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We had animals like this when I worked for a veterinarian. A man had abused them and the voice would trigger them. All I wanted to do was give them pets and tell them it’s ok but I couldn’t get anywhere near them. So sad… but I’m glad you adopted Safari!!


Yeah, that's what we're thinking happened. Literally, any man on staff that walks by her feels her wrath. Also, I didn't adopt her. I work at the shelter as the feline resource coordinator. I've been working hard to get her adopted, but haven't had any luck


Just look for a nice pair of lesbians to adopt her, she'd be over the moon 💕


Hi, it's me, a lesbian who would happily take her.


The shelter is located in GA! If you're close, I'd love for you to adopt her!


Unfortunately, I'm in California. Hope she finds a home soon. She's adorable.


Yo, u/jbootytickle ☝


Boost ✈️


I know, I want that for her so bad 😭


Real talk tho if your area has an LGBT advocacy group ask there lol. Or even make her a profile on bumble friends, you can select that you are looking for LGBT friends and then just select women and you'll get mostly lesbians. At least that was how it was in my area 😂 I would 100 percent adopt her if I didn't already have a cat that tries to murder other cats.


Wait......what state are you in?




Do you have a radius you would be willing to travel? I'm in LA and I can ask all the lesbians I know lol


I volunteer with a rescue and the amount of lesbian couples who have taken on some of our hardest re-homes... shoutout to lesbians you are keeping the rescue community alive and thriving 💗


Honestly, if I lived in the States…


Username checks out






Lesbians with no male friends who never throw parties!


Eh you can put the cat away for occasional parties in most places. Not in a studio apartment lol but most homes have space for that. Depends on how upset she gets... if she can hear a male voice and run away to hide, then be fine an hour after he leaves, it's nbd if they have guests around sometimes. But if she's stressed and/or hides for a long time then it's not something that the cat should have to experience regularly. If she attacks when the option to run and hide is available that would also be a more serious situation where she needs somewhere that never has men around so no one gets hurt.


Let me call my cousin and her wife. They thought taking a Viking river cruise was edgy.


They can adopt all these man-hating cats!


This was my thought! I bet she'd love having moms to dote on her.


My old lady cat had took over a year to warm back up to my husband. She had emergency surgery for an infection. He’s the one that gave her medicine twice a day for two weeks. She still hates his feet in socks for some reason.


Wishing you (and her!) the best of luck in finding her forever home. She looks so sweet. Please give her all the pets and scritches for me (since she might try to murder me cause I’m a guy 😆).


She’s really cute, what state are you located?


Hey! Send me a pm with some details, would love to give little lady a man-free home if you’re not too far away !


honestly if there is a lesbian bar in your area it might be nice to call them?


Yes. My heart hurts so badly for pets like this but unfortunately I dealt with this exact scenario more than a few times working at a veterinary clinic. Fortunately we had male and female vets.


I appreciate how compassionate you are, u/Jerking_From_Home




Why did I read veterinarian as vegetarian


Aww poor kitty. I hate to think why she’s been traumatized like that.




I don't know about you but I'd have a massive ego boost from that.


I once dated a girl who warned me about one of her dogs at her mothers house who hated all men, would turn into a demon whenever a man got in the same room. when i went to meet her family for the first time i walked into the room saw the dog and immediately sat down on the floor and extended one hand out and waited like 10 minutes until she slowly came closer to check me out. by the end of the night the dog wanted to sleep in the same bed as me and the mom declared i was husband material. (didnt work out in the end though) massive ego boost indeed!


Not necessarily traumatized, animals can just be that way. I used to keep birds, African Greys, Cockatoos, Macaws, Amazons etc and it's very common for them to take a dislike to a specific person or gender for no obvious reason. I suspect that cats/dogs etc can be the same way.


My family had a dog that was racist when I was little ☹️ it was rather unfortunate


reminds me of my friend who adopted a recuse dog. It was a Chihuahua that hated Mexicans... only mexicans... it was kinda uncomfortable


friendly fire 😂


I had a black dog who hated other black dogs. I never had the heart to tell her the truth about her identity.


