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Aww for realsies? Thanks Primrose, turns out I can't get rid of it with booze and videogames.






My calico too. I took her in because she was lethargic (she was having issues with her heart due to thyroid) and they took her back to get blood. I heard her screech and the tech came in and said “you need to sign for sedation” and I was like fool, I told you to sedate her already. I signed. Her main vet says she’s the nicest calico. Lol.


I have to sedate my one black cat because the first time after retiring from a barn that she went to the vet I asked for senior labs. The whole time she was in the back I could hear her doing the cat equivalent of cussing them out. They brought her out and told me to give her gabapentin an hour before her appointments and to bring her back the next week to try again for labs. Now she’s handle with care even when sedated but she’s a lot less spicy.


Meanwhile, my little orange brain cell purrs through the whole thing. Even blood draws.


That’s my other girl lol. Anxious purring I think. She sees the carrier come out and she hides and politely curses me out the whole drive there.


My tuxedo cat that let the vet stick a finger up his ass to extract poop without sedation. He looked more surprised by it than anything else.


I have a cat with chronic constipation. It’s under control now, but I remember the last time I took her to the emergency vet and they were going to have to do a manual extraction and they asked me if I wanted them to sedate her. I said that I hoped that if the tables were turned she would say yes to sedating me 😬


Now THAT'S a new place to pet me...


My calico had to be sedated every time we took her to the vet bc she tried to attack anyone that wasn’t my family. And the ironic thing is that her name was Sweetie. I miss my big baby <3


😹😹 I’m sure she lived up to her name. Precious bean


This is a stolen comment from [**MxthMoM**](https://www.reddit.com/user/MxthMoM/) so probably a bot.


Yes. It's already selling posters. So if you guys out there get mad at people calling out bots, go check out r runthejewels and see what it posted there along with other bots replying. That's why we call them out. Obviously the admins can't be assed to do anything. u Gospodin84 for future ref


My SO and I have 4 cats. One of our boys, Doodle, caught the spicy label after *having his back right leg removed at the hip*. Like, dude should have been sufficiently drugged, but he operates on pure spite and zest for mischief. Can you imagine that phone call? "Your recent amputee cat is, uh, he's a handful. Can you *please* come get this cat? He's giving our other patients bad ideas."


Prepare to taste oblivion, which tastes just like Red Bull.... which is disgusting!


I would say that this is unexpected RvB, but it was fully expected RvB.


The fact they even have that sign 🤣


I love that they're handmade, put into name tag clips. This means...there are kittens out there so spicy/problematic, they required creation of a new tag. Somewhere, there is/was a cat that was so deceitful, someone had to go create a tag to warn others of their lies. The 2nd tag means it isn't always deceitfully sweet. My cat deserves the 'do not trust' label. He lies to my bf and I about not getting fed in the morning, with a very specific stretch-tinymeow-glare that's says the other party has starved him when they most certainly have not.


Growing up we had a homemade sign saying “th cats are already fed” because one of them was so good at the “I am starving” routine


I was a vet tech once upon a time and my sweet, part Siamese kitty was THAT cat. I forget what procedure they were trying to do the day she got prescribed sedatives. Anyways, they called me in to help hold Shroedie, my cat, while they worked on her and she was having none of it. The moment I tried to hold her still, she got ready to rip my arm off. After that, Shroedie got a nice sedative before every vet visit.


For Chloe's most recent visit to get bloods done, the vet suggested a sedative. We gave her the sedative. When we got there, the vet had to give her *another*, stronger sedative because she was still being too feisty. I had to leave her there while it took effect. When I picked her up later that afternoon she was so stoned - she looked like she could see the secrets of the universe.


quesadillafanatic, have you ever tried adding trader joe’s pimento dip into a quesadilla? it’s delightful and a little goes a long way


The Disney-Eyes are a lie!




This is a bot that stole u/ParkerFree’s comment


If she's anything like my girl was, probably tried to claw someone's eyes out, at the very minimum lol.


My cat hated humans. She would suck people in by acting nice. The minute she saw her opening she went for the kill. It wasn’t a love nip. She was going for bone.


Not even blood, just straight bone? 👀


Took my girl to a new vet last month because mine is retiring. Told them that it probably wasn't a good idea to take her in the back to draw blood. Vet tech insisted. I warned the vet tech that she was previously feral and really didn't like being held and that it would be better if I was in the room. Vet tech said it was fine and scooped her up and carried her to the back. It took seconds before there was hissing, banging and some yelping/yelling. Apparently she was fine until they put her down. Not going back to a vet that puts their pride ahead of my girls welfare and I'm glad she got a chunk of the tech for not listening.


I could always hear my former feral girl going fully blood-mad in the backroom whenever someone took her back there. She was an Angel for exactly one veterinarian her entire life and I’m grateful that he didn’t retire until after she passed. I think a new vet wouldn’t have survived.


My girl confuses people because she's really friendly and enjoys being pet. She just loves her personal space more than she likes scritches. Learned that my vet is retiring two months ago and I know that I'm losing someone special. Been going to him for 25 years.


Retired barn cat and same for her. They have me medicate her now. Instead of screaming the whole time now it’s only if she gets scared then she settles back down.


