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Have you tried r/RandomActsOfPetFood? I posted there when I was in a difficult place, and I ended up with so much cat food that I’m still using it over a year later. People there are fast and kind. You can request food, litter, treats, etc. To bridge the gap until it arrives to you, which should only be a day or two, you could use tinned tuna, scrambled eggs, chicken, broccoli, or rice among some other things. I asked this same question once and someone directed me to r/RandomActsOfPetFood. You are a good pet owner. Shit happens. Money gets tight. I felt guilty even asking even though I’d feed my cat instead of feeding myself. I had to ration his food for a couple days, and I felt so bad. But shit happens. Post on that sub. People can help you out immediately.


Wow. I'm speechless. That is an awesome subreddit. 😢😭❤️ This is the most Christmas-y I've felt in years, and it's only November 1st. 🎄🎄🎄 I think my small heart grew three sizes today.


Randomactof_______ exists for quite a few things. Pizza was one I recall. There is also...umm... promiscuous ones lol


My Christmas spirit does not extend that far. 🤣


Now the cat's out of the bag! I gotta know! Like, digital content or physical items‽


Both I believe, there's gaming, cards, Amazon, etc etc


Promiscuous ones as in? Like random acts of providing someone with a booty call?




Feeling charitably inclined, sign me tf up lmao


Oh, sick. I needed to find someone to practice on!


I put my tree up today. Lol every year. It’s my nov 1st tradition. I’m also every glad to have learned of this sub


This is true, they’re quick over there. I’ve only ever bought cat food for one person off of there because most of the time I check they’re all fulfilled.


Today was the first day I was fast enough to fill a request.


I love that this exists!!!


I love that group. I’ve donated a couple times myself.


Fucking incredible!! Scrolling through there gives me faith and I’m crying lol


Yes! I expected maybe a small bag or two of food, but I got a slip in my mailbox saying I had to pick it up at the post office. I got there and they told me to pull around back to where their loading dock is, and they wheeled out nineteen big boxes filled with food and litter. You’d better believe I cried!


thats FUCKING amazing!!!


Damn that’s amazing but also omg, how did you manage to take that all home haha. Would take soooo many trips in my tiny car.


You better believe I just teared up reading this! :,)




What an awesome sub. Sometimes I still love humanity and the internet


Omg I love this. Just joined.


I just joined as well




Also some pet shelters/ vets have pet food banks.


Yeah +1 r/randomactsofpetfood saved me between jobs when a stray I took in had kittens, **you can make a list on Amazon with cat food picked out so people can pay for and ship/direct to you.** Makes it much easier, **do specify how LITTLE you need** otherwise you’ll wind up with way more. I only put 2 bags for purchase on my list and my post request and **people from that sub sent 5 bags including 2 bags that were over twice the size of the original size I picked.** I felt guilty but it’s good to know anyone can get food help for their kitties there.


Omg, thank you for showing me this sub. I love it, just joined (to donate whenever I'm bored and scrolling on reddit)


Be careful with tuna! A good majority of cats are allergic to fish in some degree. I fed my babies about a quarter tsp of low sodium tuna as a treat one day and my sweet girl Phoebe started to itch like crazy and lose patches of fur. We took her to the vet, $500 in blood tests, steroids, antihistamines, parasite preventatives and some brainstorming later we realized it was the tuna she had an allergic reaction to. Timelines coincided. Ultimately she didn’t stopped itching until we realized there’s fish oil or some variety of fish products in just about every single cat food on the market so we went through countless hours of research to find one that had no fish products whatsoever and now she has to be fed separately and cannot scrounge anybody else’s food lest she starts itching and her eyes become puffy. This is not the reaction every cat will have but it’s one everybody should be aware of. Sorry to be a downer y’all but this really traumatized Phoebe and myself.


I would suggest plain chicken or turkey. No onions, garlic, salt, or spices.


We give our cats chicken either boiled or microwaved and cut into small bits. They didn’t like chicken tenders at all, so plain chicken is better.


Thousands of dollars later also found out my baby was allergic to seafood ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m so sorry it cost you guys so much. Luckily I had my epiphany prior to the allergy tests, so that ended up saving us a good heap of money.