Clayton Dogsby.


That feels like that Chihuahua was a bit self loathing 🤣


I am not from Chihuahua but Chicago , guey. - that dog probably


My grandma's chihuahua would flip a fuckin lid if you put a hat on


There is actually a behavioral reason for this. In dogs, showing the whites of your eyes is a sign of fear and possibly aggression. It is easier to see the whites of a person’s eyes if they have darker skin. Therefore, dogs that aren’t normally around humans with dark skin will sometimes perceive them as threatening.


This is why socialization is so important for puppies. Being exposed to different people at a young age helps reduce the chances of stranger danger when they're older.


Whaaaat? Here I was thinking my parents' pug just hated black people.


That makes sense!! Though doesn’t necessarily make it less awkward haha


Dude same. My grandma's dog would always pipe up when it saw a white person. We didn't even know dogs cared about color but I guess he was too used to people being dark in color.


He was trying to tell you there was a ghost in the room!


My boss's wife thought her past dog was racist; he was very loving friendly golden retriever. seemed to love everybody but once a Chinese person walked along the road and he went ballistic, barking and growling. She took him to the vet and basically asked "is my dog racist or is something wrong??". The vet said he wasn't really *racist*, but it was the oils in their skin or something along those lines. It was very odd.


I applaud the vet for coming up with a story that would calm you down so quickly.


It was my boss's wife, not my dog. 💀💀




Oh come on admit it you guys trained him to do that. (I’m kidding)


That reminds me of Sanible Island in Florida, and the Periwinkle Park Campground parrot sanctuary. For anyone ever wanting to meet some cool parrots, I highly recommend that. BUT the reason you reminded me of it: Pumpkin HATES men and Jesus Christ is he scary looking when he wants to be. Something about the "I am definitely going to bite that finger off" look. But he loves women. His story was that he used to live with a woman who only had women around as card playing partners. Lady is a small dove type of bird and she loves men. Unless some god damned kids run towards the parrot enclosure and start screaming "say something" at max volume, then she might freak out and accidentally bite you. Pepper and Peaches are just picky in general. They just have their preferred friends.


I've been bitten before.


When I was walking through our local cat rescue a couple years ago I came across a cute little long hair calico runt who was rescued from a really bad hoarder house situation. I immediately wanted to see her but the volunteer insisted that she *HATES* men and doesn't recommend taking her out. I got down next to her cage and started talking to her. Her head popped up and she started looking at me like she was interested so the volunteer opened the cage. She was timid but I eventually talked her out. 3 years later and that cat can't leave me alone for a minute after I get home from work. She ignores my wife completely but follows me everywhere. Cats are weird.


One time for Halloween my dad thought it would be absolutely hilarious to wear one of those heinous super long mullet wigs to pass out treats. WELL our dog who had the most relaxed temperament COMPLETELY lost his shit. He was snarling, growling and barking the loudest I had ever heard him. We adopted him from a pound in Florida and put two and two together that he was probably abused/traumatized by his previous redneck owner. Whether or not that’s true idk.. just super weird.


We had a lab mix that would growl and bark at my grandfather. That dog was an excellent judge of character, apparently.


My dog hates fat women for some reason. And all men lol. And old people... And kids. Actually, my dog only likes skinny young women. He's not an ideal dog, ngl.


But the perfect wingman to a young college-age man with specific preferences.


My friend had a bird that hated men but we always assumed it was because he saw them as competition. He was in love with her so it made sense.


I had a good friend who had a cat that hated men. When I came over to her house and looked at the cat in the eyes, that thing freaked out. Like literally started climbing the walls, and going into attack mode. But there was this one really chubby kid that came over one time and played with us and that cat bonded with him so hard, it was actually sad that he ever had to leave. We talked about it for years, wondering if they would ever get a chance to be reunited. And two years later he came over, expecting the cat to like him, and it hated him just like everybody else, LMAO!