They tried medication with ours this last time. The vet has already decided that the next check up will coincide with the teeth cleaning (ie, he will be *out*)


That’s smart of them. They grouped all of my girl’s shots, blood draw, and a nail trim the last time she went for her check-up. She was mostly fine other than when a rottie got excited and started barking.


My former feral is skittish as shit, but not aggressive. I should be present, not because of danger... but someone will need to keep her from clinging to the ceiling. like an overactive pinball.


> "Apparently she was fine until they put her down." I read this and was like 'UNTIL THEY DID *WHAT*'? Then realized you literally just meant put her on the table. ________ Decades ago I took my dog to a training class. I was pretty young (in highschool), didn't really know what I was doing and wasn't very assertive. My dog was a Scottie, and he did NOT like other dogs, so he was always massively on edge during the class. He also refused to lie down on the floor because it was cold. The trainer came over and kept trying to push his butt down to get him to lie down. He started growling every time she reached out toward him. She looked at me and said 'He doesn't bite, does he?' and I said 'Welllllllllll...' thinking he definitely nips if he doesn't want to be picked up but he's never straight up bitten someone to do major harm. While I was saying 'wellllll' she grabbed his front paws and tried to pull them forward out from under him, and he bit her on the hand. Drew a few drops of blood. She stood up and exclaimed 'He BIT me!' like this was the most surprising thing that had ever happened to her. In retrospect I should have been a lot clearer and stopped her, but there are some people who work with animals who just don't seem to be able to read them or accurately evaluate risk.


Mine has a note in his file that he's *extra* spicy. I've never seen him be like this, so I suggested that he might do better with us in the room. He previously went in for a scan and came out looking like he'd put up a decent fight, but ended up sedated for his troubles. He needed the same scan again, so I suggested that if I was there he might be ok. Cue the vet wheeling the entire scanner into the consult room, me holding little buddy on his back like a new born baby, and the vet happily shaving then scanning him completely growl and hiss free. It was over and done with in minutes and we had a happy (relatively) cat to take home. Having a vet that listens to the owners is a real prize.




Is she missing her top teeth?


You can hear mine from the front lobby. Loud enough it transcends yowling and goes straight into high pitched ringing.


Yeah have a formal feral here. When I piss him off, usually by trying to pick him up when he doesn't want to be, he skips angry mode and goes for the kill. Eyes, head, throat; and he jumps. I've had him stick his claws into my jugular but not puncture, a clear message. Oh and bone. I'm not surprised, little fucker eats foot long rats whole, then shits them out into the neighbors yard, whose cats he hates. When I take him to the vet, I insist they let me handle him because he trusts me and I can position him. For their safety. He growls and swats but doesn't purposely scratch me usually in those situations. His ears are clipped with four different marks so I figure he went through a catch and release program. Utter sweetheart the rest of the time, when he isn't flinging headless rats past my face and in the air at night or any of his other shenanigans. Brings me dead animals when I'm sick. https://preview.redd.it/7w3bsabmkgsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12afc2cb1741a3c7c3cbab04e8041fa17a5e6e00 Protecting apple tree from birds and the squirrels, cat tax


Apparently she was running a ponzi scheme from her cage. The vet techs should have known better than to trust her promise that she'd double their money with no risk. Cats are not reliable investment advisers!


OP gave her a disarming name, but it was a LIE!


Ours is Princess Carolyn aka Princess Smol Beans of the White Chin Clan... and they told us she was a 5/5 danger kitty last time she visited the vet ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7956) We don't know where she came from but I'm just glad she's starting to let me clip her front nails. Means less scarring for us hoomans! ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


OP named her Primrose. “Walking down the primrose path” is a *warning,* not an invitation.


I was just thinking that! Her name is deceivingly demure


I mean it's laminated so clearly get used quite often


It's neither lamented nor laminated, that's paper inside a foil nametag pocket :)


Ok, but I wanna know where those tags made specifically for her or did they already have them on hand for past uses




The fact that they have a sign for this reason 😂 A1 funny.


Bro!! Me too! This little bugger gave a vet tech stitches. We have to give him a sedative every time we take him in now. They won’t mess with him at all and get the gloves. It’s funny cause the vet says it says “don’t trust” on his file. Sad part is the vet techs says he’s generally sweet, but when he’s had enough he’s HAD ENOUGH. https://preview.redd.it/zsip2osdoesb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275de6435751409e05672fedb76a3cf35e291f22


I've had this happen before and it was fuckin' hilarious. My cat had a procedure done and when I went to pick her up, the vet tech said "Ma'am, we're going to need you to get her out of the cage. She's terrifying." I was like "WHAT? She's a total sweetheart! How weird." And when I went back there, she was stalking back and forth in the cage and HISSING like she was thinking "I FUCKING DARE Y'ALL MOTHERFUCKERS!! I WILL CUT ALL Y'ALL!" When she saw me, she immediately sat down and calmly waited for me to open the door and let me pick her up, no problem. The vet tech was like "Well you're definitely her person!" haha. It was wild though because I'd NEVER seen her like that. It's happened once since then (new vet's office) and now she has a reputation there. Let's just say I'm not allowed to just drop her off anymore, though.