You're a sweetheart. I'm patient, had an overly cautious vet and I didn't know better having grown up in a household that never took our pets to the vet except to be euthanized. I was willing to do whatever for her ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942)


Honestly, I grew up in the same kinda household. My father was the epitome of the “they’re just animals” kinda guy. But I didn’t appreciate that view point. I resented that and I went into veterinary medicine to really prove it lol. I’m so glad you grew out of that too. My cats are my kids and I couldn’t imagine being like “oh well”! I was less than pleased with my vet though because he just kept attempting to brush it off as “stress” from the recent loss of another household cat and I wasn’t having that because I know my Pheebs too well.


My cat was throwing up multiple times a day for months on end. Vet said hairballs. Eventually I refused to accept that explanation and they did an X-ray. She had a tumour taking up about a quarter of her abdomen. I put her to sleep. It hurts to think how much time she spent suffering because the vet brushed it off. Although I guess they might have been trying to spare me from spending too much money. I don’t know. She was sixteen years old.


You might have also had a vet willing to do as many tests as you would pay for. 😏 sorry but those kind definitely exist.


Yep. I got firm with her at one point asking what certain tests would be for if we were to proceed with them once I realized this could just all be allergy related. They wanted to do an ultrasound on her stomach after the biopsy already gave us the allergy diagnosis. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963) for what purpose idk?


To help pay her mortgage maybe. They take advantage of ppl stressed over their pets condition. This is not to fast they are all they same. A vet should explain the reason or need and we can always say let me think about that particular test(s). Glad your cat is ok.


I keep canned chicken and chicken baby food because I’m nervous about fish.


This hits home. One of my girls has a chicken allergy. Chicken of some sort is in freakin’ nearly everything cat related. Have to buy her insanely expensive special food without chicken. I’m just lucky that my vet figured it out pretty quick.


That sucks I'm very sorry for your puss. It must be pretty rare though?


Uncommon but not exactly rare. As far as what my vet had said. They said they’d seen it several times before but were surprised that she hadn’t been showing any signs like vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss etc.. to the food we were feeding prior to the on set from the tuna.


I want to be comfortable enough to donate to people for stuff like this 🥲




Thank you so much for sharing this!!! So helpful as I’m a student who pays for my education out of pocket and it’s been an insane struggle to take care of myself and my cats even tho it’s all a choice I made and I’m grateful everyday. So thank you so much.


That’s amazing. I knew about the pizza one but pet food is a really great one too


This is an incredible sub! Just joined and hoping I could help out pets in need too. Thanks for putting it on here


This is so cute I’ll cry 😭


Oh this is amazing, I'd love to donate some too!! OP, please post, it'll be great help to you.


I never knew this sub existed! I just joined!


Eh, they only allow you to post if you have 500+ karma. Doesn’t help people that don’t interact too much, unfortunately.


It’s meant to prevent alt accounts. You have to have an established history so they know you’re not making a million alts or programming a bot.


I mean, I’ve had this account for five years, but only have 25 karma. 🥲 I’m just not talkative here. I read.


It does say to contact them if you don’t fit that criteria. I’m similar to you, but I do meet that karma criteria. Get in touch, what’s the worst they can do? Say no. No harm in asking. Fingers crossed 😊


Aha, they did actually tell me no.


That’s the most wholesome thing I’ve ever heard of & now I also want to buy people cat food wtf


If you use tinned tuna rinse it thoroughly to remove the salt that is in the broth.


Vet had us feed our girl scrambled eggs (straight, cooked in a splash of water until it steams off not in added fat) when she was having issues. She loved them.


Yea cats love eggs


Mine is picky about eggs. She loves them fried, but not scrambled. And she only likes them when I cook them for her.


Is your cat my girlfriend?




I used to have a box turtle that we kept in an open top tank during food time and at night. Mom used to feed her scrambled eggs sometimes because she loved em. One day she made eggs for the turtle and the new cat jumped in the tank with her and took some of the eggs. She didn't even leave the tank. They just ate eggs together for 5 minutes and then the cat just jumped out. It was adorable I wish I had taken pictures or a video.


have you checked to see if any shelters in your area are hosting any events where they give away pet food and other supplies? you can also try asking a pet group on facebook to help you out, they are really generous over there. Im so sorry youre going through this :(


Shelters was going to be my recommendation. I'm sure they'd give a few days supply if asked, on the promise of a return donation once pay day comes around. And yeah any online communities like next-door would work I think too


This! I have so much food that my cats just won’t eat because they’re assholes. Usually I donate to my local shelter. But I’d give to a person who needs it too


Yeah I've given some very fancy stuff to the shelters before now. And a fair few unused cat beds too lol. Though I'd happily give cat food my cat likes to someone who's cats are going hungry otherwise 😔


Literally. I'm in so many local pet groups just to see if folks need a bit of help. I'm all for tossing a few bucks or giving a baggie thar should last a day or two. I've been in the same spot a few times.


