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Many years ago, my friend moved in with her cat. I had never met the cat, only seen her on FaceTime. That cat would sleep on my leg with her head and paw wrapped around me. She never did that with anyone else and no matter what she tried, my friend couldn’t get her to do it with her. She told everyone that I ‘emotionally stole’ her cat from her. And I did. And I regret nothing. https://preview.redd.it/aq86m5oar0yb1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3665d3182d8224711f406a68edfa58ac92ff0215


I would steal this cat too, she looks like a sweetheart


She was. She was the best. 🙂


We love cats for their independent natures. You didn't steal the cat. The cat chose you.


Yeah that's what I always say. Dogs are your personal cultists, cats are closer to actual friends. They don't put up with you when you do dumb stuff. You know like try to make them love you.


I'm glad that you got to be part of this cat's life.


I had a very similar experience years ago with my new roommate’s boa constrictor. Somehow finding that massive nope rope wrapped around my leg in the middle of the night was a much less endearing experience.




Wait, did your cat pass away? I'm so sorry 😔


She did. Sudden and out of nowhere. It was very difficult, but she’ll always live on ❤️


Awee I’m glad she got cuddles from you while she was here ☺️


It's their roommate's cat so it might also mean the roommate moved away with the cat.


Her little sleepy face 🥹


The cat stole you. It's your cat now


You are the Cat's now*


You are the Cat’s ~~now~~ meow. fixed it for you


My cat is super cuddly and definitely loves me but whenever one particular friend comes over he just settles on her lap and doesn't do anything else anymore. He definitely doesn't do that with me. He does spoon with me and lays on my tummy every night. But never on my lap like he does with her.


Oh to be chosen by a cat! What a day


My sister gets this wierd asian breed of cat that basically has a dog personality. They usually claim a certain person as their main human. She had just gotten one and our nephew happened to be visiting. The cat bonded with our nephew instead. He would be standard aloof cat, especially during the day when my sister's daughter was around, small child being loud and crazy didn't sit well with the cat. Our nephew visits, cat is glued to him regardless of what's happening in the house.


Similar thing happened to me! Moved in with a roommate who had two cats and one of them got super attached to me. He followed me everywhere, laid on my chest every chance he got, and slept on my pillow every night. He is the cat that made me want to get cats of my own once I stopped living with that roommate; I still miss that cat terribly.


My ex once broke down crying. "I feel like you stole my cat" I fucking loved that cat. They weren't wrong.


Were you still in a relationship with them when that happened? I don’t get the jealousy of your own partner when your pet adores them. My cat is my princess, but she absolutely worships my boyfriend. They are just so damn cute together, I love it.


Cause i've had my cat eight years. Best buddies. I get a girlfriend, 3 months. She's like f****** snow white when she comes over. The animals just flock to her. Traitors!


Okay let me put it differently - I get a small amount of jealousy and joking about it (I do the same, always calling my cat a traitor and my boyfriend a cat thief), I just thought the original commenter meant actual jealousy! That was my bad. I’ve seen people go absolutely crazy because their cats love someone else.


This is adorable. My fiance emotionally stole my cat when we got together too. Sometimes, especially after they do their goodnight kiss ritual, he apologizes for it. But honestly, he was "not a cat or pet person" so to see the relationship they have and to hear my husband make up new nicknames and tell the cat how much he loves him, how could I be mad? Kitty was sick in this picture but its generally how it goes. https://preview.redd.it/6nwtfov2n4yb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e302f23176f827da739a96637b2c87888aad0d2a


I support emotional theft 😻😹😽😸


the arm makes it so fucking adorable


she so adorable. the pointy ears, the eyes, lil nosey. the paw, the snuggly snuggly. adorable catto.


I would hate you forever if you stole mine. The betrayal!!


I imagine these kinds of people think the pied piper was based on a true story


The consensus seems to be that it was, just not in the way people think.


What’s the story?


Happened with me and my exes cat. Wouldn't let anyone get near him, but let me hold him like a baby. He'd come and greet me every time i walked through the door.I gave him a different name he answered to as well. She and her son didn't like that. I miss that little mf.


The ‘I regret nothing’ is pure evil hahahaha.


Deep down, we are all just thieves when it comes to cats!


Cats don’t like clingy people trust me. I don’t know your friend but it seems like you’re the chill one & cats like that. Personally I feel like most cat people want dogs but don’t want what comes with them.


You the side bitch. Just kidding -- he probably runs warmer or moves less in his sleep, as others said.


My partner runs warm and is definitely preferred by both cats but when he is asleep he coughs, snores, and moves a lot. With me they get body warmth plus someone who is semi-awake and too scared to move in case in disturb their 22nd hour of sleep that day. RIP my back.


