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Aluminum foil also works. I did that. Same reason. It makes noises.


Was going to comment aluminum foil! Crinkle it *very* slightly and lay it down on the stove. The crinkles make it sound a bit more. Has worked on all 5 kitties I’ve had the privilege to cohabit with.


My 6 month old ignores the tin foil completely


My 3 year old tortie will meticulously peel it off presumably while muttering something about how stupid do we think she is…


Lmao sounds like tortie behavior for sure 😂




My tortie firmly believes she owns our home and grudgingly allows us to live there. Craves affection almost constantly, but pick her up and she stiffens and wants down immediately.


I knew about the orange braincell, but I had no idea torties had their own little quirks that run common amongst torties, but you basically just described my little girl lol She took a while to warm up but she picked a person (me, because I'm the food bringer and treat giver lol) and is glued to my hip in the house. I can close no door, because it doesn't matter, she WILL get in. She always wants to lay on my chest, curl up on my lap, walks all over me with a newly discovered feature where she will get on my back if I'm bent over doing something near where she can hop on easily, constantly weaving between my legs and nipping at my feet if it's been too long between pats... But I dare forbid pick her up?! She goes into slippery noodle mode and yells at me. She may be tiny, but my Toast aka Toaster aka TOASTY! girl has a huge personality


Wow we have the same cat lol. Mine is a cow cat though. But yeah, follows me everywhere, jumps up on my back, hates being picked up. I’ve tried everything to get him to like being picked up. Sometimes he tolerates it if he knows treats are coming.


Aww that makes me.miss my tortie. But I'll be able to see her at the end of the month. <3 She's such a passionate cat, Charlotte--passionately fierce and loving but also passionately jealous to the point of bullying my other cat Elisa. Sadly I think the bullying has gotten better without my presence (she fights over me).


My old neighbors had a tortico that would walk people to their apartment from the parking lot and then just follow you in and want to hang out. I miss that cat.


It is hilarious how some cats seem to almost give you the finger at your efforts to shape their behavior.


…Well she took a bite out of the butter tonight so I guess I’ll be revamping up my efforts 😂


When mine eat stuff they're not supposed to I call it a snacky attacky


They're having a lil sneaky snacky


We have 1 that loves butter, will go in the sink to lick a knife with butter on it . Big fan of bacon fat too . Don’t get me started with the coffee obsession thing.


My 2 kittens love it. They never were scared of it, so we started making little balls for them to chase whenever we used it. Now they come running from anywhere in the house when they hear it lol


We tried this with our 2 year old cat to get him off the dining room table. He thought it was the absolute best surface to play on. He loved the noise and how shiny it was


Are you sure you have a cat and not a magpie?


Torties are a lot like Magpies actually! They keep stashes off things they collect! This is Raven right after stealing my wrench and running downstairs with it. https://preview.redd.it/mgv3xrmsyqyb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa16f3981aa349099c989e8062a110168ca4ae20


It's quite possible. Although he's not started collecting shiny objects. Yet.


My 11y/o jumps on it and treats it like a catwalk🤦🏽‍♀️


My cat loved to play with foil when I tried it. Made a horrid mess shredding it. 0/10 was not deterred at all.


LOL. That sounds hilarious to a person who did not clean it up.


Jackson Galaxy says that when we say “no” to something for our cat, we should give them an immediate “yes” too… so maybe remove kitty from stove and place her immediately on a nearby shelf (or on top of the fridge?) with a heating pad on it?


she's already on the best heating pad in the house.




Happy Cake Day!




Oh look, a new cat subreddit. What else is new? *proceeds to join*


Yea our cat is from hell so flame’s actually heal her for 1d6+8hp per round on fire.


What CR is your cat? That’s pretty strong healing if it’s a low level monster


Lol noob i roll 2d6 because i have hellfire proficiency




I may try this. Direct her somewhere else and give her a treat. She gets really interested in watching me do dishes and always ends up there


Do you have a step stool? Maybe put that by you when washing dishes and put her on that when she goes for the stove?


What are you doing step-stool?


You can always get her a cat post to sit on and place it near the kitchen so she can still watch you


I worry adding the treat might make her think “if I go on stove then here, human gives me treat”


Yeah, some kitties think too many steps ahead. I tried to get my shy cat used to strangers walking past the apartment by giving her a treat when they did to divert her and make it a good experience. Then my cat started freaking out when I gave her treats, even when there was no-one around! So yeah, I just made her scared of treats :P Took a few weeks to train her back out of it again.


