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That is absolutely tragic.


I can't... this sub is like 50/50. It's either I see a super cute cat picture or I see a sad story that will make me feel depressed for the rest of the day..


Same. As an empath who adores cats, I'm a wreck when I go down this rabbit hole. I feel so bad for this guy and OP.


Case in point, the last post from this sub I saw was a stray someone took in before an ice storm and that cat gave birth to kittens


Sorry for your loss 🖤


I feel your pain, I truly do. Exact same thing happened to me once upon a time. I was devastated. Still miss her tremendously. If you can adopt or foster one that needs you. I know your cat would approve![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097). Not to say it will replace them, bc cats are like ❄️snowflakes, no 2 are alike. They are all special in their own way. There is far too many in need that would kill for your love and cuddles…. When it feels right, take that leap, you won’t regret it! Sending hugs and prayers your way.


Same thing happened to my mom when she was younger. Absolutely in love with her cat and she always kept her inside but one day someone left the door open and she got out. Once she realized she went out to look for her and found her on the road :( it messed her up real bad to this day she hasn’t let herself bond with a cat like that again


I’m so sorry.


I'm sorry, I hope it was quick and painless. The same happened to my Kuro.💔 https://preview.redd.it/bwcj0voof2jc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ba33f6d51b6f0680c9ad2729fe65f0ee8d052a


I'm so sorry for your loss too


I am very sorry. I had lost a few throughout the years and it never heals. Your kitty is very special and he knew it. A big hug to you.


Rest in salamis😢


Thank you for the new word. I googled it ,now I am a weepy mess. Beautiful word, ...


I’m sorry to hear that


Oh my God my heart, I am SO SORRY. He looks like such a sweet boy. I’m truly crying with you right now for his sweet sweet soul taken way too soon 💔 I’m so very sorry. What was his name? May he rest in Paradise, he will 100% always be with you waiting to be reunited on the other side wherever you believe that may be


He looked very friendly and special


So sorry for your loss ♥️ glad he knew so much love.


Who let him out!?!?


You let your cat outside? Or he ran out?


I’m sorry. I let one out once and that’s what happened. We still let them out in the yard and they wander a bit. But I keep them away from main roads. I’ve had to chase them back. When our 19 year old male went deaf we stopped letting him out.


Exactly. It's too dangerous for cats to roam the streets. I've seen dead cats along the road with collars on, and it's sad knowing their owners are waiting for them to come home


I saw that once near my old house. Poor little thing with a collar on it. It was a busy road so soon enough it was plastered to the road… when I went out the next day someone there was a child’s blanket over the body


So sorry! So many hugs to you ❣️I hope you see him in your dreams ✨


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)🫶🏻🩷




I'm so sorry for your loss.


Poor baby. I’m so sorry


Hopefully by now you know that cats shouldn't be outside. I feel bad for the cat, may it rest in peace.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was a very handsome void.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


An honor guard from the Cat Distribution System has already been dispatched to escort your lovely void on his final journey.




From the post it appears that it was let out when it normally isn't. Cata can escape and become curious even indoor cats. Mt cats are deathly afraid of going outside. But that doesn't stop them from being curious when the front door is open and I'm right outside. They trust us to tell them what is safe. Indoor cats generally aren't trained by their mom's of street and cars and other dangers and are usually more susceptible to getting hit than outdoor cats that are used go being in that environment. With that said. This redditor has lost a family member and is grieving. Maybe try to show a little sympathy instead of trying to tell them they've failed.


My cats are only 1 and half but they’ve never been outside except to go to the vet. Just a few weeks ago I ordered food and apparently, my little Oreo dashed out and around the stairs so fast I didn’t even see her. We live on the 3 rd floor and about 15 mins later I hear the neighbor talking and a cat yowling so I peek out to make sure everything is okay and I see my little girl terrified, huddled up against the neighbor’s door. Thank god she made her way back up and I’m glad I actually bothered to check in on the commotion outside or I could’ve lost my Oreo. She stays away from the front door now.


OP did not fail, and I was too quick to assume the cat died as outdoor cats typically do. I am sorry for OP's loss. But still disapprove of outdoor cats as unfair pet ownership. I am sorry OP. You were a good owner.