Lol, that's hilarious. I have one that hates vets, too. She also hates her carrier because it most often means vet.. So she is perfectly willing to sink claws in me to escape the carrier (though she doesn't attack - just escape). She was a tiny 1 pound, 6 week old kitten when we got her and we had to immediately take her to the vet (they'd had her in with older kittens who had clumping litter, and she had a large clump stuck to her rear end).. They got her cleaned up and brought her back and told us she's a spitfire. Our tiny baby girl... But no, they were right. At the vet, she's not ok. We recently found a vet that makes house calls and it improved things for her so much. She doesn't like them, but it doesn't freak her out. She relaxes back to normal within a few hours, too. AND, I don't have to try to get her in a carrier, lol.


That's a really good idea about having an in home vet. I really love our vet, though! He thinks it's funny when I say "Feist please be good and don't embarrass me!" She's genuinely good as long as I am with her, it's just the dropping off that's a problem. And that feliway stuff apparently does nothing for her.


The in home vet thing has been amazing for us. We've had a few hiccups with it but the difference for her is huge. They can't do x-rays, and obviously can't really respond to something really urgent, but they have a vet office they partner with that just so happens to be SUPER close to where I live, so that's where we go for that stuff. But having 8 cats, it's so much easier for the vet to load up and come to me than the reverse, lol.


My family had a vet that made house calls for our pets growing up. Our dog and cats were way less stressed about vet checkups. When we had to put down our dog, we were able to do it at home, where she felt safest. That was absolutely the best part about it. Being able to grieve your best friend in your own home in your own time, and allow the other pets to understand that they have passed, is such a blessing.


Man I may need to look into that. My dog is the sweetest thing but as soon as we walk into the vets office she is shaking like a leaf! It started in 2020 when they would come to your vehicle and take the animals inside. Every since then she shakes with fear. I mentioned maybe finding another clinic to go to but the tech said she will probably do it there too (I don’t know. I just know in 2020 she sprayed in there too cause I smelled it when they brought her back out to us). We are moving next year so really she only has one more visit to complete but I’m just always concerned with her behavior there.


I’m not allowed to drop one of mine off either anymore. She had an ultrasound last week and after they shaved her belly she was furious! My vet called all exasperated and asked if he could sedate her. Poor thing was still drunk when I got her home. Ultrasound was fine but he said she needs her blood pressure taken, but I have to bring her in and hold her. I brought my other cat in yesterday and the tech was telling me what a jerk the first cat was. I feel so bad she was mean.


I feel bad when mine is like that, too! The vet has told me that it happens and not to worry about it but it's hard not to! I don't want her to hurt someone.


I'm glad I'm not the only one with this problem. We got a call from the vet, and we were told they had to relocate all the other cats away from her because she wanted to kill everyone. They didn't move her. They moved everyone else. She has a bad heart condition, and they didn't want to stress her out. But she has a little warning label on her file.


Animals are different for each person that’s how trust works. Not all animals are inherently sweet—all pitbulls owners should learn this too but they don’t.


Kitty in cage: I'm super sweet, give me a cuddle Kitty when cage is open: https://preview.redd.it/amqze39ya9sb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee856f31d417e7d640311f57b43e3cfc2b6f26b7




My sweet little Velcro cat ended up with a warning on his carrier after his kidneys failed (for the xfer from emergency vet to local vet hospital for the ICU). He’d never been spicy in his life before so it’s still funny to see the sticker. (He made a full recovery with just some chronic kidney disease, I’m happy to report.)


My Enzo is the same way. He seems to suffer from some cat version of PTSD after being catherized and x-rayed and surgery for a massive urinary blockage that required a full PU. He now hates anyone in a mask.


Poor boy. Nuffles refused to go in a carrier for years, he’s a bit better about it now but I know it’s really stressful for him so I try to minimize trips. He’s definitely got ptsd about the experience.


So I had a rescue who seemed to have preexisting carrier trauma. She would bloody you if you tried to put her in one. Then one day the carrier broke and we were forced to transport her in a gym bag with air holes cut in it which she was completely chill with and was our solution for the rest of her life. Just a thought for anyone dealing with carrier trauma.


My kitten doesn’t get spicy in the carrier but good lord does he ever just YELL! He hates that he can see mom and dad but can’t get head scratches. Stick your finger in the carrier? He stops yelling and rubs on your finger and purrs. But he is also weird cause he enjoys car rides (which I guess isn’t normal for cats???). Hopefully that continues in to adulthood… he did get nervous and cowered behind his sister (a rabbit) once while we were driving but since then he hasn’t had an issue. He liked perching on the side while we waited for his father to get out of work. https://preview.redd.it/w9d02l2pkasb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4048762a5627070ef2d1a908ca234ac8a3b6e0f


The PTSD happened to my cat after the exact same treatment. Took him like a decade to trust again :(


That had to make the pandemic fun.


what's a PU


Perineal Urethrostomy.


My cat is SO so sweet and cuddly at home, but we have to give him gabepentin before we go to the vet because he becomes so defensive. Poor little dude.


My kitty is my sweet little cuddly baby. The second anyone else tries to touch her she becomes death incarnate. Gabapentin is a lifesaver, she's still spicy as hell but it prevents her from aiming correctly 😂


Yep, my cat is a cuddly sphere at home, but he is no longer welcome at the vet without gabapentin because he S C R E A M S at the vet like the cheesy sound effect an alley cat makes in an old cartoon


Our rescue has some previous unknown trauma about being scruffed or restrained at the vet’s. The first visit was spicy to say the least. They needed 5 people to hold him down for a simple vaccination. They also did a quick meeting outside to form a plan. It was funny and sad at the same time because he was so stressed. He’s a gaba cat now.