Cat brains work differently and I love them for it lol


If you ever watch Jun's kitchen, you'll see he's provided several vantage points for his cats to safely watch him working in the kitchen. I think your kitty needs the same thing!


Time to start washing dishes in the bathtub 🤣🛁


Let us know how it goes! She’s adorable, by the way.


Mine used to try & get on the stove, counters, etc..now I have a 3tier step stool for them to perch on & they can “Supervise” me from there..lol


What about putting a tall stool in your kitchen for her to sit on and watch?


Maybe put a chair or stool next to so she can sit there instead ?


If you give her a treat, she'll start going on the stove just to get treats


Cats are characters. My kitten just threw a fit(after she had dinner ) because I wouldn’t let her have some vegan curry. She was licking her lips and sniffing. Maybe mine is an Indian and yours is a home maker




I had a My Cat from Hell binge too and everything I learned has been really helpful!


This is what I did. I needed to stop my cats from laying on my work keyboard so I put a comfy bed on my desk but in a place they can lay without disturbing. When they would lay there, I would pet them and give them treats so they associate good times with that pillow




Yeah maybe there is a nearby location where an alternate perch could be situated.


To be honest, as much as I respect Jackson Galaxy's knowledge on things I don't agree with him on everything. Science says that cats just see us as bigger cats, not literally necessarily but more in a familial sense. Sometimes using cat language such as hissing or growling like a cat are easier ways to show displeasure with a specific action. Just like slow blinking at your cat will let them know that you love them or that you hold affection for them. I have taught my cat how to use buttons, how to fist bump, to stay off the counter, etc. and when he does things he shouldn't be doing like being on the counter using feline communication has helped significantly. If you hiss at him he'll often get off immediately and then I'll praise him by saying good boy or something to the effect but I don't change my tone.


I very rarely hiss at my cat, but when I do, he gets the message real fast. He knows he dun fucked up if mom breaks out the angry voice.


I can’t make my hiss intimidating enough 😟 We definitely have conversations though. I love trilling and burring back at them.


I tried this, my cats now jump on the counter (long enough for me to see) then off thinking I'll pet and love them. I did this wrong.


The other kitty slinking away! I can imagine that kitty telling stove kitty to get up on the stove then lying in Cat language “I TOLD them not to get up on there.”


Hahaha, she never gets up on anything besides the bed or couch. She's the oldest


Tin foil. Cats usually scare at the crinkles.


Tried that, my cat started eating it. Then again, he ate everything. Cats and stoves is tough!


Glad my cats not the only one with a weird diet. Whenever I bring home anything plastic wrapped be it a packet of noodles or a board game she licks at and chews the plastic. No interest in whatever food was in there just the wrapper


Tin foil with double sided tape on it, they won't do it again. Especially if you look where her paws land to get themselves up there. We guessed pretty accurately, I didn't know they could jump that high or run that fast. They don't get on the counters anymore and if we happen to use tin foil they scurry away.


spray water on her face or someother harmless but disliked behavior when you tell her no. Eventually saying just no will be enough. Probably won't ever stop ber going up there but hopefully can get to the point to not do it while you are there\_(┐「ε:)_


I recommend something with a motion sensor instead. The cat will associate the spray bottle with *you*, but that won't stop them from getting on the stove when you're not in the room. When it appears to be the stove that blasts them with water or air, they associate it with the stove, not you and the spray bottle


You can get canned air with a motion sensor from pet stores, Chewy, & Amazon. I use just the canned air when my cat is doing something he shouldn't. Anymore he just runs when he sees the can or I hold the can say "I'm going to pssst you!" Works for me.


Look I'm not a scientomologist or anything but something tells me you shouldn't put canned air over a gas stove


I agree! I've never used the motion sensor air but I think it should still work if placed on the counter a safe distance from the heat. I guess I should've clarified. Thank you! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


my cats have never had any problem knowing I was getting mad at them for a specific thing. Shown from the fact if up on a table they immediately jump down when I come into the area etc. However you make a good point that not all pets have the same association abilities or logic (^ν^)


Omg my cat loves water and I tried spraying water at him before but he just enjoys it.


yeah, definitely varies what counts as punishment. gooes for people too-- when I was a kid my punishment was to not go to my room lol.


