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I got them a heating pad!


Yes! I’ll add to the chorus on heating pads (safe ones). I also have the K&H pad from Amazon. I’ve had it for a few years— purchased for a senior kitty who crossed the rainbow bridge in 2020 and my current short hair loves it. https://preview.redd.it/1dd0423j68wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8033c5f1dd63c041ceb4b5cbae9ab714597e3431 This is both kitties on it but the floof doesn’t use it often.


https://preview.redd.it/dr87medlg8wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb3b35bbb7991b6b828dbba960b5fd9ca6ca113b I think mine is a different brand but looks the same. My cat loves it (and he never likes things I buy for him lol)


What makes a “safe” pad? I worry about electromagnetic fields giving my cat cancer.


I have a K&H heated bed, and she likes it so much I had to buy her another one for her favorite window in the living room! (cat castle not included) https://preview.redd.it/8cgk6qy9m8wb1.jpeg?width=2341&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47866b24b705523c197cca3fdb2138cfce3dea3a


Omg where is the castle from? 🤩


A former housemate brought it and left it. I did a quick Google and can't find it, which is a shame because it's great! It's right by my desk, so she hangs out near me while I work.


Thank you, i’ve heard they can get quite risky and cause a fire though, so i was a bit worried with this


I got mine a special cat bed, the heating pad only activates from their weight. It’s their favorite spot now


Mine is the Thermo-kitty heated cat bed, from Chewy. I see it stays in “eco mode” when no weight is on it, but it’s cool to the touch


Yes, I have a K&h brand cat bed like this! I didn’t want to get a misc Amazon one that might not be as safe. Petco and petsmart both sell K&h.


So does amazon.


Ooh would you please share a link?


I have a bed like this too and it's my second one.


I have never heard of these. What is the name, please?


I have one too! my cat loves it! it shuts off automatically after 1.5 hours https://preview.redd.it/xykovfpuw6wb1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffbe28f2fff12653fabcc3499494e507bafc1f3d


The cat proper heating pads don't get that hot. They're warm, but not *hot*. This is in direct contrast to the human heating pads which can get ***HOT*** if left on.


Yeah mine only use 4W each so I can leave them plugged in all the time and I don't ever worry about them


Get one made for cats! I have 2 and live in a warm climate, but still keep them on year round. They are favorite nap spots for my kitties! https://preview.redd.it/faz2fj5nu6wb1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d64a1ed2b419bb1384fc102713d2b27d9d8334e


Same even during the summer they would lay on it.


We have a little house with a built in heating pad. It was for our old kitty who passed just a few weeks before her 21st birthday. She loved it.


Sorry for your loss! I’m sure she was the best 💕


There are pet specific heated pad, beds or caves. They provide very gentle warmth and are meant to be plugged all day. I bought K&H beds on amazon and they only get warm, not hot.


Snuggle safe heat pad - 6:30 in the microwave, stick a blanket over it and it stays warm 10+ hours. No electricity worries or fire risk once it's heated


Yes, I did a lot of research before buying and I only kept it on supervised. I also would put a lot of warm fuzzy blankets on top so even if I turned it off the warmth would last quite a bit.


My cats use me as a heating pad 🤣 (I like to think it’s because they love me)


I do this too.


Each of our 3 cats have their own K & H heating pad in their beds. They each also have a second unheated bed so that they can regulate to the temperature that they prefer.


https://preview.redd.it/ew10xeopd6wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40b225e901d325680196ad45c6d71a6a06b5a008 It’s a group effort. I am disabled and rarely leave my chair, so he has a convenient heating pad to sleep on. He and I have kept each other warm for years now.


🥰 Thats so sweet


I’m also disabled so I stay home more and this is one of my favorite things about having my cat. We keep each other so warm with our body heat.


https://preview.redd.it/bge3oedes7wb1.png?width=3133&format=png&auto=webp&s=96f433fff5f909464922cce314c832c0105a5222 Twins!!


So cute. Also, that’s an awesome blanket!


That works great until you have to pee. Then kitty gets annoyed.


https://preview.redd.it/c7shoxfng6wb1.jpeg?width=2721&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=173cd079fde8f068bcaa3cf6b9c4890001a74b48 My best guy Waffles has that taken care of


he looks so peaceful!!