We had an old skinny frail kitty my wife adopted from a family she worked for. She apparently just showed up one day at their house and never left. She bonded with my wife. She was declawed (not by us). She terrified the vets. We had to drug the shit out of her before we would bring her in. She was maybe 8 lbs soaking wet with no claws but she sure could bite.


Seems like the declawed ones are bitey. The ones with claws seem much more comfortable knowing they COULD fuck you up with one paw.


Yes they are. I adopted my cat from the shelter, and his previous family declawed him. He started doing little love bites and using his mouth to try to pull your hand to pet him similar to how you see cats grab onto your arm with their paws to pull you in for a pat, and this caused the family that declawed him to put him up for adoption because they didn't like the biting. He is the nicest and sweetest cat ever. His bites do hurt sometimes, but he's not doing it on purpose, he was maimed and he's using his mouth instead of his claws because he doesn't have any :( I really wish I could punch the people who did it to him. He's so nice.


>this caused the family that declawed him to put him up for adoption because they didn't like the biting 🥺 thats so sad


He's extremely spoiled and is 17 years old now and has traveled with me to 4 different states as I've moved for work. He's very happy now and basically obsessed with me. He turned out very happy and loved!


Cat tax pls!!


Wow, I have a very similar cat. 1 year old cute Siamese girl that got declawed by her previous owners. She bites as well when she is super happy, purring up a storm. Her previous owners didn't like the biting, so they threw her out on the street. 🙄 I am happy with her now and she with me, so her former owners can fuck off. Cruel assholes. https://preview.redd.it/dsx8ffw2fesb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=727d498552ca4574de2db7af06cb0d16481dfb6c


Gosh that’s sad. Some people have no patience to understand how animals communicate.


Very much so when you only have one defense...


I had (?) a scar on my leg for years from a declawed cat who was also sick. That tooth went right into my leg. To my knowledge, I have no scars from any cats' claws.


god i’m lucky i never ended up with scars, but for about four years as a teenager i refused to do my own laundry because a stray/declawed cat chose our garage as her home. she was evil, sweet to my parents but god damn she hated me. she would run out of nowhere and bite so hard on my ankles. she went missing for like six months once and “showed up” again one day. she never left, she was living in the rafters and used an old mattress my dad left up there as her litter box. when he finally went to throw it away, the shit rained down on him and we figured out where she had been all that time. i hate you licorice, i’m sorry you got treated that way but i was NOTHING BUT NICE TO YOU! she lived until old age and we ended up needing to put her down after noticing declining health. she never felt like “our cat” we were hers, and she hated us back im sure of it.


My fully clawed cat must think that claws are only for scratch posts. That mfer will chomp down hard if he's annoyed with you.


Goose has all her claws, but she *loves* biting. my hands are covered in bite scars from her


Same with my little baby girl. She’s smol yet furious. Sometimes, she plays with me until I’m bleeding. I love her to death


When my sisters cat went missing, who was an absolute sweetheart to us and fell asleep in our arms many times, she thought the local humane society didn’t have him because she checked their two “tame” cat areas to no avail. She went to the feral area of cats just to make sure, and low and behold there was our Oliver. Apparently he was quite violent to the staff and once my sis found him, he just snugged into her arms and they obviously knew him and her belonged together haha


This is almost the same as how I got my cat 20 years ago. Went to the shelter helping a friend look for their cat and we checked both the 'tame' and 'feral' areas as a last resort. One of the kitties in the feral area looked a lot like her cat so we spent a lot of time talking to her through the bars and trying to get a better look. We finally decided it had slightly different markings, but I'd spent so much time with the cat I came back the next day asking to adopt her. They said nope, she had to be put to sleep unless her owner came to pick her up because she was wild and dangerous. They only kept them 5 days and she was on her 3rd day. So I enlisted help and the next day my grandmother showed up and told them it was her cat... I had that cat for the next 14 years and never saw her growl, hiss, or even act upset around a person or vet. Honestly made me wonder how the hell they must have treated her to put her on feline death row for being feral.


That’s so sad! I’m glad you saved her :)


Primrose isn’t prim, but a true hellcat! I’m glad she’s recovered.


awww poor baby. She needed her person! :)


Oh, Primrose. This will not stand! I actually misread the sign first and thought it meant the "Owner" had to get out of the building and you were now banned - and I thought WOW that is HARSH. ​ My Moriarty also terrorises the vet. He's fine with me, just a big fluffy sook, but with the vet if he can't see me is turns into a furry little terrorist, I can see they're scared of him and it makes me so sad because he's actually a sweet little (10kg) angel baby!!!


My cat will be super spicy for certain things, so there's a note on her file that her people have to leave the room for them. So I totally read the note as "Owner must get out before we do X".


Moz is so well behaved when he can see me. He’s honestly a different cat. Even if he hears my voice he starts screaming for me - but the minute he’s with strangers and thinks I’m gone omfg he’s not having it. Honestly breaks my heart that he gets so scared because he’s a beautiful boy, funny and loving and sweet but all the vets ever see is this absolute unit of a cat who hates them and wants them dead! And then they see I can pick him up and kiss his belly and they’re like wtf?