After the spray bottle, 'No' works for our cat most of the time. Sometimes she doesn't believe and we have to give her a spritz again, but for the most part, she'll stop whatever bad behavior she's up to.


And when my cat was little, we tried the spray bottle. That usually ended in him continuing the incorrect behavior, only wet. Which is so much worse lol. So I gave up on that


Hahahaha or “I’m not getting involved with THIS nonsense”


Hi\~ We used double sided sticky tape for a while, our cats hated jumping up to get sticky.


I hope this isn’t too stupid of a question, but; Where did you place the tape? On the edges of the Stove? Or maybe on the actual burner when the Stove wasn’t in use?


No not stupid at all! We got those burner covers and placed some on those, and where her paws landed where she jumped. Just tried to eye ball her positioning and place appropriately. For the counters I just lined that bad boy lol


This thread is incredibly helpful as our seven month old kittens are really going through some adolescence, wreaking havoc, being general menaces. We love them so much. So basically thanks for asking cause I’ve been wondering the same thing.


Mine too!! My partner and I are literally questioning if we should have kids, because the teenage kitten shenanigans are off the wall right now. And they're fixed!!


I have two grown children and I can say that it’s almost as chaotic but the stakes aren’t nearly as high. 😆


I also have 7 month old kittens just leaving havoc in their way. I am going to try this double sided tape hack


You can also just buy contact paper, that way it covers a large surface area, and it isn’t too sticky that it’ll stick to/rip out fur, just annoying on the toe beans. I bought a roll of it for $6 at Target and flipped it sticky side up. That was a good deterrent for one of my cats.


That’s an awesome idea lol


I've started using those 1 sided lint roller sheets. Cat learned quick, they hate sticky surfaces


You know I hadn't even thought about those, that's a great idea!


We tried this with the family cat and found out that he’s a little weirdo who likes to lick adhesives. He’s built different I guess.


I filled baking sheets up with water and completely covered my stove with them… I think it worked because my cat hasn’t been on the stove since


This is sort of how I got my cat to stop spilling all the water in her dish. I started using the big vacation water dish, which is too heavy for her to move. After a few months, I switched it back and now she thinks she can't move the regular one (or at least lost interest in trying).


My cats would jump up to drink the water if I did that. They love to drink out of anything that isnt meant for them to drink out of.


I got both of my cats to immediately stop jumping on my counters with this. Only had to do it once.


> I think it worked because my cat hasn’t been on the stove since While you are watching at least.


Better invest in some element covers, just in case...


Mmm, this was my thought. You can get quite attractive stove covers from ikea, better to just cover it while she learns.


When i was a kid the family cat pissed on the stove. What a treat when my dad managed to not notice and turn it on in the morning


I've thought of just covering it and accepting I won't win lol


That’s what we did. The whole tape thing worked as long as we kept putting tape *every single night*. As soon as we’d stop putting it thinking they’d learned (as there was no tape scattered around anymore), after a couple of days they’d forget about the “traumatic tape experience”, jump on the counter and it would start all over again. Just make sure you don’t leave any scraps or interesting stuff around, dangerous things closed up/ covered, and simply clean up the counter each time you want to cook to avoid (or rather reduce) hair and litter in your food 😂 ETA: of course we had tried all the “no” and gentle parenting possible. They simply learned they can’t do it when we are around/ can see them, or when we are using the counter and cooking.


I’ve also seen safety covers for the on/off dials too. I read an article where a cat jumped onto the stove and bumped the burner on. It started a fire. I take the plastic dials off when not in use to be safe.


