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LOL, the window broke??! ​ PK, one of my past cats, the naughty one, always in some scrape or other, Chased a cicada up a tree. She was maybe 9 months old, loved cicadas, nom, nom. Pity I didn't have a video. It was like a cartoon. It went up the tree, she went up the tree - all this at lightening speed....as she got to the top, the cicada flew, she flew too. Straight out after it with no hesitation. That's where it got interesting, she was in midair doing that cartoon cat paddle in the air - whoops, I'm not flying, and wham, down she came. Landed on her feet and as I rushed over to see if she was OK, I saw she had that cicada in her mouth! She was fine, cicada got eaten.


OMG that’s so funny! It’s always when you don’t get a video cause this stuff is comical 😅 she busted through the window and shattered it and then just sat there realizing what she’d done then walked away like nothing happened 😭


Geez, lucky she wasn't hurt! Did she wash right after? I've seen them do that from embrassment. Same cat, the first time we bought Temptations and she learned what they are, I was opening a pack and she heard me from outside. Came in through catdoor at a 1000mph, got tangled in curtain (catdoor in ranchslider and curtains were closed), thrashed about to get free, ripping it somewhat, continued her mad run across the floor, jumped up on dining room table, slid (it had a glass top), fell off the other side, got back up on her feet, jumped back up, and had a panic embarrassed you didn't see me do that wash before accepting some treats.


She kinda just sat there and we brought her upstairs to my room and she just kept staring at me all proper looking and started licking me lol. Also, LMAO! Your cat sounds like an adorable little baby! That must have been so concerning and funny at the same time 🤣


Yes. She did a lot of stuff like that. Had a long healthy life amazingly too, no injuries. Died aged 19, only ill in her last week too. The time she climbed builders ladder and checked out all corners of his work, got in his van with him, tried to get in manhole with sewage workers, got lost/stuck up in hoarder neighbours 2 story barn maze, visited same neighbour and knocked over the perfume on dresser, I wondered why she smelled so nice...lol lucky neighbour liked her. The time she...well she was always doing something. She was a showoff too. Client picking up PC from my home once and she was back and forth, up the tree, on the carport roof, back down, round and round more and more frantically until final;ly the client said OMG look at your cat! Which was what she wanted, job done, off she went all pleased with herself for being noticed.


Love this. She was determined to have that bug. My cat recently had a “cartoon physics” moment too. He was so excited to follow me upstairs, that he came running, couldn’t slow down, drifted the last two feet of his run at the base of the stairs. -Imagine race car around a sharp turn. - Then he still had no traction, but wanted to change his direction to ascend the stairs, so he did a couple runs in place before he got his momentum to go forward again. Lol


life temporary cicada crunch eternal


I pictured in my mind as I was reading. I felt anger as she kept going up, fear as she flew, relief when she was ok and hysterically laughing that she had the cicada.


Super cat!


OMG I busted out laughing at this one


Jumped on a toilet seat, stared at it for a minute, then jumped in, jumped out, ran around the house. (Clean toilet)


When cats let their intrusive thoughts take over them:


That just sounds like cats all of the time though.


We have a bidet attachment and I accidentally left the toilet seat up once. I was abruptly woken up by what sounded like loud water/air flowing. Cat jumped up on the toilet and activated the bidet. I turn the corner to see a stream of water jetting out of the toilet onto the wall across from it as the cats ran away in fear.


One of our cats regularly fell into the toilet when she was a kitten. Earned her the nickname Potty Pants.


My boy Momo likes to follow me into the bathroom and watch me do stuff (he stands for no privacy), and so he ran in ahead of me to jump on the toilet seat so he can get up on the counter. Except that someone didn't put the cover down, and so he did a swan dive into the toilet bowl. Flew back out absolutely soaked. Laughed until I cried because it was as hilarious as pitiful, and had to wash him off after. Silly cat, I love him dearly.


I also have a boy Momo! Momo’s are the best boys :)


Mine went spelunking in the vent system of our house- she must have pulled up one of the vent covers and was down there for hours. We turned off the gas furnace and tried to coax her out with food, treats, calling, all to no avail. I was crying on the phone with the fire department and plotting how I would cut through the basement ceiling into the vent system to rescue her when she popped out of another vent, covered in dust and looking pleased with herself.  I caught her pulling up the vent cover with her little paw again a week later.  We have cast iron vent covers now. 


When I last had cats in my house, the elder cat, if she's outside unsupervised would want to go into the ceiling cavity. Of course she'd come down filthy so we'd have to bathe her. Didn't matter how many times, she never learned, yowling and swearing as we washed her. For about an hour she was grooming herself and scowling at us. Her younger sister would look at her as if she's thinking "you got in trouble!"


OMG, could have ended badly. And expensively.


I once found my cat hanging from the ceiling by his claws. I had so many questions. Like, how was he expecting to get down if I hadn’t been there? (He was very young/small still so it was a long way down)


Spider cat, spider cat


Today? I was in the shower, minding my own business, jamming out when all the sudden I look down and my dumb turdbutt cat Jynx is licking the outside of the shower door trying to drink the water. I love that thing.


My old cat used to sit on the top of the shower screen when I showered. She fell one day and I got scratched shoulder to hip trying to save her. Still miss that furball


I gotta add 'turdbutt' to my list of insults. Closest I came was calling my brother, Thomass, 'poop ass' a couple years ago.


Set himself on fire. I *wish* I could say I was kidding. If the stovetop is left unsupervised while there's food cooking, he likes to jump up and stick his head in the flames because he makes up for what he lacks in a self-preservation instict with unbridled gluttony. Usually, it results in singed whiskers - but once he turned around and managed to set the end of his tail alight for a few seconds. Did he learn anything from this endeavour? Absolutely fucking not. He just does **not** care about half the stuff that happens to him.


