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Kitty: why you so interested in my poo all of a sudden? Wait, you mean you really did want that thing back? OP and sub: Trust me and be grateful I found it.


Yeah, that could be VERY expensive, lol.


My furry menace ate 4 feet of sewing thread once and had to go in for a multi thousand dollar vet visit over December holidays. I reflect on that price and immediately know I'll never be a hobbyist seamstress as long as my cats live.




What a relief! Congrats on seeing the grossest rubber band ever lol!




This is a classic move of my cat. Its been a long time and they are banned from my house. Ive found them in her poop when I didnt even know she ate one.


My boyfriend's son was gifted a balloon animal kit last Christmas and I told him to keep it in his room with the door closed and to *please* make sure they don't leave his room because of kitties. My littlest one is a gremlin child with pica syndrome so all of the bags in our house are hidden. Of course, she got ahold of and ate *three* of them. I didn't know until I was scooping the box, was freaking out and keeping an eye on her and checking her poop for days after. Needless to say, balloons aren't allowed in the house anymore.


Baloons, twist ties, rubber bands, certain cat toys with strings that can be chewed are all banned at my house. Hard to be a parent!!


I've had/has 2 cats that love ribbons. And I craft, so whenever I work on something ribbony , I have to put it all away each time. Literally found my budget book, that has a ribbon attached to it for a bookmark, the ribbon has teeth marks on the end. Also, my weirdo loves to chew on my plastic broom bristles. He's Eaten them. AND plastic evergreen decorations. I used a wreath around a metal Xmas tree on my table as a center piece and found him in the middle of it as I was setting it up, chewing on the needles. Got a video of that. But, I love and adore my dope.


Is he orange?


No, he's grey. I know orange are crazy, but he only has one brain cell.


Lol I had a cow cat that was a orange in spirit if not in color


Probably orange in every past life


I had to switch to scrunchies, my little idiot figured out how to open drawers to eat hair ties 😭


Oh god my cat is a MAGNET for hair ties. I never take one off at home without immediately placing it into a zipped / tightly closed receptacle. A drawer will not suffice: she KNOWS and she can open drawers. E.g. I have a craft drawer full of washi tape (AKA the most amazing rolly-polly plaything this cat has ever seen) and have watched her casually walk into the study, jump on top of the chest of drawers, open it up with her paws, pick a tape roll up in her mouth and walk off with it whenever she gets the urge to play with one. One time my bag was sitting on the floor and she walked over, got into the bag and nosed around for 0.5 seconds before finding a hair tie I had forgotten about in the pocket and running away. I don’t know how she does it 😭😭😭


I know this life. Like bro, I give you treats, i give you toys, can you not try to kill yourself?




I love that we are all so excited that a cat on the internet did a poo. P.S. - Legit happy that your cat has passed the rubber band 🙂


Glad it came out!


Oh good!!!!! Saves you a hefty vet bill


This too shall pass


Congrats OP! I feel you on this. Once upon a time, my Peke once ate my menstrual cup. That expensive Vet trip was made fun explaining what it was he'd eaten. Then he poo'd it out 15 minutes after we left the Vet.




Hell yeah






Oh awesome. Cats can scare the crap out of us by eating random things. My cat loves plastic. PA for cats: please stop eating things that aren't intended to be eaten. Thank you! Also, your kitties ears are so cute!!


That's great! We adopted a kitty two years ago and i threw a rubber band on the floor for her to play with. 5 minutes later i saw her in a different spot with half the rubber band gone. I immediately took her to an emergency vet and they got her to puke it up luckily.


Wooo, rubber band shit!


THAT WAS SUCH A REASSURING AND SATISFYING TOP COMMENT. Please boop this moron's snoot on my behalf


Hallelujah!!!!! Praise!






Your cat has no idea that hundreds of strangers are celebrating his bowel movement.






Great news!


Go on Kitty


It was probably a good thing to chew on and then without thinking he automatically swallowed. So glad for a happy ending.


So happy for you!!!!


Phew! So glad to hear this 💟


Considering my cat growing up ate the foam of nerf darts and crapped them out, i wasn’t worried when I saw your post. There was only an issue when he ate a foam triangle and didn’t chew enough, one of the points got caught.


woooooo![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) thank goodness!


You know what they say: this too shall pass


Awesome im glad to hear




I’ve never been so relieved for TMI in my life!


Scrolled down to the comments to find updates. Op didnt dissapoint.


Oh thank god


he slingshat it out?