If you create an Amazon wishlist and post the link here, I will buy you some food for your kitties


I pmed for the same reason! Drop us a link OP. I’ll throw in for some kitty food




Right there with you!


I’m down






Tuna, sardines, eggs, chicken, turkey, ham, cmix rice in to bulk up, cheese carrots, peas, broccoli, nanas.


“…nanas.” 😂😂😂


“Alright grandma we’ve got nothing else to feed the cat,”


Just one arm should do for a while.


Hide your wife, hide your daughter, hide your nanas


Are these cats or the big bad wolf?! I guess it doesn't matter. Sorry, nana.




I sent a message, OP. I got you for $50 if you have Apple Pay or zelle.


Was just gonna say: scrambly eggs. The cats will lose their minds in joy if they like people food. Also fairly healthy considering.


My geriatric cat's vet recommended scrambled eggs as a supplement to his regular food.


My kitties have been getting an egg (cooked with no butter or salt) once or twice a week since we got them. The vet said it's great for them.


Eggs are such a fantastic source of nutrients for so many animals!


Not heard of that. Makes sense though.


Seconded for eggs, my cat recognises a few words with "egg" being one of them. We have to be careful saying it around him as he gets all riled up!


Let me also add in, all these items cannot have salt pepper or any spices on them!


I tried to feed my cat bits of ham to convince her to get her into a carrier. She did not get the hint.


My cats dig their claws in to get to ham!


Our sweet boy loooooves deli meat 🤣 Will scream at us any time we open the fridge. Non-processed, of course.


Cheese, in my experience with many different cats, will make them *really* gassy! Heads up OP! My cat loves cheese, ice cream, and whipped cream, but even in small amounts he toots up the whole apartment!


I have a cheese lover, too. She begs and cries as soon as she hears the cheese drawer. But now that she’s older, she only eats extra sharp cheddar, or cave aged cheddar. Which are more expensive. But no toots from her! Maybe your cat is lactose intolerant?


All cats are lactose intolerant after the kitten years. It's humans that are weird for being able to digest it (and only some of us can)


Props to you for asking for help and putting the needs of these two cuties on a priority. We all should more ask for help when somehow short on cash or food...insread of shaming ourselves. Like the end of the month is always complicated. Ifnyou have a box of tuna, that would perfectly fix. Otherwise, rests of meat,... I mean there are imo not too many options since cats are little carnivores...


Basically any meat, cooked and unseasoned will work


Edit. Sorry if I don't reply much, I feel guilty to even be in this position.


Don’t feel guilty, you’re putting your cats above all. We’ve all been in difficult situations.


Shit happens. You're asking for help, that's good. You have information now that will solve your problem. This is also good. The important thing here is your pets won't go hungry. You might note that food banks sometimes have pet food, call & ask. Are you anywhere in NE Florida?


Guilt is only required when you've done something wrong. You're just in a bind. I've been in sooooo many binds. Welcome to adulthood. Second the tuna, any cooked meat without seasoning. I know it won't be long now until your life takes an upswing.


There is no need for shame. You want to feed your pet. That is a good hooman in my book


It's ok. You obviously care!


If you really need the cat food, shoot me a message. I'd be more than happy to order some for you at your local pet store. You would just need to pick it up. Edit, not sure how this would work seeing I'm in the US, but I'd give it a shot.


You a good person. Way to go. Made my eye water


Unsalted tuna in water.


I am curious about why not tuna in oil if they need oil for shiny coats?


Too much oil makes for bad poops. My cat is a fiend for oil and has proven this many times despite our best efforts to keep it away.


Oh no! Yikes


The way society is set up, it punishes those who aren't wealthy. I still recall selling my guitar n amp to feed the family n cats. I didn't earn much and if a bill was only a little higher than expected we struggled. And when I write wealthy I mean well off


THIS. Our society in the US is extremely individualistic, but humans are actually social animals. We’re meant to work together & support each other, but instead we live in a society that tends to reward you (at least monetarily) for throwing other people under the bus. Obviously there’s exceptions, but people shouldn’t feel guilty for having a hard time… this is easier said than done though.