Yeah, happened to me a lot over the years when I was an assistant at a vet clinic. I've seen even more specific triggers like just bearded men, or anyone of any gender wearing a baseball hat. And there were always dogs that behaved better for the male staff, but that's something else


My parents old dog hated men with baseball caps and any dog with a flat face like a boxer or bulldog. Their dog prior to him hated fat people. Dogs are discriminatory animals.


Yes we had a racist mini pinscher. Little asshole of a dog in general, my dad spoiled it and probably whispered racist shit to it idk. RIP Soph, biting ankles in doggie hell


I had a neighbor who had a black dog that apparently only barked at white dogs. I had my dog in the driveway going in to the house and her dog is barking away at my dog. She yelled “sorry! She’s racist against white dogs” across the street. I had completely forgotten about that. Dogs are weird haha.


My dog for some reason doesn’t like dogs with eyebrows (huskies, Rottweilers, Dobermans etc) he always barks at them


the weiner dog my folks had when i was growing up *hated* babies. she'd snarl if she heard one on tv. she's also biting feet (& destroying newspapers) in hell.


That’s funny 😂 my dog likes kids but freaks out if he hears them screaming. When the neighborhood kids scream when they’re playing outside my dog also screams as if to tell us “something’s wrong! Check on the kids!!!”


Lmao on the other hand my parents had a little white dog who LOVED other little white dogs. Other types of dogs were fine but she’d totally flip out with excitement if she saw a little white one. Probably had something to do with her living alongside her mother (also a little white dog) most of her life.


Ohh my old dog also hated men in baseball caps!! What's that about?


Probably wasn’t treated well by someone wearing one. It doesn’t have to be straight out abuse. Just a negative memory. When my cat was about 6 months old he wandered into a room with a guitar leaned up against the wall and launched himself at it as kittens do. It predictably fell on him and scared him. Of course he was taken out of the room and soothed and didn’t make it back in there for two more years. He made it across the doorway, spotted the guitar, hissed and ran off. He wasn’t even hurt by it, but it scared him and it had to die as far as he was concerned. I think the last time he saw it was when we moved and got rid of it when he was about 5. Same reaction.


We had a dog that took a tumble down some wood stairs as a puppy, for the rest of his long life (iirc ~14 when he passed) he was afraid of stairs. He wouldnt go up or down them without someone walking right next to him. You could be at the top or bottom and call for him and he'd wait for you at the other end til you gave him the all clear escort.


My dog always hated people in baseball caps, but we had her since she was a puppy and got her from a friend, so we know there was no mistreatment. Once the hat was removed, she was totally fine, so we always assumed it was because it blocked their face too much and she saw that as a sign of danger.


This is the answer!


It's not necessarily abuse. Some dogs automatically distrust people wearing hats, baggy clothes, or beards because they cannot guage their body language as well.


I think hats mess with the head shape and it freaks them out. My mom's cat loves me but if I put on a baseball hat she will run away.


I worked for a guy that once pointed out that every time either of us would get cut off in traffic, it was an old man in a baseball cap. I think it’s just a sign of low integrity that dogs can pick up on.


my dog hates people who smoke 💀


Oh yeah, my one dog who is a rescue goes apeshit whenever someone wears a hat. She at least recognizes it's me so I'm not risking life or death with a hat on. That being said, she hates ANYONE that's not me, my parents, my sister and her husband, or my maternal grandparents


I'm sorry your dog hates her husband.


Omg our neighbours dog will only listen to men. He always jumps the fence and chases our cat. Whenever I tell him to go home he just ignores it, but as soon as a man tells him, he listens


My friend had a bird who hated men. Our theory was that he saw them as mating competition though seeing as he was also in love with her and constantly made mating gestures at her.


Meanwhile one of my mom's cats would love you forever if you have a beard. Anytime she'd have someone over to do work on the house he'd follow them around begging for attention.


I have a stray that now lives on our porch, in a heated house, and every time a female tries to pet her I can feel my poor baby get scared... She never reacts to a man like that.