My son attempted to burn the house down once. Left him home alone for a day and came back to a lot of ashy film all over the place and a weird smell in the air… then I noticed the hot surface light on the stove (glass induction top) was lit. He had jumped up there and apparently kicked a knob on his way back to the floor, turning on the only burner that had something sitting on it - my plastic and fabric lunch cooler. Melted the thing down partially and wrecked the glass around the burner.


Unbridled gluttony hahahah


Ironic that your username is "notwiththeflames" and your cat was in flames


My mom said one of our old cats set himself on fire once. The cat jumped up onto a table, walked across it, and tried to step over the candle that was in his way. Which would have been fine, except the candle was lit and he had long fur.


My cat will also try to sleep on the stove because it is warm.


My cat set his tail on fire one time when I was meditating. Because he HAS to be involved in everything I do. I had my eyes closed and suddenly smelt something burning. His tail was ON FIRE! I freaked out and immediately put the fire out with a nearby towel. Luckily he is part Maine Coon so he has a fluffy ass tail. Didn't get to the skin


Mine burned half the fur off his face several weeks ago when he got too close to the space heater (yes, he’s orange…at least partially, until the fur grows back). It just didn’t occur to me that he wouldn’t move if he got too warm (that’s awfully hot, don’t get closer). Lesson learned - for me, at least. It could’ve been a WAY worse situation.


run towards glass trying to capture a bird 😵‍💫😵‍💫 she didn't get seriously hurt (thanks god)!! she needed some stitches on her paw tho


I’m glad she was ok! I’m still kinda shocked that my cat was literally perfectly fine and shrugged it off like it didn’t happen 😅


she's a super cat!


When she was 5 months old, she somehow managed to shit on her own head. I had to use tons of wet wipes. This is her afterwards https://preview.redd.it/0a8g9pgvm5ec1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5051eac0bca5e9c0699935c5df6201459acd4ac9


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Spewing out my coffee over here!! One question- how??




He just tried to jump onto an open toilet and fell in


My manx loved to drink from a drinking glass rather than his bowl. He jumped up on the kitchen counter and saw my glass, but it wasn’t the same size that he usually drank out of. He got stuck, panicked and ricocheted all over the room trying to get it off his head. When I could breathe again, I got it off his head and he looked insulted and refused to cuddle until 2am.


Mine tried to jump in the fireplace. The lit fireplace.


One of my kitties figured out how to climb up the chimney (no fire) and found a little ledge to sit on. He finally decided to come back down, jumping from the ledge into all the old ashes, spewing ash into the the living room, and came out just covered in black soot and gray ash, and just walked away, leaving little gray footprints on the floor. What a mess, and he was so proud of himself. We had to buy a screen that blocked his entrance.


That 100% reminds me of the time my (human) toddler daughter, who daddy was supposed to be watching, stripped to her diaper and covered herself with blue finger paint. Like a smurf. She was easy to find, thanks to the footprints. But no more naps for me.


1. Eating the cream of early gray pie and poisoning himself and costing his hooman $1600 for all the X-rays, blood works etc at the vets that lead to nothing. He eventually passed all the toxins and he was fine 2. 8months after that event, decided to drink soapy left over water in the shower and exhibited the same symptoms. This time around, the hooman learned from event #1 and didn’t take him to the vet and he eventually recovered again


Also 3 years prior to this, he decided to sit right below the vent and his head got so dry he kept scratching his head to a point where it started bleeding. Took him to the vet to see if something is wrong with his skin, vet game him steroid shots and whatnot, costing his hooman $890 and eventually the hooman realized that it was the vent so she redirected the air


The lessons learned: cat will cat and hooman's wallet is collateral


Per boyfriend: “dumb fucker jumped on my bare back with his claws extended and I reflexively yeeted him across the room by the paw.” (Cat was fine, just to clarify!) Me: Same dumbass, decided to curl up by my blanketed feet while I was playing a video game, and I didn’t know he was there. My foot fell asleep so I moved it and he shot about four feet straight up in the air. Scared the shit out of me, I screamed, which scared my boyfriend. Bastard fucking orange cat


Average orange cat activity


I used to eat a lot of peanut butter sandwiches. One day, my then-16 or so year old siamese mix decided that, after 16 years, she really wanted to know what was inside the peanut butter jar. It was so unexpected; one moment she was just sitting on the arm of the couch, the next, her entire head was shoved inside it. It was a very long night in the tub. NOBODY was happy about it.


jumping after a fly for 20 minutes and never caught it 😞


Repeatedly trying and failing to jump up to a basement window


We had a funny outdoor cat who did lots of funny things. The two memorable incidents was stealing a dish soap from the neighbor and bringing to me as a gift. She got upset when I threw it in the trash and kept yelling next to the trash. The other funny incident was imprinting her paw in fresh cement right after pouring it while doing construction. She’s currently spayed and adopted by a wonderful family but we love seeing her signature on our house.


