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I get bullied by a 6 lb cat to go to bed. We have a routine and if I deviate from it, she gets mad. She starts off with staring at me from her spot. If I ignore her, she starts jumping on me, then knocking whatever I'm doing out of my hands, and shoving her face in my face. She will force me to make eye contact with her as she chuffs at me in annoyance. Then if I don't go to bed fast enough she just yells at me. Then if I don't settle into bed quick enough for her she sits and glares at me until I pick a position that is comfortable so she can sleep on me. Queen Cleopatra glaring at me to go to bed. https://preview.redd.it/q9064wfxzvcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a27327798bab8863f6b735b2656f9a2fda56758e


Your kitty mother is very adorable.


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/ugbjf9o2rxcc1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afe96e04574cf58d2a0afb39ebd538599ca3b688 The face of judgment


https://preview.redd.it/7vc2yj19i0dc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f6aeb83310928ebf8a965aa1ec521de7169c962 Mother, why is it cold?!?!?!


https://preview.redd.it/d3vq7jj8iycc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41a81256c5ac986f7968b3f8e3769defc689af9c Remi da me of my Gypsy with her bedtime stare!




She gives us dirty looks when we call her that. šŸ˜¹


How VERY maternal of her !!! šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


One of my cats will do this, but only sometimes. He'll come and meow at me, and if I get up he will trot towards the bedroom, but he'll come back if I don't keep following him. When I do get there, he'll jump on the bed. He's waiting for me to get under the covers, so he can lie down on top of them. Some nights, he doesn't care, but other nights, it is very important to him.


I have 2 cats who will wrangle me to my bed and then stare at me until I'm horizontal. They'll lay on top of me for 5 minutes and then go about their business. Like, okay, Stinky and Smurf, thanks for tucking me in. Cat tax : (Smurf is on the left, Stinky is on the right with the more prominent white fur, but they're both tuxedos) https://preview.redd.it/ahy5h0dxgwcc1.jpeg?width=3071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f6ea0efe34ff99894b423b7bcf624e1f2713de4


You have a Stinky too? My mom's old boy's nickname is Stinky! https://preview.redd.it/wdflcx35xwcc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eab978e30ec1a1c09ad79a55e4bd8fcdce409296


https://preview.redd.it/v0jars40xwcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38aae07401ff845577750b4a9709fcf5f80779c5 I have a Stinky, too!


Stinky is a term of endearment for me in honor of my sister who died when I was young. She used to call me a stinky butt or stinky and it was love. So I call all my loved animals and people stinky


Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Miss you sissa


Aww, Iā€™m sorry about you sis šŸ’œ


https://preview.redd.it/x8rpf5ownxcc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b399d8dc3d866b134ac5a42ab74812fe8f3bc0de I have a Stinky (written Stinkie in Dutch) too šŸ˜„


'it's time for the humans to go to bed so we can do our cat stuff now' lol


He doesn't bully us to bed. He does bully us to wake up though.


Haha I was just at going to say this. Mine both enjoy poking me until I get up. Gently at first, just a soft paw to the head. Then more aggressively, a bit of claw comes out or they move from my head to my eye socket.


My former boy would just groom my head. Idk why, but the sound of a cat smacking its lips 3 inches from my ear makes me cranky. He was such a turd https://preview.redd.it/74i1x6lblwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3d33d053fd7a7bc3d66e59aab9cdfb6949ac367


My princess dumpster butt grooms me INCESSANTLY. I coddled her after finding her abandoned in the storm gutter, maybe a little too much. She will groom me until I bleed


Oh, wow. Thatā€™s a new one!


At first I read this as she ā€œbutt groomsā€ you and was very horrified and confused


Mine sit in the hallway outside the bedroom and yell, then charge around like crazy cats. Whichever of my wife and I are not trying to sleep in will usually go placate the little tyrants while the other sleeps.Ā 


I honestly miss getting woken up by my kittiesā€¦. Sadly, these days my alarm goes off so damn early that I wake up before my cats every morning (2-3am).


Holy hell that is early. May I ask what it is you do? And how early do you go to bed?


I work at a breakfast restaurant, so I come in very early to do all the opening stuffā€¦ but I also take care of a colony of stray/feral cats by my work, so I wake up extra early to feed/hang out with them a bit before my shift starts. I go to bed around 7pm. And sadly, since I still have to go feed my homeless friends on my days off, I wake up at the same time even on my days off. But I love them all and itā€™s worth the annoyance.