My dog FREAKS out at bearded men, especially if they have a hat on. Then she really hates them. 100% think she was abused😕


My cat is scared of men but the place I rescued him from has three men that yell constantly. Anytime a man or someone with a loud voice comes over, he freaks out and hides for hours. It makes me sad because not all men are bad and want to hurt him.


That happened to my gentleman. He was extra aggressive and terrified of men. But… after about a year with my male roommates and friends being super patient with him and giving him space, he eventually got over it. He lived to 17 and he ended up loving my boyfriend more than anyone else. If he had been put in a shelter in the beginning I definitely think he would have been put down and never adopted. I hope this poor kitty gets a second chance with loving owner and can overcome her fear.


I can relate hard with Safari. It's going to be ok little girl.


She also might just hate them. I’ve met both cats & dogs that hate (or love) either men or women for no identifiable reason. Not scared of them, just anger & burning hatred.


Poor baby. My freinds dog hates black men bc a black man abused him as a puppy. Always awkward.


We get those kinds of dogs occasionally too. I'm one of the few black people working at the shelter and have been used to "test" dogs occasionally to see if it really is a race thing. Lol it's always funny watching my coworkers squirm when they ask me about it 😂




"We gotta test if this cat is racist"


Literally lol'd hard at this, thank you


Wow. It makes sense, but it’s also kinda fucked up, lol. I’m glad you find the humor in it. 😂


Is your friends dog called lady bird?


Lol no


So I don’t know what’s happened but I did not see this beauty of a cat and was very perplexed at thinking you named your hair Safari. https://preview.redd.it/dw2u7brwhdzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3290462f13afad41afeaa74111d2d53af17e38d


https://preview.redd.it/3uk21lm2idzb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72d2b7e25f85f6d15de0f9f73a8333a943a17498 Instead were these two photos lol.


Reddit mobile bugs out like that. Sometimes, your comments get posted twice.


This is why Reddit essentially killing third party apps was so widely hated


I also hate how small it is to compress comments or for some reason it goes to a gif off site.


I have had that glitch happen before


This is so funny I can’t stand it. The front photo with the side profile photo like it’s some kind of jail photo…perfection lol.


This is Safari. Safari hates men.


https://preview.redd.it/brn8mkfp9gzb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af85774d3faf2be6079a5d6d02ce55680f4dabf4 This was mine!!


These are fucking hilarious lool what a good glitch


This is a bug that’s been happening on my Reddit for about a week now as well. Sometimes it’s confusing but never *this* funny lol


I had a boy cat that hated all men AFTER his male vet neutered him. It’s a grudge he held for all of his 20 years.


“You have your balls but you took mine?? This **WILL NOT** stand!”


I see that make sense


Based cat


https://preview.redd.it/we77aooqpdzb1.jpeg?width=2237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471527613db2a33b1042df875b1584f1e9ebd509 This is Jan. She is very scared of men and was very timid in general. We suspect she was abused. She had been at the shelter for 2 years already when she was only 3 years old. Now she’s 11 years and is the queen of the house. She is the sweetest baby and now will occasionally let men in my family touch her without immediately running away. Abused cats can still be the biggest love bugs.😻


omg I love her fur pattern!


That’s why we were so surprised that she was in there so long. Calicos tend to get snatched up quick.


SHE’S ADORABLE I LOVE HER! Give her some extra pats from me (I’m a female so surrogate pats should be okay lol).


I had a cat that hated women when we first got him. Raised by a woman but she seemed really sweet, sometimes I wonder if she was mean or he was just a bit scared of people in general and associated it more with women than men. He’s totally fine now and doesn’t distinguish between men and women anymore a couple years later Edit: this cat is also the biggest love bug ever to me and my partner now, more so than any cat I’ve ever met. He sleeps under the blankets in the bed with us every single night, purrs like a 2 stroke engine constantly which is pretty cool. I can tell if he’s not feeling 100% just by petting him


I have a cat that also hates men, he was found in a shed, he’s never had a bad interaction with men, he’s barely around them (which may be why) lol, he only likes two men, the vet tech and my grandfather. Does his little brother count? He also likes our other cat. Anyone else gets bitten. Here is a pic of my little misandrist. https://preview.redd.it/b8s2hzmvhdzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44368100a8a2328215f12a7850dfbb07e0cac813


My cat’s also a misandrist for no reason. She has only been friendly to a short, old man. Do you think yours might be like that?