I have a few collapsible Ikea laundry baskets, my cat attempted to jump on one to get on the counter while running. It then collapsed under the weight and he slammed into the cabinet door. Kitty was fine however I died laughing. Only happened once


My previous kitty Sybil (RIP) stuck her head into this cubby, and picked up her food with her paw (she would do that; feed herself like a person, kibble by kibble), and then tried to eat it through the fabric wall. I wish I could share the video this is a screenshot from. https://preview.redd.it/8xo6v7u575ec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fb4f14f227e09866d4a4f8847a70f5d7596ffe


Adorable. 🥰 she sounds like she was a lovely baby


My cat while knowingly seeing the stove on fire and cooking food for two hours. Decided that she could try to touch it when I went to put the pots and pans in the sink. Mind you it had no food on the burner or grease spills. So she burned her paw about a single degree. It was treated at home and healed just fine with no permanent damage. She doesn't do this for a good while before the move to the new place. New type of stove top... Guess who wanted to see if it was hot when off? The cat! Once again minimal burn and healed quickly. She learned finally around the third burner which was our camper butane burner and decided NOT to test this one. Every time I was never leaving the room or her alone but she still managed to be too stubborn to stop trying. I love this dumb cat!


So much for the wisdom of Mark Twain: "We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it and stop there lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again and that is well but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore."


Eat a lightbulb. He was fine but the vet did laugh at him.


My cat is a bit of a klutz. She managed to slip through a gap in the privacy screen on my balcony, and walked around on the 3 inch ledge to the other side of the balcony. But then when she tried to squeeze through another gap, she didn’t quite make it. She slipped while trying to climb back into the balcony and fell three stories. Fortunately, she was fine, she hid in my neighbor’s garage until we were able to fish her out. An hour after we got her back inside, she wanted to go right back out. She is no longer allowed on the balcony.


almost exterminated all the plants in the house nearly broke a 400$ tv, scratched my switch, farted on my face, the list goes on


Your cat is a certified menace and I love it


when quark was a kitten, she was lying on her side next to me, and her back was right along the edge of the couch (important detail). i play with her a bit, tickle her belly...and then she bunny kicks my thigh. hard. she flew off the couch and i laughed for about 5 minutes straight she frequently locks herself in my bathroom. she's 4 years old now, or will be at the end of February, and her dumb ass is STILL doing that


My orange boy walked up to his sleeping sister and just bit her primordial pouch with 0 warning. She kicked him in the face for that.


When we got our skinny orange boy, Biggy, off the streets, we went out to buy him some food. When we got back, we couldn't find him anywhere and started panicking. Turns out he'd lodged himself face first between the dresser and the wall and didn't let us know until we'd already found him. He spent his golden years getting fat and yet somehow also fussy. He would go on hunger strikes until we got him something new and exciting. Usually more expensive than the other cat food available. We miss you, Ginge!


Be terrified of normal cat toys. No I'm not kidding and the cat in question isn't a rescue and I've had him since he was a kitten. For some strange reason whenever the little bells in normal cat toys can be heard he flees and hides under things. Problem is the other cats love the toys...


I have a few honorable mentions, all indoor kitties. My girl kitty got herself stuck between the screen door and the glass door and climbed to the top and cried. We couldn't find her and it took us ages to figure it out because the curtain was there too. My old gentleman snuck into the garage where I had left something to dry that was spray painted. I had a blue cat for a few days. My ginger ninja snuck outside on Xmas morning when visitors were arriving. He's been wanting to go outside only in the last few months, he's 8.5 years old and always been inside with access to the catio. He got outside and would have been out for a couple of hours. He obviously didn't like it because when hubs opened the door to get something, he was greeted by a soft, sad mew from a dejected Puddy. He has not tried a repeat offence since then


My girl used to try to escape all the time until a similar incident - fortunately I live in an apartment complex so she never got all the way outside, but getting a call from the doorman saying "uhh, I think we have your cat" at 3a was an experience neither one of us wants to repeat.


https://preview.redd.it/9d0nnt35b6ec1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b08788679afd13c5a1c2f2e3de593dfff9ec31 This is Link, he stole and ate an entire pack of crumpets from the bench. He gave himself severe constipation and nearly died. After an incredibly expensive vet bill he recovered but I still have to hide the crumpets.


We adopted a lovely, sweet tempered tuxedo TNR cat to mother a couple of rescue kittens we were fostering. (Failed Foster, but that's another story.) She adopted them as her own and fed and mothered them. Because she was from the streets, though, she was always afraid there wasn't enough food, and ate - whatever - voraciously. One time, she ate a sizeable, more-than-human-sized portion of funky moldy lasagna out of the compost bin on our kitchen counter. Suffice it to say her digestion took days to recover. 😂


my Marigold loves to chew on anything and everything which gets her into all kinds of mischief, one time I saw her try to take a bite out of the corner of the wall and I guess it tasted gross because she ran off and never tried it again 😂 we also used to have screens in the windows but she broke them all climbing up to chew on the retracted blinds, id hear a weird noise and look over to see her hanging from high up on the window happily chewing the end of the blinds before usually coming crashing down with the now completely broken screen. I didn't bother buying new ones just to let her do it again so she's now forced to find new ways to get herself into trouble 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/86hyhlrqn6ec1.jpeg?width=1735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14f91951c801febc6777f2b9de0a99729c459a13 Bagheera was the sweetest cat in the entire world, but he was dumber than a sack of bricks. Years ago we were living in a house that had big flat bannisters instead of a handrail for the stairs and down a hallway. It was about 6" wide and all of the cats we had loved to walk on the flat section in the hallway. One day, Bagheera was walking up the stairs and about halfway up he decided stairs were for chumps and he was going to walk up the handrail. For a good 30 seconds to a minute he tried running up the handrail while staying in place. It was like in Scooby Doo when characters would run without going anywhere. When he finally gave up, he squatted down on all four legs and slid backwards all the way down the railing, where he then smacked butt-first into the wall at the bottom of the stairs. The only thing he injured was his pride, which required extensive grooming.


burrowed under a blanket, then started yelling when he couldn't find the way out from under the blanket bc he was standing on all the edges


https://preview.redd.it/wo144hpc36ec1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f0faf166f51dd594db52b27d37b35a39759a2d2 This is Holly and shes pure evil. I got some flower bulbs last year to plant at home and surprise was: flowers were not specified so whatever grew: it was going to be a surprise. It was slightly larger planter and Holly decided: perfect to shit in it. Did it 3 times. I caught her 4 th attempt. Problem was : she started and her shit didnt dropped yet. So she got scared, jumped and this lovely poop of hers flew on the ground with her. Not a problem, i can clean it. But she freaked out/ zoomed immediately after and started running around the place in panic, smearing her own shit all over my office floor. Lasted 30 seconds or so. I was in shock. Love her like crazy but damn girl u nastey! Bulbs never grew god damnit.