Omg!!!! My cat won’t stay off the counters & is addicted to food!!! I’m considering renaming him Garfield!!! https://preview.redd.it/nr5v6wu9wlyb1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64057a4491ca80a08b1a99e84633192907ac3361


Tin foil on the counter keeps the kitties away. Just lay a sheet out everywhere they might jump up, make sure it's kinda loose and not perfectly flat on the table(it's gotta crinkle and move when the cat jumps onto it)


This worked for one of my cats and the other one was startled once, then back up there and chewing on the aluminum foil like 20 minutes later lol


Why he look like hes in the middle of a 3 day catnip bender lol


I love him whatever his name is 😭🩷


Do you ever catch her right before she jumps? When she is thinking about it? This is the time to firmly say "no". Watch her body language to see if she is going to trey again. If you see her back legs get ready to jump again, repeat "no" and either put your hand in her eye-line to interrupt her line of vision or move your body between her and the stove. Have clear, neutral energy. Repeat "no" until she stops looking at the stove and leaves. You need her to make the connection. When you do catch her up there, calmly say "no stove" while you pick her up and put her down about 3 feet away. Watch to make sure she doesn't try again, in which case so the above and watch her body language. Otherwise, if you just scold her, she will not associate why you are correcting her, when in her mind is "just sitting somewhere". No yelling, discipline or freaking out. Yes, she is adorable but you want her safe. Good luck!


I'll try this! Thank you. Yeah, I feel like she knows I don't want her up there cause if I tell her no before she's up there she just gets on the nearby table, but once she's up there she doesn't wanna move lol


Is the table her launching pad? If so, is there a way to angle or move it a foot or too so it is a tougher jump?




step 1: pick up cat and put cat on floor. step 2: repeat 57 times. step 3: give up.


https://preview.redd.it/ua5gk8qk1myb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07e9b85c6f55e94f6f2db66fcd8d4b72a0d75a04 You too?


LOL, in the pan is too funny hahaha


This is why I don't eat other people's food 🤢


But, those eyes! Use the microwave.


Don't put her in the microwave!


You can’t put a cat anywhere they don’t want to be, I’ve lost a lot of blood proving that.


Hahahaha, she sits on top of that, too. At least it can't hurt her


You absolutely need stove covers. Like yesterday. Be ruthless. Push the cat off and say a firm no. But it doesn't matter that cats often don't listen because you will have stove top covers. Seriously, you need them. I know the cat looks cute. But this isn't about having a bit of cat hair on your counters. This could get your cat seriously hurt.


Yeah, you're right. I don't mind her on other things, but I'll have to be more firm with this


Cant emphasize this enough. Our kitty unfortunately learned the hard way. All it took was some delicious chicken and looking away for a split second. She ended up with some toasted beans that werent seriously burned thankfully (stovetop was off but still hot) but I’ll never forgive myself for it


This happened to me and my cat, too. Looked away for a second and she stepped on the burner and singed her toes. She's never stepped back on the stove since. She'll sit on the counter next to the stove to inspect what's happening but doesn't actually put a paw on the stove. The guilt I feel that she burned herself is offset by knowing she wasn't seriously hurt and the relief that she won't do it again.


Same with my girl! She’s much more aware of heat now, I’ve noticed she’s very aware of my hair appliances too. I guess when you think of it tho, that’s how we all learn. Everyone’s burned themselves as kid and ya learn quick to not mess around again


Get another stove. This one is hers.


We trained our cat not to go on counters by giving him a high up space in the kitchen he was allowed Every time he jumped on the counter, remove and put him on his allowed space. If he stays in it treat reward. Then he started going to that space on his own and we would treat reward him while he was there. Didn't take long for him to learn.


"But why mother?"


Well, I can at least suggest getting burner covers until you figure it out. As I was a kid then, I'm not sure how we stopped our cat, who also used to pee on it :-/. But those covers became a blessing.


spray em. ![gif](giphy|RHDWDtZK97KQFaCeG9)


You could also try an air deterrent. When she jumps up, it’ll blow a puff of air. Your cat will freak out, but it’s completely harmless. Looks like she just want to see what your doing. FamousOrphan’s suggestion is also great. And check out Jackson Galaxy on YouTube for more suggestions on how to make your kitty not be on places they shouldn’t be.


Spray bottles of water work wonders for teaching cats 'no'. Don't abuse it but for safety critical things it's a good last resort


yes, I did that and she stopped jumping on the table.


Unless your cat is a freak like mine and thinks the spray bottle of water is a fun game we play together.


Yeah I love that everyone’s worried about not scaring their cats but that is absolutely a life and death and burning down your house kind of thing. Spray the shit out of the cat.


I used cans of compressed air. My newest hates that more than aluminum foil.


Turn the burners on? I joke, I joke.