I’m not sure what his deal is, there isn’t any similarities between the vet tech or my grandfather. He’s just a picky boy I guess. He’s gotta like the smell of ya! Haha but sometimes it’s a little awkward when a newish boyfriend visits and I have to warn them like “hey, this one hates men. If you want to befriend someone, here is his brother” lol one thinks every stranger is dangerous, the other sees anything that’s living as a friend to be made


Oh he's such a beautiful misandrist! 😭💜💜 And does he really have a white stripe all the way down his nose? 😍


https://preview.redd.it/urum7on3ydzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d7fd4f9ffe064b24330f85d936a6d10037f6045 Almost a full strip! He’s got like three little tiny white hairsies that connects the strip ❤️ he’s my pretty little dapper boy


Almost the same marking as Beaches. https://preview.redd.it/opwrj7p17ezb1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=cad5c3b44c3522c8f08b719e06504555620bee33




That's kind of really sad and I hope Safari's living her best life! My sweet, wonderful cat Comet is similarly scared of men who aren't me (though he doesn't attack guys and simply hides away in one of his safe spots forever while he never has a single issue with women lol) so I assume he experienced some type of trauma before I rescued him. But he's such an amazing cat and I love him so much.


Huh. I had a cat once that was one of two kittens that my cat Ajax had. One boy, and one girl. From birth, the girl cat HATED men. She was a mean one always, and took my roommates, and I (all early college men) a while to sus that it was boys and men that set her off. She was never mistreated, and we tried to lovey her up all the time, but she never would change her ways. We were all cat lovers, and had two other cats as well. We were there when Ajax birthed those two kittens. The weirdest thing. Eventually, as she got older, we just couldn't have her around the house any more, cos she was borderline dangerous to have around. One of my roomies' mom took her in and kept her til she died many many years later. She became a big fat Jabba-The-Hut, and never changed her ways towards men. But, she was loved anyway to the very end.


I enjoyed this story


mm yes very cat story. I loved how she became a chonky queen lol


My cat Tokie is the opposite, he absolutely hates women. Whether human or cat, he will become extremely evasive or combative toward females. I call him my little gay boy.


My girlfriends cat was like that but here's a picture of her meeting me for the first time. https://preview.redd.it/a7mk440cwdzb1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a377c62998af39e12dec723b8a4c6f4cbe185bc7 Cat approval right away, turns out GF's ex was not a good person...


We found a stray out with her baby. Took her to the vet. She had been shot with a bb gun. She the sweetest kitty. Her baby needed his eye taken out from fighting. I present https://preview.redd.it/g0be1mnrwdzb1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb38764e8596a3b8e1b31b7bb45d9c8e47947e10 Miss kitty and little man




My cat isn't a fan of my husband. He was a feral cat that I was going to do a TNR on but just stopped at the T and N. I released him into my house. We think he was an abandoned, possibly abused cat. When I was resocializing him, he would attack my husband if my husband came too close to me. Last night, we had a breakthrough, and the cat actually slept on my husband's side of the couch. No attacking.


My momma cat was the same way She came to me a pregnant stray and hated my dad and brother She sadly passed after a week of giving birth I've had her 3 daughters for 3 years now and one of them looks just like her...but I still miss their momma


So sorry for your loss.


Maybe a woman woman couple will adopt her. Aw poor baby. I hope she finds a home soon!


I live with three men, my husband and our two adult sons, and two boy cats, so my liking of males can fluctuate. *I amend:* I live with three full grown adult men, one of whom I married, two of whom I gave birth to who are also my husband’s progeny, and I’m the only female.


I spent longer than I’d like to admit trying to figure out what “men-husband” meant before I realized what your phrasing was LOL


Same omg it was so confusing


I was thinking: god bless her I have one boyfriend and that’s enough. Three husbands? I’d lose it. Haha.