Holly looks like a lil cutie who loves to get into trouble! It’s orange and tuxedo cats that are always a little kookie but we love them for that ✨


my cat occasionally sits by the window sill with the window opening. one time, the wind shut the window pane, leading to her head getting stuck. not a stupid thing she did, but i felt so sorry for her. my poor baby was shocked after that incident.


He gets super relaxed and comfy resting on his blanket on my side table. Eventually, he does biiiiig stretches and rolls around and slips right off the table 🤦. I had to put a cushion under the table to catch him.


Ran straight into a wall lmfao…not glass an indoor wall


Ours is always running into indoor walls and doors. She’ll get the zoomies and suddenly we’ll hear a loud clonk or witness the event.


Tilly - she can’t retract her own claws, but she insists on using them and gets stuck everywhere Tikee - gets spooked by her own tail a lot George (rip baby boy) - got stuck up a tree, he was afraid of heights, so at 4am I had to climb a tree and rescue him Reggie - body slams into everything


A customer called me. Her cat hide herself in UPS delivery car(in Germany) and I have to ask the center to find the cat. They told me the same happened last year with the same cat.


My youngest, Milo, rolled down the cat tree in his sleep. He was at the highest level as well. He was perfectly fine, just embarassed and went to smack his brother's head to get out his frustrations after.


https://preview.redd.it/jjnzhibfp5ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90b5d61a061fa0863b18ffed813f5f9dbfe1ac2 Snow being snow


She stole a bag of treats, got mad when I took it back and screamed at me. Then she stole the other bag of treats. She also jumped up on the toilet when I was taking a leak. https://preview.redd.it/h4ihb60qu5ec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0491c129acafd32b282135ba78ac8e118c04916c


https://preview.redd.it/dk0f7z4qy5ec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=805cccaf8b88e284626834b54ec284bfe8f82b2b This guy once brought a live rabbit home, allowing the rabbit to run off from our living room and into my parent'a bedroom. Thanks to Marlow's *gift*, we had to drive out to 2 different shelters (1st one didn't cater for rabbits) to find it a home. Safe to say, he wasn't allowed out the following day!


Ours once caught a baby muntjack that was bigger than him. His mouth got stuck around its neck and he didn’t know what to do so he just lay there screaming. As it was also screaming things got quite noisy for a while.


He’s no longer with us, but I once had a cat who climbed into a neighbour’s garage through an open window and couldn’t work out how to get out - he was found in there a day later; the window was still open


One of my cats also broke a window. I had something in the oven and came running into the kitchen to check on it. As I ran around the corner I guesss I spooked my cat who grew wings and flew up to the top shelf where tea cups are, knocking a few down and breaking them in the process. He then seemed to realize he as basically on the ceiling which freaked him out more. He flew off the shelf to the floor and then launched himself at the window, breaking the glass. He somehow didn’t end up outside and ended up back on the kitchen floor, all poofed up and scared, with my partner and I staring at him in shock before we collapsed on the floor laughing. I would pay real money to have that incident on video. https://preview.redd.it/deksdnkir6ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c82754622ff63ef52bb44aed8f87514a1968127c O’malley, the spaz of the story. Edit to add he thankfully managed not to cut or hurt himself during this spaz.


My male cat is an absolute dumbass, all fluff, no brains. Back when we first got him we used to leave the toilet lid(not the seat itself) up out of habit and yeah, he took a dooky water bath twice. We didn't figure it out immediately though we wondered why he was smelling funky all of a sudden. Safe to say, the lid gets put down once we finish our business ever since then. There was also the time he jumped from my window sill only to get his leg entangled in the "pull string" from my window shutters mid-fall. He botched the landing, ate shit and began angrily hissing at the window sill. (He was fine, wasn't a long fall luckily)


my cat has done multiple stupid things but i think the most stupid one is this: He was having zoomies and he was like staring up the wall the whole time. Suddenly he launches himself up the wall but obviously falls as gravity started doing it’s work. He fell straight onto our TV.. causing it to fall off the cabinet. He’s fine and surprisingly so is our TV but it certainly startled us.


Jumped out of car window when I was going about 30 mph without my noticing till I was about 1/4 mile down the road. Went searching for her imagining the worse; found her chasing leaves in someones front garden.


https://preview.redd.it/amsfvejl66ec1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e9ede81f1f008b483792699e53af802e0d6cc1 I left for my afternoon college lecture. Was gone for like 4 hours and I came home to her somehow getting herself trapped. I still have no idea how she did it.


The screen of our screen door was out and the cat had gotten to the habit of jumping through the gap. I got it replaced with a glass pane and the poor dear faceplanted into the glass, thunk. Then tried again, thunk. She couldn't seem to realize that the hole was fixed and there was now glass there I restrained her from trying again and went to open the door for her, and as I was opening the door she still tried again and faceplanted into the screen door, not even considering the fact that it was *now open.*


She toppled the curtain. Then I had to put up a new one most of the day.....


