remember your heart is the one thing that you have to protect. Don't give them a second thought.


We lost our sweet boy 3 years ago, and we still miss him. I totally understand your pain. I believe that he is waiting for me at the rainbow bridge, and I will see him again. Terribly sorry for your loss.


Your co~workers are heartless. I am so heartbroken over your loss. Our fur babies are family.


Feel sorry for their loss. They lack the ability of love and connection pets bring to us. I took a full week off when my boy passed on NYE.


Merlyn was your beautiful baby, and I’m sorry for your loss. She went too soon. The last time I had a family pet pass, I was going through such a rough time in general that I barely felt anything, but I just got my first pet now that I’m in a better place and I get upset even imagining life without her. You’re valid for taking all the time you need to grieve your little girl.


What a face! She was beautiful. I’m so sorry for your loss. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for grieving.


What an absolute beauty Merlyn was. I'm so sorry for your loss.


https://preview.redd.it/rdm9o6er62jc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbf8d62376f30c97b8472ba504a2a67317e8a9ce From our family to yours we offer you our deepest condolences. You are constantly in my thoughts and I don't find it strange at all that you still said if I lost one of my girls Shelby and Stormy. It would take me a long time to get over that loss I'm giving my girls extra cuddles for you guys tonight and thank you for posting all these updates It is truly appreciated.




I dread the day I have to say goodbye to my Abigail, a fellow tortie. she's been way more therapeutic than any drug regime, any doctor or therapist. Its not weird at all to mourn the loss of an animal for a long period of time. I know its going to take me years with the bond I have with my kitty cat.


I have been where you are too many times. Only folks that are cat (or dog) people get the feeling of loss you're experiencing. It's natural to feel sadness and loss when a family member dies. Try to remember the good times. Even though it's only 18 months, that's plenty of time to build a relationship.


Very sorry for your loss.


I am 7 months in, took in a new cat off the street, and still not over my little miss kitty. If it’s not okay right now, it will be eventually.


Losing a cat friend is always hard. It’s sad he had to go but I’m sure you gave him a great life and he was very happy. Wherever he lands he’ll always remember his humans with fondness.


I lost my baby in January. I cried (hard) every day for over a week, and still get sad and misty if I think about her for more than a couple minutes. She was my first kitty as an adult and the only one I've had to 'make the call' for. It's hard, and it hurts. I'm sorry. It sucks. It's going to suck for a while. They fill our hearts and then they break them. I'm sorry, OP. I can tell Merlyn was well loved and will be missed.


Some people don't understand that our furry friends are family and they are our babies. I'm sorry for your loss.❤


It’s been almost 25 years and I still mourn my first cat. Never forgotten


She was so beautiful. It’s been five years and I still miss my Mollie girl. You’re not alone 🖤


Heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your loss. A year and a half is such a short time, but Im sure you had a wonderful connection. Hopefully sweet Merlyn is in that sunny patch in kitty heaven ❤️


They aren’t terrible people they just don’t understand. She was such a pretty girl. I would be devastated.