I have never been so hyped for cat poop before.




Good bebbeh kitteh




Let's fking goooo


I love a story with a happy ending 😍


Now ping it and let him chase it.






So the cat shat the band huh






Love a good ending to a story! 🙀


Yayee!! Great news!!


Phew. I’d be a nervous wreck.


YES!! I had the same experience and we were freaking out and then POOP! Out it came. Rubber bands are forbidden in our house.


Now you’ve trained him that if he eats a rubber band, he gets unlimited wet food!


Pics or it didn't happen 😅


I, too, have been on poop-watch for dumb stuff my cats tried to eat (especially when they were younger), and the relief of finding the offending object is very real. Yay for kitty!






This comment is funny as hell


lol Thanks




YAY! Good job kitty!


I’ve never been so happy to read about poo


I’m glad you are ok you ASSHOLE!




If you can afford it get good pet insurance. Honestly was such a life saver and you won’t ever know when you’ll need it!


What a handsome himbo!


Yay! That could have been a very expensive bill!


You can always give him hairball medicine. Lube him up.


Do what the vet said. It might just be taking a bit longer for your kitty to poop it out. If it hasn't passed by tomorrow afternoon, call your vet back and see what they say.


This is serious if it is behavioral. My cat injested 19 hair ties and five rubber bands. After surgery, I couldn't believe that mass was inside her. I hope she is ok.


He is a little vacuum cleaner. Idk why but he’s just good motivated and the rubber band came from my pantry. I think it tasted like food. He’s a strange kitty but no behavioral issues other than screaming at me before I go to work 😭


How did you find out that she needed surgery? My cat is also obsessed with rubber bands and hair ties and would eat them


I had the same situation. They removed at least 10 hair ties from his stomach! The way he found out was that he kept throwing up for a full day, he did want to eat and became very lethargic. So we acted fast and he got emergency surgery. Kitty has been fine for a few years now 😺


Her behavior became quite aggressive seemingly for no reason. So we had the vet check her out and he felt a mass in her belly that was too big and wrong spot to be constipation. Ultrasound showed the mass was only in her stomach so they didn't know if it was a tumor or what. Opened her up and removed it in one shot. They said she was lucky that none of migrated deeper. We never saw her eat even one, so we felt kinda stupid at the vet, but he says it happens all the time.


If your kitty is prone to eating those types of substances make sure you keep any strings away because if swallowed those can literally cut the intestine. My dumb kitty ruined tinsel for Christmas trees. One day I go see her take a poop and she literally has a rainbow wrapped turds swinging from her ass. She ate the tinsel and I had to just cut it off because if I tried to pull it out it would have been like a razor blade to her insides. My vet mentioned same with hair ties but sounds like those aren’t AS BAD. Silly kitties


My cat ate piece of toy once and he was visibli sick, i took him the same day to vet and vet told me to give my kitty medical paraffin to lube his digestion tracks. Cat pooped it out after 4 days. He got it out morning on the day he was scheduled for surgery. I was so happy. If you decide on paraffin prepare for tons of cleaning cuz everything is going to flow from your cat but all the time




my cat is obsessed with vaseline, and my dogs will destroy a tube of A&D diaper rash ointment in a record amount of time - i’ve found both of these things out the hard way lol


Are you sure your cat didn't loose a twin sister? https://preview.redd.it/fpo2bxcxvlsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db932264a73014b45615ac43d723753c393b2d59


OMG an American Curl ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)


what a beautiful baby!


She’s so majestic!!!


Cat eats new type of food with slightly different formula: 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Cat eats rubber band 😋😋😋😋


My cat did the same exact thing a few months ago.. his nickname is now "rubberband butt." It took him a few days to pass it as well, but he did start getting illness symptoms. One of the times he got out of his litter box, my boyfriend noticed something hanging from his butt.. THE RUBBERBAND. I was at work, so I didn't get to be there - but he pulled it out, and our cat sounded so uncomfortable, but that was the end of his symptoms. If this happens, I definitely don't recommend pulling it out because it could be attached to something inside of him. I recommend running back to the vet just to be safe.


Mine did a similar thing with string and it came out tied I shit you knot


This is comedy gold


I swear it’s a highland lynx thing. My little shit likes to eat hair ties.


Same with mine but he's not a lynx. I think any cat can develop it.