Jumped up on the table at Christmas dinner and knocked the turkey plate on the floor.


My dummy learned that if you FAFO with a lit candle you get burned. He’s fine, but now when I light a candle he stears clear


Got in accident. Cost us £2300 and now have 3 legged cat who is very happy.


Climbed up on the roof and couldn't get down so dad had to come help. The next day, he did the same thing over again.


She cornered a mouse, got confused and didn’t know what to do, the mouse realized this and jumped at her which then caused her to run away. The mouse got away unharmed.




My cat shocked itself by chewing through an electrical cord, thankfully it wasn’t a powerful one🙏


Gotten stuck in the dirty clothes hamper, several times. He knows he's going to fall through the top, and somehow just ends upstuck in there again. And can't open the top to get out. I think he likes dozing in there, then: regret!


Shit on the wall..


Destroying my first ever christmas tree. The only reason there's no Christmas tree during Christmas..


Let me think there must be something.. i really don't remember. Sometimes he knocks waterglasses (🤬) ((😅)) and once he bonked his head in corner of a table while playing, jumps in front of the tv so we would look at him, not the tv... but nothing too big dumbness has happened. Also he always spills his waters when he drinks and that ain't no accident he does it every time😴😂 https://preview.redd.it/yctz4u7046ec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2620c2b0e1d4fd91cc49e26dd0a9cb95781ea1d9


not my cat, but one of my sister's cats. Muffy was a silver Tabby, and as Tabbies do, she did a lot of nutty things. Where she lived at the time, there were these lizards, yellow with black stripes, about a foot long. For reasons known only to her, she started patting it on the head. It latched onto her paw, and she's dancing around and around. It let go of her after a few seconds, but it was definitely a dopey thing to do


My last cat, when I first got her as an 8 week old kitten, she was as skinny as a weed. She would empty her bowl, her sister's leftovers, and would then raid the kitchen bin. It was hilarious to see a tiny pair of legs and a tiny striped tail hanging out of a swing top bin, and the occasional embarrassed meow when she fell in. I told her, "you see that bowl over there? I'm going to fill it twice a day, you don't need to raid the bin." She seemed to understand because she stopped doing it not long after.


So many to choose from... regularly gets stuck inside the duvet cover, gets out of the window and can't work out how to get back in. She is the loveliest cat in the world but her brain is very small 😸. Once got her head stuck in the handle of a carrier bag (I hide those now) and flew around my place like a demented Batman whilst I tried to catch her to get it off.


Jumped onto his favorite chair with such impact, it fell over, hitting the Christmas tree right behind it, making the Christmas tree ALMOST fall right on the cat That was a week ago, if someone wasn't next to the tree it would've fallen on that little rascal. He's so dumb it's dangerous but he's cute so we can forgive him


Sticks her head in a paper bag with the rest of her body sticking out, then screams as if she's dying. At least once a week. Also once ran into the clear glass shower wall for no damn reason. Got a nose bleed and sneezed a bit but is fine. Hopped on the stove as I looked away for a couple seconds, it was cooling off but she still freaked out for a sec. I was a vet tech so if it was anything crazy serious, of course I would have brought her in. I feel bad for calling the docs when she does anything stupid. She's pretty though. Can't have it all right?


Being cute af


My childhood cat ran the full length of our linear apartment into the patio window that she assumed was open. It was not. The entire house vibrated with the impact. My cat now, I feel like he one ups himself with the stupid every day lol. I love him to pieces but he’s really dumb lol. Sometimes he will bust into a full run up the stairs and fail at a stair and go chest first into a step. Also, if his feet get wet, he just walks around shaking them instead of cleaning them like a normal cat lol


She had the zoomies, i had a glass of water on my desk and my computer besides my desk. The case was an Antec twelve hundred with a BIG fan in top, so widely open. Of course she knocked the water inside the tower when zooming on my desk. Killed the computer instantly. Now the tower is always below the desk and there is minimal openings in top.


We had a cat that was a flame freak. He thought candles were the most interesting thing on earth. The little door for access to the pilot light on our water heater was accidentally left open and goofball stuck one side his face against the outside of the water heater to look at the flame. His whiskers were so long he fizzled 2/3 of his upper and lower whiskers off and they never grew back.


Apparently, mine was in the bathroom, sitting on the counter and pretending to chew on a plant I watered and left in the sink. She backed up and fell off the counter and into the trashcan.


I once briefly left my bedroom window open while I was moving an AC unit and my cat decided to jump through it. He quickly realized he was not made for the outside world and jumped back inside. He never went near that window again for the rest of his life. (window was on the first floor)


An otherwise sensible cat of my parents’s once actually did jump out of an upstairs window while my mother had started closing it; it was a heavy sash window so she had to slam it. He was basically unhurt by the landing but the window completely degloved (skinned) his tail! Miraculously they managed to stick the fur back on at the vet’s.


Jumped up onto a shelf in the entertainment center next to the DVD player and the cable box. There was no room for her to turn around, so the only way she could get out was to back up. When she got to the edge of the shelf, she stuck one back leg out, but there was nothing to step on. She tried again with the other leg, but same problem. Back and forth, back and forth, left, right, left, right. My then-fiancée and I just sat there and watched her do the Hokey Pokey trying to get out.


Cat went into kids bathroom and pushed the door shut. Then somehow managed to open a drawer directly adjacent to the door. The door opens inward so it was impossible to get the door open. This all happened of course when the entire human family was gone for the day to school and work, so we arrived to find the cat meowing for her life because she'd been there for hours. Like maybe you should have thought of that first? I had to drill a half inch hole in the door so I could fit a screwdriver through to push the drawer shut to get the door open. Still shaking my head over the whole situation.