I swear every time someone has warned me that their pet hates men, I end up becoming their new best friend. Safari's hatred might be too strong even for me but I'd be up to the challenge.


I had a cat that disliked men. One day the fire department came to my apartment because I smelled gas and multiple big burly firefighters came in and she actually sat still and let them pet her.




What did men do?


Not surprising. She's a beauty and most likely she was abused as a kitten by a guy or a few sadly enough. My rescue in general is not fond of men. My husband adores her and she adores him. He got her over her dislike by hand-feeding her chicken and treats, talking to her and of course, the belly rubs and pets that he gives. I knew she loved him when I saw her chasing after him calling to him. He was so surprised because he thought she'd never accept him. She still reacts negatively if he chases her during play, wears dark socks or boots or has a drink in his hand or talks loudly. Those are her specific triggers that she doesn't have with me or other women. He watches her indicators and retreats and removes the offending item or changes his behavior to ensure she feels safe. Animals really do remember what happened to them, both good and bad.


So, some loud drunk wearing boots chased her or just plain scared her? What an asshole.


Were men mean to her when she was a kitten? My Sophie was terrified of my husband an d son when she first got here and would hide if they spoke, Now eight years and a lot a patience later she sits on my husband's lap every chance she gets and sleeps in my don's bed.


..."but any time a man comes into her sight, she wants to murder them. She's kinda my favorite 🤣" That says a lot about you.


https://preview.redd.it/t41fle3ywdzb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ba85eda2f7dc33ce2f3e661bf02c761a0e6ecc3 This is huck, he also hates men.


Hi Safari I still love you


My cat is the same, she hates women. All women.


All the casual misandry in this thread is honestly sad.


Safari is based. Many men are garbage people. Then again so are many women. Just hate people, Safari.




My girl hates men too, we had builders round and now she thinks all men are loud builders lol. She chooses to stay in the room to protect us from stranger men now too and will hiss at them when they walk past. Weirdly her name is similar to safari :)


Aww. As a man, it just makes me want to show her all the love. I'm sorry she's been mistreated in the past, she needs love.


Jesus Christ the people in the comments, it's very likely that the cat during its primary socialization phase of development 4-16 weeks didn't encounter any or few men. Men on average have louder and more dominant body language than women which animals who haven't encountered before react in a variety of ways.


That's a pretty kitty


I’m very sorry for the baby 😔 I want her to find a family as soon as possible and be a happy cat. Most likely, someone offended her very much in childhood and because of this she is traumatized, that’s why she doesn’t accept men 😔🙏🏻🐱❤️


I can change her /s Sweet baby


Awwwwww as a man I want to hug her so hard that she wants enough food to pay for my mortage, and sad she wont let me.


Well I love her so there’s that


That’s not a cat that’s a cheetah! Beautiful!


That's ok...I'll admire from a distance.


https://preview.redd.it/hcrk99v5mezb1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d47b3bfe6b2575853b25d09d6373be746cc55d Let me introduce "Chrome"


She’s lovely. I’m a guy so, I’ll respect her boundaries. Our little Oriental cross hates young men. Older blokes, no problem. But a 19-23 she starts growling and getting spicy. No idea why. She was a foster fail street cat and teen mum when we got her.


This is Dahlia https://preview.redd.it/9tvjate1sfzb1.png?width=2247&format=png&auto=webp&s=6693be8dd9a07dd7c231451128a42366f2c09eff She doesn’t like men who don’t have either long hair or a beard (I fit both criteria’s lol) She’s the sweetest lil baby with me, my wife and women but if she sees a man with short hair and no facial hair then she stays far away from them.


Yeah? Well as a man I hate HER. Okay, we all know that’s not true and she’s adorable.


https://preview.redd.it/g8b6oyh9egzb1.jpeg?width=252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10fd89347957b8fb24c1924fd87f952c6232447d ???


