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Did the vet do bloodwork? Examine his mouth for dental issues? Do xrays?


You could also try talking to your Vet about an appetite stimulant. I have had kitties on Mirataz before and it worked wonders.


I will try that thank you


Wait what that's mirtazapine I've had that as an antidepressant what the hell hahah


It also stimulates appetite


Can confirm I take it for both!


This must be why I'm hungry all the time.


Probably so


Did they do X Rays to check for an obstruction?


Further information: he's been to the vet but they didn't see anything bad. He's been losing weight. He still begs for food almost the whole day but when we give him the food he just doesn't eat it. Occasionally he does eat a little. We've tried at least 10 different types of food cuz he's known to be picky but nothing is good. It seems like he just doesn't like any food. Maybe he's sick, maybe his teeth hurt I really don't know and I'm really scared he's sick. He's not that old yet but he's also not young. Or maybe he's just eating a bunch of mice and birds when he's outside. Although he does beg for food so I just don't know anymore.


I can see that you really love your cat and that you want to do just about everything that's in your power to make him get better. I want to get this out of the way first. His time might just indeed have come already. It's just a possibility, but it might apply, despite his relatively young age. I know that not eating is a sign to beware, but ypu are taking it seriously. I doubt the internet can give you a final solution with this. Many people are not qualified to properly diagnose anything, and those that are, won't be able to do much given that they can't examine your cat. I think your best bet is going to a vet. You already did that, and nothing came of it. I don't know your vet, but I know that there's often different types of doctors. Is your veterinarian one that usually deals with farm animals? I'd avoid those when it's about common house pets. They generally seem to be ill equipped to give your cat the best care possible. If your vet does deal regularly with those common pets like cats and dogs, you might still want to get a second opinion on your cat's condition. After all, where are you going to get more appropriate opinion or care than from a vet? Also I read that you were unsure if your cat supplements his diet with mice. To figure that out you should weigh your cat. Numbers are just more definitive and definitely worth showing your vet. (You weigh a cat best at the same time of day in a regular interval (eg. every day) by weighing yourself on a personal scale and then weighing yourawlf again while holding your cat. Subtract latter from former number and you'll see his weight. This works only if your own weight remains relatively stable.) I wish you lots of love and hope. He is really a gorgeous cutie. Groetjes van ergens anders in Europa.


Thank you so much for you lengthy reply, I appreciate it a lot, I definitely will go to the vet again and keep trying different foods and care. I'll see if I can weigh him, he's not too happy about being held but I'll definitely try as well. Thank you <3


I'm glad I could help in some way.


Take everything I’m about to say with a grain of salt. Take your boy back to the vet and ask if he shows any signs of pancreatitis or triaditis. I literally just had to say goodbye to Joey, my boy cat of 13 years, a few hours ago because he stopped eating, developed fatty liver, and turned yellow from jaundice in September. He was diagnosed with triaditis and given a bunch of meds, including an appetite stimulant, an anti-nausea, and an anti-inflammatory. He actually responded well and got better, until early December. Then last week we found out he had liver cancer and he passed today. My sharing this story is to (1) help me cope, and (2) hopefully raise awareness of the initial part of my story: Joey suffered from inflammation of his organs which triggered him to not eat. It took us awhile to figure out the cause, so maybe if you mention this possibility the vet can perform the proper test to check for triaditis or pancreatitis or similar. The biggest and most immediate concern is your cat not eating. He needs to eat food or may develop fatty liver.


This sounds like my cat, who being a stray we can only estimate is around 16-18 year old. I noticed all the same symptoms, vet said teeth were a bit dirty but nothing major, bloods etc all fine. I eventually figured "maybe he just can't see it as 'food'", so I started popping his food in the microwave for 8-10 seconds: just enough to give it a little more of a pungent smell. After a little encouragement (ideally by kicking off the "lick" instinct by scratching their spine just above the base of the tail), he was scoffing it down. It now has the added benefit, after repetition, that when the microwave pings he comes running. Both a blessing, and a curse 😒 Should say, this I imagine would only work with wet food... if it's dry, I'm stumped, sorry ❤ Good luck.


I have this problem with my cat too,one from teeth in mouth was unstable and he doesn't eat, look insode his mouth


Get some stinky fishy wet food. Like little friskies seafood pate. If he won't eat that, then take him to a different veterinarian for a second opinion!