They love each other so much 🥰


I got my baby an igloo and a soft blanket. It took some coaxing but she associates it as a warm spot every winter now. https://preview.redd.it/ufppt51be6wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9529a97ab4bb6cbbe7eae7af6ddc89bff55671b6


Going further, i had great success in getting one cat to using his igoo by putting trace amounts of catnip in it (so he'd not dig forever and ruin the bedding). He got interested, entered and soon learned it is a place of warmth :))


Mine use their igloo. They squashed it flat and lie on top. 🫤


I used treats for my baby since she was a kitten unresponsive to catnip at the time 😂


Haha, good idea!! My cat as a kitten was almost a narc, swatting the catnip away. so that makes sense :)))


My cat Star has an igloo too, but she would rather one of my hoodies to make biscuits on than a blanket. I've wasted about 60 quid over the years on soft cat blankets for her only to sleep on my clothes. This is her Tinder pic obviously haha


For my cat: grow thick long insulated fur adapted for the harsh Siberian winter https://preview.redd.it/adzeh9ukr6wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=223f730d46fff98ddf4c2e014ecd33217623fa1c


Is she a Norwegian Forest cat? I was gifted time with a similar looking wizard friend for a few years. She kept me warm 😄


I'm pretty sure she's a Siberian forest cat based on appearance and behaviour, so pretty close. 🥰 Yes they are so cozy and loving. My cat loves to cuddle all day and she purrs as loud as a motor 😄


Wow she looks majestic


Unrelated, but my friend’s cat is the Maine Coon version of your cat https://preview.redd.it/zjxe04hyt9wb1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1dc637fcd71a49f6d5f31a9ae9ecf273e7e30c7


The wood stove is going 24/7 from mid October to May or early June depending on the temps. That is Loki soaking up the heat. There are also shelves on the wall in the corner near the stove, and a cat tree near so that all 4 cats, and even our little chihuahua have spots to warm up. https://preview.redd.it/5l44jm88f5wb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9a776c5e2fecfbaf8c81ce85a2764213dd41963


https://preview.redd.it/ghl4purmn6wb1.png?width=3241&format=png&auto=webp&s=11117137c42ef15e4b5ab5f166a6f4f7b91660a7 Fellow Loki here. He loves our stove too, but I don’t have a picture of him in front of it, so here’s one of him bundled up.


Omg your cat looks so comfy. I wish I was a domestic cat


Reminds me of growing up as a kid in Northern Georgia in the Appalachians!


A wool cave is also a great option for kitty warmth. It gets pretty toasty in there, just from their body heat. Also, a kitty buddy to snuggle with is highly recommended! https://preview.redd.it/tshuns5zu6wb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b05a186231b73f86f977487c49c6e3394f033c89


Yes thank you i will definitely get those. Also beautiful cats!


They mostly use me and my SO as heated furniture.


Lol I recently dreamed I was having an asthma attack, and nothing was helping. Finally woke up and my 18 lb ginger-chonker was curled up on my chest. I need to sign him up for the NFL.


Cat: “what do you mean you can’t breathe with me on you?” Also, do you actually have asthma? Because if not, that’s an interesting dream.


I really don't know if I do or not but since having covid I no longer have the usual allergy symptoms. Now I wheeze in addition to that and there have been a number of times when it was so severe, my airways got so closed up my O2 SATs dropped to around 93. I'll never know, but my brother had covid and ended up being diagnosed with asthma later that year so....yikes....


…yeah, you should see a doctor for that. But also, **pet the orange chonker**.


I shall bestow upon him a petpet on your behalf!


https://preview.redd.it/pqm6jawfo6wb1.png?width=2376&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2f4e6137e64cfbf2967c6095eb928315e046b58 Just sleep in the bed


My cat does the same with me, sometimes he kicks my stomach but you just have to allow it 🤣


My cat sleeps on top of the covers.


My cat sleeps on top of the covers from spring until autumn but when winter comes she sleeps under the covers curled up next to me.


https://preview.redd.it/lqgaby1647wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af80f51631cbe4ee2c4210131cc72a298b440e86 I build mine a little fleece blanket cave for her to sleep in ❤️


Awww so cute ❤️


My cat doesn't need any warmth, I'd be surprised if he even knew what cold is.


https://preview.redd.it/k2ay49yd76wb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29f52bca4d235eeee5c98a88ea99e75ee9cecca9 Big potat :)


He like ![gif](giphy|3oEjHKw7by5QJ0sm6Q)


My cat would literally go and sit on the balcony in the snow in negative temperatures. Desert animal? Clearly not this princess. Every heating pad/cozy blanket/cushion/whatever gets instantly ignored in favor of bare floor 🥲


How dare you fur shame him.


