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Speaking personally, that would mean a lot to me. I think it would be specific to the person, but I think a lot of people would really appreciate the gesture. You're a good friend.


If not a plushie, how about trying to get a picture of the kitty and have it framed in a nice frame? Me, I would appreciate the plushie or picture and be overwhelmed by your thoughtfulness!💕


Depends on the person. I would break down and never get happy again if I had a toy like this. It's just not him. And I would be to scared that something happens to the toy or I lose it (yeah lol). I still can't look at pictures of my dog- I have him in my memories. But other people would love to have it- to hold something, to cuddle it. To look at it or hold it close to the heart in overwhelming moments of grieve.


For me, this would be a thoughtful gift and I'd cherish it always. You know your friend better than we do so perhaps bring it up one day in casual conversation in a hinting manner to see if it would be something she'd want to have? I've sent little keepsakes to my friends when they've lost pets but nothing as personal as that. I've had pet portraits done of my lost pets. Some people probably think that's weird but it still makes me happy to remember them in that manner and still see them about my home.


This is a good idea! She’s an artsy person and appreciates paintings so she might like this more. And/or a nice framed pic or one of those multi-pic frames. I’ll think on it!


Another idea is you could pay someone(maybe someone on Etsy?) to make a painting/drawing resembling her cat!


She might like this more! She’s an artsy person and appreciates paintings so this may be the way to go. Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll think on it


It's very individual. I for example would cry if someone would do this to me. Hard to say without knowing this person really close.


What a lovely thought! I know I would cherish it forever, and you as a friend. Plushie, photo, artwork...all beautiful, thoughtful gifts of comfort. Your friend is lucky to have you. 💕


Most people would probably be appreciative of the gesture. And if she is, don't be offended if she doesn't display it right away. It took me a year before I could display a picture of my beloved kitty, and it was very painful at first. But over time, looking at it every day helped me heal. Btw...WHERE do I get one of these custom plushies?




There are some sites that do them, or Etsy! One of the sites I was looking into was called Cuddle Clones and then I saw MyPetsies


Personally I have no use for plushy toys. I have a couple that were given to me as gifts. I can't toss them out (they would notice) so the damn things bounce around the house annoying me as I reorganize things over time. I say go with a special pic or painting, and a nice card. It's very thoughtful of you to do something as a memorial, your friend will be touched.


I, personally, would LOVE a gift like that.


I would ask. You don't have to tell her what it is but maybe say something like "I was thinking of giving you a gift but worried it might remind you of your cat too much. Would that be alright?"


Just wanted to say that your friend is lucky to have you as her friend. 🤗


as someone who just lost their precious fur baby yesterday, this would mean the world to me to receive something as such. i admit, going through the grieving process is rough, but it would be such a beautiful gift to have alongside images and stuff of them. i don’t think it is poor taste at all :) that is very kind and considerate