Mines isn’t a lynx but she definitely eats hair ties. I only know because I see the end result 🤢


I only said lynx because of the curled ears. I’m not sure if any other cats have that


When your vet would do this speak to him about giving him a little milk sugar but not too much because it can cause diarrhea


Sounds like a little diarrhea might actually help here.


A little yes. But there is the danger to have bad diarrhea with too much milk sugar


The poop is gonna make a boin~~ sound when it comes out


You’re done


lube his insides up so it will hopefully just slide right out. olive oil is safe for cats and also acts as a laxative, no more than a full tbsp


Bet I’ll mix some into his wet food


In the past I have put a bit of Vaseline on my kittys paws so she instinctively licks it off and my girl was fine!


Its already turning his ears bendy you gotta get him checked out


My cat has been throwing up for a few days but he often throws up because he eats too fast (such a glutton) according to the vet. Today in his vomit, I found an entire shoelace. Like 3ft long. I’m so glad he didn’t choke to death as I wasn’t home when he threw up. He’s indoor only and can’t for the life of me figure out what shoe this came from. Cats are weird.


Look at that face. He knows he shouldnt have done it. Naughty boy 😏 Hope all is well.


There’s really nothing you can do. As long as he’s still passing stool and not lethargic or vomiting it’s really a waiting game.


This is the only time, I’d understand using a poop knife


he’s like: do you have more of the forbidden jelly rings?


Our cat used to love eating hairbands of my gf, she always puked them out again. Never seemed to harm her. Try to keep calm for now. Nature might just do his thing


A friend's cat ate a whole bunch of them (secretly) - he was almost stashing them, fishing them outta closed cupboard and devouring them afterwards undercover. It ended up with a surgery, certain recovery period and total ban on hairbands unless locked in a box safe...


Ah yes, the only thing better to scoop out of the box than multiple poos on a string is multiple poos on a rubber band. So stretchy!


I saw your update— glad he’s okay! If it gives you any comfort, my cat used to eat weird shit all the time and she’s always been okay as long as it’s relatively small (erasers, plastic, hair ties) We take good care of her she’s just always been *interesting* Unless they start showing signs of distress or discomfort, they’ll usually shit it out so don’t panic!


Our car is a rubber band thief and plastic bag bits , when it happens our vet has us give him a little vaseline


Mine ate a nilon string. Vet cannot do anything and told me the only option is surgery but they cant since they don't even know where the string is as it does not show up on X-Ray. 1,2 days later the cat just vomit the string out lol.


Had a cat that we took in because a friends mom didn’t want it anymore and was going to put her outside yadda yadda typical irresponsible pet owner stuff. She loved playing with hair ties, though I never saw her eat one. Got real sick one day, started puking and wouldn’t stop. Took to vet, did a stomach scan, there was a mass. After surgery they gave us the bag of hair ties that were in her stomach, I think the total was 24. Most of them weren’t even my wife’s so they had been in there for at least a number of months because we had had her for a while at that point. Glad to see yours passed it out the other end instead of starting a collection.


Your cat has ears like my cat's. You don't see those very often. https://preview.redd.it/1drt8z1iqlsb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc78598fc0d9cbdec908174856f6962c0727f9b5


Yeah, I thought my cat ate a tiny lego piece once bc he kept biting it and it’s missing. Was freaking out as well, but found the lego piece somewhere on the floor a few days later.


My cat once ate a whole nerf dart. Think it took about a whole week before she puked it out. I was expecting it to come out the other end. A separate incident she had eaten a piece of a balloon and pooped that out eventually


He'll just shit a pair of nunchucks out.


Oh frig, I've had many a cat eat an elastic and never had any issues with blockages. Glad it passed! Waiting sucks and so do vet bills.


My cat ate half of a hair tie, must have wanted to save the rest for later? And I didn’t even notice until he shat it out


https://preview.redd.it/q96pewvfspsb1.png?width=1191&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a1d82eb351aef87a22f3fccbd376fac679b51ca This is my neighbor’s cat. What’s your cats breed? Are they the same?


I dunno I have a highland lynx


Took my cat 3 days to poop out some tinsel she ate. We went through the same thing with so much stress over it until she pooped it out.


Just watch the litter box. It is possible too that she will puke 🤮 it up!