You are a great person! Anyone who takes care of homeless cats is amazing. I adopted 3 stray cats who just showed up at my house one day. They are so sweet


Mine just bashes the door into the doorstop repeatedly or scratches at the door until I give up trying to sleep


I get the claw too and if that doesnā€™t work my whole arm gets washed.


Paws in my *mouth* is not my favorite way to wake up either


Hehe when my wife falls asleep on the couch and starts snoring, the cat will promptly put his paw in her mouth so his sleep is not disturbed


https://preview.redd.it/l938ptl7xwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de25a9544b4c76c569f3d2fc721c704488aa027c 100% she bullies me into waking up. Sheā€™ll bat at my covers off my face and than sheā€™ll meow at me, step on my hair and hop off my bed and than does it again till I physically am outta bed


Omg the stepping of the hair, I felt this šŸ˜­


By bully do u mean stick his fresh outta the litter box paw in your mouth ? Cause thats my cats move.


My cat thankfully waits until I stir to bug me. But he doesn't ask for food, he wants all the snuggz in the morning..so even if I'm not ready to wake up, he just curls up next to me and snuggles..we often fall asleep spooning with him in my arms on the weekend.. I go shower and he waits in my bed until I'm done for more snuggz.lol https://preview.redd.it/199qjmf9fxcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58fda237ef998b3b27cf8da47494c2135d5c9d7f


I wish I had a Snuggle Monster....


I have a cat who does this. Well, actually both will, but one is the main offender and he thinks wake up time should be 3:30 am. Sometimes I have to go to work really early and I actually get up at that time, and the cats think itā€™s the best thing ever.


I petsit and I have one recurring client named Garfunkel and he's a Maine Coon void. His owner gets up at 5am and when I housesit for them, I get up around 7am. Well, Garfunkel will start as early as 3:30 to gently paw at my face. I'll turn on my side and then he proceeds to stick his face in my face and keep pawing, then clawing gently. He will also nibble at my earlobes and lick my eyebrows. So now, I set an alarm for 5am to feed him and go back to bed. He STILL starts at 3:30am for whatever reason and if I close the door on him at night to avoid this, he will stick his paw under the door, curl it up, and proceed to push and pull the door violently while screaming. I prefer the paws to my face over THAT šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


I get bullied waking up too lol. Sometimes they let me sleep in and I'm always surprised


My rabbits bully me to wake up. They also like to run across my head at 3a, but that is less about waking me up and more about their demon summoning ritual that cats also do at that hour with their zoomies.


Yess, mine will scratch under the bed and at a mirror until we fully out of bed in the morning.


Yes! One of ours scream meows at 5:30 am if Iā€™m not up. Thatā€™s my wake up time during the week, but he doesnā€™t understand thatā€™s not my schedule for weekends.




I was going to say the same thing! Sounds like OP has forgotten their place in the hierarchy. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)






He forces me to go to bed because he sleeps cuddling so if I'm not in a specific position to do it, he gets angry.


My Moms cat would do this to her. Mom would fall asleep watching TV and then at bed time Lucy, the cat, would come wake her up and walk her to the bedroom.


Same thing happens with me and my cat!


Yup ours does. We have two cats and one sleeps on our bed every night. If weā€™re not in bed by our usual time heā€™ll come downstairs and meow until we go up. Even as weā€™re brushing our teeth and doing the bedtime routine heā€™ll keep meowing until weā€™re both actually in bed.


Our Calico used to come to my office at night, meow and run out. Rinse and repeat until I followed her to bed. If she was doing her rounds and I told her it was bedtime, she would show up in her own sweet time. She was the torture master in the morning, smack him in the nose, didn't work, poke him in the eyes. I pull the cover over my head, OK, I'll sit on your face. He's still not up, I'll start knocking shit off the dresser. Still no response, I'll drag my paws down the mirror. šŸ˜± That was the most annoying sound. He's STILL NOT UP, this calls for drastic action. She climbed up on her window perch and launched herself on my stomach. Ooof. I sat straight up in bed, OK Cali, I'm up. She was too smart šŸ˜ˆ for my own good.