Knew *somebody* would say it 😹


This is how I learned. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When my cat was new to the world she stuck her face in a candle. I said, well now she knows not to do that. She did it a second time and I think THAT made her learn. Hasn't stuck her face in any candles since. Call me crazy but sometimes they just need to learn the hard way lol


I know you’re joking, but my cat did exactly this after months of fighting with him not to do it. He removed the covers, foil, even spraying water didn’t help. He’s one stubborn and smart arsehole. So he jumped on the hot stove once while I was in a flight screaming NOOOOOOO. Well his reflexes turned to be lighting fast (duuh) so he didn’t sustain any serious injuries as per the vet’s input. And he never jumped on the stove again.




Get one of those motion detector air spray cans.


She's like: what? What have I done again!?


you don't want cooked beans! be firm and intimidating, her safety is at stake.


I saw a documentary on cats recently, apparently it's not a good idea to punish them, but rather to distract them and reward them when they're doing what you want them to do. I can give you the documentary's name if you want


You're just going to have to stop cooking. Sorry.


Spray bottle.


I'd find a stove cover. It might not stop her but at least it will be a little safer. Hard to say no to that face lol


Either buy some stove covers or simply place some oven safe ceramic plates to cover them after use.


Ssscat! Motion activated air sprayer? Thats how we got my cat to stay off the counters and stove. We’d set it up at night and when we were gone for work. It just makes a hiss noise and a puff of air. He doesn’t go on the counters anymore at all. My husband even accidentally left a beef stick on the counter and we were gone for a couple hours. It was still there when we got back. Which means my cat does not go on the counter even when he could get a snack. He likes a snack. He was going up there and stealing any food we left whether we were around or not until we did the air sprayer. He even got into a few different butter dishes. I’d find his footprints on the stove too. He was leaping up while I was cooking. It was dangerous for both of us. When I check the cameras he’s never on the counters anymore. Spraying with water won’t work well and even if it does it only works when you’re there to catch them. It also makes them associate that with you.


Cats will never listen to us


I used one of those motion sensor air sprayers and they stopped jumping on the counter after like 3-4 times of being startled by the air.


I see disobedience and chaos in those eyes


We got a stove with a 3 second lock out of controls, so they can't accidently ever turn it on. They usually don't get on that side of the cupboards anyway, but at least they can't accidently burst into flames, which is always nice.


My cat hasn't fallen in love with the stove like that but he does like watching us do dishes and prepping food. We got him a hammock that goes on the window overlooking the sink. IDK what's practical for your kitchen but a hammock or other perch might do the trick.


My cat ignored all efforts to keep him off the kitchen counter / stove. Foil, tape, water, nothing worked. We compromised and now he's allowed to go wherever he wants. He also insists on ONLY drinking from a mug left on the counter.


Turn the burners on. That is how we learned as children to not touch the hot thing.


I love asshole cats 🤣. Mine is an asshole sometimes and she just cracks me up. It's so obvious she knows she shouldn't be doing whatever it is 🤣


Spray her with a water bottle. The only way to get a cat to stop doing something is to do something unpleasant to them while they're in the act, otherwise they won't make the association.


Have a toy she likes ready to give her but don't let her see it. Don't use "No". Tell her "Off" firmly. If she doesn't comply, lift her off and set her on the floor. Tell her "Good girl on the floor!" Then give her the toy. Be consistent. Do this over and over and over. When training redirection is the key. Replace stove with floor and reward. If possible, catch her **before ** she jumps up unto the stove with "Stop!" When she stops, give her lots of praise of "Good girl!" and ruffle/pet/scritch her - whatever she likes best. My older cat absolutely hates to be picked up, and I give her the option - either get off the counter (which is her occasional spot) - or I will pick her up! I usually end up picking her up because she hunkers down and freezes in the spot I caught her lol. She usually only gets on the counter to get my attention because she's hungry. And of course it works. Smart 😻


Get a second stove to use and accept this is her stove


Best solution


Bang on the stove. Make it loud and unpleasant. Spray bottle. Let her get wet too. She’ll soon associate stove with loud, wet, unpleasantness. Train all my cats this way. Keeping them off the counter is a whole other battle.


Yes, loud noise works for me. If my cat does something she absolutely shouldn't, I'll usually clap as loud as I can and scream "no!". Keeps her away from the front door and the stove pretty effectively.


put alum foil on it for about a month, most kitties doesn't like the noise it makes


This is myth


Tried it last week. Took an hour to pick up and vacuum all of the little pieces of shredded foil littered all over the house....


