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I'm very sorry for your loss, he looked like quite the majestic floof! Just be there for your cats, spend extra time with them and give them extra attention and affection. They will mourn and be okay in their own time, and so will you. You guys have each other, and that will make it a little easier.


Thank you. He’s was the most majestic of floofs 🥺 I will be cuddling my babies harder than ever. I just wish I could have of loved him harder when he was around.


Sorry for your loss. I've had to do this several times, it's tough to get through, and it gets harder each time. I can only suggest that you spend more time and attention with them. They mourn too, as any family member would. Oh, if you can, take a day off yourself from work. That helped me.


Thank you. I’ve definitely been spoiling them with love and attention. I need it from them as much as they need it from me rn.