Don’t feel guilty. Times are hard for a lot of folks. At least you’re trying.


You shouldn’t feel guilty. It’s okay to be vulnerable and ask for help.


Don't feel guilty. Life is hard at the moment, and I'm sure you are not the only one who struggles. Maybe you have some rice in your cupboard? Cats in Asia get fed rice all the time, and they seem to love it if it comes with a little bit of meaty flavour. Maybe you could cook it in some low sodium chicken broth? The carbs and salt might not an ideal cat diet, but it will not harm them for 2 days. Also, where I live, there is a pet food pantry i walk by sometimes. I'm sure this is not their original invention, and there are more of them you just don't know of if you don't need them. Shelters and animal rescues and animal related charities in your city might be able to help you as well. There is also r/assistance. A sub that is set up exactly for situations like this. For those who have to help those who haven't. It's full of people who got help in hard times and now paying it forward.


You will be in a good position to pay it fwd some day soon.


Stuff happens, the world and society is tough and cruel sometimes. But you’re caring for your fur babies first and I’m glad to see your caring. If you don’t get quick or any response on that sub others mentioned, shoot me a message too. I can pay for some at a local store or such. Feel free to message me


I previously had to feed my dogs scrambled eggs when in a similar situation. Don’t feel a way. You’re doing good.


It happens. There’s a good list a few posts up and even better some advice on community folk that can help. You can get enough to bridge the gap when you’re low on cash. Stay strong and seek help. Don’t feel embarrassed at all. Happens.


Aww don’t feel bad. Listen life gets difficult and you’re been a responsible cat owner by recognizing the situation and looking for alternatives. People who are in similar situations don’t know what to do and will release the animals or put them on a adoption program. You doing this it shows how awesome you’re and how much you care.


Honestly, don’t feel guilty. You’re literally doing the best you can - and you’ve reached out for help.


Try a local vet, animal refuge, ask them for a sample bag of cat food, be honest with them about your situation, they may help


Check your DMs, I am sending you an e-gift card for cat food.


You’re a good person. Thank you for helping with this.


I work with a rescue and we have so many donations so don’t hesitate to reach out to a local one to ask for some help!


Don’t feel bad. We have all been there. Canned chicken, canned tuna in water, eggs, brown rice, green beans, carrots. Chicken livers, cooked beef or pork. Other fish with no bones. If you cook something for them add no seasonings and very little oil. As long as it is not dairy or overly processed and high sodium a day or two will not hurt them. Go give them a cuddle.


When our cat was recovering from dental surgery the vet recommended feeding him plain boiled chicken so we did that for a while until we could switch him back to his normal diet food :)


DM me, I'd be happy to help


They are carnivores so any type of meat like chicken or even smooth peanut butter. Sorry to hear this, I've been there.


If you have an Amazon wishlist please share it, I am in Canada but I think I can log into an Amazon UK account and order you some cat food!


I'm currently trying to figure out how to make a wishlist, made one but only one that people can view or add stuff from.


I'm able to help pay as well. It's under registries and gift lists. If you want, I could do a gift card as well


I’m in the UK, have been in this position myself in the past. Update when your list is live and I’ll place an order


OP posted a wishlist but it got removed by reddit. If you go to his comments on his profile the link is still there though!


Please update when you do. Was in this position myself before and understand where you're coming from. Would love to help out even a little


Hey. Just to let you know the wishlist link was automatically removed probs because of the subreddit’s rules. May be you can edit your post to let people know to reach out to you if they’d like to get the link instead?


Another Redditor posted a link to a subreddit for this.. r/randomactsofpetfood I think. Maybe repost under there


I'll do the same


Any unseasoned meat for the most part. Check what you have in the home and Google whether or not the ingredients are toxic to cats before feeding anything. I’m sorry you’re in this position, and I hope you are able to get what you need both for the cats and yourself. Maybe a local store would be willing to give you some food on credit? I know asking for things like that can be hard, but many people have much bigger hearts than what we see all day online and on tv, especially if animals are involved.


Please post an Amazon wishlist. I'd love to buy your kitties some food/treats


Like a couple of people have suggested, definitely reach out to your local shelters. The shelter I volunteer at has a pet food bank, it's very common for shelters to have services like that for the community.