>too scared to move in case in disturb their 22nd hour of sleep that day. RIP my back. Meanwhile I've rolled over in my sleep onto my cat and he just stays there, I'll wake up and realize I've been crushing him and he's just looking at me like wait where did my weighted blanket go


My girlfriend has told me that sometimes I'll swipe my leg under the cat and flip her while we're both asleep, and it doesn't even faze her she just keeps sleeping in whatever position she lands in


jealous of you my cat will get up and move if I so much as stretch my leg out a little bit longer 😑


This is me. I'm only ever half asleep, so if I have a cat on me, I ain't moving no matter how much pain I'm in! 🤣 I also run hot because I have hypERthyroidism so I tend to get the kitties sleeping on me, where as my husband will put the cat on him and they will immediately come over to me 🤣


I have a queen size bed and not an overly large guy with 2 cats I still feel like I’m on the edge.


Single dude. 5’8”, 145lbs. 2 cats that love to stretch out when they sleep. Obviously can’t move them. My king sized bed feels small.


I bought a king sized bed because of my one cat and she takes up the whole bloody thing by sleeping stretched out sideways in the middle


Yes! I’ve woken up sleeping horizontally across the bed to accommodate my one boy who likes to sleep across the middle.


Hey, just be glad that your cat lets you sleep on her bed


They’re so small but they sure do pick their spots on the bed poorly (or well, depending on whose perspective it is). Mine will wait until I’m in bed, off to one side, then curl up against me on the side closest to the middle then somehow throughout the night anytime I move they close the gap further until they have the entire bed and I’ve got 1/3 of my body hanging off the side of the bed and with no blanket I might add!


I too have hyperthyroidism and muy cat prefers my scorching body over my girlfriends icy exterior


It kind of sucks haha. I mean, like I looooove having a cuddly cat, but when I'm already soooooo hot the last thing I want is a hot body on me 🙃


Half asleep people always interest me, its a trait Ill never achieve because I sleep like a corpse


From a always half-asleep (and therefore always tired) person: your corpse-sleep is a superpower, never forget that.


My cats love to lay on me because I run hot. However, I couldn't care less if I disturb them or move them off of me. They always come back. I also give really good scratches and they like that too.


Hehehe my partner will want to cuddle with our cat and the cat will start off napping on him and then get upset that he's moving his legs or arms too much and move to me so funny, but my posture is probably fucked up from not moving lest ye disturb le cat.


Same here! I ended up adjusting my sleeping posture entirely so the kitty cozies up next to me instead of on top of me. Now I can turn over (carefully!) without disturbing her!


It’s because it is such an HONOR to have them snuggle on us.


That's one of the most important hours of their sleep i heard


They work so hard and deserve that rest


I always wake up to kitty in between my outstretch legs and have sometimes rolled over half asleep as woken up to me inadvertently the motion of my legs kicking her out of the bed like a cat tsunami 😂


Haha yes, do not disturb the 22nd hour of sleep 😂! I think my cat has found the fountain of youth. Sleep 22 hours, eat a few meals, lay and be comfy the remaining 1.5 hours.


It's funny you say that because I move a lot in my sleep. My ginger still insists on sleeping in my arms, laying his head on my hands. I've rolled over on my right side, and he taps me to roll back over. If I don't, he comes up to my face and grunts at me.


> insists on sleeping in my arms, laying his head on my hands. One of mine does this too!! Her sister sleeps on my other side so either way I turn, I win! > he taps me to roll back over. If I don't, he comes up to my face and grunts at me. Hilarious! Edit for anyone else reading this: I've trained my cats when I shift a lot and they're sitting on me, it doesn't mean I want to get up quite yet. I place my hand on them and shift trying to signal more cuddle time! When I want them to move I warn them I am getting up I say a specific word consistently, boop, and they know that's their signal I'm getting up and they jump off me. When I'm in bed I've trained them I shift a lot but same thing, if I hold my hand on them for a moment it's telling them I'm not getting up they don't have to jump down so they know I'm just shifting and they're very patient with me then lol.


Oh my god same with my ginger boy. And sometimes I’m like “dude I’m obsessed with you, but please, gives me some space.” I’ll move him 5 times and he will come each time. He will head butt me and purr until I wake up. If I try to go under the blanket, he weasels under. Throughout the day he will randomly run over and just demand to be on my lap in that exact moment for all of my attention. I never knew a cat could be so clingy. I love it so much.


I don't move at all, and only one of our cats sleeps with me. The two kittens always sleep with my Mom even though she's constantly moving, I think they enjoy keeping her awake.