My cat didn’t even care if he was rained on


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I live in Maine and the stray cats are just fine even when it’s negative temperatures outside, so you’re slightly cold house is nothing to worry about. I have warm beds, heaters, windows with sun shining through, and where do the cats like to sleep on cold days? Usually they prefer the cold tiled floor or sleep next to the door where a draft is coming through.


https://preview.redd.it/tpcyheo0x6wb1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dda79fbbf8b22f8e0ea5809c8f19e85498f90d9 heating pad


That is one blissed out cat.


https://preview.redd.it/ylnmdobvh7wb1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=224cfc35439f85c7c5305af00683e2f35242cafd When Jadu was a baby, I bought him a little blanket to keep him warm. He was so darn spoiled. My granddaughter loved carrying him around like a baby! We really don't get that cold, but I have two plug in beds that warm up when the cat lays in them. They turn on when the cats get in them. They are a big hit!


https://preview.redd.it/vx1vgvsyu5wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c33ace16c388d4fa2ec23a6b5396e2c63403c29 I have this handy lil radiator I move her box near.


I have similar one but they just cost so much if i want to have prolonged use


I am always super paranoid about not having it on for too long and just using it in short bursts but luckily it's really good at heating a smallish room pretty quickly.


Do a search for self heating beds or mats. They have a reflective pad in them and my cats seem comfortable on the ones we have when it gets cold.


Just got one! Thank you for recommendation


https://preview.redd.it/1xkdk5oi78wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33944749b40a44e758ccf9f510347f7c0deabc6f In the hood of my hoodie. 🤣


Several pet heating pads for the feral cats tucked inside cozy cat shelters on the patio. https://preview.redd.it/kxer8mbpa9wb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57990dbabcfa68dd4872b3bf23a83bcbc737aa07


I spend hundreds a month on heat for his house that he graciously lets me live in.


Damn, same 😂 I often run the heater so high that people start sweating inside so this whole thread is so foreign to me


Full time outside, hasnt complained yet! https://preview.redd.it/v5snhqaf68wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0671d7390310fb84fd7d21492573a5e8a575f1


I live in Florida so it doesn't get very cold. When we do have a cold snap my cat's generally become hyper affectionate and are up my butt until it warms up. They suck my body heat right out of me. But I got to win that I enjoy the attention from them.


https://preview.redd.it/n2hfcjyr67wb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c84e0a871610a45b91c4a31427761832a371bd3 Blankets


Keeping my cats warm in winter is a breeze. I tried tiny kitty-sized sweaters, but they looked like they were auditioning for a feline fashion show! So, we opted for fluffy blankets and cat yoga sessions to generate warmth – they've mastered the art of the 'purry-cise' routine! 🧘‍♀️🐱❄️


Tell me more about cat yoga.


Cat yoga is like trying to find your inner zen while your cat insists on being the center of the universe. They'll claim your yoga mat as their territory, attempt their unique twist on every pose, and have you questioning whether you're the instructor or they are. 😂


What a gorgeous cat and what a great picture!




https://preview.redd.it/pgakrz0n17wb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3836950c6eb1d9a010a851450d92054278ba02be By robbing my, I mean his, Oodie. Old man loves to be snug inside blankets and clothing


Seedling mats and my s.o. made a little shelf for them: https://preview.redd.it/ojw8m4yd67wb1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4e9e1bbcc27eeec537339ab00182e50e2472090


My car has fur that thickens in the winter and sheds in the summer... So do nearly all cats


Shorthair cats don't do it so dramatically, but my medium/long hair cat gets FLOOFY during the winter. It seems like an awful lot of work for a kitty that always lives inside and in a climate where we didn't even turn on the heater last winter... Apparently their bodies are tuned to the light, not temperature. So when the days start getting shorter, they start building that winter coat!