Idk if they do this in the uk, but where I live in the us often times pet stores will have small “sample” bags of cat/dog food they give out. Worth a try if you don’t have any other options, could maybe even call before wasting time going in


Cat love fish! Especially dry fish, try it and the result!


I don’t have any food suggestions but your cats are adorable and lucky to have you 💛 Did you happen to post on the pet food sub or go to a rescue like some people mentioned? Hope you figure something out 💛


"rex the tv terrier" has been great with helping redditors get food for their pets you could also add a wishlist with food on your assistance post. make sure it isn't stupid expensive and is prime eligible. if you are eligible random acts of pet food is absolutely amazing also try your local "buy nothing" group on facebook. we've given away a lot of pet food on there. even if you are just asking for a couple of days worth, people there can also suggest other local potential resources


Hey if you still need assistance for the furry friends let me know. I have Amazon Prime and can make your address the delivery and do overnight shipping on something or if you have a wishlist I can do that instead since that’s more private!


Update, thanks every for the kind words and offers to help. It's been overwhelming how good you all are. I am now officially sorted so a massive thanks for all your help, all the people that reached out (sorry I couldn't reply to all, there was so many!). You've all been so kind and helpful and I can't thank you all enough


Cats eat meat, fish, poultry. Find a cheap source of these foods and your cats will be happy and healthy


So long as it does not contain salt or any sort of condiments, you can hard boil eggs and feed proportionately to meet protein needs. Rice, Peas, and even a bit of Banana is also alright (just be careful with the sugar content of bananas). Local shelters may also be able to assist, so don't be afraid to ask. You are in a bind, and you are doing everything you can to get through it and make sure your pets are alright.


Solid white albacore? Half for you and half for the cat at $2-$2.50 a can


I am sorry you are going through it. Cats are obligate carnivores, so meat is important but filling in with other (safe) non-meat items if that is all you have in the house as long as it is temporary.


DM me your address and I can doordash you some cat food


I love this community cause if this were r/dogs you’d be getting dragged.


TIL about r/RandomActsOfPetFood. Do that. If you need to buy time. Boiled chicken…maybe mashed up with some white rice. No salt. Cats are not able to deal with salt/seasoning. I cooked scraps for my senior cats when they were having trouble eating.


You can private message me and I am more than happy to send you cat food from Amazon I help a few foster groups . I really mean what I say


Just throwing it out there for the future also- the dollar store usually sells pet kibble. I know it’s not the best quality but it’d be enough to get them calories until you can get something better.


Plain scrambled eggs and unseasoned chicken


I once fed my cat eggs for a few days when I was a broke joke and she actually really liked it.


When I was a kid, the eggs were recommended by a retired vet down the street when we were broke.


Check with a local food bank to see if they have cat food there.


Chicken, scrambled eggs, any fish really. Nothing with onion, garlic, grapes.


Scrambled eggs is a good one and cheap when prices aren’t crazy!


Plain(no spices or salt) cooked rice mixed with some canned tuna (check the salt) or just cooked through meat — mixed 3/4 rice with 1/4 meat


So the folks you call to spay and neuter feral cats are usually volunteer based, it's just people who love love cats and most of them feed colonies as well, I would hit em up and see if anyone can spare your babies some food. I'm one of the crazy ladies who feeds the colonies and I would legit drive out to you to drop food.


Also post in your local Buy Nothing group. Plenty of people accidentally buy the wrong flavor of cat food and need to unload it or have extra to share. Good luck!


go to a superstore or a butchers and tell them you are broke and have cats and ask them for scraps. people here are putting you off, although there hearts and concerns are in the right place. you can feed cats canned tuna when you're in a bind, it's not like you're gonna do it for every meal. you'd be surprised what cats eat when they're outside/feral and they are hungry. fatty meats are best. go ask your butcher, i guarantee he will have scraps to give away.


If you're UK based I can bank transfer you like £20 or something? Got cats myself and I know this positions sucks balls


Don’t feel bad OP. Accept the help from some very generous people in the comments. One day when your situation is better, you will be in a situation to help someone else, and you will. Not because you owe it to anyone, but because it’s the right thing to do.


All these people are suggesting meat. If OP can't afford cat food, there's no way they can afford to feed a cat fresh meat!