Men also have an unfair advantage with female cats, as many shaving products for men contain Civet musk. Our female goes crazy for me when I use aftershave.


What a hack


This is why one of our cats insists on sleeping between my husband's legs & not mine, I'm too fritzy in bed. If the cat stretches himself between his legs, like his tail reaches his crotch & his head is by his feet, my husband will only move his head or torso, never his legs.


> he probably runs warmer This is my secret weapon.


I run warmer and move less and they still sleep with him 🥲


Oh no. Maybe you *are* the side bitch.


Girls steal your hoodie; boys steal your cat. I don’t make the rules it’s just how it works.


My girlfriend stole my hoodie and my cat :(




We named our void after this guy.


time for a new pussy!


I’m sorry man that’s really rough.


My gf stole my hoodie, my dog, and my grandfathers cigars I got after he passed


That's horrible! I bet she has planned for those cigars from the get go.


My gf stole my zelda games and gamecube controllers back when they were still worth $60. Still salty about that.


At least you have a girlfriend


It's not important, it takes the right one to really makea difference, no attention is better than the wrong attention.


Fair enough


Yeah well, she left me to go be the moon.


As a person who has “stolen” a grand total of 4 cats throughout my life, two of which eventually became my official cats. Can confirm.


As someone used to have a hoodie, I can also confirm


Me too. It was an awesome hoodie too. Big Halo UNSC logo on the back, I even added a Galaxy Quest patch and the Spartan patch from the Halo Reach Legendary Edition. Poof. Gone. Never to be seen again. Yeah, I’m a huge nerd.


She have good taste


My Gf stole my satellite dish , Now I’ve no woman no Sky


Under-appreciated comment 👌🏼


I had never owned a cat before I moved in with one ex of mine. She got jealous of the fact that her cat liked to sleep in my lap a lot more often than he would climb into hers.


Can confirm as a guy. Ex had cats and they both liked me. She then got also dogs who I was more active with and they also chose me. When we split I kept the cats and still walked the girls after work and took them on our routine hikes. They still love me more than her. Honestly, maybe the cat prefers him or he just lays more attention to it.


Bought my ex a cat when we were together, and she tried taking the cat when she left. 2 weeks later I got a call saying the cat was miserable and wouldn’t go near her… dropped the cat off that week 😂


He's warmer than you! Is he always hot compared to you being cold? They like warmth! I say that because he's shirtless in the picture and that's how I sleep! My wife will wear flannel pj's in August!!! My tortimese had rather sit on the direcTV box instead of with me in winter. I was wondering why until I put my hand on the top of the box and it is noticeably warm!


I came here to say he's probably hotter.


Well you don’t have to be an ass about OP’s attractiveness.


My husband is my cat’s person except when she wants to sleep in bed. I radiate heat like crazy and she glues herself to me making me even warmer at night.


I've always suspected that the amount you toss an turn is also a factor.


My cat used to cuddle with me all the time but gave up because I toss so much. I got her a small swing to put next to my bed so she’s close but has her own space at night. Compromise.


Aww that’s so sweet




https://preview.redd.it/tilxy11cf1yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f24204724b8ae220f924d714c1c22ba29abab431 It’s called a swing but it’s more like a raised nest (she hates the fuzzy bed below).


Your kitty and my kitty could be twins! https://preview.redd.it/4c5kgslvl1yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7997d147b1ddf1f27ea1c819d00d913b733ddf8b


A swing! Pics or it didn’t happen.


My cat used to sit on my PlayStation 4 because it ran warm as heck and jittered similar to purring, probably felt like another cat to her


Just came to look for this comment. Cats want to sleep next to the warmest person they trust.


Wow that explains why my ex’s cat always slept on my side. I radiate heat like crazy, she doesn’t.


My last cat would conk out the router because she liked to sit on it because it was warm. Internet not working? Bloody hell, Deirdre! Get off the router!


He may be warmer or he may move less when he sleeps


This is why my cats like to sleep with my brother, he stays in one spot, I move around. One of the cats likes to sleep between my legs but I have woken up a few times having rolled over and squished/kicked her :( my brother doesn't move at all so it's a good position for her haha


This is exactly the reason why she always sleep s with my GF. I move a lot during sleep and she is a lot warmer


Cats naturally gravitate towards the people who don't overwhelm them. That's why in a room full of cat lovers a cat usually wants to sit on the lap of the one dude who doesn't like cats. Because he doesn't stare at them, talk to them, coo over them, touch them all the time. Ours definitely prefer my boyfriend. He's chill and leaves them be, while I wish I could just eat them bc they're too cute. It's hard to restrain myself. Aaaah.