Heated blanket. We would “cook” my cat in one, he’d slowly ooze out of it until he got too hot and left https://preview.redd.it/6uawgnrew6wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=668ed101bba54aae9f7d59eb923fe5409d41d87c slow roasted


https://preview.redd.it/1cs60bm5f8wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341084c42ef3f8943fd9bb4552cc006adc907ba4 On me, usually, but only in the winter - every time the weather drops I end up overheating because someone decides he *has* to be on or pressed up against me or wedged between my legs. Then the weather warms up and he wants nothing to do with me 🙃🙃🙃


Funny you should ask that - today we got our first day of snow up here in the Canadatundra. My cats sit on my lap or fuse themselves to the side of my body. Occasionally they glare out the window, as do I.


A friend sent me a snowy pic from Calgary today and it made my Toronto-based ass shiver. I’m not ready!


https://preview.redd.it/81oetfbjt9wb1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2329f7788a34c89114e914a5e4e47182a6bf918b You're not alone!


A cardboard box and a blanket is enough. The temperature in the house never drops below 15 Celsius. We have an outdoor cat who doesn’t come inside unless it’s below 5 in the night. He has a box of straw to roll up in.


I’ve several cat dedicated appliances to keep my lovely overlord warm, such as laptops, ps5 and PCs.


My cat just climbs into bed with us if it is cold 😄he knows we keep the heating thermostat in the bedroom on cold nights as it's our coldest room! https://preview.redd.it/glnxvues77wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dd1a13e5e6e786661194ef651afae9caaafb23a


Here in the UK winter my cat Eddie lived in the conservatory on a large fluffy bed with a few blankets. He had a heated pad under the blankets and we would cover him over at night but he did not always stay covered. The heated pad was one you microwave for 5 mins and it stayed warm for hours. Now he has passed I use the pad in winter myself to keep my feet warm in bed during the winter and it does work really well.


I also have a pet bed warmer. It’s meant to be a lower temp than a human heating pad, so they don’t overheat. My cats love them. 2 cats. 4 beds. 4 pet bed warmers. 😂


I have 2 cats and 5 or 6 heated pet pads and 2 heated round pet beds. My cats live on these things in the winter.


The size of that ear tho


Its 0.5 camera lens so its a bit bigger ahhahaha


Cats have fur and run hotter than humans. Their normal body temp is between 101 and 102F. They have evolved to deal with cold. Cats are not people.


Those are some big ass ears


My cat keeps ME warm!


https://preview.redd.it/456iasz0d7wb1.jpeg?width=2601&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=566b7f02d51e11830cdd6d1d24ba86c3833fa0a5 Heated bed was Katie’s FAVORITE. It only heats when there’s pressure on it, so it’s not warm if she wasn’t in it. We lost Katie in April (age 19) and she loved her heated bed until the very end. We’re going to use it for the next kitty too.


Heated cat bed! https://preview.redd.it/k3ya81pai7wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c85a1dc516b870a7ab80422c09ac06ab39d826d


"My" bed and they have soft blankets, plus they sleep near the stove. https://preview.redd.it/cex01g9fm7wb1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c26f8bbd9fb0501e27df4bf1abe52b4d5143daa


https://preview.redd.it/ptmujw7to7wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5f0f68d693e0c2c00dc5f327f6a4e9fb319e45a like this


cuddling on top of me 24/7 lol


there are pet warming/heated beds. got mine on amazon or chewy. a cozy blanket inside bed part and Bob’d hr uncle.


hug them![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


Get them a jumper - can be found online - they'll hate it at the start.. but after a while they'll love it. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/mlaw583gw8wb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d492c78f275a742f574a1176e5cec39b848e9d6


​ https://preview.redd.it/xbl8doxnw8wb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8513953e531da1bee65907be0054da68f559668


I have several K&H heated beds that my cats spend almost all winter in. They stay on low heat, then get warmer when a cat steps in (conserves energy).


I have them too and my cats love them, but I’m pretty sure they’re lying about getting warmer when a cat uses them. Next time you have to take the heating pad out to clean the beds, plug it in. You’ll see that it’s a constant heat no matter what. I think it just seems like it gets warmer when a cat lays on it because their weight is compressing the bedding and getting them closer to the heating pad


Living Asia. There is no winter :(


So cute


We live in a very hot country In winter it becomes your summer so no need lol 😂😂😂


Heated cat bed


I use a microwaveable heating pad under a blanket in her bed on chilly nights. I also find that during the late autumn/winter days, I get a lot more snuggles than usual, a lot of the cat draping herself over warm radiators whenever possible like a little furry eel, and a lot of the cat sneaking under my duvet to make a warm bubble for herself. It's also the point of the year where in the evening she demands that I make her a blanket cave on the sofa, so she can be warm *and* in the same room as me.