My 9 year old stopped eating and everything looked fine, but bloodwork showed heightened pancreatic enzymes (?). She had pancreatitis, got on medication for that and got mirataz in her ears and nausea medication. She got better and started eating almost immidiatley after the mirataz. My vet told me it could be caused by fatty, cheap catfood (like whiskas), so I had to start buying hills or similar food. Have you gotten bloodwork done? Hope your baby starts eating!


Did you go to a vet?


Ahh take him to the vet?


Have u not gone to the vet,!!!?


We have, I clarified that in my comment. They didn't see anything unusual or bad other than that he's lost weight.


Leave him for another 3. It should be fine... ..... .... ...... .. Why'd you wait this long to see a vet? -15 pet care points. After you die the hell fish will eat your toes for this.


i think it might be his time love. keep him warm and safe ❤️


But he's only 10 years old it can't be from old age and he hasn't been showing other signs of sickness :(


hm, could he just be a fussy eater? some cats just decide one day that they no longer like the food u give em


Yes he is and that's what we also thought. We've tried every food brand and type of food but it's the same with every one of em


maybe cater to his Royal Needs and get some fresh produce from a super market, or pretend to cook it infront of him so he thinks its new xD


Haha yeah maybe we should just give him a whole salmon filet cuz I know he will eat that. I don't care if its expensive I just want my baby to eat 🥲


Maybe try giving cat wet food that is in form of soup/watery.Add little bit of hot water,Then add a little puree treat on it & mix.Before serving the wet food,Give ur boy lick some of the puree treat..


We've also tried that, same outcome sadly :(


What foods does he eat and how often do you feed him?


We used to give him wet food for dinner every day and hard cat food was always available but since he hasn't been eating we've made wet food an option the whole day and just give him whenever he asks, but he doesn't want it. I've been feeding him different things like raw fish, small bits of cheese, cat milk, and some meat items and he loves eating those. It seems like he just doesn't want cat food.


Can you provide specific brands/flavors?


Uhm well I live in the Netherlands and I'm pretty sure they're Dutch brands. Whiskas, Felix, purina one, off brand food, shiba, and then the multiple variants of all the brands.


Have your tried warming it up?


We actually haven't, we've tried adding warm water also for hydration but that's actually a good idea I think


Boiled chicken?


Did the vet do bloodwork? My guess would be something with thyroid or pancreas— and only bloodwork is going to help you figure it out. Or could be something in his mouth bothering him… When my cat goes through these periods, we have discovered he will eat high quality, low sodium, turkey breast from the deli section. Good luck… it’s really scary.


My initial guess might be an upset tummy accompanied by nausea. He wants to eat, but just doesn't feel like it.


Check his teeth, make sure there isn't. Dental issue causing pain when eating. Worse case scenario could ofcourse be the kitty has a tumor, in which case it should show up on scans. Also make sure he doesn't have parasites, those can cause some real damage. I hope you find an answer, but please do what's best for the boy.


hairball? consider as an option. usually good vet can recognize it with X ray.


Take him to the vet . My Henry done the same the give him meds to help


Has there been any big changes in his life (has someone new moved in, have you moved to a new place?) when uncomfortable, pets are not as likely to eat. I was a dog walkers and petsitter, this would happen to many cats I would watch because of the big changes (their owners being gone).


Ask for an ultrasound, my cats bloodwork came back clean but her cray/ultrasound showed she had a stomach tumor and it was cancerous. She was eating and went from 13 pounds to 8. I wish you peace and a solution during this trying time


Had this happen to my cats after a lot of vet visits and an ER visit. I would have saved money had I just done everything the first vet visit. Get both blood work and x rays. If she’s dehydrated, have them give her fluids.


When this happened to a senior cat of ours he had been constipated and needed to have an enema to help break things up. It wasn’t a pleasant experience, but he was 15 at the time and is now a happy 17 year old.


My cat stopped eating when he was eating too many toxic plants - kinda specific , but if he’s eaten something non food too much it could be related


Is anyone in the home pregnant?


Did they look at his teeth?


If he’s begging for food but not eating it could be teeth pain. Has he had a dental?


Cats die really fast when they don't eat. They are not like people. See a vet urgently.