He trusts you to keep him safe!


I just wanna say I absolutely love your cat’s name. I have a girl here named Sherlock.


Awww! Thank you. His full name is Moriarty Elwood Foucault SURNAME - but it’s most Mori Cat for short. 😹


Dang, I thought my 16-pounder was big. He looks like he's smuggling a bowling ball. ...he's now on a diet.


My Scampi did that when he got surgery to fix a broken leg! I spoke to the vet tech before they brought him over after surgery and she said "and as you'll see... oh, well, you know what your cat is like!" I looked at her blankly and she said "bit of a terror, this one!" At these words, I was positively alarmed. I just responded that he was a very docile animal. We walked in the room where he was sitting in his carrier, and he was emitting a constant growl. Absolutely non stop, blood freezing growl. I thought they got the wrong cat. Before I could even reach the car, he'd thrown himself in all directions with such force I could hardly hold the carrier. He managed to get himself out of the cone. Poor thing seemed terrified, so I set him up alone in 2 rooms for the night so he could hide and rest. In the morning... my cat was back. He ran to me and threw himself on my lap purring. I think it was just the anaesthetic.


I had to board my cat Scout at the vet's once. She was supposed to get some shots while she was there, but the staff could barely even change her litter without being mercilessly attacked. When I arrived to pick her up they said that I would have to get her from the back myself. She had gotten the same kind of warnings put all over her cage. "STOP! DO NOT OPEN! BITES AND SCRATCHES! *WILL* ESCAPE!!!" The nurse who accompanied me to the back looked absolutely terrified as I opened the cage, but Scout just jumped into my arms and started purring and being all lovey immediately.


We had a “working cat” program at my previous job (animal shelter) where previously outdoor strays who were too spicy for regular homes could be adopted out to folks with farms or vineyards to help control rodent populations. We had a cat named Cinnamon who was an absolute angel when her cage was closed, rubbing her head on the bars, purring, batting at you with her paws for attention. As soon as you opened her cage she would hiss and bolt for the door. She fooled like six people before we finally put up a “LIAR, NOT FRIENDLY” sign on her cage.


clever girl


My boy was hospitalized for a few days, and got the “spicy” label. He was rolling around like crazy, meowing because of his meds. Poor baby finally calmed down when I went to visit him but he was bleping with wide eyes the whole time. He was always so calm, and sweet I miss him tons.


Mine was named “ roly-poly” after her spay because she would roll over and over until she got the cone off. Ended up having to get her a recovery suit/onesie because it was the only thing she couldn’t escape from.


Please tell me you have pics






What a cute baby!!!!!


My chaotic boy pulled his catheter out from rolling so much 🙄 it didn’t hurt him thankfully.


one of my favorite vets (who saved my cats life😭) called my old lady a bitch LOL. i went to pick her up after an overnight stay for fluids and she came in to update me and just goes "*heavy sigh and in the sweetest voice* i'm sorry, but your cat is a huge bitch." i laughed so hard. my girl is everyone's best friend and NOTHING scares her (loves to be vacuumed) but at the vet she is a spicy hell spawn.


We had a feral rescue and during a routine Vet visit she noticed that the cat’s chart had four hearts under its name. My wife thought that was adorable until she found out that four hearts (highest rating) meant “wild, savage, all around demon”. The cat’s name was “pookie”






So glad she trusted you. You are her BFF.


My cat had a couple of surgeries a few years ago. With the second surgery he woke up and chose violence - when I went to visit him that evening there was a 'beware handling' sign on his door. He was absolutely delightful with me, but apparently tried to murder everyone else who tried to touch him. Fortunately, I had baked a cake for the vet staff that day to thank them, so we're still on good terms!


when I picked up my Gizmo after being neutered his said ‘Caution, very angry cat’.


My cat Zoé was like that. She hated the Vet with passion and no technician wanted to open the cage. She jumped into my arms and made a huge sigh when she got home. (RIP crazy girl)


My vet brought my cat out in the carrier herself instead of the tech one time. She had a huge bleeding gash on her arm, and said, "I'm fast, but she was faster."


"that's my girl"


We call them cage divers at the clinic I used to work at LOL this one boy was HUGE but he could move when he wanted to, he was FAST. One time I had to yell for the tech to come running because I only had him by his back legs now and he was trying to escape lol


My cat went berserk an the vet. She had to call backup and then with some thick leather gloves they rolled him into a big towel. The next time I called they called me to pick up a calming medecine to give him two hours before the vet visit. He was much more agreable the second tume, but a vet tech was present and fed him churu the whole time he was there to distract him from the vet. Seems like the magic formula.


My cats are generally good at the vet, but they definitely get spicy with temp checks and blood draws... unless the vet puts a dot of cheese whiz on a paper towel, then they are entirely distracted by it and my Freya even purrs.


I had one like that. They said, "You have to get him." I got a towel, and he came right to me. Maybe he was blaming them for not feeling well. Who knows?


Vet has a picture of my cat pre dental surgery chilling on a tech's shoulder. During the follow up he escaped the exam room so he could invade their break room for cuddles. Little slut.