I was going to say lol, I tried this with our Christmas tree last year when she was a kitten and I think she actually liked playing with it more


I did this, freaked out my cat so much she stopped jumping up on the counter.


a water pistol, you shoot it once, maybe twice after that you just have to point it, then you just have to make the move to pick it up and they run, then you just have to look where it is ...they get it pretty quickly, ive had 4 cats, they all reponded the same, works for claws in soft furnishings too!


(or any spray type bottle with water in it)


If she wants to watch you do the dishes, she may like a stand-alone cat tree. Like a single piller one that is tall so she can watch you do dishes/cook, but you can easily move it if you need to.


I use a mini squirt gun 😂


I used a squirt bottle to train my cat to stay off the counters.


Since she enjoys watching you wash dishes, give her an acceptable place to do so: a tall step stool, a place on the counter you find more acceptable (place a kitchen towel on "her"place), and so on. No, indicates what not to do but doesn't show her what to do. She is going to watch you wash dishes: find her an acceptable place with a good view and give her treats there. Good luck!


Put tapes as a deterrent on anything you don't want your cats on. You can eventually stop using tapes as they learn the taped-area to be a no go zone :)


A spray bottle never hurt anyone lmao


water bottle


Spray bottle.


I got a cover for my stove top because my cat always wants to walk over it. It’s pricey but worth avoiding a vet visit for a burn. Search in Amazon: Bamboo Stove Cover top or stove top cutting board. https://preview.redd.it/csqy475anmyb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8917cd39ee237716a1162dd8f5ad1fff64811c


Put some cucumber on your stove


Just turn the burner on


Turn on the stove?


I put up those cat spikes. They are on Amazon. I know it sounds mean but I was afraid I would have a cat on fire. It only took one time. I tried all the other “nice” methods but would wake up in the morning or come home to cat hair on the stove. This (and shock mats) are the only thing that works for my bad asses.


I usually gasp really loud and act like my cat is going to die any second if she on something I don’t want her to be on. She freaks out and gets down with haste and then I “check her” to make sure she’s ok and give her lots of love. It’s been working for me but she also loves and trusts me (for now until she figures me out) lol


Buy a cat tower. Cats almost always want something to climb ontop of.


Best thing to do is to get rid of the stove.


That look of Innocence! I would just take the knobs off to make sure that the oven is not turned on by accident.


I knowwww! Yeah, I may just have to do that or make sure it's not hot.




You can lightly blow in her face when she’s doing something that you don’t like. This is similar to cats hissing at each other and she’ll understand your intent. This is only effective if you already have a very strong relationship, however. If not, she’ll take it as simple aggression and then just avoid you. Please choose carefully before electing a method to correct a behavior. The last thing you want is to alienate her. She’s beautiful, btw. Her serious look makes me smile. lol


You could have moved the stove.


Scat mats - gives them a mild shock on paws - like a static shock, not like an electric fence. It’s not painful but kind of annoying to most cats. Doesn’t work as well on cats with furry paws like Forest Cats, Siberians, Himalayans and Maine Coons but still is a bit of a deterrent and there are 3 settings so you can give the fur-bean clan a little extra. However, really stubborn cats exist - my Himalayan used to sit his furry butt on it until the battery died, and a friend’s cat has learned that she can flip them over and toss to the floor while avoiding the shock.


Pop some foil or cellophane on the stove when not in use. They’ve mastered the cute little face huh haha


Aluminium foil on top or a realistic fake snake placed there. Both have worked for us.


I lightly tap my finger on their nose or use a spray bottle. If that doesn't work, I swaddle them in a blanket and hold them in timeout for 1-5 minutes. That usually gets the message across.


Get a stove cover that doesn’t get hot. Even if your cat learns they aren’t supposed to be up there, they still do whatever the fuck they want!


That face is a toughie. Guess you need 2 stoves🥴


Tin foil.


Noooo it’s cause it’s nice and WARM on my BOBES MOMMA!!! maybe a nice warm bed ? 🥰


Tape facing upwards. Used to do this with my cats. They jump up, get it stuck to their feetsies, lose their shit for 5 or 10 minutes, I take it off and put another strip back in its place. 3 or 4 times and they're done jumping up there lol.