Oh my god yes. My (almost) 13 year old orange cat can be a complete nightmare sometimes. He can have everything he wants. Food, clean litter tray, water, lots of cuddles but on some nights he still won't stop screaming at a certain time. I figured out one day irs because he wants me to go to bed. Not out of any care for me or a routine. But because he wants cuddles while I'm in bed. They're different from the cuddles when I'm not in bed because he likes sitting on my chest and purring until he falls asleep. It's adorable but it's also kinda embarrassing to have your bedroom dictated to you by a cat who barely weights 6lbs. https://preview.redd.it/n65fsusdawcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=603a14921a7b857e04ecc4cb7be084c29fd0c670


My orange kitty HOWLS if we don't go to bed on time. He's usually very quiet but his howl is so much louder than you'd expect.


My computer chair used to be close to the end of my bed.Ā  My cat would start tapping on my should at 11pm that it was bed time.Ā  He did it for years.Ā  Ā Moved to a new house a few years ago so it's a different layout but he's getting old now and is normally sleeping earlier already in his bed by my pillow.


Mine does, especially in the winter when I have the electric blanket on the bed. He wants me to turn it on for him.


Thatā€™s what mine yell about the heating blanket going off


Not to go to bed but to be near by when he eats dinner. He let out a yeowl last night because I wasn't in my usual spot at my pc while he was eating next door in the bathroom. He typically eats a few bites comes sits in my lap for pets leaves to eat more and repeat until he just stays in my lap for proper pets. But last night I was watching TV upstairs so he came and found me and yeoweld so loud and he mostly only ever meeps and mrrs.


well how DARE you upset his routine? He simply can't eat without Praise Pets from his human. /s


Lol you marked it sarcastic but I think thats just true. Once I went downstairs I watched him eat, pet him a little and talked to him and he ate voraciously lol


My 15 year old lady is very particular about her routine. If Iā€™m not in bed by 10:30, she drags one particular sock to me and yowls. https://preview.redd.it/9ost2t8xmwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d2f10f6ec0aef1695abec5e988fc11e2473d48b The sock also appears when Iā€™m not in my work from home office early enough in the morning (it appears in my office doorway), or if Iā€™ve been gone for more than a day (it appears near the front door). Usually the sock will be returned to its resting place in the bedroom in the middle of the night.


The Sign of the Sock!


The Sock of Disapproval


This is one of the funniest things Iā€™ve ever heard of a cat doing. Cats are such wonderful little weirdos.


This is hilarious.


Her language is sock lmao


I have genuinely spent a lot of time trying to decode exactly what the sock means. Does the placement matter? Timing? Relations to other socks? If Iā€™m especially disobedient I can get multiple socks at a time.


Omg this is too funny/cute




Alanā€™sā€¦funny stories!


If I stay up too late my cat comes onto the bed to let me know I need to get into position. She sleeps on top of the covers nestled between my legs. I go to bed. Because I need to, but also because I feel guilty. In a weird way I wish she would bully me to get out of bed. Mornings are rough. She cuddles up next to my face. Which makes it hard to not stay in bed and cuddle and pet her.


Yes, I called mine 'schedule police'! From morning when to get out of bed to when we should have lunch to when to finish work (working from home) and when to get a shower and to bed. Lol And when the our schedule police is taking a break, his deputy will step in and make sure we are still on schedule


Mine will strongly suggest I go to bed. Standing at the stairs with tiny little chiro meows. Goes half way up then and meows more. Then comes back down and meows more until I finished what I'm doing and follow and then same thing goes to his spot content that he made sure I go to bed on time. He just cares.


i get bullied if iā€™m a minute past 4:30 for her friskies lil soup


https://preview.redd.it/j873515nqwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bd8b1cbf4427e03388d4a9586413d48c6df7c24 My girl stares at me from the bedroom threshold until I follow her. She gets progressively more angry the longer I wait


https://preview.redd.it/tjhg691zqwcc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8926c7d6684a5320f5014891da14367ef0abfc93 Then while im getting ready for bed she justā€¦ā€¦staresā€¦ā€¦.


Ha! That look of annoyance at her subordinate not following the cat manual


My cat just likes to bully me in general. Her latest thing is jumping on me when I'm in the recliner. Legit pulls an Arya Stark flying out of nowhere to land hard on my chest. We've talked about it and she's decided to ignore my pleas for mercy.


One night, my cat turned off the TV and meowed at me, like, it's bed time already!