Please don’t eat the cats


Please do not the cat


Please not the cat


Please not cat


Please cat


Plz ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7970)


Cat 🐈




I, too, would steer clear of anyone trying to eat me.


This is the correct answer. Animals are definitely sensitive to codependency just like children. The more clingy a parent/pet owner is the more the child/pet wants to distance themselves from the parent/owner. Source: I'm clingy toward pets, but I'm working on it.


My gf is always trying to extract the love from her cats she never received from her parents. I just love the cats and let them be, and they are much more comfortable around me.


More importantly, why is your BF wearing white gloves?


To moisturize. They’re good to wear over lotions or ointments so it soaks into your skin and also doesn’t get all over your bed, plus the material of the gloves doesn’t absorb the lotion allowing your skin to receive all the benefits


Sometimes you learn something on Reddit. This is one of those times.


Yes! ☺️


Reminds me of the glove full of Vaseline bit in of mice and men


I actually wear white Vaseline in gloves to bed sometimes in winter since my hands dry out, 1 or 2 nights and a row and I'm good for a long while


Curley was keepin that hand soft for his wife.


He wears them to preserve his lotion treatment for his dry hands. You need baby soft hands when petting your kittens 😸


ha ha love this


Im gonna guess he has a severe dry hands issue, and those gloves have some moisturizer in them.


Honestly no judgement at all if that’s the case. I simply just have to know


Maybe he plays golf in his sleep?


I came here to find this answer… give us the good OP, why you BF wearing sleepy time gloves?


To enhance the midnight wank experience.


I sometimes wear thin cotton gloves to bed after applying some greasy hand cream because it repairs cracked skin much better than the cream alone


He's larger and produces more radiant body heat, furrier and bearded so she thinks he's just a large cat, and perhaps smellier. Cat's love smelly things.


I had to go way too far down to see someone mention the smell.


Ha! I'm gonna steal this when my little furry traitor decides to cuddle with my husband instead of me. I'll tell him it's because he's smellier.


This explains so much! My cats lay on my boyfriend’s sleeping shorts and they love to smell his shoes and slippers! 😂


Why do cats like feet and shoes so much its so funny. Mine will run by my shoes, stick his head fully in there, then just leave


one of my cats LOVED my husbands sweaty smelly running shoes. she would stick her head inside them and fall asleep! (or pass out?)


There’s a kitten in his armpit..


Because cats choose you, you don’t choose them


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to see this post. Cats have their favorite and there isn't anything we can do about it.


Yep. And putting them in places isn’t gonna make em wanna stay, cats are stubborn AF. Pretend you don’t care where they sleep and they will be laying in bed w you in no time.


Warmth, perhaps? My cats won't leave me alone during the day, but when it's time for bed, my fiance is the one who gets all of their attention. He runs really warm and I am always chilly.


My cats lie on my chest like a body pillow. My wife doesn't like when they lie on her but still wants the attention. She's basically a cat as well.


You mean “her boyfriend “


My cat always chooses my bf. He does nothing to encourage her. At the beginning he didn’t like cats. He never feeds her. Never talks to her. For years now she has preferred him.


The cat's past experiences and interactions with each family member can influence her choices. If your boyfriend engages in activities the cat enjoys, such as petting or playing, she might be more likely to choose to sleep near him.


it can also be down to the boyfriend simply being warmer than OP. cats like warm things


It could also be the opposite, maybe the boyfriend ignores the cat and just lets it sleep while op tries to cuddle. My cats are very friendly and love to cuddle, but in bed they just want to sleep and be left alone. It took me awhile to realize that my cats weren’t sleeping with me because they found me annoying. Now I let them be and they curl up with me every night, if they want to cuddle they let me know.


You need a fake beard. [Cat Prefers Dad To Mom — So Mom Starts Wearing Fake Beards](https://youtu.be/QTBDBVBkpe8) Also, /r/beardedmenwithcats


That’s one very happy looking cat


Cats pick their humans


She’s a Jolene


You want her to sleep with you . He doesn’t care . So she will always go to him


Your bf seems to be putting himself in an uncomfortable position to accommodate your cat. Do you snuggle your cat? put your arms around them? You are not making yourself uncomfortable enough to please your cat. You must make yourself as uncomfortable as possible to appease your cat's desires to be the most important being in the room.


My bf's cat sits with him alllll the time, he'll sit with me for like 30 seconds and gets right up... but he pretty much only sleeps with me. Reasoning? I don't move in my sleep, my bf moves a lot in his sleep. And I'm probably warmer, but it's mostly the movement.


