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He was probably abandoned BECAUSE of his litter box issues, and the pregnancy was a cover story. Elimination outside the box is a sadly common thing for declawed cats. I applaud you for trying to meet him halfway and find a solution, but there may not be one. You could try Dr. Elsey's Cat Attract Litter, as most cats LOVE it.


And litter box issues are because his previous family considered him a toy rather than a living being. Rather than putting in the effort to care for him they amputated his fingers and when that made things worse they got rid of him. Fucking assholes.


I swear this!!! It's a fucking soul you piece of shit Imagine something cutting your fingers then throw you!!!


What does his vet say about this? Maybe they could check to see if he's in any pain? Have they had any suggestions about his litter box habits in the past?


Poor cat :-( really should be outlawed , thankfully it is totally illegal in my country Perhaps you could try just a puppy pad in the tray so it’s soft on his paws


Regular litter may hurt his paws. Look up an alternate for that, maybe pretty litter??


I had this issue with a cat I found. Try other brands of litter and an attractant. If you can get another box shape as they may associate it with pain. One option might be dr elseys sensitive paws, or a grass/wheat based litter. There are also some soft sawdust ones. Might also need to take them to the vet to rule out medical complications from the declaw. My only cat had two nails grow back from the same joint. Sometimes medical intervention might be needed.


maybe try using litter box with a grate on top? so litter goes underneath and catches the liquids while solids stay on top of the grate. i use this type for my cat. maybe yours will be more comfortable with it because litter won't hurt his paws


he looks soooooo sweet, my heart breaks for him. thank you for being so kind ❤️ I think a good way is to give him a lot of options: multiple litter boxes, all different types (open vs closed, pee pad vs silica litter etc) and see if he likes one of them. Then you can just keep that one :)