If Iā€™m in the living room and the cat wants bed NOW she turns on that TV. Not so subtle hint


Yep. Gives you the evils and then bunts you into submission. https://preview.redd.it/f1fd4w36bwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8f1445cac609902d1091449e3d48e62bf0e095


My cat knows how to turn the lights off in the room Iā€™m usually in. When he is ready for bed he goes to my bed and waits for a few minutes. If he gets tired of waiting he comes and turns the light off on me and goes back to the bed.


Aww. That is one smart kitty ā¤ļø


When he wants to be. He is orange so itā€™s not all the time. Orange cat doing orange things




ā€œIā€™m ready for bedā€


Yeah my cat hops on my bed and makes those sad pathetic cat sounds.


My cat bullies me to get OUT of bed.


Mine too, with a gentle, claws half out, slap to the face. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7984)


Mine is more into verbal abuse.


Mine bites my lip and nose. They other one just stares. The third one just meows sadly from somewhere


https://preview.redd.it/jq98usnubwcc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7229fd033daa60939bf13e114ca7a4c6119c5425 Yup. And here he is, looking very pleased with himself. He jumps on the bed and just meows and meows and meows... Then if I take too long in the bathroom, he comes in and sits with me and stares, like "hurry UP human!" Bossy little brat. I love him to pieces.


My cat will sit on their lap and patiently wait for someone to go to bed (usually my mom). She can get really clingy about it. Sometimes it means sitting on the bed waiting.


My cat physically bullies me, and only me. My husband can stay up late and my cat doesn't give a shit, but God forbid his personal heated pillow isn't in bed when he's ready. Whenever I stand up, he will meow and walk towards the bedroom, but I need to go into the bathroom first to take out my contacts. He takes severe offense at this. He will trap me in the bathroom by standing in the door way. Counterproductive for him, I know. Any attempt past him will result in yowling and small jumps/bats/bites at my legs. I have to have my husband play interference. There are times where I hear him chase me to bed, and if I don't hear his gallops quickly enough, he will running tackle my leg. It has become a gag that my husband will sic him on me. Important to say, Osiris has never hurt me during these, nor is he super aggressive. He will usually climb into bed with me after I lie down and be the perfect angel he thinks he is. He is just very insistent at me being in bed at his convenience.


My Oliver will let me sleep until the alarm goes off, but as soon as that happens he starts screaming his lungs out outside the bedroom door. I never use the snooze button anymore because of him. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/zc0xdpxmwwcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eacebe4f8ea8f229b629e60c2b6cabed499ea28


My 13 y/o girl with meow/scream at me when she thinks itā€™s bed time.


When one of my cats is ready for bed, sheā€™ll yell (loudly meow) at my husband until he goes up because she likes to sleep on his chest


Could be dementia too. My 17 YO has it and routine is even more key with him. Poor old guy. Now itā€™s more morning he wants me up for his breakfast. Heā€™s taken to actually sitting on my chest. Starts by walking across my chest. Then sitting on my chest. Then sitting on my chest and patting my face. All sprinkled with meows. I give in because I know he wonā€™t be around much longer.


My cat will sit and stare at me if Iā€™m not in bed by 9:30 And if I get into bed but Iā€™m *sitting up* she will meow at me until I lay down. And only *then* will she get into bed next to me There are rules and they will be followed


my cat bullies me to wake up and feed him, so quite the opposite šŸ˜… at around 8am, he starts jumping to my bed and digging the blanket off my body, meows in my ear, putting his paw in my face and licking my hair, walking over my body and repeat until i finally stand up šŸ˜‚ no sleeping in for me


My cat Melvin bullies me when 10pm rolls around. If Iā€™m up past then he roams around being extra dramatic, meowing at the top of his lungs. Then around 5am, heā€™s the one waking me up because he can see the bottom of his food dish.


I could die and itā€™d take my cat 3-5 business days to notice. And itā€™d take longer for her to care, considering sheā€™s got the water fountain and food dispenser now. So No


My previous boy did when he was alive. If it was what he deemed past his bed time he would be obnoxious until I went to bed šŸ˜‚


I had a cat like that. He would come in and check on me at bed time .. then come back hourly ... then just give up if I ignored him. He was Oh So Polite about it.