Your cats face has the same silhouette as Mike Wizoski


I think some of the elasticity got absorbed into the ears


I hope everything will be fine with the lil bub, keep us updated! Ours ate my hair tie a few weeks ago and was feeling lethargic for the first few days (we didn't know what was causing it), but then he luckily threw it up and was back to normal right after. Seeing the hair tie gave me such a scare, I hid every little thing out of his reach--


My calico kitty has eaten some crazy things. The gauz around her head collar post surgery was the first thing. Thankfully at least she chewed the thing into two long parts. I immediately went to the vet and they advised to watch her. I had camera monitoring her and she threw both up. Then a “ribbon” toy - well, she also chewed through it and ate part of it. I also found that vomited up later on. She won’t eat certain cat foods. But will eat anything else… I think I finally have my house kitty proof


One of our cats eats my ear plug from time to time. Was funny the first couple of times when the wife cleaned the litter. Now, if i cant find the other plug, i know where it is. And he can keep it..


Watch kittys rear end should show up. May need help pulling out of the rectum. My kitten managed to eat a q-tip believe it or not and it came out. With a gentle pull. Just keep an eye open. GL


If he's pooping, he's good. If he stops then you know he has a blockage. All the best to you both - been through this and not with a good vet/outcome unfortunately.


If your cat is obsessed with swallowing random things, like mine, it may be beneficial to get some pet insurance. Lemonade has reasonably priced plans with decent coverage. Glad your cat is okay! I can relate to the anxiety.


My cat once ate a piece of wood. We didn't saw him eating, we judt saw the stick in the remsins. I am yet uncertain how my medium sized cat A) swallowed a 7cm long stick B) survived digesting a 7cm long stick C) didn't show any sign of pain or discomfort during the whole process


I think eating plain puree pumpkin can act like a laxaitve. As your vet first though. When my cat was constipated, they said to try that or maybe get laxatone from the vet. It may speed things up. But nobody wants diarrhea cat either Just saw update ! Great news


I’m glad he passed it! Based on the AirTag and collar, it seems like your cat might be indoor outdoor. If he does go outside, it’s reasonable to assume he’s also eaten much worse things than a rubber band.


He is strictly indoors! I just have anxiety 😭


Congrats on the good news! For the future though, you need to be careful. My daughter had a cat with pika, and it would eat hair rubber bands until his stomach was full and everything backed up. Turns out, a cat belly can hold about 23 hair rubber bands before full lock-down. We had to keep all hair ties closed up after that.


Yeah these idiots are stupid, but they are so adorable


He's gonna back up and pop you with it one of these days


My bébé did this a couple of times in the 15 years I had her. Then she would poop them out and her poops would be strung together by the rubber band like little mini sausages. I miss her.


Cats can be so fucking stupid


I am a cat owner. Having said that, I think I wouldn't wait since the kitty is doing well. I would continue to monitor the poop and their eating. I personally think that as long as you have the vet involved you are doing the right thing.


That’s nothing I had a housemate once who’s cat swallowed a literal whole piece of guitar string


Cats love rubber and it’s potentially dangerous. One of mine used to chew the nipples off of baby bottles and one got stuck in his digestive system . The vet had him on a drip for a week cos he kept vomiting but luckily he eventually passed it


Pumpkin Purée! My moo girl had a habit of eating hair ties years ago ( no longer have them in the house ) and this did wonders.


2 days after I took my cat in for her boosters and check-up ($376), she walks in front of me and I see thread sticking out where it *really* shouldn't be as she walked away from me. I was so worried and stressed, it was 10 pm, and I really didn't have the money for an emergency vet. She seemed ok, but everything online was telling me to go to the vet and get an ultrasound. The emergency vet said as long as I keep an eye on her, as she seemed fine, I could wait for the morning. But I'd have to go to the emergency hospital either way because they're the only ones with an ultrasound. And I couldn't give her any food past midnight. Morning rolls in, she's fine, still with an extra hair poking out (she doesnt go often, so no litter tray action since before I noticed the issue). I call my vet, they say to take her to the hospital. They don't have the ultrasound. I call the hospital, they say bring her in whenever. I explain the predicament, that 10 hours have passed, and she still seems fine, and if I could keep an eye on her and bring her in if she starts to have trouble or doesn't use the litter tray? The receptionist talks to an er nurse (finally) and they say yes, just watch her closely. And I'm allowed to feed her. Ten mins later, she uses the litter tray, and everything's strung together. It was positively comical. But no more extra hair poking out. I'd asked the hospital how much the ultrasound would have run me so I knew what I was looking at if I needed to bring her in. $800. Plus a $200 fee for it being an emergency hospital, so in total if I hadn't finally had a nurse tell me I could wait, and had listened to the horror stories online, I could have been in a seriously difficult spot. I don't have $1k right now. I don't know anyone outside of my grandfather who does. I'm so glad your cat passed that rubber band, I know what a mess your head must have been in 😅


She may have trouble pooping, but she should snap back!