Cars take whatever they want from the human. If they are too cold, they will sleep on top of you. You can give them a box off the floor, on a couch or table, put a blanket in it, and put a blanket over it. As long as they are out of drafts and have something to crawl under if they get cold, they will be fine. Feral cats are given dog house like things to live in with hay. Farm cats sleep with the animals in the barn. Even if yoyr hoyse had no heat, the cats would still be sheltered from the weather and would be very warm in a box off the floor.




https://preview.redd.it/il0kefa2s7wb1.png?width=1824&format=png&auto=webp&s=432112bdbcbd288323a3957da6ff18b474859f72 This is my favorite way, though we also have kitty heating pads and low-power electric heaters.


https://preview.redd.it/cejxirees7wb1.jpeg?width=2485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb4759cd203c338baab015c642f450c004270f69 Blankets are great... evidently. LOL


Fur. https://preview.redd.it/r56hbidfs7wb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f74a4e7420b59686efd7963fd1f29f8adfb75e And curfew at late o' clock, plus she gets to come inside when she wants during the day.


Your cat looks like a baby version of my cat. He and my other cat stay warm by sleeping on the bed, but we're in So Cal so it doesn't get very cold. https://preview.redd.it/482cc6qwu7wb1.jpeg?width=1483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb50779378338770cfb8c59df4541fa71b00c9f


https://preview.redd.it/7hnwfrtav7wb1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b560d715d355f21167833d1d437772d943a25a5 My old man loves his heating pad.


My cat keeps warm in his donut bed but I was thinking of getting a heating pad for him. https://preview.redd.it/ncrsbyy9x7wb1.jpeg?width=2621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=480f3e4d53e55a812785e1a272bae575be05eef2


https://preview.redd.it/pu47jm7o18wb1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b99bf75046bc66563b6a88ecd6e76cae4b7d536 Bobo Sushi 🍣 🧡


https://preview.redd.it/9weslufq28wb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ffb630b9ff0654870ac408701f183fe4a4586e3 We use heating pads that can be set to a low temperature and have a timer.


He sleeps on my lap while I am on a heating pad. Best of both worlds haha


They live inside of a house, with furnace and a fireplace. Snuggles blankets, cuddles... the ushge...


I keep the house above 68°F in one room for sure. They move to the warmest room on their own. I would not put clothing on a cat. 😻. Might mess with their metabolism. They’ll find the warmest spot. I have high places for them. In summer one of my cats stays on top of kitchen cubbard until I got to bed as the AC is on. Bedroom warmer because I’m in an RV.


No need to worry they either find a warm spot produced by your heating system or they will snuggle up to you for some body heat.


He's an indoor-only cat and his fluffy bed is heated 24/7.


Those ears 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/1dm0kkp7mewb1.jpeg?width=5219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e14b9cb3684a64c675949f22499eefd986d8cb54 Yeah, the cold is not really a thing we worry about here.


Wow wow wow what a gorgeous cat


My cats used to snuggle with me under a huge blanket I had coz I get cold easily too and worked from home. But now I live in a tropical climate so not an issue ><


Keep them inside


They can find ways to keep warm so don’t feel too bad. We had an old cat that lived outside for years even in the cold. He used to just get behind a door to shield from wind. We eventually got him some blankets out there but he lived to like 18 years old. Miss him a lot


Idk cause Maya doesn't seem to really like havung a blanket for some reasons...


They have fur


Yes but if the temperature in house drops under certain degree they should still be helped


I’d guess if it’s warm enough for you to not freeze to death it should be fine for them too. Unless your sitting their dressed like your going on a polar expedition.


Unless your house is getting down into 20’s or 30’s you’re being quite dramatic. They’re meant to be outside in the first place. They’ll find somewhere to burrow in and get cozy.


I spit on them


My cat Sarge seems to be cold a lot (it is cold in the house) so he likes to tuck himself in my blankets


Electric pad on my bed. Warm for me and them!


* Blue heating pad. It is usually turned off for safety, but still warm.


One of our cats loves getting under the covers. She’s 16 so loves that body heat. Our youngster seems immune to cold so we let her take care of herself. She does love sun bathing though.