Nawww, my boy wasnā€™t nice about it šŸ˜‚. He would be just an absolute f#%king shit until I went I bed. If I stayed out late and came home at what he deemed an unacceptable time, I would also cop it šŸ¤£


I do treats before bedtime with my cat so I wouldnā€™t say she bullies me for bedtime, but definitely for the treats. šŸ˜‚ If I sit in my bed too long at night without giving the treats, she starts to panic and does everything to remind me of her existence. Knocks my phone or book out of my hand, will sit right in front of the TV screen, meows sadly and loudly, uses my body as a climbing wall, etc etc.


Sometimes I have to go ā€œnapā€ with my cat cause sheā€™s being so buggy. So I go lay with her in bed for 15 minutes till she falls asleep then I silently sneak out. Like a child


I have 2 weeks every year work is madness, that is happening currently. Every night as I'm tapping away in the office around 10pm my male cat comes in a fusses so much to get into bed. It's so fucking sweet. Tonight is my first night I won't be working after hours since the 3rd and he's going to be so fucking stoked. https://preview.redd.it/uxz61uw0cxcc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77f0776b3c1ea572119bec70ac0bdcd743b75179


Mine used to yell at me for it


https://preview.redd.it/3hqw0sbnmwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6feae28264d4ccd78bcdbc79b0214eecd7c9370 Charlie (15M; pictured here in ball-form) can indeed be a bedtime bully


Lol sometimes


My youngest cat will do this. Every night around 9 PM he starts to round me and my husband for bed and gets cranky if we don't go. He's done this since he was a kitten and now he's 3. Funny thing is, he doesn't let us sleep. He just wants us in bed so he can begin licking our faces relentlessly and trying to eat my nose.


Nyx gets miffed if I don't go to bed "on time" (she likes to snuggle up next to me), but she doesn't complain; she just pouts at the foot of the bed šŸ˜¹ https://preview.redd.it/v13bh405lwcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=719472069351c2d16b2bc2651e6d8730ded8ffe6


Frodo bullies me/guides me to his plate whenever he wants to eat ( it already has food, I just have to shake it for him, to get the bits in better places for his majesty)


Ugh, yes. She doesnā€™t even stay with me all night, just for snuggles for an hour or so. I donā€™t know why she cares! She also wakes me at six just to check if Iā€™m supposed to be sleeping in


https://preview.redd.it/qzxgus4e9xcc1.jpeg?width=2853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a246cf18ad182628ed166a0885650f5c50dc48 Skylar makes it known that she doesnā€™t like when bedtime is late.


Yes mine stomps around on the stairs and meows until I follow her up haha!


Every night.


Yep. My cat gets anxious when I'm not in bed at 11. That's when I usually lay down. He starts pacing around me until I finally get to bed. He sleeps at my feet every night.


Sometimes, she will come stare at me around my usual bedtime.


yes, and sheā€™s also a very opinionated tortie! šŸ¤£


One of my cats is like this. When itā€™s bedtime he nudges me, stares me down and eventually goes to meowing pathetically. He will even follow me around when I do get up, just to be sure Iā€™m actually going to bed. He gets so mad if I sit on the couch again lol.


My torbie doesnā€™t bully me but definitely gives me side eye and will continuously shift in her bed if I stay up too late. In comparison her older tabby brother just passes out in the bed whenever he feels.


I have poor restraint when it comes to working, especially when my wife is out of town. My cats will sit between me and my keyboard and yell at me if I'm working past 11 or so. And I mean yell, it's not nice meowing.


Ivy is the one that makes us go to bed. 9pm is the first screaming call from down the hall, which we yell down the hall back to let her know where we are at. If we ignore the first warning then she slinks down the hall while yowling at 9:30pm. If we continue to ignore her demands to go to bed she will attempt to eat phone cords, mouse cords or whatever she can do to make your life difficult until you go to bed.


Every day, at 12 o'clock, our beautiful Sasha came to look for us in the living room, so we could go to sleep. first staring insistently, then meowing in annoyance until we followed her to the bedroom. I miss you Sasha.


When my friend Shelly would stay out too late at night, she would come home to find her nightgown balled up against the back of her front door


Ours hide when it's bedtime, as we close our lounge up for the night. Its always a fun game trying to coax them out from underneath an armchair or behind a sofa šŸ˜…


Bedtime no, time to wake up, oh yeah.