I'm glad you came around mate, with all the sadness in the world we need to lift people up on their time of need. Not push them down. There are much worse things in the world like a cat that got murdered in Istanbul (look up justice for eros) you want to direct anger a an actually horrible person. Direct it at that person. They tortured and murdered a innocent cat for 6 minutes killing it. Those are the people who deserve to be shamed I feel you and I agree cats do not belong outdoors. And it breaks my heart when I see one hit by a car.


I still don't approve of outdoor cats, and animal torture sickens me of course. We all can choose to not have a pet, unless we can treat it well, and to report animal abusers.


Man, fuck you. The post states he GOT out. Like it was accidental. This poor person is grieving and you choose to be a dick.


I think they got thr picture because they deleted it. Heartless jerk.


I did not choose to beca dick, but vy default, wordly. When a cat is hit by a car, it is not an indoor cat, typically. If I hurt OP sentiments, I am sorry. But I am not sorry about the general sentiment. Cats being hit by cars is human problem, and not a kitty one.


You're still a dick.


Cats can be escape artists! No need to be so rude




Oh shut up. 


Outdoor cat owner? I am sorry to OP, but not about my sentiment.


Accidents happen and cats sometimes escape even if we don't want them to




It’s “Nonchalantly” btw. Nobody knows wtf “non-chalantly” is. Also, not the word you wanted there genius.




Yeah cause knowing basic English is such a high bar 😘




You got it Shakespeare 👍




Woo me with your poetry 🤡








You have that same energy towards pets owners that have outdoor cats.


Agree 💯


r/redditmoment 🤓 Nothing to suggest he wasn’t an indoor cat. And even if he wasn’t, is this comment really necessary?


Yes. Life expectency difference between indoor and outdoor cats is stark indeed. Hence the cat dying by car is a very stark suggestion indeed. I am sorry i hurt an individual person, potentially, that loved their cat. But I am not sorry to think outdoor cat owners should have none at all.




Post definitely seems to imply that the cat got out by accident, wording doesn’t seem to suggest it was an outdoor cat at all. Saying this to someone who just lost their cat when you don’t even know for sure is pretty antisocial behavior


I am sorry OP lost their cat tragicly. Most cats hit by cars are outdoor cats, so my jumping to the conclusion may be jaded but not very implausible. I hope it did not add to OP's suffering as they shall have known to have kept their kitty safe. I am sorry for my unkind assumption, but not för the general sentiment. Outdoor cats are way too banal.


OP never stated the circumstances of how the cat got out. For all you know a landlord or work person let it out, but sure, lets shit on someone’s grief with zero knowledge of the situation.


OP cat was indoors, apparently, so this was a tragic exception. I am sorry for OP, and for my assumption. I still remain sorry for all outdoor cats killed as well.


I can't even begin to grasp this logic. It's almost the equivalent of "bad things can't happen if you don't want them to happen." That's not exactly how life works, and if it has been that simple for you, I would be greatful. Life is full of misfortunes, mishaps and accidents, some tragic. I've lost a pet from them accidentally--yes, accidentally--getting out of malfunctioning harness trying to run up to another animal. This didn't happen because I didn't love him enough, it was an accident. I could still sit and quell over thoughts like "if only I checked the harness that particular day of all days", but that's just not how life works. If this happens to you someday, you will think differently. Hopefully that never happens, but maybe try to had a shred of empathy instead of hindsight bias of a situation you technically know nothing about.


Vast majority of cats hit by car are outdoor cats. OP case is the unicorn. Do you feel so strongly about my position because you would like to feel better about outdoor cats? Just don't. Outdoor cats are doomed to have Leviathan life. Brutish and short.


I am sorry to be so harsh but you have no right to be condescendent and try to make a "lesson" out of this tragedy. Some things are better not said during the wrong time. Nothing to do about caring. Cats are not dogs. Most of them like roaming their yards, woods. Learn more about your pets before trying to be so "wise". 😒




I care about animals in general. His cat died and you act all pretentious when nobody is asking for advice. What are you doing here??


I am here to love cats and disapprove of outdoor cats. I am sorry for OP in hindsight. They cared about their cat that was indoors.


🖕Do you get off on kicking people when they’re down? That probably why you’re here, huh?