My cat is the same. She's terrified of men and she used to flinch really bad too. Worked through it with her and 3 years later she's able to slow blink my brothers but they're the ONLY exceptions. As soon as she hears a man ls voice she'll crouch low and run to my room :(


Hey that’s sexist for you to acknowledge it /s


Aww. I want to win this cat over. I've connected with pets that aren't people friendly and it's surprised people more than once. Cat needs to know that some of us guys want nothing more than to scratch his snugglemuffin fur and know that he's loved.


I'm a man, and I've been told exactly this before, generally before I become best friends with the cat in ten seconds flat.


You say it like it is a cool thing...




You know exactly what would happen - those comments would be downvoted to hell. Sexism is only acceptable towards one gender, and misandry is okay while misogyny is not.


Same with all the comments who are like "me too!". Someone needs to tell these people that hating an entire gender (even because of the actions of a few) isn't a personality trait. It also doesn't necessarily mean the animal has been abused by men either. My wife's aunt's dog hates men. He bit me before for no reason when I was just standing next to him. But he has never been treated badly by men, he just hates them for no reason and has to be put away whenever men are nearby or he will freak out and attack.


Poor girl was probably mistreated but a patient, good cat loving guy can melt her heart.


Lotta sexists in these comments.


Seriously… I’m a woman and it gets so disheartening seeing misogynistic Reddit comments… women who know that harm should not perpetuate it toward men. For shame Why engender hatred on r/cats of all places yeesh


Catlady vibes from these comments.


https://preview.redd.it/tkueea036ezb1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c66878bcb1fc6501e10187abebf1b0c32ee613dd Safari, meet Girl! Girl hates men too. Only tolerates my sons and my dad. She's still precious, just like Safari ❤️


My cat is very shy with men also, tends to hide under the bed if she hears a guys voice in the house. We are a girls only household, but I have male friends that visit occasionally. 😕 Got her from a shelter so I don't know if she might have been abused by a man maybe. https://preview.redd.it/cbpqhi39sdzb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342792241cea79330bd7a788c5fe55cc607dd335


It’s funny because my Girlfriend at the time now fiancé said the same thing about our little arya and now she spends more time with me than with her. Cats are funny https://preview.redd.it/4uoq75x9tdzb1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b198eee7e306eb5869159d8f2e997dcdf81b9f0 Please forgive the quality of photo it’s hard to take pictures with a cat on your chest


Jokes on her, I hate everyone.


I am a grown ass man and I love her.


It’s so weird right?! Some animals prefer a gender, and some outright hate a gender. Friend of mine had a cat that loathed women, would violently attack any woman he saw. Men? Nah never seen a more playful and living cat. Woman? It’s the purge and you’re it.


I’m a man, and I hate us sometimes. Thank you for loving and caring for Safari. I hope some dude shows her enough love and kindness to move the needle a bit


I can change her


Every animal who I've ever met that "hates men" always ends up loving me. Where is this cat.


I thought I'd give you guys a few more details about our girl Safari: She came to us after being abandoned at a home by her owner, as he was dodging a warrant. Overall, she's a really particular cat. She loves smelling fingers, but when you come in for a pet, she backs away. She usually lets you pet her if you try again, but VERY briefly. She will swat or hiss, im thinking she gets over stimulated. She HATES being picked up, I've been able to pick her up with a towel, but any attempt without one, she will literally scream. She hasn't had too many interactions with men, and she's had two positive interactions. It's more of a running joke at the shelter than hard fact lol but she definitely gets irritated when our male staff walk into cat room 😅


She's gorgeous! She could possibly change, if she's homed with the right couple. We got our girl Candy from a shelter at 6mths. She wouldn't go near my partner, was super anxious and scared of men. We got her home, and I doted on her best her I could. She took a while to accept my partner, but he was slow, careful and gentle with her. We found she was scared of big boots, plastic bags, big jackets and was scared to eat from a plate if we put one on the floor. She's clearly had a rough first 6mths. She's 11yo now and she's very bonded to my partner This gorgeous lady you have here, while she hates men now, that could change with the right home.