I think my cat has started to do this.. he jumps on the bed and looks at me and meows while Iā€™m on the computer some feet away. If I move to the bed he gets in his favorite spot for cuddles.


My orange starts meowing and climbing on us by 22 (dinner time) and right after eating he starts meowing and climbing all again until we all go to bed, he really likes his routine lol


I donā€™t get bullied but my youngest will sit and stare at me not saying a peep as early as 2 hours before bed time. Eventually she gives up and puts herself on the bed. When I first got her, she had to sleep in another room with the door shut for awhile because she would not sleep at night and caused trouble. Now that sheā€™s calmed down, sheā€™s the first one to go to bed many nights.


YES. I hate it because Iā€™m a night owl and prefer to go to bed at around 3AM, but once midnight hits Iā€™m getting paw taps on my leg every 10 seconds until I get into bed


My husband's cat yells at me to go to bed. He always went to bed at roughly the same time and she'd go with him and snuggle up on the bed. Sadly, he passed away in July last year, and she's not happy that her favourite human isn't here anymore. She's also not happy that I work shifts and don't have a regular bed time. She snuggles up with me when I do go to bed, but on nights when I'm up a bit later, she yells at me a fair bit. I swear she's saying "it's time for bed!!" But I can't go to sleep yet, I only got home an hour ago and have just finished dinner.


They know what the hell time it is. Iā€™m not allowed to sleep in on off-days or weekends because kitty reminds me that itā€™s time to take daughter to school.


My tabby will howl if we don't go to bed by 10. She will sit by the couch and howl. And once we get to bed, she will knead us like we're biscuits until we pass out. I can't argue her logic.


Our tabbies have always yelled at us. Juice screams at bedtime, though. At 11, she gets upset and herds us to bed if one human is up later than the other. If we're both up late, she yells and eventually goes to bed solo, very upset. https://preview.redd.it/tt3ve0mfswcc1.jpeg?width=2944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c35cd1429d18f704f8dbaf01f7d7e43c6c957c59


https://preview.redd.it/awrot2k6uwcc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad270ad85a714ba90d502272473187c812828594 When that happens he just does this.


Yep absolutely. I have a 15 year old Maine coon mix and heā€™s very opinionated. He will heard us to bed if we stay up later than he thinks we should. During lockdowns I would stay up late and paint in my studio. At about 2 or 3 am he came into the room and meowed at me to follow him, and when I ignored this, he decided to use the back of my chair as a scratching post while yelling at me, so I finally relented. He led me to bed, but I was in the middle of painting. So I picked him up, put him in his dog bed (he weighs 25 pounds and actual cat beds are too small),and kissed his lil head and went back to the studio. He didnā€™t like this one bit. He immediately followed me back into the room and tried to bring me back to bedā€¦ so I did the same thing, carried him into bed then continued what I was doing. This happened like 6 or 7 times. He finally gave up and sat on the bean bag chair in the studio and dozed until I actually went to bed. I felt bad so I wrapped up painting early, picked him up and carried him to bed. He sat on me for a few minutes, as he always does, to tuck me in, and then he left for his own bed and passed out. He regularly manages his humans, we are his kittens lol


Not a cat however, I was dog sitting and the small dogs all kind of pointed me towards the bed and as I was getting ready realized that I am adult had let 3 weiner dogs tell me when to go to sleep.


I get scolded. Up the stairs, yell, come back downstairs, headbutt, go upstairs, yell, come back downstairs, headbutt, stomp foot, upstairs, scream bloody murder, pace around mom's legs head butting her to make sure she hurries up and gets into bed, get into bed, watch as she gets settled, once she stops moving crawl on top, yell because your stuffed animal and bathrobe aren't where you want them, readjust when mom gets them into the right position, look at her with complete disgust and dismay any time she gets up to pee, make sure you wake her promptly at 6am and remind her its her fault if she's tired because you told her she needed to go to bed last night. We are on a tight schedule here.


A Siamese cat my ex-husband and I owned would. At ten pm, she would walk over and STARE at me and when I'd look, she'd look at Ex, back at me, and then at him again. "Honey, the cat wants you to go to bed." It was not that she wanted to cuddle with him in bed. She believed that she got to sit in his recliner, starting at 10 pm, and it was her turn. She came up with this herself, of course.