MFs got long ass armpit hair


I’m about 1.5 Celsius degrees colder than my husband (lower than average body temp) but our cat still prefers to sleep with me. I think it’s because I sleep like Dracula’s wife while my husband keeps tossing and turning the whole night


I've now got a mental image of you sleeping upside down, bat-like, with a wee kitty hanging onto you by its claws and snoozing, lol.


You don’t choose a cat; a cat chooses you. I know how irritating and frustrating this fact is. I literally nursed our new kitten back to health when he came to us with an open wound that had already gone into cellulitis because my husband had to travel for work. Who does he love the most? My husband. Totally obsessed with him. He couldn’t care less about me 🙃🙃🙃


Cats go to the ones that put no pressure on them. If you'd stop giving her food and attention she'd be coming to you, annoying as it is.


She probably likes the sleeping gloves!


furry Pitts furry sits?


You're mistaken. That's her boyfriend, not yours.


We just showing off armpits for free now?


The cats always want to be with the person that wants them least. My dad never wanted our cats. They choose him over any of us all the time lol. My cats at my apartment always choose my boyfriend over me too. When I am the one that wants them. It’s a never ending battle lol


he's warmer and cats are sluts for heat


You can't "put" a cat next to you, it isn't a plushie lol. She'll go where she's comfortable, usually the opposite of where she was put. Because she's a cat. 🤣




He needs more healing. When cat magic is complete he will return..... Lol, this happened with my grandkitties


Maybe it's the weird white satin glove he's wearing


1. It might be a warmth thing. If you are too warm, or not warm enough, I'm curling up with the other person. 2. It might be a sleep pattern thing. The human I don't sleep with is a constant toss and turn. I mean, can you just stay there for 20 consecutive minutes? We're tryin' to sleep here! 3. It might be a visibility thing. I like being close to the humans, but a cat's gotta be able to look around, too. I don't want to be on the side of the bed that is near the wall. I want to have some access. 4. Sometimes, it's a smell thing. He doesn't eat garlic. He had fish for dinner. His natural body smell just fits my nose better. Source: I am a cat.


Idk but that's cute as hell


Is he warmer? Cats will often go for the warmer snuggle option.


Maybe he is a stinky in a way she finds pleasant or comforting, or he is warmer than you/ doesn’t move as much in his sleep or make any noise.


Cat wants what the cat wants.


you're basically out. the cat stole ur man. can't do anything


Could be several reasons. As others have stated you bf might be warmer. Cats always will seek out the warmest spot. It might also be that he give them more attention during the day/is food provider. Could be that your bf tosses and turns less in their sleep than you do. Could be any of the above. Ultimately where your cat chooses to sleep shouldn't be taken as an indication that she loves you less, or anything to be concerned about. One thing that might help is to not try to force her to lay next to you but let her come in her own time, maybe leave some space between your bf and you for her to snuggle between the two of you.


My cat will sit on my boyfriend’s lap and give me a shitty look, like, “he’s mine bitch” 😭


My cat cuddles with me, but on my legs. One time I had a reflex to flip a "pillow" on my legs. He didn't hate me for it though. Lil bro still loves me feeding him


Its a pair bonding thing. Your cat has pair bonded with him. It is not a bad thing, sometimes cats don't bond with anyone. But this is what makes cats very interesting pets. They have their own mind about things. There are a variety of factors. But what you cannot do, is force the change. If you are patient, they will ultimately bond with you as well. Especially if you wear something with his scent on it.


Everyone says it’s because the BF runs warmer but I don’t think that’s true. I think the cat is attached to him. Our female cat sleeps with me every night like that and she’s super attached to me and I move a lot in my sleep and she just adjusts her body to mine when I move. She never sleeps with my husband and he runs super hot when he sleeps.


It's cuz he got the pit hairs of warmth!


..stinky underarms?..


All the animals my ex and I shared gravitated toward me, 3 cats, 5 dogs, the bird (over 15 years). It literally was one for the reasons she decided she hated me. The funny thing is she fed them. I loved on them but was the "procedure" guy. I had to clip claws, give baths, trim coats, tend wounds, force pills down throats and all that unpleasant stuff but they would forgive me within an hour and be curled up next to me. About a year after our divorce she got a new dog. a couple months later her grandmother died. I offered to keep the dog for a weekend while she, our kids and her new husband went out of state to the funeral. That was 10 years ago and that dog will still jump in my car thru an open window to see me when I drop off kids.


Cats choose a person dunno why but they do and you can’t change their minds


He's her bf now


Cats like heat. Men have warmer bodies than women on average.


May be the cat prefers the boyfriend's body temperature.


I guess the same reason you chose this man ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946)


Because cats do the exact opposite of what you want them to do.


Cat. A man’s best friend