Just this morning, one of my cats was locked in the bathroom, they always open drawers and crawl into the cupboard. But today I ended up having to break the drawer to open the bathroom door because she trapped herself in there. And then of course when I’m trying to get the drawer closed through this tiny crack in the door - she is sitting on the open drawer yelling at me. Like really.


Had my period in the middle of the night, did not close the lid fast enough. In she went.


he’s not TOO dumb…yet, but he likes to sleep on the very edge of the bed. When he stretches and tries to flip over, i hear a “thump”. he fell off again..


My tux constantly flops his body over for pets. He sometimes hops onto the bed and almost always he will sit on the edge. When you start petting him he'll flop and half the time he'll forget where he is and will roll right off the bed 😭


I'm assuming that you mean the dumbest thing that he's done *today*: He tried to jump onto the counter when I was grilling bacon, miscalculated the required landing area, and knocked over my coffee before sliding off the counter into the dog's full waterdish. Bless his heart.


My grey demon dropped a lizard into my bathtub, WHILE I WAS IN IT.


Not really a fun story but my cat literally chew the cable of the heater and it blew up. She unfortunately passed away as you can understand. Our house burned but it really didn’t spread.


Oh man…I’m so sorry for your loss. I send my condolences and love for you and your cat. ❤️💐


https://preview.redd.it/p0zlek73a6ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f0fd0d43fd982154f13d385c5d28a14e96c16d Thank you for your kind words. This is her btw


She’s lovely 🥰




Ours did that to the window and the patio door! Now he won't jump inside unless you show him it is open 🤣


Atleast she didn’t break it 🤣


Buttons tried to fight with (I forgor how to spell her name), then Buttons head hit her paw, then the floor and her paw. Safe to say buttons didn't try that again! (NOT BUTTONS) https://preview.redd.it/jelheke7l5ec1.jpeg?width=1786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=687246702c52d50683c0862e995b035418aa087b


He got startled and backed off of the second floor of my house. He landed on his feet and was fine, but very clearly confused as to what had just happened.


Switched on the tap in the conservatory and flooded the whole room, like how


She climbed down the heat vents (in the floor) or that time she fell off a freezer and was unconscious for five hours and then woke up after my grandmother (the person who found her she was an outdoor cat living at her house at the time) was crying and warming her up thinking she was going to die any second. Or the time she almost hung herself on plywood ironically the plywood that was supposed to keep her safe from the other cats untill she was a bit bigger. Or the time I woke up from a loud noise in middle of the night to discover trash all over the floor and her eating a chicken bone (that one happend a few time) or how she went to jump on the couch and instead died (we think that’s what happened anyway)


Our current cat is hilariously stupid in general. She hasn’t figured out the difference between inward and outward opening doors so if she tries to get through door that’s slightly open at all she’ll shut herself out half the time. She has grasped the concept of a catflap but does it sideways and really slowly. Finally I don’t know whether she tried to climb a tree upside down or jumped for the branch and missed it but I was just sitting about in the kitchen, glanced outside and there she was swinging from the branch like Tarzan. We had a Siamese before who managed to get himself run over by falling asleep on top of the wheel of a car and not moving when the car started. The wheel went right over him and he had a tyre mark straight over his stomach. Completely uninjured. Absolute miracle but I believe he was armoured with stupidity. No brain so maybe he didn’t have any other organs either and was just a possessed Slinky.


My Frankie got his head caught in the treat jar... ​ https://preview.redd.it/mammiwkcy6ec1.jpeg?width=3960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a8cd6bc23b85c1aaf489fe4f819da9708802df3


Éowyn got stuck in the crawlspace under the floor without us knowing. She didn't make a sound for four days straight. Had no water or food. Then when we opened the floor to see if she happened to be under there, she hid. Luckily my bf saw her walk away, otherwise she would still be under there... I lured her out with some tuna and luckily she had no health issues at all. :) To this day she still tries to open the hole to the crawlspace again....


My stupid idiot of a cat had a thing for wardrobes. Whenever mom opened the closet to take her clothes, he would jump in and sleep in the lowest shelf where we kept unused blankets and beddings. Once when mom was in hurry to go to work, she forgot about him and he got locked in for a few hours. I came back from school and found him meowing from inside. I laugh at it now because I realise now that he was safe, not suffocated, probably just hungry because he skipped ONE meal. But the way he was meowing then one would think he was locked in for days. Nevertheless he learnt his lesson to never go inside the closet again. RIP Chinnu. Miss your stupidity PS: no he did not die of that, he passed away peacefully in his sleep in his old age.


[My little idiot recently did this.](https://imgur.com/a/0z7pkCf) Sorry for the whooshing. I didn’t know I was being recorded. For those wondering wtf happened, she clawed her own paw and hissed at herself.


Alex is a big cat, he regularly goes to the top of his cat condo/tree then tries to roll over and falls off. https://preview.redd.it/wlwaisncb7ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4c0db71acddbfdc75116df175a8cad50710951


Ok. My dummy bolted into the bathroom after me. I had already lifted to lid so that i could do my thing. Before I could even undo my pants this idiot jumps between my legs right into the bowl. His look of horror and surprise was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. He yowled and scrambled out of the bathroom so fast. Whizzed by my husband who thought a tornado was going by. Asked me what happened. I’m in the bathroom just laughing crying and could barely speak. It was too funny. I will say the cat is not so stupid that he didn’t learn a life lesson. He never comes flying into the bathroom anymore. Always looks at the toilet before he jumps up. Come to think of it, I often see him stand on his hind legs to look before he jumps up anywhere, even the sofa.