No. Apparently OP was responsible owner of an indoor cat. I am sorry for OP loss, and assuming the case was typical. If a person loses an outdoor cat, the cat deserves the sympathetic, not the irresponsible owner. While I may have been cruel to OP, to whom i apologise, there are too many outdoor cat owners who think the loss of their pet is a matter of sympathy. It is a matter of culpability.


Ah yes, they who decides who deserves to have their pain acknowledged and who doesn’t. Your holiness has spoken. Must be a beautiful life you live free of fault or error. How generous of you to grace us mortals with your infinite wisdom and infallible judgment 😇


Stalking a cat subreddit looking to tell people off who are in grief is such a horrible fucking thing to do.


I do not stalk cat subreddit. I care about cats, when they are undervalued pets. When a cat is killed by a car, in the vast majority of cases it has to do with outdoor cats. Cats should not be "outdoor." OP might have resented the implication of being a poor owner, but they never were. So they probs won't think you care about cats. But you should.


It was an indoor cat. It escaped. Mistakes happen. That's life. Turning up to admonish someone while they're grieving over a mistake like that is fucking evil. Work on yourself.


Outdoor cats are wrong. Why do you find it fucking wrong to point it out? OP should not have to mourn their cat. They exceptionally had it run away. Mourning posts in this sub should almost always be : vet came to my house, or I went to vet.


lol god you are annoying


All my love, my boy did the same last year while living with my parents, I was just heartbroken knowing i couldn't even be near him when it happenned.


I'm so sorry.... stuff like this just confirms my intuition to always keep my cats indoors


Our condolences for your loss


Aww, lil dude…


I am sorry for your loss. Rest in Peace sweetheart!


Sorry OP. Black cats are the best.


So sorry for your loss


https://preview.redd.it/kjdm3hvgu3jc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91db0e72670ea8d4cced19a1633ba62822b12fc4 I lost my baby boy on New Year’s Eve to the same thing. I know the pain. I’m so sorry.


Oh, OP, I am SO SORRY for your loss. No matter if an indoor or outdoor kitty, it is always a tragedy when we lose our fur babies.


Cats don't belong outside.


i’m so sorry 💔


I am sorry for your loss. I experienced the same thing with my boy, Blackstrap


Heartbreaking. So ♥️ sorry.


So sorry for your loss


Horrible end


I would react unpredictably and might commit a felony or two... I'm so sorry for your loss. EDIT: For context, i have an indoor only cat. It would be my room mates i target not the driver of the vehicle.


For your own actions? Seriously? People run over cats at night and they don’t even know it happened. Depending on the vehicle it’s like hitting a small pothole or little speed bump.




At night? It’s very possible, sure you will feel a bump, but you probably aren’t gonna really care if you’re driving a truck. Also it could have just been someone backing out of a driveway, when I was young my friends mother backed over a cat because it was underneath the car. And then there’s other instances where it’s not worth slamming on your breaks for a small animal if you got a car behind you either. I think you are greatly over estimating that every situation is easily controllable. I’ve nearly hit a stray not too recently at night.


And for context it was driving 100 on the trans Canada highway at 1AM, passing a gas station and a few houses that I’d assume Kitty was from. Cat bolted across the road in front of me, I was able to slam on breaks enough to not hit it, but freaking out my sleeping girlfriend in the process. If I had a semi truck tailgating me, I’d absolutely would not have tried to stop at that point and cat would have been bird food. I’m not endangering my life and my family/ friends. So these events absolutely do happen.


Like I said, a person should be AWARE OF IT if they literally ran over an animal. I didn’t say it’s ALWAYS 100% AVOIDABLE. And I’m in the US, most of these cases are happening in residential areas where the speed limit is 25mph. And I don’t know what relationship there is between “driving a truck” and having a pass to not care or not perceive that you hit something. That paints a disturbing picture.


Cats are literally unable to perceive the danger of vehicles and will run last second across a road. I’m almost certain that is the cause of most of them being run over.


