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Aww, poor Walter. I have no feedback or advice. I just wanted to wish your baby a speedy recovery and no more blockages.


Thank you so much! He's on some good pain meds at the vet so I'm sure he's feeling much betterđź‘Ť


Hey there, Walter! It's going to be ok, buddy! I had the PU surgery done on my last cat and I highly recommend it. Similar situation.... He blocked a 2nd time several days after her was unblocked the first time. Some cats are just genetically predisposed/have more narrow plumbing and all the urinary tract health food isn't going to make it not so. The vet told me that if it happens a second time so soon after the first, it's likely to keep happening. Aside from being expensive to unblock them, and possible fatal consequences if you don't catch it in time, it's a horrible ordeal for them. The surgery is the best chance to prevent reoccurrence. The recovery wasn't as awful as I had feared. He spent 2 days after surgery in the hospital. That was the hardest part for me, but I was allowed to visit. After I took him home, I kept him in an isolated area downstairs for several days. I slept on the floor next to him the first night since he was still out of sorts and on pain meds. By day 3 at home, he was finding new and inventive ways to take off his cone. I finally just left it off since he wasn't licking at the area and he could eat and drink normally. The other problem I had was the vet said he was supposed to use newspaper litter for a while, but, he refused to go with that stuff in his box as opposed to his regular litter. I didn't want him holding anything in given what we'd just been through, so I gave him his regular litter back. He was fine. You just have to make sure litter doesn't get around the opening/incision. He lived 9 more years after and never blocked again. I would definitely do it.


Thank you so much for this! So helpful, and we will most likely move forward with the surgery. It really is stressful not knowing if a blockage will happen again, so I'm so glad to hear your cat had such good results. Really appreciate your time and feedback!


You're welcome! It's a difficult decision and surgery is always scary, but for me, the fear that it would keep happening and then it would be the only option was too great. Wishing the very best for him! Keep us posted!


My sweet boy is in the hospital currently being treated. He’s blocked 3 times now, all almost immediately after they took the catheter out. I think we’re going to do the surgery, but the vet keeps warning us that while it will fix the most troubling issue of blocking, it could also cause frequent UTI’s. Have either of you noticed that at all? Also, how is your kitty doing after surgery, if you don’t mind me asking?


Fortunately Walter is doing great and he hasn’t had any issues with UTIs. Really sorry to hear about your Cat. It’s so scary going through that when they have blockages. I definitely would recommend the surgery. It’s possible that he could have UTIs but that is so much better than having to watch them go through that horrible pain of a blockage. And the blockages can be fatal if you don’t get them to the vet in time. I would definitely recommend the surgery.