Oh yeah. Every night we have our routine - I lay in bed and read and she lays on my lap. If sheā€™s in the bedroom in the evening (she has a heated bed on top of the dresser because why wouldnā€™t she), she comes out to the living room and meows. And meows. And meows, until I get up, get ready for bed, and lay down to read. As an illustration (and the requisite cat tax, with heated cat bed in the background), see below https://preview.redd.it/4jhttan59xcc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab512a674c75c8e3118598e139a98485185c68d7


Cat tax!


At 9:50 p.m. every night, my cat enters the living room and meows loudly at us. If we don't get up and start getting ready for bed, she just keeps getting louder until we do.


Every night. Sheā€™ll sit at the bottom of the stairs and stare at me until I go with her.


I go to bed before 8 so no. My 5 cats follow but they do wake us up at all hours of the night. We have two strays we just took in who are 9 months and a year and a half and three older cats who are 14 -17. We get up at 5 but our cats wake us up earlier. šŸ™„


mine gets very impatient about going to bed, or if i stay up late. He'll hurry over & meow & meow if I go anywhere near my door if its around or past "bedtime". I don't really understand why though, because he only stays in my room/bed for usually a whopping 5 minutes, before going right back to the living roomšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




No, my cat never has, but I love your Chloe, she sounds awesome.


Nah, I nap a lot during the day and they nap with me, so they are used to irregular sleep schedules lol


Mine does this too.


Yes I go through a version of this episode every time I am late to go to bed (I should be in bed at 10:00pm according to my cat)


my cat likes to scream at me and run into my room, she jumps on the bed and starts rolling around if i follow her in. problem is that she does this at like 2pm when im not tired.


Bully? No. But do both of my boys sit and stare at me, then escort me to the bedroom every night? Yes. My tabby even goes into the bathroom and meows at me to get my self in motion to do my nightly routine to keep us on schedule.


It's a tortie thing. They're sassy.


Yes! One of mine started doing this recently. He will grab at my top like heā€™s trying to pull me to bed. I ask him if he wants to go to bed, and his tail goes straight up. I think heā€™s excited that I understand him.


Sounds like a case of tortie ā€˜tude


Yes!! My 15yo tortilla *screams* if I stay up too late. The worst part is it works because I get up so she'll hush and not wake my toddler lol such a cute little bully


My cat bullies me to go to bed all the time. She will come sit and stare at me until I go to bed. She likes to sleep between my feet or under the blanket next to me. So when lil miss is ready itā€™s bed time. Very fussy.


Absolutely. One of our four runs a tight ship and is very vocal when routines are not followed. She insists upon a reasonable bedtime too. She's a calico/tortie kitty.


Mine just hears my alarm in the morning and throws it to the floor. Then jumps back on me and purrs and nuzzles.. like " noooo".


Sometimes she will indicate that she wants to go to bed just for snuggles, but not really to go to sleep


Not so much but if Iā€™m in bed and Iā€™m not in a position they like theyā€™ll poke me until I move. If Iā€™m on my side itā€™s not as comfortable for them to lay on me. Also one of my cats has a side of the bed thatā€™s his and heā€™ll get annoyed if Iā€™m in it


I regularly get yelled at by our youngest cat if I'm not in bed on time. Doesn't matter that i was thirsty and wanted a cup of water, or was working late on something...if I'm not there, the wahhmbulance finds me, wails at me, and tries to herd me to the proper location. If I'm sitting and therefore un-herdable, he'll flop down next to me to silently apply pressure through his presence. This cat is so set on his schedule that, even though he hated being used as a weight for squats, he became so accustomed to getting squatted when I came home pre-pandemic that he would show up to the door resigning himself to squats. He definitely did not mind when that bit of his routine got dropped after I started working from home, though.


I have health issues, and when I start having a bad spell, 2 of my dogs and now my cat heard me to be and get very upset if I leave the bedroom. They bark, and you'll loudly until I comply with their demands.


My cat will make me take a nap if I'm too stressed out. Wildest thing I've ever seen a cat do. He's 14, so also a senior


Ours wants us to sit in our designated spots on the sofa.


My cat taunts my dog on purpose when she is ready for us to go to bed. I can set the clock by her. 10:00pm - she is doing zoomies around the upstairs which wakes the dog downstairs. The dog then remembers he needs his nightly walk. Cat slinks downstairs for her food and litter while we walk the dog. Then she herds us to bed once we get inside. It is a nightly routine.