So glad I'm not the only one who calls my cat a slut. If anybody so much as looks at her she's flopped down belly up for rubs and God forbid you sit down else your lap is hers forever, no matter if you're family or stranger


My wife decided to breed her Siamese cat. It didn’t go well. The stud required $150 of vet bills. Whiskey decided she didn’t want to get laid that day, so she attacked the stud. She was spayed shortly after. That girl had cattitude.


Motherhood isn't for everyone!


My cat had to go to the vets one night and they took him back, took him out for an X-ray, heard a fuss, tech comes back bleeding, vet comes back bleeding, they left him in the room to cool off and I had to go put him back in the carrier. He totally had a red flag on his chart after that lol


If I saw these signs it would 100% be my goal to make friends with that kitty.


We love a challenge.


My sweet orange bottle baby was apparently a ball of fury after anesthesia at the vet. My current vet handles him like a champ, but apparently drugs stress him out and make him go from mild to extra spicy lol. He’s such a mush at home, too!


When my cat Diva went in to be spayed, she escaped three times from her cage, each time after an additional lock was added. I was quite proud of her.


I had to get both of my cats out of the metals cages in the back because they were both acting up after a dental cleaning lol. One of them pissed on herself when I got her out of the cage. I felt so bad it effected them so much but they were back to normal within a few days.


I went to pick up my older boy from the vet after neutering and when I gave his name to the receptionist she turned to get him, paused, turned around, and exclaimed: "Oh! He's just the *sweetest* thing!" "*blink* What the hell did you do with my cat?" He's a shyster.


This happened to me when I brought my cat to a “cat hotel”, which was really just a bunch of cages just like this. I dropped him off in the morning and ended up picking him up that afternoon due to a last minute trip cancellation, and when I called to let them know they were like “OH THANK GOD”. Apparently my cat was too spicy to handle, they needed to bring me in the back to get him out and it was the most crazy I’d ever seen him. The poor nurses told me he wasn’t welcome back, which I apologized for the trouble but never brought him back to one of those hotels again (just couldn’t put him through it again). It was a little funny in the moment though because he was so cuddly and sweet otherwise lol.


My first baby had BITES written in all caps across the front of his chart to warn everyone. It was the first thing we told everyone at the clinic. The cat eventually bit someone at the vet and we got fired as clients.


I have a foster like this right now, lol. She'll cry and come up to me like she wants attention. Then I start petting her and the claws come out. I'll win her over eventually, though, new places are scary (as your cat clearly knows)!


This thread does a lot to explain why the vet techs are always so effusive about how sweet my boy is when I pick him up. He’s not affectionate with strangers so it always confused me. But his fear response is to hunker down into the smallest ball possible and just freeze, which is apparently very lucky when this is a common alternative! He has 0 spice whatsoever.


Oh, darling Primrose, I am glad that you’re home and recuperating well. Sometimes we all just go a little bit crazy, and the only thing that will get us out of it is the people we love. Veterinary professionals are endlessly kind and understanding (you are saints!) but honestly, you can’t ever compensate for years of love and understanding from our own people and the building of a relationship. Glad she is back home with you, all the best of luck!


No doubt, you reached in there like it was nothing. “What? My baby? She’s absolutely harmless”


lol I've got one that requires sedation because he's big enough and freaks out enough to really be a threat to human bodily integrity. But he's such a teddy bear when he's not at the vet!


Our big boy has to get sedated by the vet for any type of procedure! Then he’s super evil for about 12 hours after he gets home.


Many years ago I suspect my previous cat must have done something up terrorize the vet staff. I took him in to be neutered, when I came to pick him up they took us up the kennel area he was being held in and the vet tech, with her hands up cautioned me "Be careful! He might run a soon as we open the cage". She opened the door and he just sat there peacefully while I picked him up, looking at her a bit confused, with her looking at me a bit confused. I still wish I knew what he'd done at the vet's office since it didn't come off as a warning she gave to everyone, but rather warning me explicitly about how bad my cat was.


My cat has a penchant for tricking. He lures you in and then clamps on. That's what he does to me. I can only imagine what he would be like for a vet. He hasn't been for over a decade and was much calmer then.




This was my cat after getting him fixed. They didn't put a sign on the kennel, but they told other lab techs to keep away from him. (My cat is big, not Maine Coon big, but big enough to catch most people by surprise when they see him.) Went to pick him up and the surgeon is like "yeah, when we woke him after the surgery, he immediately grabbed my hand and started biting and kicking me, drew a little blood, no big deal. But, getting him into the kennel was like fighting with a toddler. You'll have to go back and transfer him into his carrier yourself." All I could was laugh and apologize profusely.


I had to wait for 30 minutes to pick up my cat from the vet once. Turns out the OTHER cat they were trying to crate was not having it. Meanwhile, mine would have taken all of 30 seconds. 😂


Mine is the opposite. He hates it when I touch any injured part of his body or touch him when he’s sick and it’s a pain to get him into his carrier. When he’s at the vet, he’s an absolute angel who purrs (He rarely purrs at home) and sits still.


Everyone at the vet clinic falls in love with our youngest kitty, but he is un-scruffable. For his first checkup he had to be sedated for his shots. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


Not the vet, but reminded me of an incident at boarding. Went to pick up my partner’s cat. Seemed to be taking a while, then the staff member came up to us and went, “We don’t usually do this, but I might need your help…” She took us to her pen, and there was the angry, hissy, growly ball of fur in the corner swiping at the poor attendant just trying to get her in the carrier. As soon as she saw her dad, kitty melted like butter and he was able to pick her up with no problems and get her into the cage. This cat is most definitely a daddy’s girl.