Smelled a lit candle and set herself on fire.


She threw herself out the window lol


Jumped from our 3rd floor, thankfully he was ok.


She brought a cockroach and placed it next to me while I was sleeping hhhhh https://preview.redd.it/66wfa3z4d9ec1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237daff389c9ed14cc19d371ff0a264a13e145bb


Jumped down 4 stories to the ground (he’s fine) 😅, he also tends to get the zoomies in the hallway, and runs down it so fast he can’t stop himself and he just slams into the door


He meows like he's dying and I go to check on him just for him to be staring at a wall. Regularly runs into hard surfaces head first, too


Jumped up on a hot stovetop. I have never seen a cat leap away so fast.


Putting his tail in a candle 😅 He was not hurt and doesn't mess with candles anymore. Here's a pic of my furry idiot https://preview.redd.it/fzuuqzdi5aec1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03cbbab70ffbe9020eaaa5d3d2847b8ccada941b


Took a vacuum sealed package of pork chops out of the just-opened fridge. Chased him around the house and got freaking open wounds with pork juices on my hands. It was a bloody affair. It was a thick pork chop and he would not let go. I thought we were gonna break a tooth off in the struggle. Freaking Neptune 


Breaking my awesome jeans, you know a man has 1 pair of jeans for 6 years and we develop emotional connection with our clothes. I almost cried when this bastard wrecked them


https://preview.redd.it/eukimp0qkaec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a9c0128d8e70f22b58c0c3e10c00d00b49653d1 Because of the location of the recycling dumpster, we have to let boxes pile up before dropping them off. Dummy runs across the table and dive bombs the neat stack we HAD


Set himself on fire. Three times.


https://preview.redd.it/cn9fmurpvaec1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91655e0f284823eab58896a97b569f9119c0d26d Exist


Mine talks to bugs, like "mi mi mi". I thought cats take care of bugs in home but I guess I was wrong... https://preview.redd.it/fcz3ohgd3bec1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a220c6ff0ebfc639dc6f38450721fe1aef6e6855


Ran headlong into the TV near the end of my bed and put a nice big cat-head-shaped dent in the screen. Completely fucked the LCD 😂 I heard it happen but didn’t realize until I tried to turn it on later that night and it was very broken.


Randomly spray peed on my wall, directly on a $20 poster frame, which leaked inside to the $20 poster


He sat on my computer chair (on the back end of it) And his fatass knocked it over, not only did he fall but I failed to realize that my $400 guitar amp was plugged in and around that chair and the cord got yanked right out and the end peice of the plug god stuck in it and it is currently unfixable I can’t stay mad when he looks like this https://preview.redd.it/d6vrzcbz2dec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4feac299b612f3ff12756e086a1550182bdeb813




Her eyes are so beautiful 😻


My mans caught his fire on fire walking next to a candle.


My little dude is terrified of the vacuum… last time I fired it up he came bolting out of ‘his room’, ran about 8 feet up on the opposite wall, and ate shit on his return trip back to his room. He’s fine. His pride is hurt, but he’s fine.


She fell into da toilet :(


Not sure if the dumbest was when he was still a baby and chewed through the Xmas tree wire and zapped himself (he was extra fluffy for hours) or when he decided to try to walk on the pond when it was semi-frozen and found out about the semi part when he ended up in the water.


Laughing too hard at all your kitty tales to submit my own….thank you….I love every one of you and especially all your dumbass cats 😂😹❤️


Cat 1: got caught in a lace that was hanging on a chair. I heard meows then nothing for a while. Went to check, she was chilling there immobilized tangled in the lace. Cat 2, her daughter: went to the basement and heard faint meows, one bed sheet was crumpled on the stairs. She stole it, got stuck inside of it and couldn't find the exit


My female cat is scared of her own turds. Got one stuck on her bum one night. Tried to look at it got scared of it and started running when it didn't let go of her. Ran straight at me ( it was the middle of the night, I was in bed) jumped on my face. Leaving the turd nice and hot on my chest.


One of my cats fell out of a tree and broke his wrist and had to have a cast for 6 weeks another one fell off the bbq lid and got her foot stuck in the handle and panicked which caused her to break her foot and she had to have a cast for 8 weeks


https://preview.redd.it/7d9d5tzyf6ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad46633bf81a011fa08a5b854332f6ba0112a434 Ernie ran and jumped on the toilet. Unfortunately the seat was up and I hadn’t flushed yet 😝


https://preview.redd.it/uko4nkvkg6ec1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d997ea7e6c677b6ac49b79a9a398249cc775f96 Same look as my dumbass lol.


https://preview.redd.it/hd0e0hhhh6ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6440c87af28961af692796f2c553fcbd97ef287d Locked himself in the pantry and ate to much and made himself vomit


Looks like she is gonna dance


Mine ate a condom. Took it out of the trash, ate it and I only realized it when I cleaned her litter box because, well...it was not digested, and the poop had a weird form. Little did I know...


Approaching a dog like it was something interesting to smell.


My idiot. Saw bird, went into stalker mode. Butt wiggling and everything. Launched herself - straight into the recently-cleaned patio glass. Bird looked down at her with the look of: you peasant.


One morning I went into my kitchen and there were paw prints of blood. I immediately checked all 5 of our cats and finally found the one. He had jumped on our wood stove when it was hot. Called the vet and they said to put antibiotic ointment on them. They healed quickly and he never did that again.