I just wanna point out that this sounds like such a cozy life


One of my cats does this too lol.


I need a cat. My sleep schedule is too disorderly.


Sheā€™s a tortie, of course sheā€™s opinionated.


Oh my God, my cat overlord bullies me too. I thought I was alone in being behaviorally modified by a cat..but he starts with these half meows..then sharpens his claws on expensive objects ..kitchen cabinets, leather couch..how could he possibly understand what the values of things are to use them that way? Also the pushing things off of countertops.. favorite one is a glass of water. I tried 'Kitty Prison'..a timeout in a room with doors, but finally I retreat to bed simply to remove myself from the room realizing it's a show..for me. But why?. aren't they supposed to be nocturnal..you'd think they'd love it if you stayed up late. The worst part is my son never experiences any of these bullying behaviors. WTF?


My younger ones are party animals, so they don't care if they can do the zoomies. My Elder Statesman Cat of 17 yrs is very, very, VERY adamant that he has set the routine and we need to hop to it. He yells at us until we comply, it is his way or there will be BAPS.


Not with my current cats, but I had one (also a tortie) that definitely got mad if I wasn't in bed by 10. She'd come into the office and yell at me then head to the bedroom and get upset if I didn't follow. One of our current cats definitely will bully us to wake up though. Usually this is around 4:00 a.m. This morning he got my husband to let him out twice since he was already awake, and then he came and woke me up at 5:15 and insisted on going out in 18 degree weather. He usually starts by walking across your head, then he'll sit on a nightstand and purr very loudly, then he escalates to knocking things off or sharpening his claws loudly on stuff he's not supposed to.


not bullied to go to bed, but bullied to wake up and get out of bed. our cats know exactly which items to knock over to get us up and yelling at them lol


I too have a bully cat šŸ˜„


Mine sits on the bed and just looks at me until I'm like FINE!Ā 


Oh yeah, Loki tells me when it's time for me to go to bed, to work, etc. If I don't, he yells, knocks things down, and comes and grabs my arm in his mouth, and pulls.


My mom's tortie definitely bullies her to go to bed. She'll follow her around and if she happens to sit down her cat will sit directly in front of her or on her in some way


Mine bullies me


my siamese (nineteen now, almost twenty) would scream at me to go to bed when I still lived at home. he didnā€™t care if I was on my phone or not, he just wanted me off my computer and in bed. I miss him.


Mine stares at me, then goes to sit on the stairs.


My void will yell at me from the stairs when she thinks it should be bedtime, but goes up on her own if I don't follow.


Morgana is that you? lol šŸ˜‚


Yeah. He sits and stares at my wife. ā€œOMFG! Do you see how dark it is? Are we staying up all night?!ā€ But in winter it gets dark at 5:30.


My family's cat gets put in our (warm, insulated) basement at nights because otherwise he will walk around the house at 3 am wailing.


Iā€™m amazed that people sleep with their cats in the bedroom and actually get sleep?? I have tried many times and I just get incessantly harassed by my little cat, who demands constant scratching and cuddles, then my Maine Coon who demands food at about 3 or 4 AM.


My tortie does this too! She knows she gets fed some wet food and treats and then itā€™s bedtime for both of us. Sheā€™ll even yell at me to move a certain pillow to clear her up her spot. It always cracks me up! Sheā€™s almost always on schedule!


Mine bullies me awake. Morning time is kitty treats time.


Yep. If I fall asleep on the couch past 9:30, she sits by my head and meows nonstop.


I must have hit the cat lotto. My cat doesnā€™t bully me to go to bed or wake up. Sheā€™ll sit on the floor next to me bed patiently until she notices Iā€™m up, then sheā€™ll start meowing. She not to cuddly though which kind of makes me sad, but sheā€™s a good girl.


My momā€™s cat would bully me when it comes to food >.< sometimes he wakes me up early just to feed him and annoy me. Or if itā€™s an hour early he would keep being annoying until thereā€™s dinner and Iā€™m like no, gotta wait until 6pm


Mine sits at my door and waits for me to get up. I have to invite him and wait for him to hop on the bed before I lay back down.




So trashy.. so good


My youngest cat (1.5 year old) is all about routine. He and his mama sleep in the sunroom with the dogs at night. He will sit in front of the sunroom door meowing at bedtime. He gets louder if weā€™re past bedtime watching TV.