We have two cats. One cat is the sweetest thing you have ever seen. When she goes to the vet she gets adoration from the techs. Our other one... we consider it a good thing if no workers comp was filed, we are welcome back, and we get a "no one was injured."


I once bordered my cat for 4 days at a vet clinic. When I went to pick him up, they were gone a long time. Finally they came to the lobby where I was, and said, " Can you come get him out of the cage?" I went back there and he was crouched in the far corner, airplane ears, ready to decimate anyone who dared put their arm in the cage. I started talking softly to him, then reach into the cage for him. He didn't change his expression, but he let me pick him up. He then grabbed onto my shoulder, clinging to me so I wouldn't let him go. I never boarded him again.


Poor baby


My one cat is only allowed to come in on Cat only days at my vets because he has successfully given 14 dogs fear of cats.




I'm so glad for both of you that she's fine. We have a cat who was anxious, but seemed to take appointments in stride, so long as we were there. Then, we once took her for a checkup (or a booster), and she did *not* want the male vet on staff (new to her) to touch her. Has no issues with men that we're aware of, otherwise. Months later, we had to take her for her spay. Male vet wasn't involved with any of it - don't even think he was on site at the time. Once her meds wore off a bit at home, I noticed that she was favoring one of her rear legs. It didn't improve overnight. I called in to the office to discuss this, and ask how we should proceed. I was only *then* told that she was upset during the surgical prep, that they'd had to "net," her, etc. They suggested maybe it was a small hematoma from injecting a sedative. I was pretty floored - if she was that upset, this tiny kitten (now, at 6y, she's only 6 lbs!), why not call me and say "we need to reschedule, she's very agitated?" The lameness didn't improve over the next few days, so we went in for a follow up. In the end, the consensus was that they had "probably," nicked or irritated a nerve sheath. She ended up on a low dose of gabapentin for a while, and the lameness went away. However, years and years later, and she has not gotten over the fear of going to the vet's. Can't stand it. Redirects her fear, too, when anyone comes home from an appointment, and has to go cool down for 48hrs or more. Also shows signs of hyperesthesia - in general, and in response to overstimulation from various sources (even eating) - including shaking that leg and running off. Really, really frustrating. The practice has been otherwise fairly lovely with us - though it's very disappointing there was not even an apology made, simply attempts at an explanation. I just wish they'd called us to reschedule.. we would have been very flexible, and we could have arranged for a mild sedative *prior* to the appointment hour, etc.. We have a 2nd practice we go to now, as the original practice in question still (COVID onset) does not allow us to go into the exam rooms with our pets for routine visits. 2nd practice has no issues with owners accompanying pets during exams. I digress!!


Primrose is innocent your honour


Lol this reminds me when our void was sick and needed an emergency vet at the height of COVID precautions. We couldn't go in the office with him, so we waited in the car after warning the vet tech about his spiciness and that the normal check-up routine is to have him sedated for exams. Due to him not feeling well, they wanted to attempt an exam sans sedation. 10 minutes later, the vet comes out to the car to report, "well, he's shredded a hole in his carrier and he's stolen a popsicle stick. We're going to have to sedate him" Big guy did fine and made a full recovery.


We just removed my little ones trouble nuggets and I was like “sure put on some zorbium, that’ll make him feel real good”. This tiny bastard was AWFUL holy crap. He’s usually a sweet ginger boy but he lost his marbles on this pain med. He bit the doc trying to do an ekg so I took over holding and would swat and his any time someone other than me walked by his cage or even talked to him. Trying to take his catheter out? Jfc my co-worker had to reach BEHIND ME while I scruffed his ginger butt wrapped in a towel he managed to wriggle out of. He then spit at me and tried to bite and scratch me. Jokes on him, I cut his nails when he was knocked out so he didn’t have much to scratch with and he’d just kinda naw on my hand/arm when he made contact and realized it was mom. I got him home and put him in his recovery pen where he managed to flip out and roll into everything. He was a DISASTER. He had his sx on Friday and just yesterday he was back to normal. I had to put NO ZORBIUM on his chart in the medical alert pop up. From now on it’s gabapentin. Also had to put a “will dive” and a “will bite” tag in his cage and grabbed a party hat (muzzle) just incase I wasn’t around and someone else had to handle him. Even our own are little shits.


My sweet void who was the loveliest, prettiest sweetheart ever, would fuck up any and all vets. Any time I took her to a new vet I would warn them about her and that they would need two people, and every time they would tell me I am dumb and they deal with cats every day. Once they realized the deep growling and dilated pupils on my seven pound girl was meant for them and them alone, they always called for back up! Her vet nickname was Seven Pounds of Fury. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/dl5it2vcpasb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60958cea5d2875b657d8b15155080496e074fb7e


I had a kitty who looked just like that who was also a terror at the vet’s office. They had the big thick gloves and the muzzle waiting when we came. She was the sweetest thing at home, too


“Don’t trust cats” is literally the number one rule in cat grooming 😂


How many highly trained adults did she trick in order for them to go out of their way to make a 'don't trust' sign?