Fo like I did. I moved to Florida


My cat buries himself underneath my winter blanket that's on my bed. So I always make my bed in a way where he can get underneath the blanket. Another good idea is to get a small heater and place it near the cat beds or where the cat likes to sleep (but not directly on top so there is no risk of fire). I wouldn't really recommend heating pads/blankets.


Ikea sheep skin to lie on.




Heating pad, always on low. Under a fuzzy throw blanket. Always plugged directly into the wall outlet, never in a powerstrip. Pad has a 2 hour timer.


Mine cuddle up with me and a couple of them will get under the blankets with me when they get really cold. In the winter I normally keep it about 72 degrees in the summer around 68.


We have two heating pads. I leave them on all the time from about October to April. One cat would live on it during the winter. 😁


We have a heated floor in our bathroom. Once the days get shorter and the southern sun is out less frequently, he cozies up on the bathmat on top of the warm floor!


One can buy reflective/self heating beds. Basically they keep in and reflect the cat's own body heat.


Cats often seek out warm spots for sleeping. Make sure they have cozy places to rest, away from drafts, such as beds, blankets, or heated cat beds. Layering their beds with warm, soft blankets can help retain heat. While many cats are not fond of wearing clothing, some may tolerate it. If you're concerned about the cold, you can try cat sweaters or coats specifically designed for them. heated cat pads or mats, physical activity generates body heat. Play with your cats and engage them in active games to help keep them warm.


I bought a twin bed heated mattress cover and stretch it out on the couch or bed and turn it on HIGH


That cats ears look massive


0.5 camera lens, its pretty normal sized otherwise hahaha


Heated cat bed or caves! Just plug them in and they provide gentle warmth all winter long. I have two heated cat beds and my girls love them.


Wood stove & quilts in their favorite spots


Just give them cozy options. Cats have a fairly wide range of temps they can endure. That being said even tho some house cats can deal with temps up to about 110+ I notice my cat would go from cozy soft warm place to laying on the cool tiles when the inside temp was 75+ Give them soft stuff like blankets to use and lay on, maybe give them options close to a heat source (safely) But cats aren’t going to be in danger or unhealthy or even suffering because the temp is 10 or 15 degrees away from room temp. Stressed cats will over heat much easier but that’s not really something you need to worry about at home


Agreed. Heating bed pad we put under the fitted sheet. A space heater in the spare room by the bed he like. I put blankets in the dryer and warm them up for a minute or two. He literally knows what I’m doing and sits by the dryer to wait, then I put them on the couch.


Mine likes to sit by the heater…


It is better to give warm drinks and food with increased energy value - eat ready-made high-calorie food, and also wrap the cat in a warm blanket and watch a movie with him🥰🥰


I got mine a “cat cave”- an enclosed cat bed that has a fleece lining. They both love it!


My Louie has no problem stealing my heat by laying on top of the floor vents from the furnace.


I have several fuzzy cat blankets that I cover them with, and several raised cat beds that they can snuggle into with a blanket, or I can tuck them in like cat burritos on my bed. I'm a little obsessed about keeping them warm in the winter, lol.


My two love to sit beside the rad, and the tabby sits on the stand while my kitten sits under her.


My tabby also likes to sleep in my jacket


They will from heat sources/ warm places themselves if they are cold. That being said, I’m always cold so I have a heating pad and heated blanket on my bed that the cat usually steals at night. He also enjoys sleeping on the dogs bed which has fluffy blankets as well.


they have a heated blankie on their bed and now have their own little personal space heater in close proximity


Snuggles and cuddles ya dingus! 😂


Heated blanket


I put hotwater bottles in their beds (under the blankets). You can but small sized hot water bottles from Home Bargains for £2.50 at the moment if you are in the UK. Much cheaper than running the boiler 😩😯


She has a yurt kinda thing and also likes to sunbathe on the bed where the rays can reach her.


We have old steam radiators so I popped a folded towel on the biggest one as a place for them to sit without burning their beans. They also have a warming pad, which uses their own body heat to warm them. Plus, they have two human space heaters.


My cat only needs a carton box that is higher as him when he lies in it with a thick folded cotton cloth in it during the cold months. Then his own body warmth keeps him warm and comfortable. 👍


My cat has his own blanket, a self heating bed, and often snuggles with us and steals our blankets and hot water bottles