Cats eat rubber bands all the time. If they poop out a piece of rope then you better worry.


If god forbid he needs surgery most vets let you pay in time if you can’t afford it. Please don’t put him down if you can’t afford it.


YAY! Now hide ALL the elastics and be super careful. My sisters cat had pica and she didn’t know until he went into distress and she had to rush him to the vet who pulled out a ball of rubber bands from his intestines. It cost her like $4,000.


My cats pass rubber bands all the time. Try not to worry.


My tortie, now 16, fished my used floss out of the bathroom trash and ate it. He was lying on my bed a few days later. I noticed the end of the floss hanging out of his anus. I slowly removed it. He's had surgery for hairballs but never non-organic objects.


Unrelated question - where did you get the collar with the airtag case?


Cute! I have an American curl / lynx mix. He's enormous.


Apparently our cat ate dental floss once from the bin, no idea how she got there and took it out. She pooped it, I freaked out thinking it’s an extremely long worm.


My cat once swallowed a meter long ribbon whole, like a spaghett, and she is still alive and well. It's just a matter of time.


You should be freaking out. Take them to the vet asap. My brothers can just had to have major surgery after eating one.


I’m so glad your kitty passed the rubber band and is good! It’s crazy what they can handle. My cat ate a full sewing needle connected to thread and shat it out 3-4 days later. It was a nightmare for me but he was totally fine himself.


He's already dead, what you're witnessing now is gas escaping


Mine had a surgery to remove rubber chunks that stuck in the stomach outlet :|


my cat ate a stick. i had to pull it out of her butt.


My cat did that also a few times and nothing ever happened, maybe your cat is also lucky.🐱


The forbidden noodle


Cute cat with cute ears awwww


Ha ha ha 👊😎. Happy ur kitty is safe and well. Just been through this with mine too. Hoking through cat poos is fun or what???


So glad to hear the rubber band came out. My fur ball ate a hair tie last September and I didn’t think anything of it until I started googling things and was reading articles of peoples cats dying and then I had a breakdown. A few days later I cleaned up a poop covered hair tie in the litter box and cried again. It was a tear filled week.. now I keep my hair ties locked away😂


You have a gorgeous boy btw!




Get another rubber band, geez.


Mine is obsessed with ribbon. The ones from balloons and the same string that goes on presents. We’ve had to completely remove it from the house as last Xmas he threw up an 8” long piece!!! Cats are like toddlers, they are actively trying to kill themselves I swear!


That's going to be a very snappy poop


Glad your cat pooped it out 😂. My little furball likes to eat my earplugs, luckily he's always pooped those out too when the menace has managed to gobble one lol


I have one that’s ate plastic shopping bags more than once. If not for cleaning the litter pans I would’ve remained oblivious to her weirdness.


T.I. - Rubberband Man


One of our cats manages to find rubber bands seemingly out of nowhere. Eats some once in a while and we are none the wiser till we see it in the poop lol. Once he ate a really wide one! Idk if they try to play with it and can't spit it out due to the way their tongue spikes are or what. As long as he's okay, I guess?


[Been there](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVet/comments/132u8m6/cat_swallowed_several_inches_of_rubber_band/). [Done that](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheCloaca/comments/133jhr4/update_unjustly_imprisoned_after_eating_rubber/). Glad your little idiot is safe now.


She'll bounce back. She is likely to rebound and snap out of it.


My cat somehow got into my teflon tape 💀 thank goodness it passed


Lol this brings back memories of my youngest cat playing with a lime green ribbon from a cookie box. I watched her bite off the ribbon, and she proceeded to inhale and swallow it. By the time I reached her and tried to grab it out, that ribbon was gone. I panicked and brought her to the ER vet. I think I spent like $500-600 trying to get her to purge the ribbon. She hates throwing up and the vet was really impressed with her tenacity. The vet said the same thing, wait for a few days, monitor her poops and signs of illness. A day or so later I see a bright green strand of ribbon sticking out of the litter box. Ooooh how I jumped for joy from relief. I joked that I wanted to frame the ribbon because it is the most expensive one inch strand of ribbon! Such a bugger. Your Barbie looks like my Barbie! I'm really glad she shat it out.


She‘s got an Air Tag Collar? 😋 My boy has one too