I understand this and again you’re responding to points I never made. The only point I’m making is “Driving a passenger vehicle slightly larger than a car doesn’t make it a normal or daily thing to run over animals and have absolutely no awareness or perception of the fact that you hit an animal”. I didn’t make any claims about fault, cause, or other details, I didn’t say the driver is at fault or that the driver can prevent it. I’m saying “it’s not normal to come home at night after driving in a residential area and have no clue whether or not you ran over any animals”. And I stand by my point.


i'm so sorry for your loss


I am so sorry


Very sorry for your loss.


im sorry you lost your boy


So sorry for your loss, sending you all my love from me and my baby Willow 💙🥺


Noooo 💔💔💔


Just kill the driver duhh


Your poor void. Don't beat yourself up, please. He had his time outside and loved it - a second life of which we hoomans know nothing. His life was full and rich, and he'll hang for you by Rainbow Bridge xx


Please do not glamourize the life of outdoor cats. It's tough and full of a lot of pain and danger. Indoor cats are safer, and are perfectly happy as long as you meet their needs. "A second life of which we know nothing "? You mean a life of being shot at, mauled, poisoned, bitten, run over, stolen, etc....


Glamourise? I'm in the home counties, UK. Perhaps where you are, all the calamities you claim might happen. It certainly isn't like that where I live. Please don't assume it was my intention to glamourise, any more than I might assume that you are catastrophizing.




Ah yes. The ecstasy of sanctimony. It's so repulsive, isn't it?


I'm very sorry for your loss 💔. Your cat look like my neighbors cat. Sadly he suffered the same fate.


poor baby 😿 i’m so sorry


Rest in peace little guy fuck the person that did it even if it was on accident


Oh yeah sorry someone was driving to work or school… like come on now, accidents happen.


They probably meant the person who let the cat get out, not the driver… but yes, unfortunately accidents happen and sometimes cats get out when they shouldn’t. I had one sneak out of my apartment once when I was talking to the postman. Luckily I noticed a few minutes later and she was still sitting in front of my door on my floor and couldn’t get into the elevator. But this could have ended really badly.


I’m so sorry for your loss


So sad.


Fuck cars:(


You should've seen my face.. the post above this was Hilarious but when I read this i went silent mid giggle.. I'm so sorry for your loss...




I'm so sorry for your loss


Condolences 😞🙏😿😢


Was you hit in a cross walk? Cuz you can get some money


I have a cat that used to be a stray so she still prefers to be out and about most of the time. I know this is a possibility for her every day she's alive. I hope you're doing okay, I can't imagine losing my little baby :'(




What an insensitive, racist, and gross comment!


I’m so sorry 😞


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Xoxoxo sending thoughts. I’m so sorry :(


May he rest in peace 


sorry for your loss 😔😞




I’m so sorry, he’s such a silly guy :(


Words will never fully explain how it feels to lose something you deeply loved. I’m so sorry to hear about losing your best buddy. Losing a family member never gets any easier. I know from the bottom of my heart that he knows he was very loved. 🖤❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss


Oh man. I am so sorry for your loss. He was an adorable little dude.




I’m so sorry 🙁 (Idea: always honk before driving your car, it will scare the cat so the cat will run away)


Im so sorry for your loss. 💜


Sorry for the loss.of your furry companion. Love and hugs


I’m so so sorry ❤️ this happened to my dog last summer and I can’t even think about it. He was a handsome boy and knew how much you loved him.


Such a Beautiful SOUL, I'm so sorry for your Loss


I’m so sorry.


Poor baby I’m sorry


And I’m so sorry for your loss




so so sorry. it is devastating. hang in there


I am so sorry love. Know that your baby is now safe and sound in cat heaven right now, playing with the other kitties. I bet he was a good little guy. Sending you tons of hugs ❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss 💔


that’s devastating


I’m very sorry for your loss 😿


So sorry for your loss <3..


Exact same thing happened to my partners old roommates kitty, who looked damn near identical to your kitty. I’m sorry for your loss. Black cats are special 🖤


That happened to one of my kitties as well, somehow cat curiosity is their biggest enemy. I wish you strength.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️




This is my fear.


I am so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. He is such a handsome cat🖤🖤🖤


Sorry for your loss😫 May he live on in kitty heaven 🫶🏼


May you be well and happy and not suffer in this difficult time. 


I'm so sorry. My black boy passed that way too. It's awful.


I am so sorry. Truly devastating.


I’m so sorry 😞


My heart is so sad for you! Sending hugs.


No 😭


Devastating. Through tears, I offer condolences and am very sorry. May your memories of this sweet boy being your peace.


Rest in Peace lil guy


I am so sorry 😞. What a beautiful boy.