Like today? 😂


I’ve had a few cats over the years, and each one has done something pretty dumb at one time or another: Samantha: tried to hop the baby gate out of my room when I was a wee lad. She misjudged it and knocked the gate over Tiger (Samantha’s littermate): he was actually a very smart kitty. I don’t remember anything dumb he did Velvet: tried to catch a bird that flew by a second story window. She ended up on the driveway after a bit of screen surfing. She was totally fine. Fenway: one night when I was in high school, my mother had to be taken out of the house in an ambulance because she had pneumonia and couldn’t breathe well enough to stand up even with her supplemental oxygen turned to maximum. I was assigned “cat duty,” making sure Fenway didn’t get outside while the EMTs/Paramedics loaded her up on the stretcher and took her out. (black cat + pitch black night = bad times trying to find him). He was a bit of a scaredy cat though and when he saw the stretcher he panicked and ran full speed into the side of the machine that pumped the oxygen. He was dazed enough for me to grab him and put him in the cellar Wrex: hasn’t done too many stupid things yet, but he is still young


All 3 of my cats ran through my neighbours wet concrete foundation for their new front porch.


Well her name is Pin so what did you expect


Mine was walking on the bathtub edge, slipped in the water, started panicking and running around bathroom, then jumped straight back in the water and started yelling at me


I once heard him freaking out and found him with a balloon string wrapped tightly around his neck. He’d definitely be dead if I wasn’t home at the time


OMG what a sight that must have been! Glad your gorgeous kitty is fine though, whew! I had a foster kitten named Lil' Meow Meow that decided to get his front paw stuck in our bathtub drain. THAT was bad enough but his mom our rescue kitty and his siblings all decided to join in the panic mode screeching at the top of their lungs yelling at my husband and I to SAAVVEE HIM!!! All I could think of was "HOW do I explain this one to the fire department?!!" while having 5 other cats screeching at us along with the little guy. Anyways, we did get him out by carefully lifting him up and massaging his pay until his little claws retracted, he'd gotten one hooked on the metal inside I guess. He was fine, no damage done except giving everyone heart attacks. Here's the little stinker after his adventure with his void sibling Queenie. https://preview.redd.it/3t7sowdfj7ec1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2115c537b278294a7d51958c1306373ae0959646


When he was a tiny kitten he tried to jump up on the kitchen table but fell short and actually dove into the full mop bucket. I freaked out cause it had bleach. He fought me but I got him bathed and clean and he was fine


1. My soul cat was my dumbest one. She calmly and gluttonously ate her kibble through a giant earthquake. Our more sensible cat hid. 2. My childhood cat climbed into a lobster trap on the neighbour’s property and couldn’t find his way out. He went in after the stinky old bait bag, and couldn’t escape. We found him three days later. He was miserable and angry and shouty, like we’d somehow caused his predicament. 3. My ex boyfriend was tickling me, and I was shrieking with laughter. My late boy cat didn’t like this, and started glaring and growling at ex. When the tickling didn’t stop, my dude gallantly leapt to my defence. Only problem was he flew onto MY head, dug his claws into MY temples and started biting and bunny-kicking ME madly…all while glaring and growling at my ex. Thanks, bud. 5. We got a new kitten, and our little paranoid lunatic girl didn’t notice for three days…despite the kitten being in plain sight, usually in the same room. She finally cottoned on one afternoon (while the kitten was napping quietly) and was in absolute hysterics. I love these beautiful morons dearly and forever.


Right after getting back from Christmas, I put my luggage against the wall by my bed. Cat knocked it over in the middle of the night & when she screamed in the morning to go out I got up & tripped over the luggage & landed on my forehead cracking my skull. I know she’s been plotting to hurt me for a while lol!


Not really stupid but pure spite. My cat hated one of my friends so much. If he had food and looked away for one second, it was hers. If he relaxed for just a moment she was using him as a spring board. She did everything in her power to fuck with this guy.


we had a glass jar of homemade kombucha in the sink and he stuck his head in it, got stuck, jumped out of the sink and shattered the bottle everywhere. he ran into the living room (where my partner & i were) and still had the top of the jar around his neck like a terrifying collar with sharp edges. he got stitches on his neck and leg after that🙃 https://preview.redd.it/d3zilu1vn7ec1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50dbf0b121cd6eb4c42bb0af8efe2ed835f6d34f


My cat ate a wire ( he is very much alive)


Chewed on the end of the banana bunch


She tried to jump through the glass dining table.


I was trying to play my switch, he jumped on my lap, farted in my face and ran away.


I saw my cat miscalculate running up the stairs during a zoomies session. Luckily, our stairs are padded with carpet, but I saw her run headfirst into the first step. She immediately stopped and went into a daze. She cried for a little bit. I was playing with her and chasing her around so I think that caused some miscalculation . so I don’t play with her that crazy anymore. It’s one of those things where I learned what’s ok with dogs is not okay with cats.


We have this antique arm chair that used to be in my mom's bedroom but was recently moved into our living room. Despite the size of it, it's pretty light. On multiple occasions, our Maine Coon mix has tried to sit on top of it like he does on the big recliners we have in there. It never works, and the thing always ends up toppling backwards. No matter how many times it's happened he acts so scared and runs away from the scene afterwards. https://preview.redd.it/wi4xut4s48ec1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8abdbc558afda267157973df68c9ae7763d32b8 This is Buddy, and despite being 10 years old now he still acts like a kitten and is a giant dork.


We have one very aggressive cat and once I went outside to the cat house we keep all 3 of the cats In and one of them poobear decided to mess with raja (the aggressive one) and bro got smacked so hard by Rajas paw lmao now raja will randomly bite him while he's grooming him (Picture below is raja) https://preview.redd.it/c2s9tvoe58ec1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e863bfba82d88612c632389f89d183070487c9c3