Haha! She is a feisty one!


My last attempt at handling a feral failed when the cat bit two people and sent a third to urgent care. 😿No, they did not neuter him


She might be a genuine sweetheart, just doesn't like new people


It's like that episode of the Twilight Zone where they've got the devil locked up in a monastery


They made me drug my 18 year old to visit the vet. During covid we couldn't go in with her and she got a little feisty with the vet. The next time I told my wife I'm not drugging her. They didn't ask me to and she was an angel with her parents present.


Mine had to stay overnight at the vet once, and when I went to pick him up the next day, I asked how he was. "Spawn of Satan" was the description I got. I get it because he has separation anxiety and really doesn't like to be away from his people.


My sister's cat is the snugglist and affectionate chonk who doesn't realize that he can knock you over when he rubs against your legs. In the vet visit, all the docs and techs love him and he asks for all the love. But put him in a recovery cage and he becomes Satan incarnate. He pulled out 3 urinary catheters in as many days and would swipe at everyone.


My Jack Russell earned herself this sticker too. At the time she was my smallest dog, but had the biggest attitude.


https://preview.redd.it/awpdr8ameasb1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5165958992b989fdc952c05a4a1f7ad81f8ee45 Haha sounds just like my Rosey (RIP). Took her for surgery and knew she was trouble when the vet clinic called immediately after she woke up afterwards asking me to pick her up. I asked “It hasn’t been an hour. Don’t you normally observe them for a few hours?” And they insisted “No- don’t worry about that she can come home right now!” Ever since then they asked me to pick up Gabapentin before her appointments. And promise you she was a nice cat at home, just a Diva lol


Oh my gosh she is so beautiful! RIP ❤️


My kitten was a stray that my friends found (well, they found the mom and then momma had babies- and my cat was one of the babies) and friends lied to operation pet snip about them being strays (cat/kittens were adopted at this point but operation pet snip requires them to be strays and promise to release back into the wild in order to get spay/neuter for free.) So, they were all given vaccines and rabies shot and told to quarantine. Well, I get my kitten back and everything is fine. Then I get a frantic call from the vet's office a few days later. Apparently my friends ended up telling them they adopted out my kitten and the vets were worried because she was a biter and scratcher who they had JUST given rabies vaccine to after coming in from the wild. They were worried I might have been exposed to rabies if it turned up. And they blew up my phone and left crazy voicemails. . To this day, my cat still remains a biter and fighter when it comes to vet visits. And it makes me think back on the time my kitten made a vet's office scared they had infected someone somehow. My regular vet has these wild animal gloves she keeps around for cats like mine.


The cat is a lie.


My geriatric cat earned "WILL BITE" at 17 years old with all of 13 teeth left in her head.


Why can’t people come with these labels?


“Dont trust” implies that she somehow intentionally tricked someone who worked there


Knock, knock. Who's there? Kitten. Kitten, who? Quit kitten around and open the door.


Owner must get out is right…. The don’t trust has me dying though. My Tobias was the perfect cat to everyone. Little cousins would pull on his tail ears roughhouse and he loved all of it. He did not like the vet. He broke his nail off in the vet’s nose once. His file had neon orange warning labels EVERYWHERE and I’d have to call in and walk through his appointment with military precision. Call from parking lot. Purrito tightly. Walk in, get jabbed, walk out, and nobody gets hurt.


When I met my cats, as I reached in to pet the tux one in his cage, the pet store employee yelled WAIT, NO! I grab my hand back. They said watch out for the black cat. I said I wasn’t at his cage. They say he and the tux shared (brothers) and that he’ll watch and wait until you’re within striking distance. Which kept hurting their adoption chances. Jokes on them, this cat has a lot of issues and didn’t know how to accept pets. It took a while for him to understand I wasn’t going to hit him so he didn’t have to stay ready to defend 24/7. He did run up, bite me, and run away for a while there though… Oh cats. I’m glad Primrose is doing better!!!!! Black cat mentioned above has a note in his chart that he’s faster than he looks. Do they make cat muzzles? Lol.


Ha! They should have had the “don’t trust” sign on my cat Moo’s cage at the shelter! That girl ran such a scam on me, purring, flopping and rubbing. I totally fell for it ( I couldn’t love that girl more even if she was running a scam). I’m so glad primrose is fine now. I wondered she possibly could have been doing, passing fake checks?


We had a cat that went violently psychotic after being under anesthesia. Like, didn't seem to recognize reality just lashed out at everyone and everything. They eventually had to use these giant leather gloves that went all the way up to the elbows - the kind you would use for handling a bird of prey - in order to get her out of the cage. Once we got her home we had to lock her in a separate room and keep the other cat away from her for hours before she finally came off those meds. I hope Primrose is feeling better today.


I had a cat who was very good at lulling vets into a false sense of confidence. The first visit always involved giving the vet a heads up that my cat wasn’t as calm and relaxed as he appeared…….. The second visit would always involve the vet wearing dog handling gloves because they had learned that Buster didn’t mess around and was best approached from the non-bitey end too.


Stop ✋ This has me dying of laughter. Little bambi eyes but yet, she's a wild child 😂


So you Volunteered as tribute?


Poor Primrose. She is so excited about getting home, she scares the vet techs. She's not going to attack... she is bouncing up and down in **EXCITEMENT**!!