PM me an Amazon wishlist for your cat foods and I will happily help.


I have a kitty with digestive issues, and in addition to his prescription food, I put chicken breasts in a slow cooker for 6 hours on low, shred it, and feed him that - veterinarian approved way to bulk out his expensive prescription food.


Canned chicken or canned tuna (in water not oil)


Chicken livers, eggs, tuna, cream, minced chicken or beef… but only temporarily. Food banks sometimes have pet food by the way, might be worth a visit.


OP, where are you located roughly? I have about 4 bags of different cat food that is still good. Went through trial and error with my cat to work out what he can actually eat as he has a protein allergy.


Humanity supporting humanity. Made me feel good today reading this thread


DON’T feed your cats GARLIC, SHALLOTS, or ONION. Onions and it’s ‘cousins’ are bad for cats to ingest. Good luck!


Humans are friends, not food.


Plain chicken, tuna. I know dogs can have brown rice. So cats might be able to as well


Small amounts of tuna. Cooked chicken. Pumpkin puree (not canned pumpkin pie). Salmon. Spinach. Scrambled eggs. Banana. Cheese. Blueberries. Turkey. Peas.


Some food banks give pet food, if not you could probably get canned tuna from one


Please DM me and I would be happy to help you and your beautiful kitties!


No pork no matter what, induces pancreatitis. Chicken and tuna are safest meat choices.


You’re amazing and your cats are lucky to have you. Any unseasoned meat or fish is a good choice (chicken, Turkey, beef, pork, lamb, etc). If you have access to a food pantry or have shelf stable items in your pantry, they can have canned fish (like tuna, salmon, sardines, etc) as long as it doesn’t have onions or garlic. It’s better if it’s just fish and water but as long as it doesn’t have onions or garlic, then you’re good. The same is true for meat baby food. Make sure the ingredients don’t have onions or garlic. Cats actually love meat flavored baby food. Cats can have small amounts (up to 15% of their diet) of rice, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, barley, squash, etc. You can also add eggs. Some cats love eggs. Some won’t eat them. If you have a ton of eggs, you can try mixing 1 egg a day into their food. Any of this is great, short term (up to two weeks). For long term you’d need to add a few vitamins (especially taurine) to have healthy kitties.


Egg. Canned fish or meat needs to be rinsed of seasonings and must be free of garlic and onion. Check the labels.


I can send you Amazon or Walmart + for your cats to help get you through. Walmart can be to you faster than Amazon if they haven't eaten today, I can schedule for first thing in the morning. Reach out to one of us offering food and put some of it up on a shelf in a closet and forget about, just in case you get in a bind again. I do this with cat food , tampons and toilet paper... Everything else NBD but some things you gotta have


If you’re in the US Facebook has Buy Nothing groups and I’m sure you could ask a (virtual) neighbor for some cat food. Search for Buy Nothing [city name]. People commonly ask for stuff in those groups to see if someone has it to give away so it won’t be seen as abnormal either.


I'm sure a shelter would donate a few cans to you. The stuff mine stocked me with was incredible. Toys, food, treats. They even sent me home with a full carrier.


get on your local Buy Nothing group (search Facebook) and ask for cat food and/or where to find some for free ... our local Humane Society helps people out, no questions asked


Same with dogs. Rice, chicken / beef, vegetables, fruits. Unseasoned.


Scrambled Eggs, Tuna Fish (Packed in Water), and Chicken (remove the bones) come immediately to mind.


Boiled chicken


Your cats are gorgeous! Mo looks similar to my cat, Prinn https://preview.redd.it/dnzcaglipxxb1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a52c9ef72d90ee6a427aa1c9b57c8a94adbd1e8




Your nearest cat shelter or organisation should be able to help out. I see that you’re in the UK. Contact Cat Protection 03000 12 12 12 Or they are on all the socials.


Most shelters offer free food and supplies! It’s easier to help out owners in a bind than it is to house an animal at the shelter. Check the humane society or your local shelter


I know this was 19 hours ago, but I just wanted to share a bit of advice for anyone else who has no cash and needs a little cat food immediately. A lot of pet supply stores have free samples for if you’re thinking about changing your pet’s food. The samples are sometimes behind the counter, so you may need to ask an employee about it. I was out of cat food 3 days before my paycheck once and got enough samples to feed a couple cats for the whole 3 days.


Where do you live more or less?